132 -
Hehe. I'm only back to see how i12 goes a bit; need to get a lvl 50 Villain first; too addicted to WoW atm.
Can anyone explain to me clearly how Fulcrum Shift works? I have a rough idea, but am not 100% clear on it.
I know that the targeted mob expels the dmg buff, and so does the player, so extra buff can be achieved through standing next to the mob, but what I really need is actual figures, with an example of a 5 mob group, if possible =]
Thanks in advance and whatnot. -
So much for the Stalker team thing then? =P
I'm having internet issues atm. It seems my ISP has decided it'd be good of them to put me on their "Heavy Usage Policy" for a week, so from 6pm-11pm everyday, I'm buggered =]
Until thursday of course, so I'll be on in time for the Double XP Weekend : D -
I know as much as Elernet does =] I read all his stuff ages ago, watched his vids etc, hence how I got into stalking =P
Yeah I'd gladly be a leader =D
LvL 4 on my Stalker now, went for classic Spine/Rgn. Onlyone I haven't played yet that I'm interested in trying really. What does being a leader stalker entail anyway? =] -
You're all crazy.
I like it, I'm in =]
Soon as my internet connection is fixed up that is =\
Guess I'll roll a Spiney stalker then, the only one I've not really played much, seeing as I have a high level energy. When are we starting etc?
I guess I get to help out a bit then, since I know decent amounts about PvP? :3 Although maybe you've all learned since I've been gone? -
I've did some testing involving caltrops and TP Foe, and tbh, 'trops would be pretty useless. Everytime I TP Foe someone, they're either flying, or jumping. As soon as someone realises they're being slowed, instinct says "jump".
Could be good against SS'ers, but most SS'ers have another travel power, so it's pretty much a waste of a power imo. Better with stealth or Grant Invis as Hammerfall said. -
There was a sirens call event in EU once not too long ago, wasnt there? Iirc there were so many people that 'lag was horrible'. I don't see this is a problem of lack of players, but more of the hardware and game..
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Yeah, that would've been me that got that one sorted =]
And yeah, concerning player events on the website, just e-mail Bridger about a week or two in advance of it, and he'll get it up for you, that's what I did =]
Probably thinking of organising another raid again sometime soon o-o Once I get my computer sorted out -
It's gonna be a shame to see you go. Never teamed with you much, and I get the feeling you got quite exasperated with me at times, but I'll miss you nonetheless =] Cya again sometime
OR!!!! kill the devs and let us take over!1!!!!1oineone11!1
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Seconded -
Second, I discussed this with our QA and programmer and have filed it as a bug.
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Wait. You only have one programmer working on this game?
If that's not a typo, I'm seriously, honestly impressed.
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Lmao XD -
well in character builder it says its 10 secs recharge with quickness and hasten, i know u cnt get hasten up all the time and tht u recover end slower but in tht time ET would be recharged by the time uve done ur attack chain.
plus if ur waiting for something to recharge it means ur end is recovering.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your attack chain IS ET XD -
U dnt have to be hit n run, u can take out a few squishys and maybe a couple of scrappers depending on their secondary and still have end left.
[/ QUOTE ]
I didnt mean all together i meant u can take on 3 squishys starting with full end, and u can take n 2 scrappers with full end.
Lmfao XD Yeah, I'm sure you can =]
[/ QUOTE ]
were u being sarcastic?
[/ QUOTE ]
I sure was ;] Speaking from experience, no. You can't do ALL of that without Stami. I'm playing my EM/Nin just now, and I can get off my chain, and it takes out about 50-60% end, that's without TF. So yeah, you can't do all that. EM is hit and run, you hit, you hit again, they die, you run =]
[/ QUOTE ]
I didnt mean all together i meant u can take on 3 squishys starting with full end, and u can take n 2 scrappers with full end.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's possible yes, but not with EM. The attack chain is small, and the recharge is large. To kill most stuff, it consists of AS --> ET, or ET ---> Placate ---> AS, in Siren's at least, it varies depending on what you need to kill, but that's how I do it. Now AS and ET both have big recharge, so you couldn't go from one to another. =] -
U dnt have to be hit n run, u can take out a few squishys and maybe a couple of scrappers depending on their secondary and still have end left.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lmfao XD Yeah, I'm sure you can =]
[/ QUOTE ]
were u being sarcastic?
