Reclaiming Sirens Call!
I'll be there as Exofrost MK IV and try to get some of my VG along
Good Stuff. Anymore?
Sorry, but -Bumped-
Damned Thug MM SG Thread. i7 isn't even out yet for the love of God!
And once again, bumped. This needs to be seen by people. Not standing around SC for ages looking like a pillock!!!
Hmm i could come with my fire/thermal corr as I can't remember my own name atm that's a downer but global is @Emka if that helps. Would love to take my new stalker but she wouldn't be ready with all shields, stealth, grant invis and such for a long while not to mention the low level.
Great. I'll get you in-game next time I go on.
Hope i can get thaw in time though only 2 levels from next power. I soo want to run around as stalker though with hide,stealth,grant invis and annoy the hell out of heroes with hit and run.
ill b there, my MM can PvP fairly well when he needs to
Sorry, but -Bumped- Damned Thug MM SG Thread. i7 isn't even out yet for the love of God!
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What? Somebody mentioned my VG?
You got a problem with my thread?
Regarding the Sirens PvP event, I'll try and get the elite corruptor squad: Shogans of the Dark to come.
We take weekends off, but fingers crossed, 'cos we pwnz!

Argghh got some stupid problem again it just won't go away I launch game and then just black screen and it freezes with a little loading sign!
I will be there along with SG if theyre online (send messages) Also got The Council involved they'll be along.
High Mistress
Sorry, but -Bumped-
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Please don't 'bump'. It's against the rules on these boards.
I might participate but until I get my primary villain some invisibility I ain't leaving the base - I'm tired of being ganked for bounties or telemobbed as soon as I step out.
Hmm looks we'd need some kin corrupters then, increase density does give tp for protection right? that send some stalkers to AS the heroes then lead them away
Hmm looks we'd need some kin corrupters then, increase density does give tp for protection right? that send some stalkers to AS the heroes then lead them away
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Hmm, how about getting loads of villains with TP Foe and ganking off the heroes one by one? =P
Right, seems to be coming along well, with VG support there too. We'll see who shows up in Siren's, and I'll try to get balanced teams sorted out.
Not sure I'd manage to make it, I am having insane problems atm with the game, i managed to get on for about 2minutes before it went all screwy today
Ahh well if I do make it maybe I can get into a nice pvp team/group or something.
Could work, but wheres the fun in that?
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Revenge is fun. So is wiping the floor with someone who thinks they're tough.
Goodie. People have started showing up already. Good turnout so far...
Nooo just got in and crashed :/
Hey. I've decided that the heroes have had control of Siren's Call for far too long. I propose that on Saturday the 20th of May, at around 7pm BST (Current time in Britain), we, the villains of Union, reclaim Siren's Call for ourselves.
Having control of Siren's Call means we can buy the temp powers from there, stopping the heroes from getting them.
If you're interested in helping out, then leave the name of the character that will be taking part in this thread, including their AT and Powersets so I can try and organise teams effectively. Alternatively you can contact me in-game on @Kitetsu.
If there's not enough people joining in, I may leave it until the week after, seeing as this is rather short notice.
I look forward to hearing from you.
EDIT: Forgot meeting place. Obviously Villain base. Try to be there early if you can, I'll be there from around 6:15 onwards. You can also join the channel "Sirens Invasion" if interested.