Post i19 Fire/Kin Help Wanted
So, i figured the first thing people would say would to go search, use my brain. So i did, so far unless someone offers something thats a better choice im looking at Stealth just to use as a mule for some extra regen. Then manuvuers and tactics to buff me/team/imps. Also, seen some things talking about Procs, gonna look them up, but ill def need help with some IO placements and things like that.
Considering Rise of the phoenix instead of Tactics and just shifting stuff down. :-/
Go with earth mastery. Rock armor gives defense. With RA you can soft cap s/l defense and then the Battle maiden map is super easy/fast. And with earth mastery you get fissure. It's a great Aoe attack.
This next part will get alot of people upset. LOOSE THE STUPID IMPS. I've been farming for 4 years now and the best thing I ever did was to ditch the monkies. at +4/8 they die... alot. Most people will say to run +2/8 and you'll get xp faster. But with my Imp free build I run the +4 map fast. Imps need to be healed and with good defense you rarely need a heal. More time to kill. All the damage comes from Hotfeet, firecages, fissure, and fulcrum shift. Imps kill the runners, but I don't have any that run.
Imps pull agro off me.... but nothing hits me (much). Imps are fun, but after getting rid of them (on both of my fire/kins) I'll never farm with them again.
so focus on s/l defense... some ranged defense and alot of recharge. If you want my build hit me up in game @last or @last.
[edit] my build is a non purple build... I use the purples on other toons.
Check out this!!!!
See I suggested that and everyone told me I was crazy.... but it sounds reasonable. Cuz with the farm i run statesman does all the damage. I'm there to holdem and heal him. What would you do with the impact slot ?
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

I'm not a Fire/Kin farmer (I have a Fire/Kin, but like my Fire/Rad better), but I see one significant problem with your build . . .
You can't have two sets of Gravitational Anchor. It is a unique purple set. You can only use one of each enhancement per build. Besides, if you are trying to soft-cap, you will want Enfeebled Operation for the Defense.
Most folks, and especially the farmers, use the Earth APP. Fissure is a fast-recharging short-range AoE damage power with some stun, so it really fits with a Fire/Kin. The Stone Armor is ugly, but provides good Smash/Lethal Defense. Seismic Smash is a great single target attack with a built in hold, so it help you take out tougher targets. And Earth's Embrace can help with your survival.
Also, I think most folks would disagree with the advice about getting rid of the Imps.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
After talking with some people i looked around and kinda came up with a redesign of it. Still needs some advice, they dont have the Mids program on mac atm so im not sure of my Defense. if someone has some time and could give this a good looking over i'd really appreciate it
01: Transfusion =>
Touch_of_the_Nictus Healing
Touch_of_the_Nictus Healing/Recharge
Touch_of_the_Nictus Accuracy/Healing
Touch_of_the_Nictus Accuracy/Endurance/Healing
Touch_of_the_Nictus Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
01: Char =>
Apocalypse Damage
Apocalypse Damage/Recharge
Apocalypse Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Apocalypse Recharge/Accuracy
Apocalypse Damage/Endurance
02: Fire Cages =>
Gravitational_Anchor Immobilize
Gravitational_Anchor Immobilize/Recharge
Gravitational_Anchor Immobilize/Recharge/Accuracy
Gravitational_Anchor Recharge/Accuracy
Gravitational_Anchor Chance For Hold
04: Siphon Power =>
Recharge IO
06: Hasten =>
Recharge IO
Recharge IO
Recharge IO
08: Hot Feet =>
Armageddon Damage
Armageddon Damage/Recharge
Armageddon Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Armageddon Damage/Endurance
Armageddon Chance For Fire Damage
10: Siphon Speed =>
Recharge IO
12: Flashfire =>
Absolute_Amazement Stun
Absolute_Amazement Stun/Recharge
Absolute_Amazement Stun/Recharge/Accuracy
Absolute_Amazement Recharge/Accuracy
Absolute_Amazement Stun/Endurance
14: Super Speed =>
16: Recall Friend
Recharge IO
18: Combat Jumping =>
Luck of the Gambler Defense/Endurance
Endurance IO
20: Maneuvers =>
Luck of the Gambler Defense/Endurance
Endurance IO
22: Cinders =>
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold/Recharge
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold/Recharge/Accuracy
Unbreakable_Constraint Recharge/Accuracy
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold/Endurance
24: Speed Boost =>
Recovery IO
26: Boxing =>
Accuracy IO
28: Tough =>
Res_Damage IO
Steadfast_Protection Resist/Endurance
Steadfast_Protection Resist/Defense
Steadfast_Protection KB Protection
