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  1. Leo_G

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
    At this point you should just roll a natural origin ghost out of spite.
    I would. I mean, I can but I don't actually just roll alts just because but I described several ways a 'ghost' can be natural and Venture didn't rage over those so I'd say they're good explanations.
  2. Leo_G

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    ...numidia, the circle, kellie nemmers, they are clearly magic because they became as they are through magical means, or in kelly's case, they can still communicate because they had the powers of a medium while alive. metronome and mother mayhem also exhibit traits that could be considered close enough to being a ghost that you could just as easily make the case that a ghost could exist through technology or mutation, both are the disembodied personalities of dead people(Russel Brandt and Shalice Tillman).

    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    They are not ghosts. Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and nuclear war.
    Wehehell, I'm sure once you come up with a precise formula for ghostly magical apparitions to definitively describe what exactly a ghost is, then yeah, almost wouldn't count.

    Unfortunately, the meaning of life, the existence of an afterlife, souls, spirits and all that jazz are uncertain, at least in CoX to the extent that things are often confused when encountering them, run into difficulty dealing with them or discover outright contradictions to previous expectations.

    The game treats them all as Magic origin. They have powers associated with Magic in the canon (netherworld related), they drop Magic salvage and enhancements, they're vulnerable to magic items (divining rod, ghost slayer axe)...magic, magic, magic, magic. There is nothing about any of them that suggests they are anything but Magical creatures. If the only thing that is going to satisfy you is a red name telling you they're Magic origin say so now so I can stop taking you seriously.
    As mentioned before, the ghost slaying axe may be magical but it targets *dead* things (not to be confused with *rotting* things which would be considered *dying* things), not magical dead things. Shivians are affected by the GSA but they aren't magical. Apparently one can be undead and not magical.

    So your notion that undead and ghosts must be magical is right...until you introduce a circumstance that contradicts those notions (Metronome, Mother, Shivians)...then you're no longer right.
  3. Leo_G

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And "natural" ghosts in this game don't have powers, because natural ghosts don't linger in this world. For a ghost to linger, something unnatural has to have happened to empower the ghost with the ability to stay in the world of the living and interact with it. Those aren't powers the dead normally possess.
    Also, ghosts in this world tend to be limited in origin because of dissonance that might arise with the players vs the lore. But since our characters backstories don't directly affect the lore and therefore the gameplay of others directly, we have room to explore other options.

    Spirits can also be linked to religion and while some may have 'mystical' properties, what makes a religion a religion is faith and faith is not unnatural. There are plenty of stories of spirits of saints or deceased loved ones coming back in a time of need as a guardian overlooking their loved ones. What makes this natural isn't where the ghost is coming from but the faith the people they're protecting has.

    Having the people of Paragon City having so much belief and faith in a fallen hero who put their life on the line to save them countless times isn't considered a magic ritual. If that heroes spirit continues to protect like a guardian angle because of that faith, IMO, is not magical or arcane.

    There's also power in promise, not wishing to give up on business that was unfinished at death. If one was adamant enough in their word as to continue on even after death, the only think unnatural is how much faith they put in their words.

    And again - a ghost in this game doesn't have powers. A ghost passes on to the afterlife and leaves this world. The creation of a poltergeist is an unusual, unnatural event that can't be predicted, as evidenced by different ghosts coming up differently. Saying that's Natural is like saying Spider-Man is natural because he has the same powers anyone else who was bitten by a genetically-modified radio-active spider would.
    Personally, I would probably say a ghost or spirit would retain their preferences even after death, that is, if a mutant that used cold or fire powers would manifest cold or fire as a ghost as well as gain whatever properties a being of that type would have such as flight, translucency, maybe the ability to pass through solid objects...anything else like shooting 'ghost bolts' and draining life might lean the entity's origin elsewhere but I agree with your earlier statement that it's more about the origin of their 'powers' and not so much their 'body'.
  4. So now you want to make lists again...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Putting aside that the animations seem pretty darn vanilla to me, "classic comic book blasting" often involves knocking people back.
    That and classic anime blasting
  6. OP, I can kind of see what you're saying and I'd agree that more flexibility would be great. But you have to be reasonable too. Would you honestly expect the game to be able to tailor your powers, animations and effects to such a degree while having the ability to customize the visuals and have *SOOO* many options we have all at once? IMO, it's unreasonable to expect that. Want it all you want, but I'm just not seeing it being particularly possible with how many powers and sets we have. It might be possible if we only had 1/18th the powers and sets we have...

