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  1. Lost_samurai_EU

    Duel Rules??

    was in RV ealier fighting a brute, all going well, fairly slow, regen vs respites. suddenly im getting double teamed by another brute and a heavy.
    This is when i hit MoG, 13 seconds later i was dead anyway and the first brute complained that by using MoG i had violated Duel Rules.

    ermmm what exactly are the duel rules? as far as i know its 1 on 1, posibly with no buffs beforehand
  2. some nice regen scrapper donated there hami o for a prize in the last one to
  3. not gonna be the same in paragon.

    enjoy life outside of paragon while it lasts, a heroes work is never over [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
  4. somehow i doubt i count, but if i do i'll join ya, my warshade lost nictus has been waiting a while to finish of the king, after 2 failed attempts
  5. signing up lost samurai.
    ill have a him to 5 for it. sounds like a good excuse to go nuts
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    So far only been in one. Started out great. Then AFK, AFK, no talk etc. In the end we where only two left fighting. But that was a nice person. ^^

    Have not seen much people around. US server had more, tho they have alot of trial people also. =)

    And I see more JOIN MY SG then people looking for a team. It's like our real life, money, money, money. =P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol sumtimes its like that, had a few teams like that with my brute lost legend recently. lots of people being afk unannounced and trying to play like their soloing, met a really nice MM/domiantor who i duoed with in the end.

    team hierarchy seems to go sumin along the lines of, first AT needed bute, additional brutes welcome, corrupters are also quite in demand for the buffing and easy finishing, MM for damage output and minor buffing, then dominators for crowd control or gap filling, finally stalkrs if ur desperate or their friends . least thats how it seems to work. i personally cant think of a reason to have a stalker in a team over other ATs in PvE, can anyone inform me as to the good points of them? im a bit slow today it would appear
  7. gratz man, gonna make yourself a full team of 50s huh?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    For me, no matter how hard a normal person trains himself, and no matter how much better than the average "man-in-the-street" he is, he will NEVER be as good as a Superhuman.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *cough* *cough* *batman* *cough*

    Sorry, had something in my throat there for a bit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh come on... Batman is good, but he's never going to be as fast as The Flash, as strong as Superman, or as good, physically, as any number of heroes with super powered physiques. He's "just" a man, albeit a highly intelligent, sneaky, cunning athletic man!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    firstly that last bit sounded kinda, you know.
    secondly it is wise to play to your enemies weaknesses, not to try and oppose their strengths. natural heroes own just as much because they have learnt to rely on not having special powers but instead their own skills and that makes them stronger in some cases, they didnt just get born with em, they worked for em. one set of caltorps and the flash is dead. *crashes*
  9. also for the taunt team, would regen scrappers with a taunt power be useful, i know they dont have as much HP but being regen means they are best for surviving hami attacks, and all scrapper sets do have a single target taunt in them.
    just a suggestion
  10. Lost_samurai_EU

    Crossing Over

    youll find there are a lot of people on union who enjoy roleplaying, i dont mind it and ienjoy but am not to serious, most my characters are pretty mental so RPing is hard to do without making enemies.

    you may wanna go along to a galaxy girl meet or something, in one of the threads. dunno what its about myself
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    err Viridian which it says in the credits at the end of the movie.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ahhh kk, srry i dont usually pay attention to credits
  12. which story arc and contact is tht, i must know!!!
  13. of course, 8 squids is the only way.
    my version ,every time you see a quant/void you drink a shot, if you see a cryst you take 2. if someone dies you take 2. 5 if its you. if its a team wipe you have to down 10 shots before someone rezes, otherwise 5 more for each person that is rezzed before you finish. (rezzed also applies to awakens and going to hosp/base)
    when you find AV its another 5 shots, if you beat it 10 more, then the last person to return to ocntact has another 10
  14. nice ta meet you, maybe ill cya in game
  15. Lost_samurai_EU

    Lost the Plot

    i know what you mean hawk, my PB is a scraper when i play hi mbut hes 42 now and i just cant bring mysle fto play him, something about the stretch to 50 just makes playing him a chore, i turned to a new spines regen and hes up to 22 in a week of casual playing.

