Lost the Plot
Well, fun is a very subjective thing, so unless you're a bit more speciffic about the problem you have (too repetitive? too hard? what?), I can only take wild (and probably wrong) guesses.
One such uninformed guess would be that maybe it isn't the scrapper, but the level. Level 40+ just becomes a lot more of a pain to solo, since the mission are split between:
- AV missions or whole bloody AV arcs (though I think lately they've been toned down to Elite Boss)
- lots and lots of Sappers and Carnies. Even my Regen got occasionally drained to zero endurance by Ring Mistresses (and regularly if they're +2 levels), so an end-heavy set like Dark... I feel your pain. A challenge is good. The same challenge every single group of enemies, it gets old.
- hunt missions and outdoor instances that just get boring fast for me lately. Spending one hour finding 50 carnies in PI can be boring as heck, and just irritating as you fly/jump/ss past hordes of Rikti and Nemesis, but no Carnie in sight. Or the city section mission maps were cool the first time, but the 100'th time I have to comb something the size of KR... it gets boring.
As I've said, I'm not sure it's a Scrapper problem, though. A Scrapper is the best soloer, IMHO, though Controllers can be very powerful in the 40's too. Trying to solo the same things as, say, a defender... eh, I hope you have either luck or tons of patience there.
Another such guess would be that maybe you just got bored of the scrapper as such. If you want something that's as far from a Scrapper as it gets, try a Mastermind. Unlike the frantic clicking of a Scrapper, if you pick, say, Ninjas, Force-fields and Medicine, most of the time you don't even have anything to do. Once those guys are shielded, you'll mostly just hang around them trying to not pick too much aggro, while they do your mission for you.
i know what you mean hawk, my PB is a scraper when i play hi mbut hes 42 now and i just cant bring mysle fto play him, something about the stretch to 50 just makes playing him a chore, i turned to a new spines regen and hes up to 22 in a week of casual playing.
my advice, play about with alts, maybe find out what you wanna try next, look over your build and eventually youll find a way to enjoy the noble art of scrapping once more
I'd definitely reccomend a new alt to break to casually, & something with different qualities to offer from scrapping.
I have a bunch of different alts, & cyclng around them makes me appreciate the different fun elements of the others. Got a ridiculous amount of hours logged on my scrapper, but even after 50 I still play him so much & he's always fun to go back to at anytime .
Have you got your reputation set to a reasonable level? I hit a terrrible run when my scrapper hit 30 & I just found everything too easy, but fixed that by banging the difficulty all the way up to Invincible. Can't promise Invincible will be the greatest challenge it should be, but at least it requires more care & attention than any of the other settings . I also found time & levels come & go by lot quicker following story arcs from the contacts rather than watching the xp bar too much.
i know what you mean, i found my dark / regen got a bit stuck around that point too, it took the final epic to bring him back to life, but at 47 thats a long way away from 41.
when i came back to ExtraGonk after leaving him nerfed for 2 issues was to refocus him entirely on a specific idea and build everything around that idea, that made him more fun than he used to be ever.
but that was basically leaving a character for about 5 months other than buying enhances for people.
Beyond the missions being dull what do you think is the issue, do you find the character play style dull, the moves restricted, deaths etc?
i ask as when EG was going thru 30s he was really painful to play because i'd missed a key power or two and always played him in a specific way that wasnt really tailored to how he performs best, i changed the playstyle and respecced to get a few good powers in, made a world of difference.
I had a similar thing with Unthing.
I played him in I3 ( first character on Union and 2nd character in total ), got him up to having Instant Healing wonderfulness in I4, managed to work out how to play him in I5 and finally gave up on him in I6 after a failed concept respec ( perma-whirlwind + tactics ).
I recently dug him out to try and see what he was like, generally I was impressed, despite having a slightly strange build, he was fun and flew through invincible Carnie missions solo with only a few deaths. He worked well in teams too.
So I would advise to have a break and come back to it later after some alting. Sometimes characters just lose their appeal.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
So I would advise to have a break and come back to it later after some alting. Sometimes characters just lose their appeal.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is what I have done, but my thoughts drift back to Ennil a lot. She's not been out the box for a month or so now and I have been playing a corruptor for the last week or so and the love has all come back for the game, which lost appeal a lot when I reached 40.
I had great hopes for the 40's after the grind that is the late 30's, especially after running out of contacts at 38 and relying on the PvP zones for missions when teams weren't easily found. Two full levels in the PvP zones brought the fun back just a little, but it was a grind for those two levels with the missions being very repetitive in all zones.
I made a corruptor to have a play on CoV, which I haven't been enamoured with, and with a slightly strange energy/kinetics build, I have started to actually enjoy CoV, and the unusual blaster/defender style of play for corruptors. It's just a shame that the early levels of CoV are so dire with the whole mercy and Port Oakes thing going off. No real diversification until Cap O'Diable IMHO.
Maybe Ennil will come back and make her slow way through the 40's again some time soon, but for the time being, scrapping and CoH seem to have teken a back seat for me. I will see how Corrupting and kinetics goes for me.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"
For Lent I gave up...
