1895 -
Sounds to me as a good reason to avoid Freedom as the plague and if I was there and became annoyed with it... time to do a mass move away from the server. We have room on UNION :P
Quote:Hahahahahahahahqa.. best arcs?! These things get voted high by farmers who vote on them as being a good farm. And a good farm is not an arc at all! Most of the time they are a single mission with enemies that are functional but without creativity.Not only is it OK, clearly they are some of the best arcs in the system. At least it appears that way looking at the top rated arcs and HoF, I can only hope that someday I create something as good that is deserving of HoF so I can get another arc slot. A girl can dream, can't she?
The rating on the MA system is completely bogus. -
Lets say that if I ever encounter this.. (and this is NOT happenning at that kind of scale on UNION at all).. I would stand around broadcasting that...
I was starting an official story arc team so that you could use your inf to buy the enhancements you wanted while having fun actually playing the game!
Which servers have this kind of PL for Inf crap too? Union has none... and I cannot remember seeying it on Virtue either... -
ok.. putting on my support hat now.
usually application errors this bad are a problem with updates. It is not your pc as the problem lies in connection setup.
do the following steps carefully...
- Deinstall the NCSOFT launcher from 'Add/remove programs'
- goto microsoft updates and run ALL updates requeyred but also check for additional updates like .NET
- reboot (or reboot several times) till no important updates are found. (incl the additional ones you selected)
- Do a disc cleanup and a defragmentation just in case
- make sure your old game locations are where you want them to be and clean up the way the folders are named. You could also start a new one and copy over the *.piggs
- re-install the NCSOFT launcher
- Re-boot and check if the COX links are reachable
- run the launcher and re-install the game in the folder you selected for it.
- Is it downloading the files needed now?
Basically start over on a trustworthy way... Going back often helps to go forward. -
Quote:It sounds harse.. but Alpha is right. This is not the best art... it is not showing the core of the game at all.. There are several people having problems with the light back ground. And I honestly think the villains should be shown somewhere too.Don't like it. After the Praetorian loading screen (which ROCKS on a scale of 11/10) this is a disappointment. I'm being serious. If that change is forced I shall not be happy. There's not excuse for sub-par art on an art team clearly as talented as the one at PS, and I consider that art sub-par to what has been displayed in the past.
The screenart is like an advertisement to the game. This one is focussing on Prateoria (which not all F2P players will be able to reach) and Heroes only (forgetting the fact there is more). -
Quote:Wing Clipper BadgeRather odd art request but actually see my signature.
I was wondering if someone could knock up a 'badge icon' for my forum earned badge, unfortunately I can't seem to make it look very good when I do it myself.
As you can see from the signature, the badge's name is Wing Clipper and the flavoured text reads 'Real Showstopper'. Just wondering if you artsie types could knock up something to go with the name.
Pretty please?
You are a real Showstopper. -
Every major hero has its major villain... a good list would be...
Thanos (Adam Warlock)
Dr. Doom (Fantastic Four)
Magneto (X-Men)
Red Skull (Captain America)
Kang (Avengers)
Ultron (Giant-man/Ant-man/Avengers)
Baron Mordo (Dr. Strange)
Dormammu (Dr. Strange)
Loki (Thor)
Dr. Octopus (Spider-Man)
Green Goblin (Spider-Man)
Mole Man (Fantastic Four)
The Mandarin (Iron Man)
The Leader (Hulk)
I dont see Galactus as a villain... too cosmic...
but if you go over the major hero list you will automatically find the arch villain to go with it. -
Quote:No reason at all...I cannot see how having incoming Port 80 open or blocked should make a difference for the Launcher. Most Routers provided by ISPs block incoming port 80 packets anyway as it's a sensible thing to do, you have to change the router settings to let them reach your machine.
There's no particular reason the launcher should be listening for incoming packets on the HTTP port anyway is there? It's not a web server.
I am running a webserver and have the router forwarding incoming requests to it... but only to that IP adress. Not to my game machine.
Tests still show my game machine impossible to reach.. the NC SOFT launcher works as intended and with better speed and functionality then the old one.
Check your install and system configuration if you are running a Windows machine and you have issues.
The MAC has teh problems solved.. but I cannot speak for that.
LINUX.. well its a conversion or simulator to run COX right?! I gather it takes some work but it should be possible to get the launcher working there too. -
Welcome back! Too bad I cannot tell you the Defiant status though... But all servers changed a bit in population after the list merged and EU and US came together.
Quote:Hmmmm... yes... I think all my villains and rogues need to go plan their emergency exit then. Including my active SG redside too. Thanks for the heads-up!That was what I was curious about. Red side is dead .. no one bothered to tell all my villains or rogues.
Wait! Why would I run and hide...? Kill the invading heroees and feed on their hearts!
The blood is the life! -
My vampire-witch Necro/Dark... All names are slavic. As they are from teh same region as she is.
Vladimir, the Lich
During her time imprisoned within the walls of her castle Elizabeth had heard about this dark sorcerer that was told to be even more powerful then she was said to be. The guards where eager to let her known that he too was captured in his hideout deep withing the Carpathian mountains. But as he didn't had the luxury of being protected by noble blood the sorcerer named Vladimir was killed on the spot. His throat slit and his body cast into a deep pit that was then filled with mud and filth.
