Raz VS the Phalanx Task Forces
Raz you crazy person, goodluck with this, hawks free most days so if im on and you need help just give me a shout.
that is when you do it
Am I the only one who has no idea what this thread is about?
I'm guessing it's a recruitment for a TF team
no the idea is for raz to solo a said TF of his choice.
in my eyes its easier solo than with a group.. a lot less hassle. however. a lot less boring too. - but its his idea and so be it.
...or Am I missing the point aswell. as lets face it how many of us has actually started a TF and had the entire team drop.. then you just finish it yourself anyway, assuming you have the right build to do it of course. so not entirly sure why this thread was started also...
Its about Raz soloing (using a team of the required number to start it then allowing them to log out leaving him alone) all the freedom phalanx members task forces, as he has done with a shadow shard one.
Good luck on the all arc scrapper raz, mine was fun thou strangely the defender and blaster were easier.
in my eyes its easier solo than with a group.. a lot less hassle. however. a lot less boring too. - but its his idea and so be it.
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boring maybe.. but its a challenge.. something this game lacks sometimes..
As for posting it here, I feel its a UNION - EVENT that one of its well known (I should hope I am) has done something "out of the ordinary" and "ONLY ON UNION THE HAPPENED".. hence the location
And if I wanted it easy.. I'd get a team to do it.. but I want as said.. a "challenge".
Its about Raz soloing (using a team of the required number to start it then allowing them to log out leaving him alone) all the freedom phalanx members task forces, as he has done with a shadow shard one.
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Yupyup.. and they can come back at last mission and get a free badge for helping me.. ain't that nice of me.
Good luck on the all arc scrapper raz, mine was fun thou strangely the defender and blaster were easier.
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aye my spines/regen is cutting a bloody-swath through em lol 7 arcs left and I'm done the lot.
2 TFs (Sewer Trial and Burkholder's Bane) and there is NOTHING left on CoH I've not done, save making the actual toons of every setup/type/AT (multiple accounts ftw XD)
boring maybe.. but its a challenge.. something this game lacks sometimes..
As for posting it here, I feel its a UNION - EVENT that one of its well known (I should hope I am) has done something "out of the ordinary" and "ONLY ON UNION THE HAPPENED".. hence the location
And if I wanted it easy.. I'd get a team to do it.. but I want as said.. a "challenge".
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errm, a challenge..? last time I did a TF solo, it was simple and easy..the TF adapts to the players in mission regardless to how many start. - I fail to see how this is a UNION event as its just you doing it. and none the less you are trying to make yourself sound "uber" by soling somthing that 100% of the server can do anwyay...
so err good luck!
I've got 5 days off buddy, so if im not busy and you need me to start one with you, No problem, just as long as u scout ahead for mishes that need 4 people for glowies or woteva And because you gave me such a nice hug at Johns
Retired - For Now
@Infernius - 50 Fire/Fire Tanker
AeoniX - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Syinf - 36 Katana/SR Scrapper
Proud Member Of The FORUMITES
boring maybe.. but its a challenge.. something this game lacks sometimes..
As for posting it here, I feel its a UNION - EVENT that one of its well known (I should hope I am) has done something "out of the ordinary" and "ONLY ON UNION THE HAPPENED".. hence the location
And if I wanted it easy.. I'd get a team to do it.. but I want as said.. a "challenge".
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errm, a challenge..? last time I did a TF solo, it was simple and easy..the TF adapts to the players in mission regardless to how many start. - I fail to see how this is a UNION event as its just you doing it. and none the less you are trying to make yourself sound "uber" by soling somthing that 100% of the server can do anwyay...
so err good luck!
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flaming? maybe a little. since i know raz fairly good ,imo, i can say that this has nothing to do with "beeing uber" its something he has set before himself as a task to be done and he wants´to do it. he posted this whole thing to get ppl that can help him out by being there to start the tf's and a post here is as good as anything if you ask me.
when you wanna start them off just gimme a shout and i'll stand around for a bit
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
I'd offer assistance, but I'd prefer to earn my TF badges by actually doing them
But you might be advised to speak to Luminos, who has solo'd a fair few of them (He had just finished citadel last time I spoke to him) with his blaster.
Fair play though, and have fun
i'm not helping because of the badges, well ofc its nice to get a badge every now and then, but i'm not as obsessed as i used to be
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
boring maybe.. but its a challenge.. something this game lacks sometimes..