Upon rereading, I'll say another thing, though: soloing _does_ get repetitive, boring and pointless for me too after a while.
So, hmm, have you considered moving on the US servers? On EU evenings, yeah, the EU servers have more people. But if your playing hours are all out of sync with EU, you may find a _lot_ more people on the US servers. Might just make it possible to have a bit more of a social life, plus allow playing some group-oriented builds like tank or "healer".
I.e., one way or another it might bring a bit more variety into it.
The main downside is that you can't transfer your account or characters, of course.
Yeah I took a large COV break from my main scrapper, then came back to scrappin' and it suddenlty felt so freshing. It felt good to run in among the first people and just hack things up with broadsword.
So, hmm, have you considered moving on the US servers? On EU evenings, yeah, the EU servers have more people. But if your playing hours are all out of sync with EU, you may find a _lot_ more people on the US servers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Strange this... I did move onto the US servers about 9 months or so ago. Don't ask me why, but I didn't like it at all - the UK servers are home, always have been! Actually, my Brute is a yank character, though the scrapper main is a UK toon.
There's a strange way of playing games in the US and I couldn't settle. There's also the time thing again... 12 hours removed from the UK means if I get on in the mornings here, it's evening there. 17 hours removed from EST, and it all becomes too awkward to work out. Lunchtime here becomes early evening there, and the afternoon becomes the busiest times for the servers. My evening becomes the early hours, with the traditional server downtime (8am EST) is about 1 am here. So... my evenings are the wee small hours of the night for most US players, and the servers at that time of day are actually emptier than in the mornings on the UK servers. There is a slight lag with West Coast players who are about 21 hours behind me, so some evenings (Saturday and Sunday for me) are reasonably busy.
It wasn't that so much as the style of gaming over there. The UK servers are fast and loose, the Americans like everything to be efficient and work the numbers. I even recieved some slight hostility towards less than efficient builds or playstyle there.
Then there's the language barrier. Yes, we all speak English, but Americans speak in code. I swear it. I have had to send home-made dictionaries to Americans before now to explain some of the slang that is common in English. Try explaining to an american whats happening when you are "Taking the P*ss"... It is far beyond their comprehension.
I transferred my Co* characters back to the UK servers after a short while on the US servers. Not a nice place. Trust me, there are demons on the US servers.
"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"
For Lent I gave up...
Then there's the language barrier. Yes, we all speak English, but Americans speak in code
Trust me, there are demons on the US servers.
[/ QUOTE ]
I know what ya mean all to well, that was one of the main reasons I played solo for a long time on the US servers.
I gess it has some thing to do with player age, more older players on the EU servers I would say.
Wild Cat
I can totally sympathise. I now have five hero alts at L45 and I've also pretty much lost the inclination to play any of them any further, it's just become a chore. Have to admit, my scrapper is also the least inspirational to play now - no new powers that I'm really looking forward to, no real need for any more slots... he just seems to be pretty much 'complete' to me. I'm also told that reaching L50 is no big deal unless you want a Kheldian (I don't) It's not as if the game is really 'finished' at L50, just that you don't get any more XP and there is precious little content left. Or so I'm told, never having got that far. I guess what I'm saying is that just because L50 is the nominal level cap, it doesn't mean you can't be 'finished' with a character earlier.
At least I'm in the UK so I'm usually able to play when the server is relatively busy. Despite which, I still find it hard getting onto decent/regular teams (and I've yet to find a worthwhile SG in all this time) I'm sick to death of soloing, I've done SO much of it that it's really become a chore, so I can't even begin to imagine how it must be for you with the time difference reducing your teaming opportunites even further.
For now I've taken to playing an MM and a stalker on CoV, partly because they're very capable soloists (in my experience teaming is even worse on CoV) but also because they're quite different from CoH AT's, particularly the MM. A change being as good as a rest and all that. I'm with you on brutes - IMHO they're just another flavour of scrapper, and just as dull solo in my book. Still, I imagine I will tire of soloing my villains in the forseeable future, probably as soon as they get all the main powers I really want for them, so it's only a temporary fix.
About the only thing I can suggest is that maybe you could try and get some real life friends from your part of the world interested in CoX - surely you can't be the only person in New Zealand who would enjoy the game? Even though you'd probably have to start a new alt from scratch, for me at least it's the fun of teaming that really makes the game, not just the levels and XP gained.
Up for discussion today is my loss of the love of scrapping.
Level 41, Dark/Inv, and I have just lost my love of the character. 18 months into the game, and I still love to play Co* but for some reason not the scrapper. (Or the brute for that matter, who plays exactly like a scrapper.)
I looked forward to reaching 40 so much, it was a massive buzz to get there with my first character. Then I started on the missions and everything paled. Scrapping at level 40 has ceased to be fun, and I am hoping that some serious scrappers out there can advise on finding the fun again. On a side note, I solo this character a lot - I am in New Zealand and there are times when I play and there are about 10 people on the entire server, so I won't be taking too much by the way of find-a-good-team advice. I have some good friends around the game, but am not in a SG and due to time differences, I rarely see anyone all that regularly.
"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"
For Lent I gave up...