30: Weave =>
Buff_Defense IO
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Endurance
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Recharge
Luck_of_the_Gambler Global Recharge
32: Fire Imps =>
Expedient_Reinforcement Accuracy/Recharge
Expedient_Reinforcement Accuracy/Damage
Expedient_Reinforcement Damage/Endurance
Expedient_Reinforcement Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Expedient_Reinforcement Endurance/Damage/Recharge
35: Transference =>
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Recharge
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Rehcarge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor Recharge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Endurance
38: Fulcrum Shift =>
Recharge IO
Recharge IO
41: Fissure =>
Ragnarok Damage
Ragnarok Damage/Recharge
Ragnarok Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Ragnarok Recharge/Accuracy
Ragnarok Change For Knockdown
44: Rock Armor =>
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Endurance
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Recharge
Luck_of_the_Gambler Global Recharge
47: Seismic Smash =>
Kinetic_Combat Accuracy/Damage
Kinetic_Combat Damage/Endurance
Kinetic_Combat Damage/Recharge
Kinetic_Combat Knockdown Bonus
49: Earth's Embrace =>
Numinas_Convalesence Healing/Endurance
Numinas_Convalesence Healing
Numinas_Convalesence Healing/Endurance/Recharge
+ Inherent Powers
01: Brawl
Accuracy IO
01: Sprint
Run Speed IO
01: Ninja Run
Run Speed IO
02: Rest -
Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
Run Speed IO
02: Hurdle
Jumping IO
02: Health
Regenerative_Tissue Regeneration
Miracle Recovery
Numinas_Convalesence Healing
Numinas_Convalesence Healing/Endurance
Numinas_Convalesence Healing/Recharge
Numinas_Convalesence Regeneration/Recovery
02: Stamina
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Recharge
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Rehcarge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor Recharge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Endurance
Hot Feet, Armageddon??? - Sure if you got the purples, but I would try something a little cheaper.
Recall Friend??? - Why may I ask?
Combat Jumping, a Endurance IO - Huh? You're a kin, endurance won't be the problem.
Maneuvers - Unless you use it as a mule (like for LoTG 7% Globe recharge) not a good choice.
Fire Imps - While I would keep the little meat shields around, I doubt I would give them 5 slots even with the good set bonus of Expedient Reinforcement.
Transference - Just 3 slot it with a EndMod Set, and use the other 2 for crafted ACC IOs.
Fulcrum SHift - Need acc IOs...
Rest - can't do it, Numina's Reg/Rec is a unique (have it in Health too)
Health - over-slotted, big time... Just take a Numinas, Heal & reg/rec + a Miracle Recovery and you be fine.
Stamina - over-slotted as well... again, you're a KIN!
Unless you got all these purples just laying around, this build is going to be very expensive. But there are a few places you could get around with not slotting purples (like Cinders) and still have a good build. I have a fire/storm farm troller that has no purples in it and it does fine (+2/8 diff) and I brought her under a billion to do it. Of course while you might have a few billions to spend on this toon, I would think of about saving some cash ( or purple sets) for some of your other toons.
/Empaths can turn three people into Jesus, one person into God, and everyone else into the twelve apostles.~Angry_Citizen
Don't you know that discussion of power selection/slotting can ONLY be based on hearsay, rumor, idle speculation, and bald-faced lies??!? ~Elf_Sniper
I do pi farming, not ae, its a long run for friends low toons. plus I've wished i had it on more than one occasion...
the most important thing to mention is: you slotted 6 purple sets (rukle of 5) use the procs for damage because the damage is normally edcapped
slot posi in fire cages bexause they will stack good for kins and then do double damage
dont slot earth ambance for heal: slot is for recharge unless it is perma
Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3
Can you explain the procs thing to me
Why Immob in Fire Cages and not damage? Why purples in Hot Feet which has a a 1/s end usage? Fire Cages+ Hot feet are your bread and butter 1 - 2 with FS. You would be better off with 5 Posi and an Enfeebled Operation ACC/End in Fire Cages and 5 Multi Strike and a Eradication Proc in Hot Feet.
That would give you .....
Fire Cages
74 ACC
95 Dam
74 End Red
3 second Rech
41 damage with FS x 1 mob, 60 damage with FS x 10 mobs. With containment you are doing 120 damage per 4 seconds ( 3 rch , 1 cast ) to everything. and since its only 9 end to cast now you can spam it like crazy.