As for posting it here, I feel its a UNION - EVENT that one of its well known (I should hope I am) has done something "out of the ordinary" and "ONLY ON UNION THE HAPPENED".. hence the location
And if I wanted it easy.. I'd get a team to do it.. but I want as said.. a "challenge".
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errm, a challenge..? last time I did a TF solo, it was simple and easy..the TF adapts to the players in mission regardless to how many start. - I fail to see how this is a UNION event as its just you doing it. and none the less you are trying to make yourself sound "uber" by soling somthing that 100% of the server can do anwyay...
so err good luck!
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/em agree
boring maybe.. but its a challenge.. something this game lacks sometimes..
As for posting it here, I feel its a UNION - EVENT that one of its well known (I should hope I am) has done something "out of the ordinary" and "ONLY ON UNION THE HAPPENED".. hence the location
And if I wanted it easy.. I'd get a team to do it.. but I want as said.. a "challenge".
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errm, a challenge..? last time I did a TF solo, it was simple and easy..the TF adapts to the players in mission regardless to how many start. - I fail to see how this is a UNION event as its just you doing it. and none the less you are trying to make yourself sound "uber" by soling somthing that 100% of the server can do anwyay...
so err good luck!
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/EM agree. Soz raz, but cant really find much challenge soloing missions spawned for 1 person. I find it much more a challenge doing them in an 8 man team, where chaos is more intense . Anyway good luck and go for it
I've thought about solo'in Posi TF, but not the rest...may try it for a laugh one day. One question though do the AVs drop to EBs if you plough through on ya tod?
I've thought about solo'in Posi TF, but not the rest...may try it for a laugh one day. One question though do the AVs drop to EBs if you plough through on ya tod?
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if you run it on a low rep they should, running it on invinc will get you an AV solo but the others wont afaik
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
boring maybe.. but its a challenge.. something this game lacks sometimes..
As for posting it here, I feel its a UNION - EVENT that one of its well known (I should hope I am) has done something "out of the ordinary" and "ONLY ON UNION THE HAPPENED".. hence the location
And if I wanted it easy.. I'd get a team to do it.. but I want as said.. a "challenge".
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errm, a challenge..? last time I did a TF solo, it was simple and easy..the TF adapts to the players in mission regardless to how many start. - I fail to see how this is a UNION event as its just you doing it. and none the less you are trying to make yourself sound "uber" by soling somthing that 100% of the server can do anwyay...
so err good luck!
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/em agree
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You know what sod it.. if all I'm gonna get is sum stuck up PvP Gamer giving me crap over it.. forget it.. I got better things to do that reply to all the "flaming".
and for record is has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING UBER .. it has to do with me paying for a game I want to get fun out and for me saying I set myself a challenge and actually COMPLETING SAID CHALLENGE, not that I'd imagine such people as yourselves would have personal goals, from all that,.. but some of us have in this game.. it what drives people like me to do better and find new things to enjoy about the game. And since most people don't wanna do TFs or even bother with me ingame.. how do I get things done.. I DO IT MYSELF! (plus the nice accolade you get in i7 now) -- simple as.
{{I have goals to make my gaming fun, like experiencing a 1-50 with ever AT we have, like the fact of soloing all thru my spines/regen scrapper atm, so I can do EVERY story arc there is, without Perma-Debtting and on Heroic (I've done it so far and done all the zone arcs without trouble (Striga/Hollows/Croatoa), I simple finish the arcs too fast LoL.}}
It was all about making the game a lil more fun and finding new things out about it I didn't know, like the limitations of toons, new heights, how to maybe improve on things and passing ideas, comments to the DEVs like I normally do. THAT is what it's about for me now.
But, as said, if all I'm gonna get is bullcrap from the likes of you.. whatever.. forget it :: I won't bother myself jsut to get flamed by two overrated PvP/Arena "uber wannabes" - stick to your PvP and keep out of my world (PvE).
You got nothing constructive to say.. don't open your mouth.
