66 -
I am thinking then that random dice roll idea is best, if you're a stalker you can get closer than anyone else before the dice roll though. But do you make the roll like every 10/15seconds or only 1 roll?
In my oppinion, Stalkers (in general) in thier present incarnation are in the most part, 'beardy'.
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I like that term
btw. Skaven FTW :P
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Empire ftw, kaboom! -
No, it isn't. What's the point in having an AT that's primary function is stealth and the ability to remain unseen, if they can be seen by most everyone in the zone? Perception powers are common, meaning perc can be capped easily, as opposed to stealth powers, where's the balance there?
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Now you're exaggerating. *Most* people can't see stalkers. Tactics alone isn't enough to see through hide and stealth, another perception power is required and the simple fact of the matter is that most builds don't have a second perception power they can choose before getting into the Epics and even then, not everyone tailors their build to cope with stalkers.
It's a simple case of rock, paper, scissors. Some builds can see stalkers and that's how it should be. There's nothing wrong with perception now.
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Yes but with some builds it tends to be quite a powerful counter, not that it can't be worked around or isn't any fun to encounter, but it is very effective, fortunately using invisibility helps alot. Further yes other ATs are "stealth amateurs" in comparison but it's not so nice imo that concealment pool is so ineffective for them.
Perhaps if once the stealther reached a certain distance from someone their could be some kind of 'dice roll' test to try and spot them with +/-per giving bonuses to seeing/staying unseen. -
Well thing is other ATs have about half the stealth cap of stalkers, which means they'd end up appearing from huge distances even with their stealth.
I view not so much as a problem for stalkers(easy to not get seen), but for others who might want stealth capability. Since due to needing to have enough per to deal with stalkers, means concealment is rendered effectively useless for other ATs in those situations, stalkers are fine(except for the placate bug thing i hear of), but the effectiveness of stealth for others isn't so much.
If only I could get replacement gfx card sooner dangit, hopefully the event will last long enough for me to hop in or I can get replacement card in time.
Huh showing up bit by bit, that could be interesting. Also we know it's not doom, still like to make it less binary or enable wider use of stealth effectively by other ATs. Oh well maybe it's not doable.
Erm stalkers already show up when they get hit by any damage, a cone would be good I still can't help thinking if we'd get a load of people spinning around in circles or not
. Perhaps as suggested earlier a random chance of detection, or even maybe have them simply appear after a while of being near you.
Nerf TP foe hehe, I still think debt should be removed from mobs in pvp zones as well as xp, leave the missions and let people get badges for those mob kills but don't have debt.
Yes that's true but for some reason people see stalkers as worse than blappers and such, even though you can effectively negate the stalkers ability to deal mass damage with those auras/trops/percep etc. Unless maybe it's an EM/spines stalker.
As noted Morae earlier I apologised for being rude, was being abit paranoid and had a bad day no need to pay attention to that bit unfortunately however due to the limited edit time I can't change it, and fyi I played WoW for a fair while, and very good rogues are yes far harder to counter than stalkers, but then again using a warrior vs them is not a great idea, yes using a shield and having massive def works for a counter but that won't help vs the mage up ahead, overpower helps but it has enough of a recharge to hit too little when you are stunned most of a fight, and free action potions is like suggesting insps as a counter(worse though as they have a higher relative cost). Also yes I know rogues in WoW do show up after a time and use enviroment to their benefit, howver most good ones don't stand around long enough to show up(yes flagroom in Warsong Gulch but that's suicide anyway, they'd get run down outside or spotted by humans).
Also I don't care if I am seen I play corrupters mostly anyway, not exactly something I'd use if I was worried about being seen, I just hoped we could get solutions that:
1:free up power slots
2:solve binary perception nature(yes I know that idea is binary)
3:give people a good chance to react to stalkers(this will help people get more into pvp as they hopefully won't be so upset about dieing if they can react to it)
So in addition apologies to anyone I have offended, and please no need to continue any arguments, no point to anyway as I really couldn't care if anyone didn't like me over something so silly(time in WoW does that). Also please note that was not my idea I put up it was someone else's, again apologies but some days you end up in bad moods and this place has that annoying edit time limit. -
Well it could be changed, such as more percep powers increase your detection range, but I can see the worries with city of ghost, kins idea is perhaps better untill you run into team v team perhaps. Also it still wouldn't fix how binary perception is
Sorry if I seemed rude I was just being worried of it turning into a 'stalkers are overpowered nerf them thread', but thing with this is, it is just like stalkers and whoever is fighting them being at stealth and perception caps with only one power.
This would be incredibly helpful as it would free up powers for alot of builds, make concealment pool useful for all ATs, and would give everyone a chance to avoid being ASed and such. 10ft isn't much distance yes, but bar lag it's not that hard to react to or maybe I just have ridiculous reaction speeds. -
In all MMOs people will whine about the stealthers, you should be glad stalkers aren't like rogues in WoW, they could kill tanks with ease if they were(and good). But the reason I think this idea is good is because you only need ONE +per power to get a warning of a stalker(perhaps having more could add distance to how far you see them like +10ft for each extra +per power, with each additional stealth power taking away 10ft from that but never dropping it below the limit).