    But the way I get around it is...well, using my imagination...or don't be so specific with your concept. If I were very exact with concepts and couldn't use my imagination at the same time, I'd say probably only a quarter of the characters I have would still exist.

    I could write a whole thread pointing out the specifics of why I can't create this character or that character I thought up (that I currently have) listing everything from "he can't have spines coming out of his body" to "he needs to turn into a cat too" and so on...but all you really can expect from others reading the post is "Well, yeah, that might be nice..."

    So yeah, the stuff you posted would be nice to have...
  7. In my experience, Blazing Aura is useless for damage. If Cauterizing Aura doesn't have its damage or range boosted over BA, there's no point for me to slot it for damage and this is coming from a DP/Fire/Ice blaster who often is in melee range.

    Looking at my options, if they fix Cauterizing Aura so that it doesn't detoggle:

    *2 Boosted Heal IOs
    *The absorb proc from Preventative Medicine
    *2 Boosted Recovery IOs
    *??? Was thinking the Blaster ATO that gives mez protection? Not sure on the chances of that proccing though. It probably needs to hit something to work. Needs to be an enhancement that's good with just the 1 slot though and damage/accuracy is probably not going to net much good.

    I figure, if CA will enable me to easily run Hot Feet, I'll just use Hot Feet and Burn for PBAoE dmg. If CA won't suppress the sustain effect (the damage will suppress) might as well capitalize on that.

    /2 cents
  8. Don't see why you can't give it a try as an alternate build. If you already have a Demon Mastermind, just twink a new build and mess around with petlessness.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Some interesting stuff here! Especially the original name for the "Carnival of Shadows" was "Soul Scavengers."
    That's an interesting tid-bit...maybe I can use that as a springboard for another character concept somehow
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
    One time doesn't seem plenty...
    Oh, I've suggested it in the past several times, one of which is probably in that big powerset suggestion thread dated several years back.

    But the reason I pointed out that thread is because I had already made a post in it about relating it to the newest Martial Assault set and even made a template with blanks for new powers to be discussed. Since the thread isn't that old, one can continue discussion in it without it being a necro-post.

    As for the customization, that'd only be a problem if there were weapons attached. That is, weapon customization. Why Archery probably won't have customizable projectiles is because it's already got customizable weapons, same as Assault rifle/Beam Rifle.

    It *might* be possible to customize the projectiles in a Thrown Weapon set but maybe only as Shuriken and maybe a Boomerang look since the attacks seem to arc.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
    Yes, Yes, I am sure this has been suggested plenty
    I'd say, yes indeed.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    In this case, I'm actually behind the decision to not use the tech too much. Dopelgangers are one of these things that lose their lustre FAST if you overuse them, especially when you start having to come up with more and more contrived reasons for them to show up. Having Nemesis build one, that's fine. Having that whole Clone Lab thing? Fine. Having a double from another dimension, fine. But that's about the extent of it. When you start going from there, you're pretty much using a gimmick for the sake of using the gimmick, and that's a running problem in City of Heroes storywriting of late, even now.

    Dopelgangers are like caged matches - you need to use them sparingly or they lose their specialness and start getting annoying and pointless. What I DO like doing, though, is force the dopelganger to spawn in as one of my outfits, then swap to another so I'm fighting a version of myself, but whose clothes weren't also cloned.
    Agreed. But I can still see other uses beside that. When I first heard of Mirror Spirit, I thought a cool power for her would be the ability to make a short lived copy of someone to attack her foes or defend her. Now that we've got doppleganer tech, I'd like some more arcs with heroes/villains with esoteric powers like that instead of just odd blends of our powers.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Get some utterly mad combos in that Army of Me.

