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I got one (sorta Kin/arrow fender). To get passed the whole "team killing everything during the animations" I just tank. If I RoA before the team gets in the group I get the kills off. I take some aggro but my build is tight and aggro doesn't bother me.
Before you hate on spring attack do this. Get a group of 8 ALL with SA. Count to 3 and have everyone SA into a group of baddies. Sure they won't all die, but for sure it's goodtimes. =)..
Quote:Dimension Shift/Black Hole/Sonic Cage/Detention Field - Dimension Shift & Black Hole in particular - just using these powers can get you kicked from teams and rightly so - these powers just do not go with the flow of combat at all in this game. I vote these types of powers basically just hit enemies with a high mag placate. How cool would that be? They would need to be short lived, naturally, with a decently long recharge.
In PvP I was fighting during a 2 vs 2. The Sonic on the other team would hit me with sonic cage. Just that one power made it 2 on 1. In PvE i can see some use, but mostly skipable. In PvP it can be a game changer. -
Can't you just send it in Global E-mail? [edit] Just saw how old that post was... nevermind.
Sorry if this is redundant... i know i've made this statement too many times. Super Groups are dead, but the don't have to be. All the Devs no to do is add SG content. Here's an old list of this I'd like to see:
1) a danger room (obviously called something else) but a room that lets you do a soft respec of your powers and even enhancements and lets you test it out AE style. your build would go back once you exited the program. This would be great for working on PvP or PvE tactics.
2) Supergroup Jet... no hear me out. It would be no more than an Ouro portal (dressed up to look like the ship teleports you inside. Once on the ship (map) you can add storage and an insps vender. Then the team leader would pick where to go next. (say a mission in Atlas). After the Zone loading screen we'd see a animation on the jet fly through atlas as we look through the front view finder (wind shield). Once at the mission you just walk to the drop teleporter at the back of the ship. Click it and you are at the front door of the mission. Not much to this from a code stand point; just on small zone like Ourboros of fort trident that lets you and your team mission teleport. Charge a ton of presitige for it.
3) A mission computer that works. Put all your contacts on it. And I know everyone will agree, put mayhem and safeguard missions on it.
4) tailor shop of course
5) Store... even WW.
Then point! If you add stuff people want and can't get on their own (easily) then people will run in SGs again. An if not I'd still like the Jet anyway.
quick edit - double reward for TFs SFs or trials if the whole group is in the same SG in SG mode =) -
Honestly... IMO the people on this server havn't left yet cause none of us want to. Home is the right word for it. Sure we PvP on freedom or have an incarnate farming toon there... but this is where we live. =)
Also now we can do two really fun things. 1) Make a bunch of free acounts to fill when you do solo TFs. 2) make a couple more accounts to farm with. Not gonna give it up here but send me a tell in game and i'll tell ya how this is a farmers dream come true. And i'm not just talking about making a few accounts with toons to follow bot buff you... but that will be good also.
But I still smell DOOM!!! -
I'll help... i'm gonna form a raid tonight... we will take down Sally. I need 3 full teams. If this goes well we can move on to a bigger challenge. Who's with me?
My fire/fire tank runs the freak farm at +4/8 w/o issue. So your Dark/fire should be fine at +0/8. I soft cap'd S/L, but really didn't need to for farming. Healing flames and consume make all most any farm do-able. Just max out recharge.... get ageless Destiny.
I mainly run AE fire farms for tickets and XP for friends, but FA is great for most farms. -
Quote:This would work a lot better if those knuckleheads hit the IDF instead of the objectives more. I am slowly trying to educate armored toons that if they attack the IDF, the rest of the team will help them kill the IDF and the objective and the squishies live a lot longer that way. One day this will trickle down to most of the population, one day...
I did 3 of the worst Lambda trials by doing that. The leader demanded we "stick together and kill all the baddies". Biggest waste of time. Just kill the objectives and move on. I can do this on any of toons. It's not much different then doing a speed ITF (the 2nd mission).
The best advice I've ready on this thread (which is posted in the wrong place but whatever) is to learn where the objectives are. Totally chages this phase.
If you play a squishie with invis. but aren't up to the task of killing objectives it's helpfull to go to the next obective and call the rest of the team to it.... for those who are running around lost. -
Hard to complain about one of the best sets in the game. I have 2 fire/kins. an arrow/kin def. a dark/kin def. All power sets have skipable powers so that's not a broken set issue. And IR + Ninja run = no travel powers needed. Sometimes i'll even add SS to that but it's fast w/o it. I like hearing other people opinions on things but any set that has a power like fulcrum shift should have more crappy powers like repel... but then that's my opinion.