That said if any FRIEND wants to do a TF sum time, and they need a extra guy, let me know -- I'll be up for it
:: sorry if that sounded harsh but I'm getting a lil PISED at the crap that flies over this forum and now this thread. ::
:: might as well delete this thread, was a waste of my time and effort, but thankyou to all those FRIENDS that actually gave some good/supportive things to say. ::
Raz no offence here, but you want us to stay out of your PVE world as us "PVP Wannabe's" stay in our own, this would not be so bad accept the fact that you chose to ruin the PVP toruney by having conversations over arena channel when the organisers were trying to do somthing for the community
and kept getting abusive when we asked you to be quiet..
We however have not ruined it for you, err I think you have just done that for yourself. throw your toys out the pram all you want. but the fact is you have X amount of 50's but yet still dont know how to get a challnge to the game? I find that odd, and in your perception soling missions is a challange then so be it.
you said, and I quote "And since most people don't wanna do TFs or even bother with me ingame" - reason of this is due to your attitude above, why is it when I have ever seen you in game, or even heard about. you have ruined the game expereince around you. - This game would be a lot more fun for everyone if you treated people with respect, and then maybe people would want to team with you on TF's and to have fun in the normal team play way!.
You can have your toys back now as long as you "grow up" a bit.
Dont take this as a flame, but just a few home truths. and making topics such as this makes you sound a bit silly as anyone can do it but yet you choose to make it a big deal.
Have a nice day
i for one am totally on raz's side here. if he wants to do this and simply asks for some help getting the tf's started you should let him do so!
You ave no reason to go at him with your *beep* comments and remarks.. if you dont have anything nice to say than you might as well leave it alone.
and if you have that impression of someone that he/she is a "bad" person or whatever, be the bigger man/woman then..
If not for me or raz then for the total wellbeing of this forum/game, by saying these things you ad air to the flame you want suficated..
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
Brimmy, I am certianly not trying to abort his TF, I welcome it in fact, but the point was his idea of it being a UNION event is a little unwanted due to him being "solo" - and the fact that he thinks it is a challnge to do somthing alone, when there are other things in the game that will offer tons more excitment that what he thinks.
end off. as I have said already.
Good luck!.
(in case you missed it the first time, when you didnt read my post)
Brimmy, I am certianly not trying to abort his TF, I welcome it in fact, but the point was his idea of it being a UNION event is a little unwanted due to him being "solo" - and the fact that he thinks it is a challnge to do somthing alone, when there are other things in the game that will offer tons more excitment that what he thinks.
end off. as I have said already.
Good luck!.
(in case you missed it the first time, when you didnt read my post)
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It seems as though your reply to razs post in the first place was completely pointless, other than simply trying to put him down, out of curiosity which TF did you solo completely. from what i know in TFs the Avs dont scale down which will make a least one mission quite tough.
Now lets just forget the little discussion that took place about the PvE and PvP worlds and let thyis thread remain what it is.
btw im up to help you start the TFs if ya need me Raz
Well everyone has the right to set his own challenges, so it's fine if u want to do that. Anyway, and dont take is as a flame cos it isnt, one might think that soloing a tf is not hard at all, as soloing a spines/regen lv1-50. It's great if u want to have all the story arcs done, and bet most of us will applaud that interest in the story, but hardly a challenge for the game itself when it comes to playing, and even less challenge if it's done by an experienced player with lots of 50s. More of a challenge would be soloing an empath/psi me all the way to 50, but u chose to do the tf and the spiney and thats worth of respec.
But if u post it on the forums i guess we have the right to comment, as far as we r respectful, but finding posts not saying what u want to hear is not a reason to disprestige those posts and the players behind them, be it pvp'ers or otherwise, imo
O...K... Can see where this thread is going.
If the OP was along the original lines of 'I'm going to solo a TF but need someone to help start it, any offers?', compeletely understandable.
However, it seems to me the post was started more to say 'I'm doing this, isn't that great'(I saw no request for help to start, just a boast). I can see why a few people have decided to criticise the post as it seems to me it's just a bit of 'willy waving'.
Most badgehunters have ended up finishing TF's solo and i'm sure many others of us have.
Soloing a TF is not a 'challenge' it's just an exercise in grinding away. If I actually had no better way to spend my time in game than soloing every TF or using arena as my own personal chat channel rather than teaming with friends and enjoying the community, I'd actually be questioning why I play the game to be honest.
I was there the night of the arena event and for Raz to be surprised the community as a whole have such a negative viewpoint of him is a bit surprising. An event that featured over 50 players was made a LOT more difficult than it had to be as a result of his use of the arena and his attitude to what was initially a polite request for people to refrain from using it for a very limited time frame.