    my advice, play about with alts, maybe find out what you wanna try next, look over your build and eventually youll find a way to enjoy the noble art of scrapping once more
  16. ill be there, hopefull LK will be high enough by then so he can help with the holds
  17. Big Gratz Echo, had fun teaming with ya for some of the 30-40 grind. gd luck with the epics
  18. ill b there, my MM can PvP fairly well when he needs to
  19. probly got realy mad and wants to know when your on, even if using an alt so he can get back at you one day. just a guess but i hope not
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would challenge for the 'PvE god' title. Wanna duel for it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Chives' logic ftw!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Scrapper logic ftw, its how things get done in this world.
  21. Luckily there are good cases of PvP, was in recluses victory with my MM minutes ago on the test server, had a great time despite villains being outnumbered 2/3 to 1. With a little help from the signature villains cleared the way and won, first time ive seen the villain side win. what amazes me is thatr through the entire thing there was only one case of bad manners where a villain swore after killing a particularly annoying scrapper (who gave me a run for my infamy far to often, kept double taking everywhere i went after that) a quick comment to not use that language and everything was ok.
    PvP can be great for both sides when its played right. maybe some of the people i assisted in faceplanting have a different opinion, specially regarding my constant flying away with PFF and Invis. whatever works for a MM
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Brimmy, I am certianly not trying to abort his TF, I welcome it in fact, but the point was his idea of it being a UNION event is a little unwanted due to him being "solo" - and the fact that he thinks it is a challnge to do somthing alone, when there are other things in the game that will offer tons more excitment that what he thinks.

    end off. as I have said already.
    Good luck!.
    (in case you missed it the first time, when you didnt read my post)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It seems as though your reply to razs post in the first place was completely pointless, other than simply trying to put him down, out of curiosity which TF did you solo completely. from what i know in TFs the Avs dont scale down which will make a least one mission quite tough.
    Now lets just forget the little discussion that took place about the PvE and PvP worlds and let thyis thread remain what it is.
    btw im up to help you start the TFs if ya need me Raz
  23. im no expert but this is gona be my PvP build when i respec, ignore the levels i slot things, been changing it loads.
    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Katana
    Secondary Powers - Support : Regeneration

    01 : Fast Healing hel(01) hel(3) hel(3)
    01 : Sting of the Wasp dam(01) dam(9) dam(9) acc(42) acc(43) endred(43)
    02 : Flashing Steel dam(02) dam(19) dam(43) acc(46) acc(48) endred(50)
    04 : Quick Recovery endrec(04) endrec(5) endrec(5)
    06 : Build Up recred(06) recred(7) recred(7)
    08 : Reconstruction hel(08) hel(31) hel(31) recred(31) recred(13) recred(40)
    10 : Dull Pain hel(10) hel(11) hel(11) recred(15) recred(15) recred(13)
    12 : Combat Jumping defbuf(12)
    14 : Super Jump endred(14)
    16 : Integration hel(16) hel(17) hel(17) endred(19)
    18 : The Lotus Drops dam(18) dam(21) dam(21) acc(45) acc(25) endred(25)
    20 : Hasten recred(20) recred(23) recred(23)
    22 : Resilience damres(22) damres(46)
    24 : Kick (Fight) acc(24)
    26 : Soaring Dragon dam(26) dam(27) dam(27) acc(34) acc(42) endred(42)
    28 : Instant Healing hel(28) hel(29) hel(29) recred(36) recred(36) recred(36)
    30 : Swift runspd(30)
    32 : Golden Dragonfly dam(32) dam(33) dam(33) acc(33) endred(34) recred(34)
    35 : Tough damres(35) damres(37) damres(37) endred(37)
    38 : Moment of Glory damres(38) damres(39) damres(39) defbuf(39) defbuf(40) defbuf(40)
    41 : Focused Accuracy endred(41) thtbuf(46)
    44 : Conserve Power recred(44) recred(45) recred(45)
    47 : Health hel(47) hel(48) hel(48)
    49 : Stamina endrec(49) endrec(50) endrec(50)


    01 : Brawl Empty(01)
    01 : Sprint Empty(01)
    02 : Rest Empty(02)
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    your hair sucks chives and you know it!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    U gone dun it now

    [/ QUOTE ]

    run for it. btw what i hate are those who complain whenever something doesnt go their way, the stalker who finally gets beaten by a blaster they had killed a dozen times who starts spamming broadcast with insults and complaints bout them being overpowered or cheating.
    Basically people whos attitudes make me look like a good loser .