Siren's Call




10 minutes spent in Siren's Call. Hit debt cap. Very glad it's been lowered now... Found a 'broad shoulders' badge though

Um, and a few questions:
- is something supposed to happen when heroes fill the whole bar up? Ours just reset to the middle...
- The 'rewards' - I accumulated 900 reward points (can't remember what they're called) and went to see the original bloke, but he wouldn't give me anything. Clearing my debt would be nice...



You get medium insps for 1000 bounty



damn... 100 off. And is that 1 per 1000 bounty? Crikey... tough exchange rate






Also, the more you control (I think there's two stages of it) the better stuff you get in your temp power store.

Don't quote me on that though since it's only hearsay for me, I haven't actually seen it happen myself. =P



Ok well when the bar fills upto one side and resets in the middle the side who got it up full will own the zone in other words if u go to Hero/villain merchant u can buy temporary powers for tier 1 u get jummp/ pack and webnades and emp gloves and the second tier when u get control again in a row after owning it first they are different on each side. The bounty systen (points u get on killing well "arresting" even though they end up in hossie ) go as u get any medium inspiration after 1k bounty and after 6k any "battle" related +3 single origin enhancement E.g damamage,accuracy,end redux,rechege redux.
Hope it helps




Way to bump a post from nearly a year ago!



lmao.... :P



Wow, a year xD He musta went digging for this one ;o