Idea for new Epic AT's
Info on GLC/SC
The green lanterns are a group of heroes created by the Guardians of the Universe. The Guardians are ancient and powerful beings who empower noble yet often superpowerless beings from various worlds with power rings and charge them with protecting a sector of the universe. The rings give the wearers several powers, most notably the ability to create "constructs" which are basically green force-fields emanating from the ring which can take whatever shape the wielder imagines. They can also be used to shoot beams. They allow flight and also serve as universal language translators and a sort of advanced interactive computer/encyclopedia.
Sinestro was a Green Lantern Corp member who became corrupted and turned against the Guardians. He eventually created his own yellow/fear based rings and recruited his own corps.
I was just thinking as far as the cooldowns for advanced constructs, perhaps the global cooldown should be shorter than the individual cooldowns to promote variety. So for example
energy fist-45 second cooldown, 16 second advanced construct cooldown
Phantom tank- 4 minute cooldown, 2 minute advanced construct cooldown
So you could energy fist 2 minutes after summoning phantom tank, but you have to wait 4 minutes to resummon the phantom tank.
Usually this suppose to be in the Suggestion section, but I can understand you want alot of feedback. I like the idea, but I am a sucker for new ATs and more aliens ingame besides Kheldians or Shadow Shard critters. As I said before a comics have used cosmic factions to branch out their universes and I am sure DCUO will do the same, so why not City of get in on the action?

So...basically taking two groups that have nothing to do with City Of, and copying them?
Given we have a lot of rather good groups in the game already that are in canon, this gets an /unsigned. Id rather have a PPD AT, a Longbow AT...anything thats remotely canon, thanks.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
So...basically taking two groups that have nothing to do with City Of, and copying them?
Given we have a lot of rather good groups in the game already that are in canon, this gets an /unsigned. Id rather have a PPD AT, a Longbow AT...anything thats remotely canon, thanks. |
we already have 3 EAT's that never happened anyhow.
Incarnates (only in lore)
Coralax (only as a enemy group redside)
Avilans/Avians - i cant remeber how it was spelled as it only made it to the planning stages.
so if you want Color coded Lanterns go wait for DCUO.
City of Heroes already has it's intergalactic peace keeping group, complete with rival opposition group.
they're called Kheldians.
we already have 3 EAT's that never happened anyhow.
Incarnates (only in lore) Coralax (only as a enemy group redside) Avilans/Avians - i cant remeber how it was spelled as it only made it to the planning stages. so if you want Color coded Lanterns go wait for DCUO. City of Heroes already has it's intergalactic peace keeping group, complete with rival opposition group. they're called Kheldians. |
Avilans, I believe. And that was canceled because their original purpose was to give access to the wings costume parts, which at the time the devs thought would only be possible with an entirely new AT (probably due to animations issues?). But eventually they worked out how to give wings to everyone, so that EAT was canned. (If I remember correctly)
Also, the Nictus EAT was at one point said to be coming to villains, as their answer to the Heroes' Kheldians. But they were scrapped in favor of the Arachnos soldiers.
So...basically taking two groups that have nothing to do with City Of, and copying them?
Given we have a lot of rather good groups in the game already that are in canon, this gets an /unsigned. Id rather have a PPD AT, a Longbow AT...anything thats remotely canon, thanks. |
As far as your remakrs about "copying", obviously the COX team doesn't have a problem with that. The whole "Going Rogue" expansion is basically ripping off of the "Destiny's Hand" arc on JLA or the Justice Lords episodes of the TV series. Marvel also did a similar thing.
The Justice Lords are an alternate version of the Justice League from a parallel Earth. The roster of the Justice Lords was the same as the original DCAU Justice League an alternate Batman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Wonder Woman with the exception of The Flash, because their Flash has been killed... led to the Justice Lords taking over the world's governments and ruling with an iron fist. Using their satellite base for global surveillance, the Justice Lords went on to suppress free speech, outlaw elections, and eliminate all crime by lobotomizing all criminals and supervillains (to the point of having a man arrested for complaining about the food quality and incorrect calculation of cost at a restaurant). Although they justified their behavior to the masses as "temporary," and to each other as for the good of the people, it amounted to tyranny in the eyes of the Justice League. |
So lets not act like ripping off an idea from another comic IP is a bad thing.
Traditionalist (Hero) and Restructurist/Homeworlder (Villain) Rikti should be the next epic archetypes IMHO. That way, it would balance out both sides with a total of 3 epic archetypes without blatantly copying something from another IP.
I'd be down with a Rikti AT, but again the whole Going Rogue expansion is blatantly copying the same IP.
There is a distinct difference between ripping something off and drawing from a well-established fictional concept to create something.
Why not expand the cannon-- add something new to the game.
As far as your remakrs about "copying", obviously the COX team doesn't have a problem with that. The whole "Going Rogue" expansion is basically ripping off of the "Destiny's Hand" arc on JLA or the Justice Lords episodes of the TV series. Marvel also did a similar thing. So lets not act like ripping off an idea from another comic IP is a bad thing. |
There may be some homage in there, but it is far from a ripoff.
Sure, the evil twin universe idea has been around, but the similarities extend way beyond the basic "evil universe" idea.
If DC comics thought that the Praetorians were a direct copy of their Justice Lords, they would've brought the hammer down when they were introduced in Issue 1. |
Traditionalist (Hero) and Restructurist/Homeworlder (Villain) Rikti should be the next epic archetypes IMHO. That way, it would balance out both sides with a total of 3 epic archetypes without blatantly copying something from another IP.
Also, the City of Heroes Universe has more than enough stuff to be getting on with that needs fleshing out.
'Mirror Universes' have been around since comic books started, and science or whoever came up with different dimensions.
The Lantern Corps are, however, DC specific.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Do want.
Also, the City of Heroes Universe has more than enough stuff to be getting on with that needs fleshing out. 'Mirror Universes' have been around since comic books started, and science or whoever came up with different dimensions. The Lantern Corps are, however, DC specific. |
The similarites are strong, but there are a lot of differences. You could do the same with the COX implementation. If they can do Going Rogue, they can do something along the lines of what I suggested.
One of the MM robots
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Why not expand the cannon-- add something new to the game.
As far as your remakrs about "copying", obviously the COX team doesn't have a problem with that. The whole "Going Rogue" expansion is basically ripping off of the "Destiny's Hand" arc on JLA or the Justice Lords episodes of the TV series. Marvel also did a similar thing. So lets not act like ripping off an idea from another comic IP is a bad thing. |
That's where we got the image of the "goatee <character name>" as representing the mirror universe, because Spock had a goatee in the mirror universe.
Justice Lords was "ripping off" any number of older IPs (to use your terms, although it's certainly not copyrighted anywhere I know of).
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
we already have 3 EAT's that never happened anyhow.
Incarnates (only in lore) Coralax (only as a enemy group redside) Avilans/Avians - i cant remeber how it was spelled as it only made it to the planning stages. |
Yes, Avilians were confirmed canceled by Positron.
Nictus were scrapped in order to (a) not give villains a "reheat" of the Hero EAT and (b) make something that tied more into Arachnos lore. (Insert my standard VEAT storyarc complaint here.)
Incarnates were, at one point, the "next" EAT they wanted to work on. Then again, they were working on finishing up Nictus when that statement was made. Coralax and BotBS, we've heard nothing about in a long, long time.
Traditionalist (Hero) and Restructurist/Homeworlder (Villain) Rikti should be the next epic archetypes IMHO. That way, it would balance out both sides with a total of 3 epic archetypes without blatantly copying something from another IP.

