Can't get a team on CoV?
It does seem slightly more difficult to get teams in CoV. That said, I had an absolute gem of a team 2 days back. BTW. I'm only level 13, playing as Fineous O'Malley, if anyone similar level is lft.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
I've had CoV for just over three months now and have achieved a grand total of two teaming sessions. I'm still surprised at how hard it is to get teams together.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

strange...i never have issues teaming, heroes or villians, defiant or union.... hmmm am i special?
Wow, 2 teams in 3 months? That's really bad. Do you play at odd times?
I don't think getting teams is as much of a problem as getting good teams. PUGs on CoV seem to have a lot more tendency to be miserable than ones on CoH. I think that's most due to ATs having less defined roles. The PUG misery leads to people with a large acquaintance to only team with their friends and completely avoid pickup groups. Also, the CoV ATs are generally well suited for soloing.
Hmmmm we playing the same game? I dont seem to have any difficulties normally getting a team. Sometimes you have to be pro active but once you start getting a couple of teams you find people will start to look out for you. Or simply take charge and form a team yourself - just look on search for people around your level and ask if they would like to form a team. Being a leader is not to hard, all it means is you get the final decision.
Dont know if any forumites have had the pleasure of one of my PUG's but normally they pretty good. Of late I seem to do mostly sg teaming but I welcome the chance to meet new players (instead of avoid like the plague like alot of people).
I think one of the problems people seem to be having is supergroup related. Have they taken advantage of being able to have 10 coalitions? That way when asking in coalition chat for a team you have more chance of being invited.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I was going to say lol, we're only in SG or Coalition teams with EVIL
Being a leader is not to hard, all it means is you get the final decision.
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It also means you have to keep any potentially bad elements out/under control.
Can't really put my finger on the problem to be honest, I do play at reasonable hours (well, most of the time...)
*smells armpits* Not sure what it could be, bad luck perhaps. When trying to get a team together myself I've found a lot of people soloing. But I'll keep trying.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Well, i'm half teamer, half soloer, (and i'm not ignorant) got a 50 and i was soloing almost all the time to 50 from 40... but sometimes teaming with great ppl, helping them, and so, i've helped load of ppl from my VG aswell, and others , My reason about solo is to doing mishes without Stops, Afk's , Deaths about peeps on team... u know... u lose a lot of time with that... so that's why sometimes i prefer soloing.
Other reason is.. that some ppl don't want to make team that soon, for example, last week i were 30, no one, wanted to team with me, u know why? cos i haven't got Granite, now i'm 40 and lots of ppl want to team up, or help them, or something like that... and that really... thinks about to team up or not.... i think a team shouldn't be about ya AT, A team must be for fun, to make good ppl feeling , and having nice play... not looking for team just for ur AT conditions....
I dont think I know anyone that has refused someone because of there powers. I do try and give my teams abit of balance but just because for an example you cant heal, dont mean I wouldnt have you in my team.
Other reason is.. that some ppl don't want to make team that soon, for example, last week i were 30, no one, wanted to team with me, u know why? cos i haven't got Granite, now i'm 40 and lots of ppl want to team up, or help them, or something like that.
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You really think that? I dont really know you so I can't comment but think thats just paranoia. I wouldnt know what else to put it down to. I mean if that was the case many people would ignore corruptors because they chose the wrong powers. The amount of people that I know (or have teamed with) that have ignored some of there most useful powers such as a thermals secondary power like thaw is amazing. I think most people go by who they know and if no one is about then start looking else where. I would seriously hope that was what happened with yourself - otherwise I say you hang about with the wrong crowd as I haven't witnessed such elitism and I play CoV a hell of alot.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
One thing is I suspect brutes and corruptors get more invites than the rest. It's certainly what one hears.. "We need a brute", not "We need a stalker". A lot of people don't want too many MMs on the team because of lag and as for doms, I usually play one so I'm not sure how sought after they are if there's none on the team. Certainly with me there I've never heard calls for more dominators. However brutes and corruptors have a perfect synergy and a balanced brute/corr team doesn't really have much need for other ATs.
I dont think I know anyone that has refused someone because of there powers. I do try and give my teams abit of balance but just because for an example you cant heal, dont mean I wouldnt have you in my team.
Other reason is.. that some ppl don't want to make team that soon, for example, last week i were 30, no one, wanted to team with me, u know why? cos i haven't got Granite, now i'm 40 and lots of ppl want to team up, or help them, or something like that.
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You really think that? I dont really know you so I can't comment but think thats just paranoia. I wouldnt know what else to put it down to. I mean if that was the case many people would ignore corruptors because they chose the wrong powers. The amount of people that I know (or have teamed with) that have ignored some of there most useful powers such as a thermals secondary power like thaw is amazing. I think most people go by who they know and if no one is about then start looking else where. I would seriously hope that was what happened with yourself - otherwise I say you hang about with the wrong crowd as I haven't witnessed such elitism and I play CoV a hell of alot.