    I remember teaming with a friend..my petless demon/time (dont ask, I wanted to whip things) MM and her blast. EIGHT MM clones, with..6 pets each. 48 pets, 8 disruption fields, 8 slow aura. Yeah..not happening..lol.

    So she switching to her cold fender, sleet'd them, heatloss, and..we win.

    Moral of the story, Cold Fenders are BETTER than petless MMs. Did anyone see this coming?!
    Hmm, remembering that mission, the one I had particular trouble with was on my Claws/EA brute. He'd been able to solo pretty well up until then but man...auto-hit Energy Drain + bounce my *** around with Focus...it was impossible to solo without kiting and pulling. And those clones spammed the crap out of ED and once my toggles dropped and they got a follow up and/or Slash, they'd slice through what defense I could muster up with inspirations.

    Energy Drain is just too awesome in the hands of an NPC especially a group of them!

    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    I'm only replying because I saw this:

    "And you have to do it with 8 enemies to get the Army of Me badge."

    And I'm all "OH, now I gotta get me some of THESE!"

    I'm glad I opened this.

    Now... re: Doppelgangers... I don't want minions, I want to face off on them... but from others in my account, really, that's what I'd want.

    Thing of Bigness vs Brawling Humilator... FIGHT!

    Cerise Dawn vs Ruby Dawn... FIGHT.

    THAT is what I'd like to see them use it for... lettin' me battle my own alts to see who'd win... and awesome screencaps.

    Without AE involved, natch. Just a random mission where you are alerted to one of your alts going nutz and you gotta go get 'em.

    /Silly idea, I know. But one can dream...
    Not a silly idea. It's been suggested before. I'd love the idea myself.
  14. It sounds like I can finally make some ninjas that use ninja magic to make ninjay stuff happen
  15. Leo_G

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Hypothetically speaking, if I was trapped in a VR MMO and someone berated me for looking for alternate ways out, I'd probably kill them and then go back to looking for alternate ways out.
    I've got anime logic on my side. Idiots can defeat geniuses with pure determination so using genre savvyness, i'll intentionally let you underestimate me and kill you instead.
  16. Five minutes? I hope they bring that down some. Three minutes sounds about perfect to me.
  17. Leo_G

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post

    But this is fiction so we overlook things like that.
    Or you could, ya know, say since their technology has progressed to such a level as using VR, they have overcome or greatly mitigated those limitations since it's fiction.

    No one wants to really read about how they do all that except for the niche group that are knowledgeable about that kind of stuff.
  18. Leo_G

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
    And that's the thing Arcana....

    It wasn't until the Live, Day one launch of SAO that the apparently God Complex Crazy SAO & VR System Creator pulled the logout and called that a Feature. Apparently during the Beta, the thousand testers could login & out at will. And from what little backstory is mentioned so far, the VR System was a safe platform for various gaming applications. SAO was the the system's first MMO.
    See, this is the point I would have been reluctant about if it were not true. That is, the fact that in this world, VR is something already used and tested to work, there could be various programs in that world where it's used to train soldiers and workers, from pilots to doctors and shown it *WORKS*...that someone pushed and used it for video games was probably one of the first few applications of the technology...

    That the VR basically expanded to MMOs is a slightly difference concept since you'd be interacting with other minds beside your own.

    If the tech were built, tested and used in that world and shown to work, I'd probably would actually join a beta for one of the first VR MMOs if it were a game theme I was interested in. Finding out I can't log out after the fact might happen even after reading up on every grain of information about the game. Still gotta think about this...it'd probably help if I watched/read whatever this was about...it's an anime you say?

    As for Arcana, she's not trying to answer hypothetical situations. She's only trying to defeat the question so no fun trying to discuss it with her
  19. Leo_G

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    I play games to relax and do as little physical work as possible.