Also it means stealth/invis will finally be useful for other ATs at least villain side, as current those powers are all but useless for anything other than a stalker many people have lots of +per.
Also I think the only reason people whine so much about AS is because you don't see it coming, I could go make an invis blapper and get much the same result( I'm leveling one to try it out), blappers and scrappers can often 2/3 shot villains who are all squishy except for brutes(in hp terms) on a regular basis.
So please no more whining about stalkers THIS IS NOT A POST FOR YOU TO WHINE IN. It is a post for you to help improve upon the idea and perhaps present new ones. (jessh go play WoW against rogues, you can't see them ever without being either a human or having buffs from 2 classes only). -
Actually forget my stalker I can't really get SOs for her so I would have a fair time taking down even the newbest of squishies chatting on broadcast. Whereas my therm will be fine enough with DOs/few SOs in heals/shields.
Sorry if this has been posted and I missed it but this looks like a great idea that should solve all the woes with percep in pvp. This is from Quiet_Ninja on the US stalker forum:
stalkers are not stalkers if they can be seen coming from a mile away.
my suggestions:
Buff stalkers hide so they dont need anything more to reach the -perception cap, stalkers are the only AT's that have 4 powers in each set that are required to take, which makes our builds very tight.
1/4th of our builds to 30 are already picked for us.
1/5th of our buildsto 40 are already picked for us.
1/6th of our final builds are already picked for us.
again, no AT primary/secondary has 4 of the same abilities that are required to take for the AT to function properly.
hide should be alot better then invisibility, and because our AT cannot function properly without first strike capabilities, we should be at the -perception cap and other concealment powers should grant other AT's greater -perception so they can be hidden so to speak. on top of this, one +perception power should be required to reach the +perception cap at which they should be able to see all AT's that are invisible from 50 feet, and stalkers that are hidden from only 10 feet away.
this will free up alot of power choices for alot of AT's, and maybe even encourage others to delve into the concealment pool for a more rounded pvp.
now in our current situation i have no problems killing anything with hide+stealth, and in RV hide+invis, detoggle/toggle hide+stealth kill people. but i feel that the arms race thats required for pvp to give others an edge is out of wack and needs to be revamped. i dont want to waste 2-3 more powers and another powerpool just to do what i can do to mobs.
my pvp build has 4-5 powers that i dont even use for pve, for instance, my stalker doesnt need stealth, invis, retsu, hasten, and acrobatics for pve. but for pvp without them i have holes in my build that need to be fixed for optimal killing ability.
imagine if heros and other villains didnt need to double stack +perception to deal with stalkers, but at the same time, stalkers would never get hunted down by other AT's, WE ARE THE STALKERS, nobody else should be hunting other players thats our job, i dont see blasters tanking, i dont see dominators dishing out 1000 damage headsplitters, and i dont see MM's putting other people into perma hold and causing massive damage. so why does this game allow other AT's to stalk stalkers, the only AT that should be able to stalkstalkers, is another stalker!
i want balance for everyone, not just stalkers, with stalkers at the -perception cap, other AT's can see them before they A strike, and all they need is one CM buff, or one set of tactics on the team, or one inherent +perception ability. once a stalker comes out of hide, the whole world can see him and that is the challange he must face.
i want everyone to think about it.
what if only one person on your team needed tactics to stop that pesky solo stalker from jumping the squishies?
what if all the stalkers out there didnt have to add even more powers to their tight builds to function properly? -
Huh I forgot about this post, this forum needs more stuff so it's more fun to read
ty for the input. Also I found this macro on US forum "/bind <key here> "powexec_toggleoff Invisibility$$powexec Assassin's Impaler"". Looks like I'll take the entire concealment pool except for phase shift
my healer shall be there, i'll guess we'll need health if we gonna beat them. What do i mean if? WHEN we beat them!
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No no you mean "if" or "to slow down their victory" -
I still could use my stalker if need be, although maybe my thermal would be more use not sure, we seem to have enough corrs and AS>scourge could work nicely.
My en/kin unfortunately won't be ready in time, but provided my damn gfx gets working my fire/therm and em/ea will be able to help out.
If I ever see anyone griefing like that i'll gank them like mad.
Oh but I can't help it, it's just there, and so easy to do as well
Hmmm so hard to decide what to do if/when my pc is fixed hopefully in time, be a hero or be bad, on the one side bashing people about with nrg/nrg on the other hunting down empaths for twisted fun
Course not, I'm the one organising it FFS, if I didn't know the date we'd be screwed
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Hmmm that might not be so bad -
AR is abit out of whack possibly, I remade my AR/traps because she wasn't so hot for pvp which I found I quite liked so remade her as nrg/kin, but yeah I was out of end waaayy before any other team members.