Overall, good luck with the TF's and hope the boredom of having to do something as much of a grind as that is worth the achievement at the end. Don't understand why you felt the need to notify everyone of such an uninspiring task. Don't understand why you're throwing a paddy about some of the comments given your own disregard for the server and community as a whole.
As for most people not wanting to do TF's? Those of us who try to take an active part in the community have no trouble doing 8 man TF's and it's very rare that two days go by without me having the opportuntiy to join at least one TF.
If the OP was along the original lines of 'I'm going to solo a TF but need someone to help start it, any offers?', compeletely understandable.
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Which is was...
However, it seems to me the post was started more to say 'I'm doing this, isn't that great'.
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Which is wasn't...
I'd actually be questioning why I play the game to be honest.
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Done that a few times over 2 years...
I was there the night of the arena event and for Raz to be surprised the community as a whole have such a negative viewpoint of him is a bit surprising. An event that featured over 50 players was made a LOT more difficult than it had to be as a result of his use of the arena and his attitude to what was initially a polite request for people to refrain from using it for a very limited time frame.
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As I recall and I can get the chat log very easy, that I was trying to "HELP" in shutting up people that was spamming it, and point out what Arena Chat was for, before people started and it all went down hill... but suffice to say 5mins after I stop there was a LOT of crap flying about the Channel even without me saying anything. So I was definately not alone in that.. and to specifically point me out was bad on they're part - and totally uncalled for.
Overall, good luck with the TF's and hope the boredom of having to do something as much of a grind as that is worth the achievement at the end.
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Achievement in knowing I put a task up and saw it through, is a nice feeling.
Don't understand why you felt the need to notify everyone of such an uninspiring task.
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I know better for future reference by the end of this thread -- I simply won't bother. ((But as said ALL those TFs not just one.. so i guessed it was pretty "big".. I guessed wrong, I guess.))
...given your own disregard for the server and community as a whole.
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I'm not sure what you're getting at there, but I find that pretty offensive... even if it wasn't meant to be. Or maybe I'm reading it wrong after all this thread has said.. probably.
As for most people not wanting to do TF's? Those of us who try to take an active part in the community have no trouble doing 8 man TF's and it's very rare that two days go by without me having the opportuntiy to join at least one TF.
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True, I know of those threads... maybe I should post on them my active-wanting, see if anyone is interested in having the "bad natured, ruins it foreveryone everytime" Raz that people seem to wrongly view me as.
The WHOLE idea was I wanted to end my CoH career, be known for doing something "noteworthy" or "big enough to be remembered", rather than the flaming that goes around the game about me, when half of you don't even know the full facts about it?!?!
Or maybe this game has changed so much since I started that it's pointless doing anything of note, other than getting level 50 with my toons.. THAT is boring.
I'd rather be remembered for doing something "good", other than "level 50 woohoo", rather than the "half-informed rumors" flying about. But if thats all I'm viewed as.. *shrugs* whatever.. get on with it.
btw im up to help you start the TFs if ya need me Raz
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thanks Lost.. always been a pleasure to have you around.
The thing is, Raz (and I'm not having a go at you, because I actually like you), the posts you make about soloing TFs come across as "look at me, I'm great" even if you don't intend them to.
While I do think that your view of a "challenge" is a bit skewed (since PvE is fighting stuff that has been designed to be killed), I respect that you want to try to do this. Perhaps in the future it would be better to just send a tell to people in-game asking for help starting the TF? Some of them, as I'm sure you know, only take 3 or 4 people to start and getting that amount of people at any time of the day isn't exactly hard. Even if all your friends are offline, I bet that if you asked in the evo channel people would throw themselves at you to help.
Well after a LONG and HARD think about it.. I've done a little thinking more.. I've still gotta do some checking with certain missions but here's the idea:

"After the success of the Shadow Shard TF, I'm thinking why not try the first ones the same way"
Idea: Raz Vs The Phalanx Task Force(s)
Possible: 1x TF per Day
Won't be doing it just yet as I've gotta finish the "ALL STORY ARCS" Scrapper first.. but it's something I have possibly lined up.
And like the previous SS TF, those that help get a free badge on last mission
Comments, Ideas, etc, etc.