    This game seems to override that edict by replacing my stimulous with simulated effort. Simulated but still effort. Same reason I don't buy systems for their motion-controllers; I like my windows and furnture intact.
    Virtual reality requires less physical effort than current video games. With a controller, you still have to sit up and press buttons. VR is using your brain signals as a controller which is no more strenuous than watching TV. You just sit back and interact with the game in your head.

    VR also has the application of allowing the disabled to play or training since one can program a simulation as being as realistic as the real world.
  20. Leo_G

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    dittto here :P
    But it's virtual reality! VIRTUAL! REALITY!

    That's like the apex of any and all video gaming and where I've dreamed the hobby eventually reaches at some point. There's bound to be people to actually seem even more excited about the possibilities and sign up to test it considering how many people will graciously hop on betas for anything with the term 'video game' in it.

    That said, I probably would actually do the same and not get involved in the first place. Personally, I don't really do betas that often. This is one of those things I've literally put into the 'look and listen' bin as I'd want to assure it's safe before participating.
  21. Nothing really stands out as conceptually or mechanically synergetic when it comes to primaries to pair with it.

    Even Dual Pistols. I'm not a big loather of redraw, frankly I don't mind redraw at all...but without actually holding the pistols while you kick, it kind of ruins any conceptual synergy the combo would have...I mean, the whole reason you're kicking is because your hands are too busy shooting to punch people.

    But I think I'll wait for a Thrown Weapon blasting set before I delve into this new secondary. I've had the perfect character for it for a long time now and thinking about rerolling (not side-rolling) him from Spines/Dark stalker to thrown/martial blaster. I'm definitely rerolling his alternate dark/thorns dom build into dark/martial dom...that combo is just too perfect a fit.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Have at least three WP tanks, three WP brutes, one claws/WP stalker, not heightened senses and loved it that way and had no issues. More than likely I will continue on building more WP in the future in same manner. a manner that works for me. ---->Keywords: ...That Works For Me<----. and my particular playstyle.

    and Spine/WP sounds like a good combo, so does the spines/DA and Spines/electric.
    Sure, whatever works for you. But the way I see it, your WP characters are practically marching into elemental and energy attacks unprotected. You see, practically all armor sets have a measure of protection against most types of attacks to varying degrees with a few niche exceptions:

    Dark Armor:
    (Smashing) & (Lethal) = Gets moderate protection to both from [Dark Embrace]
    (Fire) & (Cold) = Moderate protection to both from [Murky Cloud]
    (Energy) = Only minor protection, a reduced amount from [Murky Cloud]
    (Neg. Energy) = Higher than normal protection thanks to [Dark Embrace] and [Murky Cloud] stacking resists
    (Psi) = Unnaturally high protection because [Obsidian Shield] offers a lot of res to only psi
    (Toxic) = Only minor protection, a reduced amount from [Dark Embrace]

    Ice Armor:
    (Smashing) & (Lethal) = Moderate to high protection from [Frozen Armor], [Wet Ice] and [Energy Absorption] stacking def and [Icy Bastion] granting resistance temporarily
    (Cold) = High protection because practically every power grants cold resist and stacking defense from [Wet Ice] and [Energy Absorption]
    (Fire) = Minor to moderate protection from [Frozen Armor] and [Permafrost] stacking reduced resistance plus stacking defense from [Wet Ice] and [Energy Absorption]. [Icy Bastion] temporarily boosts protection by a large amount
    (Energy) & (Neg. Energy) = Moderate to high protection in a similar fashion as Smash/lethal but using [Glacial Armor] instead.
    (Psi) = No direct protection
    (Toxic) = Minor to moderate protection from [Hoar Frost] and [Icy Bastion]

    Those two sets are balanced in a way that, with the powers taken, you'll have some answer to most types of damage. It may be to varying degrees (like Ice's weak protection to fire in most cases or Dark's lack of comprehensive protection against energy) but there's something.

    Willpower is no different except while Ice is generally defense and Dark is generally resist, WP uses both for different damage types to varying degrees.