[/ QUOTE ]
I sure was ;] Speaking from experience, no. You can't do ALL of that without Stami. I'm playing my EM/Nin just now, and I can get off my chain, and it takes out about 50-60% end, that's without TF. So yeah, you can't do all that. EM is hit and run, you hit, you hit again, they die, you run =] -
U dnt have to be hit n run, u can take out a few squishys and maybe a couple of scrappers depending on their secondary and still have end left.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lmfao XD Yeah, I'm sure you can =] -
Well you can kill a Scrapper in only two hits with AS then ET, so you don't really need recharges in attacks, only thing you'll struggle with are Tanks, but I don't think any stalker can stand up to that. With no Stam you'll HAVE to be Hit and Run, so, yeah, 2 acc, 3 dmg per attack is all you really need o.o
You'll want 2 Acc on each attack I think. That's just what I pick up from a brief skim over. I've never played blasters past lvl 8, so I can't give much advice, but it's normally standard to have 2 acc per attack, unless you have a toggle for ToHit.
I'd want Triage Beacon way earlier than that. It's a great power IMO =]
Or it could just be that we like our members to show a bit of desire and initiative by seeking us out for a trial, rather than sending blind E-mails or tells to them offering them spots in the VG hey Death(Yes, I did get one the other day on one of my new alts from you)
I must admit it is a tad annoying getting players who want to be in 'an active VG' when they aren't particularly active themselves though!
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hmm should i coment on this one well why not 3 alts in 4 days eh death your worse then me and thats saying something
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I also received one of these blind tells from Dr Death. I promptly told him where to shove it ;D -
Plus it provides some resist to def debuff, which Nin has not as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
To my best knowledge, retsu gives defdebuff resistance.
As for energy melee, Id say stay away from barrage and stun, all other attacks are at least nice to have. Energy transfer is bread and butter I guess.
[/ QUOTE ]
Where are you all getting that Nin has no Res to DefDebuff? It says in the toggles descriptions it does. Unless there's some sort of error in the description? -
Yep, the 10% Res from RPD brings you up to 50%ish res to smashing and lethal. Worth it I'd say ^^
Right. This is what I've decided on for now, up to lvl 33:
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Level: 34
Archetype: Brute
Primary: Fiery Melee
Secondary: Invulnerability
01) --> Fire Sword==> Acc(1)Dmg(7)Dmg(15)
01) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(3)
02) --> Cremate==> Acc(2)Dmg(7)Dmg(13)
04) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(4)DmgRes(5)DmgRes(5)EndRdx(9)
06) --> Hurdle==> Jump(6)
08) --> Incinerate==> Acc(8)Dmg(9)Dmg(13)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(10)Rechg(11)Rechg(11)Heal(15)Heal(23)Heal(25)
12) --> Hasten==> Rechg(12)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Unyielding==> DmgRes(16)DmgRes(17)DmgRes(17)EndRdx(23)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)Heal(19)Heal(19)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
22) --> Resist Energies==> DmgRes(22)DmgRes(25)
24) --> Breath of Fire==> Acc(24)Dmg(27)
26) --> Fire Sword Circle==> Acc(26)Dmg(27)EndRdx(31)Dmg(34)
28) --> Invincibility==> DefBuf(28)DefBuf(29)EndRdx(29)
30) --> Resist Elements==> DmgRes(30)DmgRes(31)DmgRes(31)
32) --> Greater Fire Sword==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)
01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)