Escaping her country of birth she travelled to the Carpathians to seek out this sorcerer... and indeed she found him. Her magic brought him back to life as her servant... and in some spells even her teacher. As his own dark sorcery was strong enough to keep his mind intact even after death.
Vladimir has a host of dark spells he can perform. And if ever he had any feelings towards other humans those feelings where removed upon his death. Only his loyalty to the countess remains. Do not underestimate this walking corpse... his power is terrible indeed.
Radagast & Krakaroff
These two where the guards that kept Elizabeth imprisoned in her castle tower. And the first to fall to Elizabeth her new found undead excistence. She drained both of them for their blood and then turned her sorcery upon them. Thus her enslavers became her personal guards. Her Knights of Death!
Dimitri, Sergei & Ficzko
Outside the castle she found the shallow graves of her direct servants. Including the man that taught her sorcery during the last few years. But their bodies where decomposed... Elizabeth utilized a great amound of blood to bring them back but was unable to repair much of their mind. These days they serve her still... Although not able to communicate much they never tire, never sleep... and are strong soldiers in case of a fight. -
I can tell you the facts.. but if you go http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Demonic you know the scource of my knowledge
Yes... they can.... -
Quote:Whahahahahahahahahahahahaha... When power corrupts... it usually corrputs absolute. Wearing pink glasses is not helping you then.I'm assuming that he and his loyalist followers care for the people they're protecting, like all good heroes would
Do you still plan to try and rescue my vampire-witch her body and soul if you would capture her?
In short... The power loyalist cares about power. And power = might! Followers are like drones to keep them in check. And keeping them a bit happy is part of the brain washing/public relations... Hitler did that too. Big parties for the ones you need... And big events for the people to see. -
What Wicked Wendy said... It is real annoying.
I am already starting to simply summon again inside missions. Especially on trials. -
No problem.. I recently stopped buying new stuff aside of two series.
So for me I will buy the back issues and all new stuff is a seperate universe for me!
*Only a few issues to complete the New Teen Titans. I love Wolfman & Perez!* -
My Necro / Dark is now a full T4 incarnate. I went Cardiac END/RESS and even though I am a endurance hogging Dark toon I can now debuff untill doomday. The RESS factor stacks with the several RESS powers (From the Soul Mastery and the Fighting pool + Shadow Fall).
Went specifically for diff damage dealers... The LORE is SEERS adding well in concept psi damage and buff of my not-s0-squishy MM. The JUDGEMENT is green colored fire. The Pyronic gives the added fire damage. Making her range all kind of damage versions. (negative, lethal, smashing, fire, psi)
Barrier does well in buffing the pets well over the RESS cap!
She performs very well! Even if not build for PVP she wins almost all there. And can crash big mobs of purples with ease. I soloed AV's too.. although not all GM's are manageble (Jack in Irons easy in 10 min, Ghost of Scrapyard can't hurt me but can't get him either).
Sometimes I really think the incarnate stuff makes them overpowered. But I lost count of the inf that went into her after sooo sooo many billions! -
Quote:Yep.. that is true.. I tested it recently.. Had a water based toon with water colored clunker and used it while wearing the Coralax costume. No go!I hear these travel auras can't be used with costume auras. This is a no-go for me, I had assumed these would be part of the Prestige Sprint set.
It simply doesnt show up.
Having a NPC change how powers work would be really really bad. You pick your powers for a reason and for the abilities they specifically have. That includes setbacks!
Especially the setbacks are part of the way the devs blanace the powers.
Faster recharge... ad a bit of a setback or less damage.. etc.
Powers should only be customisable in non-combat ways like the animations and maybe the sounds. Nothing more!
/unsigned -
Quote:hmm.. I am totally ignoring the Well lore in this. For me the pets are a part of the power set / concept of my toon. And more people are doing this.Yes I think you are missing the point of the whole "Lore" thing with the Well.
I can go several ways with pets for my Vampire/witch... I originally picked the Seers as they are creepy and the aura makes them like vampiric seers. Creating followers by turning them!
I might go and use the Storm Elementals on another version of her though. Again the aura isnt bothering that pets set.
But on robots the aura can be annoying as F*c* !! So I can understand the bot mm here. -
hmm... if you dont have a top-of-the-bill pc... and you now play on Freedom or Virtue...
I am afraid that you slowly need to check out how the community is on another server!
The only thing I am very curious about is how many other servers will hit red when F2P comes... -
Its actually pretty simple what the devs hope to see here...
Freedom and virtue should completely lagg out in such a way that people are leaving the servers for the more stable ones. Building a better spread out community!
To start with... if you are a new player and you pick a first server to play on... dont pick the one that is already red!
So.. if you are for instance a rp-er and virtue becomes unplayable for you it is time to consider a move to UNION! -
The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
My arc is a bit heavy for the soloer.. But if you take a team with you or run with AV's turned off you will manage.
It is a story about horror, blood and sacrifice. It holds beat ups and tortured females... and bloody vampires.
Would that fit a bit?!