    (Smashing) & (Lethal) = Moderate to high protection from minor def from [Heightened Senses] and higher stacked resist from [Mind Over Body] and [High Pain Tolerance]. [Strength of Will] temporarily boosts protection with more moderate resists
    (Fire), (Cold), (Energy) & (Neg. Energy) = Low to moderate protection from minor resists in [High Pain Tolerance] and higher defense from [Heightened Senses]. [Strength of Will] temporarily boosts protection with minor resists
    (Psi) = Moderate to high protection from def in [Indomitable Will] and resists from [Mind Over Body] & [High Pain Tolerance]. [Strength of Will] temporarily boosts protection with more minor resists
    (Toxic) = Minor to moderate protection from resists in [High Pain Tolerance] and [Reconstruction]. [Strength of Will] temporarily boosts protection with more minor resists.

    If you eliminate Heightene senses, you're basically leaning on minor protection for 4 common damage types with the only supplemental protection coming from healing/regen. Because the resists in HPT and SoW are of the small variety only amounting to around 24% resists at most. For perspective, Ice's minor protection from fire can amount to around 28% resists (not counting the minor defense) and Dark's minor protection from energy is 23% resist and both have means of stopping enemy action as well as healing and damage auras (in the case of non-stalkers) on top of that.

    So yeah, walking around on your WP characters is like walking around without Murky Cloud on a Dark Armor or Glacial Armor on an Ice, all of which are sitting ducks to any type of Fire, Cold, Energy or Neg. Energy attacks.

    Not that it's impossible to play such a character...most of my Blasters only walk around with protection to either ranged and smashing/lethal or or fire/cold/energy/range...but that's a *BLASTER*. They aren't trying to take a whole bunch of hits. Not that a Stalker is either, but if you're a Tanker or Brute walking around with Blaster level protection, something is horribly wrong...
  23. I think this suggestion just shot up in relevancy. Now I kinda need this set before I'd play any /Martial Blasters. A new template for thrown weapon blast set to take into account the new powers of the new Martial Assault Dom set...

    1. Shuriken Throw (minor ST lethal dmg)
    2. ???
    3. Trick Shot (chain lethal dmg)
    5. Envenomed Blades or ??? (adds toxic dmg to all your attacks)
    6. ???
    7. Masterful Throw (snipe chance for DoT)
    8. Explosive Shuriken (High ST lethal dmg with AoE fire splash dmg)
    9. ???

    Basically looking at needing 4 more powers to finish out the set...five if you don't want to just copy Envenomed Blades.

    I would vote for the tier 9 to be a cone, in this instance, if only because there aren't enough cone nukes. Fling Explosive Shurikens sounds good, or maybe Rain of Exploding Shurikens or something. A PBAoE would make sense too, just fling the weapons in all directions...Or maybe a placed ranged proximity bomb that explodes when something is within 25 ft of it...lots of possibilities, really.

    For the other powers, it's hard to say. Could be a lot of stuff. My only beef is, I hope there's other stuff besides 'throwing stars' to throw. At least just knives would be great...and that goes mainly for Martial Assault and any possible thrown weapon blast set.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    I don't have a problem with people saying "I don't like your idea because....". I do have a problem with "what about the people that like it". They like it. I and others don't. On that basis alone, neither party is "right", and that's what this FEEDBACK forum is for.
    Sure, both are right. Saying 'I like it' is only wrong if you're lying when you really don't or saying you don't when you really do.

    What's 'wrong' is when, just because one doesn't like it, they feel others should go out of their way to change it. Why make a suggestion that deprives others of something they enjoy? It'd be different if there was absolutely no alternative, but you'd be misleading if you say that in this situation.

    If your goal is not to deprive others of their likes (in this case, Voltaic Sentinel) but improving the Elec blast set, there are *many* avenues to do that without messing with the others in the least.

    Heck, the OP has a long standing suggestion that lots of Elec Blast players agree wouldn't be obtrusive. Removing a power to replace another is like trying to knock down a wall to unlock the front door...when you could have climbed through the window, used the back door, slid down the chimney, called a locksmith or any variety of other options that get the same results *without* damaging the house some people actually like.