Hot Feet
74 ACC
92 DAm
92 End Reduc
Chance for 70 damage energy
21 damage per tick ( 2 seconds ) with FS x 1 mob, 35 damage per tick with FS x 10 mobs. With containment you are doing 70 damage per 2 seconds and with a chance to also do 70 damage with proc.
So basically with those 2 your are doing 260 damage + proc every 4 seconds to everything in a 20' radius.
Sure you could put 2 billion worth of purples in it but look what I did for less than 100 million.
This is what I use on a second account for farming, sure I could cut the shields down to 4 and put LoTG all over the place but why bother if he does the job With 34 s/l defense, 25 ranged and 1600 hp's he doesn't take a huge amount of damage. Also, the whole thing cost less that 600 mil, which is the price of 2 of those purples.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.81
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Level 50 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Fire Control
Secondary Power Set: Kinetics
Power Pool: Teleportation
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Ancillary Pool: Stone Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Char -- Lock-%Hold(A), Lock-Rchg/Hold(19), Lock-Acc/Hold(23), Lock-Acc/Rchg(23), Lock-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(37), Lock-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(46)
Level 1: Transfusion -- Acc-I(A), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx(3), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg(3), Dct'dW-Rchg(5), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(7), Dct'dW-Heal(7)
Level 2: Siphon Power -- Acc-I(A)
Level 4: Fire Cages -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dam%(5), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(15), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(17), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(17), Enf'dOp-Acc/EndRdx(40)
Level 6: Recall Friend -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 8: Hot Feet -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(9), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(9), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(11), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(11), Erad-%Dam(15)
Level 10: Stealth -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(13), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(19), RedFtn-EndRdx(43), RedFtn-Def(46), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 12: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13)
Level 14: Super Speed -- Run-I(A)
Level 16: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- Mrcl-Rcvry+(A), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(48)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(21), EndMod-I(21)
Level 22: Speed Boost -- Efficacy-EndMod/Acc(A), Efficacy-EndMod/Rchg(34), Efficacy-EndMod(40)
Level 24: Cinders -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-Acc/Rchg(25), Lock-Rchg/Hold(25), Lock-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(27), Lock-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(27), Lock-%Hold(31)
Level 26: Increase Density -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), S'fstPrt-ResKB(40)
Level 28: Flashfire -- RzDz-Acc/Rchg(A), RzDz-EndRdx/Stun(29), RzDz-Acc/EndRdx(29), RzDz-Acc/Stun/Rchg(31), RzDz-Immob%(31), Rope-Acc/Rchg(50)
Level 30: Siphon Speed -- Acc-I(A)
Level 32: Fire Imps -- ExRmnt-Acc/Rchg(A), ExRmnt-Acc/Dmg(33), ExRmnt-Dmg/EndRdx(33), ExRmnt-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), ExRmnt-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(34), ExRmnt-+Res(Pets)(34)
Level 35: Transference -- Efficacy-EndMod(A), Efficacy-EndMod/Rchg(36), Efficacy-EndMod/Acc(36), Efficacy-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(36), Efficacy-Acc/Rchg(37), Efficacy-EndMod/EndRdx(37)
Level 38: Fulcrum Shift -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(39), RechRdx-I(39), RechRdx-I(39)
Level 41: Fissure -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/Rng(42), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(42), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(42), Posi-Dam%(43), Range-I(43)
Level 44: Rock Armor -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(45), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(45), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(45), RedFtn-Def(46), RedFtn-EndRdx(48)
Level 47: Earth's Embrace -- Numna-Heal/Rchg(A), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(50), Numna-Heal(50)
Level 49: Grant Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
Level 6: Ninja Run
The reason he has Stealth, GI and TP is I use him as a ferry for main account when I am playing both together. It's easier to run him to the end stealthed then TP my main in. It also make him even more usefull on TF/SF's as a ghoster.
I do pi farming, not ae, its a long run for friends low toons. plus I've wished i had it on more than one occasion...
As for your friends, the safest way to get to where they need to go is just jump in the water and swim a bit till at the cliffs below where the SG Base TP is and then climb up. Time-wise maybe a min more but its alot safer then down street.
/Empaths can turn three people into Jesus, one person into God, and everyone else into the twelve apostles.~Angry_Citizen
Don't you know that discussion of power selection/slotting can ONLY be based on hearsay, rumor, idle speculation, and bald-faced lies??!? ~Elf_Sniper
Been doing some work on the build in my spare time. Again, purples are not a problem, between my several toons, some other things i have gotten in drops, and good friends, the price tag isnt a problem...
01: Transfusion =>
Touch_of_the_Nictus Healing
Touch_of_the_Nictus Healing/Recharge
Touch_of_the_Nictus Accuracy/Healing
Touch_of_the_Nictus Accuracy/Endurance/Healing
Touch_of_the_Nictus Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
01: Char =>
Apocalypse Damage
Apocalypse Damage/Recharge
Apocalypse Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Apocalypse Recharge/Accuracy
Apocalypse Damage/Endurance
02: Fire Cages =>
Gravitational_Anchor Immobilize
Gravitational_Anchor Immobilize/Recharge
Gravitational_Anchor Immobilize/Recharge/Accuracy
Gravitational_Anchor Recharge/Accuracy
Gravitational_Anchor Chance For Hold
04: Siphon Power =>
Recharge IO
06: Hasten =>
Recharge IO
Recharge IO
Recharge IO
08: Hot Feet =>
Armageddon Damage
Armageddon Damage/Recharge
Armageddon Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Armageddon Damage/Endurance
Armageddon Chance For Fire Damage
10: Siphon Speed =>
Recharge IO
12: Flashfire =>
Absolute_Amazement Stun
Absolute_Amazement Stun/Recharge
Absolute_Amazement Stun/Recharge/Accuracy
Absolute_Amazement Recharge/Accuracy
Absolute_Amazement Stun/Endurance
14: Super Speed =>
16: Recall Friend
Recharge IO
18: Combat Jumping =>
Luck of the Gambler Defense/Endurance
Luck of the Gambler - Defense
Defense IO
20: Super Jump =>
Blessing of the Zephyr - Jump(etc)
22: Cinders =>
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold/Recharge
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold/Recharge/Accuracy
Unbreakable_Constraint Recharge/Accuracy
Unbreakable_Constraint Hold/Endurance
24: Speed Boost =>
Recovery IO
26: Boxing =>
Accuracy IO
28: Tough =>
Res_Damage IO
Steadfast_Protection Resist/Endurance
Steadfast_Protection Resist/Defense
Steadfast_Protection KB Protection
30: Weave =>
Buff_Defense IO
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Endurance
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Recharge
Luck_of_the_Gambler Global Recharge
32: Fire Imps =>
Expedient_Reinforcement Accuracy/Recharge
Expedient_Reinforcement Accuracy/Damage
Expedient_Reinforcement Damage/Endurance
Expedient_Reinforcement Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Expedient_Reinforcement Endurance/Damage/Recharge
35: Transference =>
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Recharge
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Rehcarge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor Recharge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Endurance
38: Fulcrum Shift =>
Recharge IO
Accuracy IO
41: Fissure =>
Ragnarok Damage
Ragnarok Damage/Recharge
Ragnarok Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Ragnarok Recharge/Accuracy
Ragnarok Change For Knockdown
44: Rock Armor =>
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Endurance
Luck_of_the_Gambler Defense/Recharge
Luck_of_the_Gambler Global Recharge
47: Seismic Smash =>
Kinetic_Combat Accuracy/Damage
Kinetic_Combat Damage/Endurance
Kinetic_Combat Damage/Recharge
Kinetic_Combat Knockdown Bonus
49: Earth's Embrace =>
Numinas_Convalesence Healing/Endurance
Numinas_Convalesence Healing
Numinas_Convalesence Healing/Endurance/Recharge
Numinas_Convalesence - Healing/Recharge
+ Inherent Powers
01: Brawl
Accuracy IO
01: Sprint
Run Speed IO
01: Ninja Run
Run Speed IO
02: Rest -
Heal IO
Run Speed IO
02: Hurdle
Jumping IO
02: Health
Regenerative_Tissue Regeneration
Miracle Recovery
Numinas_Convalesence Healing
Numinas_Convalesence Regeneration/Recovery
02: Stamina
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Recharge
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Rehcarge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor Recharge/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Accuracy
Efficacy_Adaptor EndMod/Endurance
Only thing i see is Stamina has a lot in it, anything you think i should take off it and put on something else???
Thanks in advance for any help XD
I find 4 Performance Shifters (including the proc) in Stamina does a pretty good job, maybe better than the Efficacys and still using less slots
Brakner, it would be interesting to see your build post-I19 with inherent stamina
My latest post i19...
I dont buy all OMGZ Armageddon in hotfeet babble. You have the best end recovery power in the game (IMO). If you're not an complete n00b, you won't run out of end....Ever.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.90
Click this DataLink to open the build!
War Admiral: Level 50 Natural Controller
Primary Power Set: Fire Control
Secondary Power Set: Kinetics
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Teleportation
Ancillary Pool: Stone Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Char -- Lock-%Hold(A), BasGaze-Acc/Hold(15), BasGaze-Acc/Rchg(40), BasGaze-Rchg/Hold(46), BasGaze-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50)
Level 1: Transfusion -- Nictus-Heal(A), Nictus-Heal/HP/Regen/Rchg(40), Nictus-Acc/Heal(40), Nictus-Acc/EndRdx/Heal/HP/Regen(43), Nictus-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 2: Fire Cages -- GravAnch-Hold%(A), GravAnch-Immob(3), GravAnch-Acc/Immob/Rchg(3), GravAnch-Acc/Rchg(5), GravAnch-Immob/EndRdx(5)
Level 4: Siphon Power -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(7), RechRdx-I(7)
Level 8: Hot Feet -- FotG-ResDeb%(A), Armgdn-Dam%(9), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx(9), Armgdn-Dmg(11), Armgdn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(11), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg(39)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 12: Flashfire -- Stpfy-Acc/Rchg(A), Stpfy-EndRdx/Stun(13), Stpfy-Acc/EndRdx(13), Stpfy-Stun/Rng(17), Stpfy-Acc/Stun/Rchg(17)
Level 14: Super Speed -- HO:Micro(A), HO:Micro(15)
Level 16: Increase Density -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 18: Cinders -- UbrkCons-Hold(A), UbrkCons-Hold/Rchg(19), UbrkCons-Acc/Hold/Rchg(19), UbrkCons-Acc/Rchg(21), UbrkCons-EndRdx/Hold(21), Lock-%Hold(23)
Level 20: Speed Boost -- EndMod-I(A)
Level 22: Super Jump -- Zephyr-ResKB(A), HO:Micro(23)
Level 24: Boxing -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(25), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(25), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39)
Level 26: Recall Friend -- Zephyr-ResKB(A)
Level 28: Tough -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(29), RctvArm-ResDam(29), RctvArm-EndRdx(34), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(37)
Level 30: Weave -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(31), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(31), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg(31)
Level 32: Fire Imps -- EdctM'r-PetDef(A), C'Arms-+Def(Pets)(33), C'Arms-Acc/Rchg(33), C'Arms-Acc/Dmg(33), C'Arms-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), C'Arms-Dmg/EndRdx(34)
Level 35: Transference -- Efficacy-EndMod(A), Efficacy-EndMod/Rchg(36), Efficacy-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(36), Efficacy-Acc/Rchg(36), Efficacy-EndMod/Acc(37), Efficacy-EndMod/EndRdx(37)
Level 38: Fulcrum Shift -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 41: Fissure -- FrcFbk-Rechg%(A), Amaze-ToHitDeb%(42), Amaze-Stun(42), Amaze-Stun/Rchg(42), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg(43), Amaze-Acc/Rchg(43)
Level 44: Rock Armor -- Ksmt-ToHit+(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+(45), LkGmblr-Def(45), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(45), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg(46)
Level 47: Seismic Smash -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(48), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(48), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 49: Earth's Embrace -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(27), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(27), KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(39)
Level 1: Sprint -- Clrty-Stlth(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Health -- Mrcl-Rcvry+(A), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(50)
Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A)
So. First off, i started playing the game a long time ago when it had barely been out. Several friends and i played while we were in college and living in the dorms. School came first and i stopped playing for the last 4 years. i continued to get emails from NC Soft, and one day i realized it was available for macs now, and that they were having a reactivation weekend.... Needless to say im as hooked now as i was then. Unfortunately one of my d-bag former friends deleted all my toons and stuff...
Got some fun toons going, helping run a great lil Super Group full of 50's. Having fun just like the old days. Back then i never got to the IO sets and im having some questions bout my layout. For the spots that are open im thinking the leadership set, cuz im seeing a lot of people saying that the IMPS are getting a lot off of those toggles.. IDK...
So anyway, here is my build. Its a mix of advice from PPL in game and some things i have seen around the internet. I mainly use it for 54x8 Battle Maiden mish in PI w/ States to help lvl ppl in our SG.
War Admiral: Level 50 Natural Controller
Primary Power Set: Fire Control
Secondary Power Set: Kinetics
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Fire Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Char
(A) Apocalypse - Damage: Level 50
(3) Apocalypse - Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(3) Apocalypse -Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(5) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(5) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
Level 1:Transfusion
(A) Touch of the Nictus - Healing: Level 50
(11) Touch of the Nictus - Heal/HitPoints/Regeneration/Recharge: Level 50
(17) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Healing: Level 50
(27) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Endurance/Heal/HitPoints/Regeneration: Level 50
(31)Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
Level 2: Fire Cages
(A) Gravitational Anchor – Immobilize: Level 50
(17) Gravitational Anchor – Immobilize/Recharge: Level 50
(27) Gravitational Anchor – Accuracy/Immobilize/Recharge: Level 50
(34) Gravitational Anchor – Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(34) Gravitational Anchor – Chance for Hold: Level 50
Level 4: Siphon Power
(A)Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 6: Hasten
(A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
(7) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
(7) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 8: Hot Feet
(A) Armageddon - Damage: Level 50
(9) Armageddon -Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(9) Armageddon - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(11) Armageddon - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
(37) Armageddon - Chance for Fire Damage: Level 50
Level 10: Siphon Speed
(A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 12: Flashfire
(A) Absolute Amazement - Stun: Level 50
(13) Absolute Amazement - Stun/Recharge: Level 50
(13) Absolute Amazement - Accuracy/Stun/Recharge: Level 50
(15) Absolute Amazement - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(15) Absolute Amazement -Endurance/Stun: Level 50
Level 14: Super Speed
(A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points): Level 50
Level 16: Stealth (Mule - wont be activating)
(A) Recovery IO
Level 18: Manuevers
(A) End Reduction IO
Level 20: Tactics
(A) End Reduction IO
Level 22: Cinders
(A) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold: Level 50
(23) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold/Recharge: Level 50
(23) Unbreakable Constraint - Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: Level 50
(25) Unbreakable Constraint - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(25) Unbreakable Constraint - Endurance/Hold: Level 50
Level 24: Speed Boost
(A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
Level 26: Increase Density
(A) Impervium Armor -Resistance/Endurance: Level 40
(39) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Recharge: Level 40
(39) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
(39) Impervium Armor - Resistance: Level 40
Level 28: Ring of Fire
(A) Gravitational Anchor - Immobilize: Level 50
(29) Gravitational Anchor - Immobilize/Recharge: Level 50
(29) Gravitational Anchor - Accuracy/Immobilize/Recharge: Level 50
(31) Gravitational Anchor - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(31) Gravitational Anchor - Chance for Hold: Level 50
Level 30: Kick
(A) Accuracy IO: Level 50
Level 32: Fire Imps
(A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(33) Expedient Reinforcement -Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
(33) Expedient Reinforcement - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
(33) Expedient Reinforcement -Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(34) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
Level 35: Transference
(A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod: Level 50
(36) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50
(36) Efficacy Adaptor -EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(36) Efficacy Adaptor - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(37) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 50
(37) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Endurance: Level 50
Level 38: Fulcrum Shift
(A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 41: Fire Ball
(A) Ragnarok - Damage: Level 50
(42) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(42) Ragnarok -Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
(42) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(43) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
Level 44: Fire Shield
(A) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance: Level 40
(45) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Recharge: Level 40
(45)Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
(45) Impervium Armor - Resistance: Level 40
(46) Steadfast Protection -Resistance/+Def 3%: Level 30
(46) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection: Level 30
Level 47: Tough
(A) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance: Level 40
(48) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Recharge: Level 40
(48) Impervium Armor -Resistance/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
(48) Impervium Armor - Resistance: Level 40
Level 49: Weave
(A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance: Level 50
(50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge: Level 50
(50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense: Level 50
(50)Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50
Inherent Powers -
Level 1: Containment
Level 1: Brawl
(A) Accuracy IO: Level 50
Level 1: Sprint
(A) Celerity - +Stealth: Level 50
Level 2: Rest
(A) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 50
Level 2: Swift
(A) Running IO: Level 50
Level 2: Hurdle
(A) Jumping IO: Level 50
Level 2: Health
(A) Regenerative Tissue -+Regeneration: Level 30
(19) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40
(19) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 50
(43) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance: Level 50
(43) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge: Level 50
(46) Numina's Convalescence - Heal: Level 50
Level 2: Stamina
(A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod: Level 50
(21) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50
(21) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(40) Efficacy Adaptor - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
(40) Efficacy Adaptor -EndMod/Accuracy: Level 50
(40) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Endurance: Level 50