Umm, excuse me, but the Mirror Universe concept where the hero's counterpart in now eeeevil was old when classic Star Trek did the episode "Mirror, Mirror" in 1967. That franchise used the same trope in pretty much all the later Star Trek series.
That's where we got the image of the "goatee <character name>" as representing the mirror universe, because Spock had a goatee in the mirror universe. Justice Lords was "ripping off" any number of older IPs (to use your terms, although it's certainly not copyrighted anywhere I know of). |
You're missing the point. They borrowed a LOT more than the simple idea of an evil twin universe.
You're missing the point. They borrowed a LOT more than the simple idea of an evil twin universe.
It's a mirror universe of OUR (e.g. Paragon) Universe. It has absolutely nothing to do with DC.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
yeah! they borrowed Evil Superheroes and Benevolent Supervillians an ... capes stuff!
I'll still root for the implementation of a LVAS

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I noticed that the epic AT's are going to be unlocked at level 20. This may or may not open the door for new epic AT's in the future, but regardless it got me thinking about what this could possibly be. Basically my idea for an epic AT is to have something inspired by the Green Lantern Corp/Sinestro Corp in DC comics. Obviously COX would have to avoid any copyright issues, but that wouldn't be too hard.
I wrote a little background on the Green Lantern Corp (GLC) and Sinestro Corp (SC) for those who may not know. It will be the first response.
Now, there are a lot of ways that Paragon Studios could take the essence of GLC/SC (a galactic heroic organization and a galactic evil organization that are opposed to each other and yet mirror each other in powers which their members gain from an object) and do it in their own way. But the core idea is very strong and holds a lot of potential for intriguing storytelling, missions, content, etc.
Powers- How closely Paragon would want to imitate GLC/SC is neither here nor there, but I'll give an example of a fairly similar version that's different enough (imo). Instead of technology based rings, the Paragon Corps (working title lol) use magic based belts. The belts bestow powers similar to the rings such as flight and the formation of constructs. Possibilities for powers are the following:
Personal shielding (passive)- minor-medium +res, +def
Personal shielding (togggle)- multiple types
Ranged Blasts- energy damage. 2 single target, 1 targeted AOE
Energy cage- single target hold
Advanced Constructs:
Tank Pet- several possibilities here. Phantom army (single) type decoy or perhaps a mirror image of an enemy that attacks it's true version. It would be cool if the powers mimicked the mob as well, but that might be hard.
DPS Pet- shoots random targets with energy blasts
Energy swords- single target DOT. Swords form around enemy, doing lethal dot.
Energy fist- medium range, single target damage + disorient
Energy cages- limited AOE (3-5) hold
Team Shielding- ala dispersion bubble.
Group Fly
Balance- You may be thinking, OMG OP! Here's an idea to help achieve balance: All advanced constructs have a shared cooldown. So basically you can only use one advanced construct at a time. Some might have longer cooldowns on use than others. Perhaps energy fist has a 16 second cooldown while the pet has a 2 minute cooldown. So if you use energy fist, you couldn't summon the pet, energy swords, energy cages, or group fly for 15 seconds. But if you summon the pet, you can't use energy swords, energy fist, etc, etc. for 2 minutes.
Costume- the hero and villain versions would have most costume pieces set and a limited number that you could alter (mostly skin color, face).
Global chat channel- an interesting idea would be to do something like Vanguard did with their Psionisists. Namely, they had a global chat channel specific to that class. I think it'd be neat to have one for this epic AT. Obviously, you could turn it off.
Base of Operations- there would be a zone for the group's base of operations. Everyone would have access, but members of the group would have an ability to teleport to the base form anywhere (maybe not a pvp zone???). They might have other perks such as access to an inner sanctum, storage, access to equipment, and vendors.
Weakness: extremely low Hp. without the *belt* they are regular people. Perhaps there could be npc's of both groups and you get extra agro when facing them. heh.