I'll join and help out as needed. I have free time on weekends. During the week I work 5 am till 8 pm. just let me know.
So you win someone and tell them for the next 4 hours they can't talk on TW 2.0. Is this a dream =)
I only have lvl 30 MMs so but I wanted to post anyway. On my fire/kins I no longer take fire imps for the same reason as the OP is talking about. I play +4/8 w/o imps. When I had them they just died. Now I don't have to heal as much and the pets don't go aggro crazy. But like MM pets I think our pets should have the save survivability as we do. IMO
I think Hami is pointless but anyway. Another trick to hami raids is to e-mail yourself insps. EoE, blues, ext... this way you'll have acsess to more insps as you go.
Goodluck on your raids. I'm going to be unplugged for awhile. Nothing new to do in CoHs -
Just an example for you to use. I gimped the endurence on my kat/sr scrapper. I got rid of a few IOs the did end and got rid of the +end from the Epic pool. I then got the Cardiac Incarnte (to teir 2) and my end issues are now gone. If I would of had NO end issues I'd be saying the same thing the OP was saying.
I to min/max your builds reduce the IOs for what ever incarnate you plan for. Also keep in mind that Plow TFs are not needed to get shards. Farm maps work. Or just playing lvl 50 content shards drop all the time. Just saying. -
Go with earth mastery. Rock armor gives defense. With RA you can soft cap s/l defense and then the Battle maiden map is super easy/fast. And with earth mastery you get fissure. It's a great Aoe attack.
This next part will get alot of people upset. LOOSE THE STUPID IMPS. I've been farming for 4 years now and the best thing I ever did was to ditch the monkies. at +4/8 they die... alot. Most people will say to run +2/8 and you'll get xp faster. But with my Imp free build I run the +4 map fast. Imps need to be healed and with good defense you rarely need a heal. More time to kill. All the damage comes from Hotfeet, firecages, fissure, and fulcrum shift. Imps kill the runners, but I don't have any that run.
Imps pull agro off me.... but nothing hits me (much). Imps are fun, but after getting rid of them (on both of my fire/kins) I'll never farm with them again.
so focus on s/l defense... some ranged defense and alot of recharge. If you want my build hit me up in game @last or @last.
[edit] my build is a non purple build... I use the purples on other toons. -
If you need help with prizes let me know. I have a ton of "stuff" that I can donate to a good cause like this. Stuff being Purples IOs, infl, comic-con costume code (2010 one), and a few PvPIOs.
I think events help the server and I only play on this server. So I might not take part, but I will front some great prizes. And It might imporve my karma (farming = bad karma).
Just let me know. -
If you solo the Oro Posi... it's not the same as the original. The missions are the same but the TF set for one person is cake.
I have solo'd several of the TFs in the game. For sure I solo'd Posi, Synapse, Sister, Manti, Respec trials, and a few more. Yes, I needed warburg nukes and pets for a few of the AVs. I think making TFs with the ability to start solo is fine. I do think they would have to solo the same TFs a team would take on. If you want a challenge... sure. If you want it easy... go back to WoW!!! -
Just wanted to say I love the work you folks do. It is entertaining at least. I never buy salvage. I do sell some. I have 3 storage bases that hold all my dropped salvage. I craft every IO that is dropped (not commons) and I do sell those when not needed. I have a few farm maps that I use to get diff types of salvage. I also have a couple storage bases for IOs as well.
I used to play SWG and spent most of my time cornering the markets there. I would do the same here but just don't have the patients to do it. Keep up the good work you do. -
If I typed what I want to type I would be in alot of trouble. Here's what I can type without the bad stuff... i hope. GR was weak IMO (can't reply to that... it's IMO). They won't do double XP because it would make the people doing the new content lvl too quickly. They think you would want to enjoy the 1 - 20 stuff for as long as you can. and they are wrong. IMO again.
The server is dead. We like it that way. Less blind invites and broadcast spam.
If they do double xp people will level to fast. They will miss out on the craptastic 1 - 20 content they made. People will get their MM and Doms to the blue side to fast. Or it will replace making a leveling pact in pocket D with a blue side toon and PLn the heck outta him/her until you pop 20. Either way.
My Ice/Ice is soft cap'd to s/l at lvl 20. Yes he's lvl 34 now but I can do any TF/SF w/o losing def numbers. The only other armor I can get those kind of numbers out of is from Energy, but tanks don't get that... yet. So to the OP, this is why I took Ice.
I also have one of every type of tank.... but the Ice tank is fun. -
=O 8 drops in 12 hours... I rarely get one drop in 12 hours of afk farm,,,err hardcore PvPing. But I have really bad luck with drops in this game. (thank you for tip and Ouro farms... errr I mean hardcore PvEing).