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  1. Just watched eps 5.

    Everything burns *brrr*
  2. I suspect it will proably be Daredevil.
  3. I could this seeing being really good like a Serenity style plot with a small rag tag bunch of freedom fighters.

    I'm in wait and see mode on this. More Groot and Rocket Raccoon is fine with me!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
    I'd say the bigger enemies he's had to deal with over the last decade or so have been familiar faces: Lex Luthor (of course), Brainiac, General Zod...

    Beyond that, there's always the odd lesser foe or natural disaster/socio-political issue that crops up.

    As another poster said, I think the best Superman story I've read in quite a while was "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?" Which was technically just one issue, though the new characters from that story did pop up again later on in Supes' own titles and JLA. The Elite were pretty much a shameless riff on the Authority from Wildstorm.
    That a great issue and Superman pretty well kicks there butts.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    The second I saw that Time Manipulation animation, the Time Warp song started playing in my head.
    I thought of this instead...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    Dr. Strange has actually been pretty active after being released from being the Sorcerer Supreme. He is currently a member of the New Avengers and had a part of the Hulks story in Chaos War where he was once again possessed by Zom.
    huh. didn't know about the latter part. I don't follow Marvel that closely..
  7. Glad to see Dr. Strange getting some action time again.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Potential VIP.

    I was going to say something like this but yes yes and yes.
  9. Gail simone said she will use Stephanie if she can.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
    Supposedly the Red Lanterns are going to be the major antagonists, at least to start. We'll see.
    Dex-Starr has to show up!! PLeaseee.
  11. I love to be at the DC panel at Comic-con this year. Be soo interesting
  12. A good starting point Imo if you don't want to go back and get all the trades is the newer series starting at issue 101..
  13. Best movie coming out this summer?? YES!
  14. KowaiKawaii


    Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
    Anyone seen it yet? I had not really been interested until I saw the previews, and I picked up one of the prequel graphic novels. Now I think I want to see it.
    I'll note the orgainal graphic novels are -very- different that the moive. Only thing they really have in common is the title.
  15. squee! Kigowg! (I know I'm probably spelling that so wrong! )
  16. KowaiKawaii

    Death penalty

    I like the system we have for penalty for Dying a little bit of xp dept.

    I know a few people here that say it isn't fun unless you have died once! and having little or no pentalty for dying means you can do crazy things and not have to worry about dying too much..

    I think i'll try and take on that group of 8 mobs 4 lv higher than me and see if I survive!

    Doing crazy thigns with this risk of dying should be fun. Risk vs reward.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
    I. Wait, what? I thought that all this Friendship is Magic was popular in an entirely 'I watch it ironically' sense. The show is actually good?
  18. *grumble* and here I was thining of starting to pick up Future Dairy.. I hope someone pick up Aira...
  19. I'm taking this with a grain of salt as this might be an Early April Fools joke.
  20. There going to run out of A-list characters pretty fast IMO.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post

    So who-all is down for the Alley Katz Gang and what server?

    So Far I have me and Nalrok on Virtue and Marcian on Justice.

    Anybody else down for some Tearing around and/or SF/TF action on the 23rd?
    Sounds like fun! I just have to think of up a good name.. send me a note as a reminder!
  22. Huh. I thought this thread was going to be about [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3_NUCLwDwk"]The Borrowers[\url]

    Which is Stuido Gibili's latest work.
  23. I recently discovered it and laugh out loud many times while watching it.