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people do..its just like teh empath thing:P..I usaly ignore tells with ''j00 n33d a h34l3r'' to use the /sea and see a defender 18 lvl's lower then me:P..and well yes..a stone brute without granite aint the best thing to have in your team but brutes AREN'T tanks..they are to take and DISH OUT damage..which would make them better without granite
anyway there will always be powerchoice picking...I don't find stalker to usefull in my own teams either but a 3 man stalker team can kill faster then most I have seen..(ninjablade/spines/EM combo works very..very well..I usaly try to avoid MM's tho altho its pretty hard..good MM's are godsent but most don't understand that pets can act like mini tanks so they are useless pretty much of the time (other words..good MM's in teams ftw bad MM's are teh uselessness:P)...
Get used to it..just send many tells around..teaming with your sg still works best most of the time imo
I have pretty much solo'd up to lvl 25. The two teams that I have joined in that time suffered from a severe lack of communication. If I am on a team I like to have some talk going on. On one team I said 'Hi there' and got no response whatsoever. I quit soon after.
I have also failed to recieve a single tell, instead finding myself plagued by blind invites (well, not plagued, but enough that I have started putting my search tag to decline all team invites on occasion)
Perhaps this is because most of the AT's in CoV are more easily soloable, or perhaps the only times when good teams have been forming I have been anti-social and not accepting team invites...
So far only been in one. Started out great. Then AFK, AFK, no talk etc. In the end we where only two left fighting. But that was a nice person. ^^
Have not seen much people around. US server had more, tho they have alot of trial people also. =)
And I see more JOIN MY SG then people looking for a team. It's like our real life, money, money, money. =P
Well, i havn't been on the UK servers too long, but im finding it extreamly dead, back on my trial which was on the US servers there were constant conversations and LFT on broadcast, and local chat.
The game seemed really lively and i like that in an online game, otherwise i might as well by a single player game...
So I went and brought the game, but i found my serial key was for the Europe servers, i thought even better, less lag and more people.
But i get the same ping, and everywheres dead, i can speak in broadcast and not get s single answer, ive been on the UK servers for 2days now, (mercy island, port oaks and now in cap au diable) and i have only heard something in broadcast 3 times, and i have only seen an actual player twice, once at an arbiter(spelling?) and once at the ferry.
So yeah im saying im finding it increadibly hard to find a team...
*wonders if they can merge the 2 UK servers together*
I'd have to say from my brute's PoV I seem to do a lot better solo'ing than when I team. Okay i've been playing villians erratically since my inital few months, and okay maybe i've been on the wrong teams. But even on the good ones I end up dying more often.
It's just that an AT's place in a team in CoV is less obvious than in CoH.
Now @Eskimo-Spy
I'm not evil.
So far only been in one. Started out great. Then AFK, AFK, no talk etc. In the end we where only two left fighting. But that was a nice person. ^^
Have not seen much people around. US server had more, tho they have alot of trial people also. =)
And I see more JOIN MY SG then people looking for a team. It's like our real life, money, money, money. =P
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lol sumtimes its like that, had a few teams like that with my brute lost legend recently. lots of people being afk unannounced and trying to play like their soloing, met a really nice MM/domiantor who i duoed with in the end.
team hierarchy seems to go sumin along the lines of, first AT needed bute, additional brutes welcome, corrupters are also quite in demand for the buffing and easy finishing, MM for damage output and minor buffing, then dominators for crowd control or gap filling, finally stalkrs if ur desperate or their friends . least thats how it seems to work. i personally cant think of a reason to have a stalker in a team over other ATs in PvE, can anyone inform me as to the good points of them? im a bit slow today it would appear
Yeah, it's hard to get a team at cov.
I'd be fine if I got 'no we are full' or similiar message, but when you ask to join someones team you don't even get a lousy tell back, when at coh I get somesort of answers to my request 90% of the time.
Ignorant people...
I saw this comment is another posting.

Just thought I'd put out the word in case people here are finding it difficult!
I'd noticed that when lft in CoV, there are loads of blue names, loads of messages in the search box saying 'lft' and occasionally people use the search icons themselves.
So I took it upon myself to form teams, my search comment also states that i'm willing to form teams. I've found some awesome people to team with and we've banded together a lot recently.
The toon in particular now gets tells asking for invites and people comment that they have been 'lft' for ages or 'Crikey, this is a big team!'
Long story short, if you are 'lft' on Union City of Villains, look up McCabe. He's sitting at the Lvl 30 mark, but accepts LK's (within reason) and Malefactor's.
Leeches and PL'ers will get thrown from a great height, so don't even think about it
Here's to more villains starting a team!
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero