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  1. Hey... I've been playing City of Heroes for a very long time and Triumph is my home. I resently started making youtube videos. The first 12 were about different power sets like dark control and staff fighting. Well as i was making these videos I realized I could do alot more. So here is the link to the first episode of the Last Ronin Adventures.

    You may recognize a couple of other Triumph toons: Brute Force (well Burte Force, but I changed it Brute) and Evangeline Evans. We started playing together when i first logged in long ago and managed to till be friends to this day.

    My plan is to finish this 3 part story arc and then do more. I'd like to fit in guest appearences and cameo from more Triumph toons as the weeks go on.

    So give it 3 minutes of your time and let me know what you think.

    Thanks LR
  2. i couldn't sell a comic con costume code for 100M. A name for 300M is a waste of time and enrgy. But OP, it's your time and energy. Good luck

    PS: I gave the codes aways to players that I know help other players. Infl is always less then karma.
  3. Just wanted to throw this tip out there... The scrapper and stalker ATOs give you 2.5% S/L defense and 1.25% melee with 3 of 6. Might be common knowledge but, you can slot 3 in 2 different powers. This gives you 5% S/L 2.5% melee. And then if you get and use the enhanc. catalyis on them it will double to 10% S/L 5% melee.

    On a few of my builds getting this much extra defense with so little lets me use more slots of other powers.
  4. hmmm... Scrappers getting a re-balance (and not a nerf)... hmmm. Bull sheet. Scrappers also do not need a taunt aura. Tanks, brutes, scrappers. Not an order of best to worst but an order of Aggro mitigation (best to less best). Scrappers are the least likely thing to get readjusted. If you fix stalkers (currently happening for those that aren't up on this stuff) and then "fix" scrappers... your just gonna be taking one step forward and two back on the whole balance issue. "Yay my stalker is closer to being as tuff' as a scrapper...... wait WdaF now my stalker is craap again."

    I don't mind the whole forum brainstorming on a useless topic thing... but this one is just hapless. IMO.

    People who think Brutes trump Scrappers are misinformed. Scrappers and Brutes both play differently. Making Scrappers "better" to make them on par with Brutes will only make this (non-issue) more of an issue.

    IOs do make ALL ATs crossover each other to the point that it's getting hard to tell the tanks from the defenders. I don't think it's a bad thing. My blaster doesn't die. With an SO build he might as well just stay at the hospital. My point being an SO'd scrapper -v- brute no doubt plays differently. With IO builds it's less clear what the diffence is. But brutes hold aggro better. Scraps critical more often. Brutes work up to kick-azz damage and Scraps start out with good damage numbers, but it stays constant. And Scrapps can't Resist the same amount as damage a Brute can. WHY did I just point out what WE ALL KNOW.... cause changing Scrappers to make them closer to what Brute can do.... Will blur these differences further. And a scrapper nerf would just herd the sheep right to Brutes.

    But.... if they up'd the damage cap on Scrappers and gave them a Fury type inherant power that wasn't +damage but +recharge. Would be a change I'd like to test.

    But for my money Scrappers are fine as is... and if you increase or decrease the AT you'd only fukk up the balance. And fukk balance anyway.

    PS: had an after thought (actually read a few more posts) SR is MY set. Was my first set ever.... i loves it. But my IO'd to all hell blaster has the same positional defense numbers (I know... SR has DDR... but my blasters got poor mans DDR... it's called purples). Also tier 9 (elude) on SR is skipable with IOs. I'd like a the T9 power that Shield gets (on Regen tooo). Now this and the posts that inspired the thought are really talking about improving SR (oh a self heal would be nice also). But all of this should be LOW LOW LOW on the list of things to do for the Devs. If it ain't broke....
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UltraBatz View Post
    Statesman died...

    No He didn't.

  6. I live in San Diego and being so close to Mexico... the word Coyote takes on a whole new meaning... needless to say I got confused.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I would have killed him... Not in a cut scene. I'm sure that <instert your Lore explanation here> would have been awesome, but I just wanted a chance to face off against him, as a level 54 hero, on my main character (and Villain) one-on-one and beat him into oblivion... I didn't want to watch Darren Wade supergun him in the back during a cut scene.
    I can help with this... i also thought the cut scene was weak and our greatest hero (our superman) needed a better send off. So.... I saved him (and plan to make a better end for him)... please take a look.

    Please let me know what you think... and how should he die?
  8. ... and by stack I'm asking about the -10% dam res.

    If it does stack... is there a max (i realize it lasts for 13.something secs)? Just feeling too lazy to go test it... but if no one answers I'm sure i'll go test it.
  9. Hey all. I've been slacking alot of late. I have lots of alts that need TF badges. So I talked to a couple of friends and we decided that we will do a weekly TF (or 2). The time and day might change from week-to-week, but most likely will be on weekends.

