Liz Bathory

Birmingham Player Meet 2010 - Grand Organizer
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  1. or just dont buy them and use merits or (vill/Her) merits... Abusing toons that can get that easily and then mail it to the toons who need.
  2. Did the devs really thought no one would ever scan this?
  3. I hope so.. the history of cox ooc should just be as important. It is no big deal to have him around somewhere...
  4. No one has noticed a notice drop after a tf? If so.. can you mention it here?
  5. I was one that was 'allowed' by the system to get in. This isn't helping anyone.

    It is not only that some are kicked... the team locks aren't working also. They are locked and on entrance all are unlocked. (It may even have a connection with each other)...

    Note, and schedule for fix please!
  6. Liz Bathory

    Rularuu Armor

    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    I like it, but maybe as a reward for completing the Cathedral of Pain trial once? This would be along the same lines as the Roman armor being behind the Imperious Task Force. It would be something that would require some organization, and the premise for it certainly makes it feel "epic," thus the reward of Rularuu armor would feel well-deserved once obtained.
    I like this option a lot. Unlockable but not to repeative...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    ...How about Fire Swords that didn't make me snort soft drink out of my nose every time I see someone pull one out? Some cool new fire swords?

    Ice Swords could also use more options. The ones we have now are just.... ugh. My ice and fire people all skip the swords because of how ugly they are.
    Ice swords...


    Fire Swords...

  8. Liz Bathory

    Polar Lights..

    I think because of the look I will take them on my storm def. Big is not always good. And they fly... which is perfect for a flying toon.

    That is also the reason why my vampire stuck to the Seers... although I think I might also do the Storm elementals. It is really handy when they follow you when you fly.
  9. If this is being done... shouldnt we get a mentioning here of the latest picked DC after they are picked! Or are the devs also drowning in farm missions when they try and select an arc?
  10. Recently started to do these again with SG. Including doing patron arcs as they need to be done anyway to get the powers unlocked redside.

    In short... yes... but you need the righth connections.
  11. I am not moving away from my homeserver other then an occasionally new toon test.

    Me (and I will ask my full SG todo the same) will involve as many new blood in this game as possible. It is the only way this new move will work.

    And thanks to VooDoo Girl for the avatar picture idea

    All rp is in english.. even though we are from all over Europe (and more now as the server is not stricktly europe anymore).

    And yes.. it is there... on blue and red side. And its rather structured too.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I foresee a hideous amount of grinding to unlock this stuff, as I want all of the costumes/auras/etc.
    There is a VERY high chance that all of this stuff is in the Paragon Store too after Freedom goes live. Maybe you dont have to grind.
  14. Personally.... I will not move to the VIP server and will form teams with my awesome toons using the /search. A lft function the f2p people will have.

    I will make friends... and I will show them what the game has to offer.

    I will treat them like new potential subbing players... and I will ask the rest of my rather big SG to do the same.

    Only then can this game get better from this move...
  15. Aside of being cool... Grav/time manip troller is the best way you can go to make a time traveller. Time travel works around wormholes and gravity manipulation. So the two powers fit in concept with each other.
  16. Liz Bathory

    CoH Faces Dilema

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I didnt have a clue what mine was so just went onto the titan network homepage, did the whole forgot password and it sends new one to your addy.
    Yep.. but doesnt allow me to change it for some reason. And keeps forgetting it on the site.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I finished the last mission of this one after Bubba went off to birthday cake land. Nice custom enemies, except that Jack Wulfe was a stone cold dog. Of course, I didn't find the ally until *after* I'd defeated Jack. Twice. After he'd beaten me senseless three times.
    Regen is strong isn't it?

    Cool that you finished...
  18. Liz Bathory

    Redside Power

    Definatly not Dead... Active Redside Sg with a logg of 15-20 a day. And I am not the only redside SG on Union for sure.
  19. Have you all noticed that again/still the npc's are HUGE!

    They all need to be resized to normal sizes. Even the civileans are too big.
  20. Like most tf's and arc's this one could be looked at.
  21. I see this as a great moment to stop buying new comics and buy more back issues instead.
  22. Liz Bathory

    CoH Faces Dilema

    I forgot my password and the stupid system is not telling me that easily what it was.
  23. Liz will be there if RL is not interfering.