    This week we are running Posi 1 and 2 (and old Posi for the 40 merits). Gonna plan on running it at 1 pm pst on Saturday (dec 10th). We have 3 members and are LFM. Post here or send a tell to @last ronin or @last or Listen for my spam on TW 2.0. Might be a good way to lvl your new TWs toon.

    Next: Synapse, Sister, ext... all TBA.
  10. since the game gives us more than one type of sprint I put it in one of the "sprints". I use it as a toggle stealth. I put an end redux in another. Then I use whichever as needed. Like most people have said I use this in 99% of my toons. You never know when you need to stealth. I personally like stealthing missions. I don't get mad or say anything, but i'm always caught off guard when a teammate can't stealth on a TF. But we all play our own way.
  11. Nope... the reward scale never changed. As long as your with-in 7 levels. Past 7 you get nothing. This wasn't and idea I had. It was tested and works... till they shut it down.

    EDIT: to test the scale go kill +7s in a zone, street sweaping style.
  12. Cause nerfing farms makes me mad (and yes i know this is where AE is to be posted. but sue me)

    1) Leave AE and go back to PI.
    2) A lvl 50 spawns a map +4/8 (bosses optional) *make the 50 a buffer
    3) Everyone joins the team and enters the map
    4) Everyone quits the team, but the lvl 50 map spawner
    5) Everyone forms a new team with a lvl 48 as the leader. *if 48 good at farming is nice.
    6) The team farms the baddies and gets +7 rewards.
    7) The lvl 50 map spawner can buff and heal... anything that does no damage.

    Not a simple thing to do, but the rewards are great and with a lvl shift and incarnates it's fine.

    Min. Requ. are :
    A lvl 50 map spawner (who gets no rewards)
    A lvl 48 LvL spawner
    A bunch of people who want lots of xp.

    Also... you could form more than one team... even a league.

    There ya go!! If any of this doesn't work for you. Read again. It works.
  13. Could we please get a shark to jump over. It's been a long time coming.
  14. Monday nights!!! At least in the past. It's been thrown off by all the new content, but should get back to normal soon.
  15. MY SR scrapper loves both Carnies and Cimes. And can stand and fight and GM in the game. The answer to the OP is make both, play till lvl 20, and then pick. But that's just me. I got one of everything.

    buying powers?!

    It's all a dying games last grasp for anything that might give it another day. The OP has an opinion. Mine, I can see both sides. I've bought a ton of points on more than one account. I did 'cause i truely enjoy this game and it's a way of suporting it. I still see this "Freedom" release for what it is... shaking the players for every dime they can get. It's hard to see the gold farmers from the Game Developers as of late. And I know lots of you have a negative view of Gold Farmers and people who buy infl.

    Yes it's a business. And sure praise that if you want. However, it good to acknowledge the fact that if more and more players feel like they are being "taken advantage of" then the numbers WILL drop. When the player base drops and the money stops coming in... the game will go away. And the more obvious these high pressure sales are.. the more people will shy away from the game. If the whole thing could be less in our faces then I think people would have less resistance to the business model. And YES, one way to do that would be making VIPs pay monthly for the whole package.

    Alot of this game's player base is very loyal. We defend the game and support it even when they make REALLY big mistakes. When they turn a blind eye to PvP, when they nerf our favorite powers, and even when they overmarket new content to us. We play their game because it's our game. Like I said, I've bought alot of points, enough to know they have a point limit per month. So for all of you who posted defending the games new marketing... Right on! Support the game. To the OP... I feel ya.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TriAngel_EU View Post
    I've never had AS on a Stalker since i18.
    Works fine to just use a Stalker as a Scrapper. And it's easy to be better at it than... a Scrapper.

    Today's Assassination just makes all the difference.

    So a scrapper with really bad max HPs?
  18. Mids is a data base so it's not a "hack". I adjust the fields and add new powers all time. I can see if people are uploading their builds to the forums I can see that being a problem. If people share their Mids mods strictly for personal use it won't hurt anyone. no need for drama.

    Time Overpowered

    Not sure if it's over-power'd but my bots/time MM is a monster. With bubbles from my protector bots and the +def from the Time set all my bots have 35% def. I havn't even started my IO build and I'm lvl 33.

    I can tell this guy is gonna be tough. Overpower'd? maybe.
  20. I know I've said this before, but I don't ever care what powers any of my team-mates take or use. If someone has fun playing a MM w/o pets that's cool. If you want a Kin w/o speed boost that's cool. Use what you like.... it's all cool.