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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    And I'll still probably use both -- it's the only way to be sure.
    I see wut u did thar
  2. Spine..of course you got a spot

    Soon as a firm-ish date for the I20 drop is announced I will be getting a solid League roster together..if anyone wants to voluteer to lead a team please let me know I would like to go into it with 4 teams if possible.
  3. I can see it now..the "TF looking looking for more, pst" will turn into "Trial looking for TEAMS, pst"

    I do agree with you Turg, btw, where I am sure that we will need some trial runs first to get everyone aquainted, as not everyone has played I20 yet. It just the badger saying "I WANTS IT NAO, GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEE"

    It's going to be like herding cats the first couple times to be sure, but I am sure it will smooth out over time. Once alot of people get their Judgement/Destiny/Lore/Interface Slots, and the corresponding trial lvl shifts, I am sure it will all go smooth as glass.
  4. Well so far we have MB, Turg, Luna, Paragon, Caliburst, Toxsyn, and biggreenogre. There are a couple members of the Prophets of Supremacy that I know are interested, and I am sure we can get Morna and a couple others. I am pretty sure we can get a "league" size group of like minded individuals together.

    The main reason that a "badge league" would be optimal is sort of what happened today to me on a Tin Mage. We were all set to get the "Hacker" badge, when someone singly went charging in and started the timer, and before anyone realized it there was not nearly enough time left to salvage it. Not a big deal in and of itself, but its just a little reminder to me that unless there is total teamwork with EVERYONE in the league, certain badges, like the one that NO ONE use the temps on Maurauder, as an example. If ONE person in the league uses it, "badge" game over, and that's 32 people to have on the same page.

    Just as a heads up, I would like to try and get both "Master of" badges for these trials. It probably will not happen the day of release, being new and all, but would like to try at least within a couple days of release.
  5. Being as the new trials are in Open Beta, going live should be "right around the corner". It may still be a couple weeks off...but who would be interested in getting some of those harder badges? I would like to get enough people to put a "league" size group togther of like-minded individuals to accomplish this..Anyone interested?
  6. Kotchie

    Monster Hunter

    TBH i used Local Man's guide and build recommendations, and have had FANTASATIC success with my Ill/Rad.

    Having said that, the strategy I use for the actual battle is cast RA (to get the rech bonus) cast PA to take the aggro, anchor/cast my debuffs, unleash Spooky (more for my visual entertainment than actual usefulness, but he helps if the GM has mobs around that are getting in the way) then as PA is recast i summon the Phantasm to take over aggro so i do not get any, if Phantasam survives (I try to keep him healed if I can) during the PA resummoning (its perma, but there is a lag period between castings) he helps out with the DPS. I use my attacks, but try to conserve enough END to keep my debuffs running and ability to cast the pets.

    Using that strategy I have soloed all the GMS heroside, including Jack and Eochai together, using NO inspirations.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
    Well, I certainly hope I never end up playing with kotchie.

    Now if he had refused to play with them the second time around, or kick them right away, that is one thing, but waiting until the tf is over and they have done all the work, then kicking them off so they don't get the rewards? How were they to know who he was? Did they even know that they had offended him the first time? I mean, come on, they did the tf, played through the whole thing, and kotch even admitted it was a good run, so now he's going to grief them on the basis of some minor past offense?

    Bad, bad form. I hope they petition the admins and get there rewards reinstated.
    Most of the response to my last post were negative..and rightfully so.

    If the people who I dealt with read the thread, I apologize.
  8. Kotchie


    Just got Partner....wooters....and Gratz to all who get it!!!!!!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    They could link the WST rewards to defeating U'kon Gr'ai.
    That would not be a good idea either.

    There are ALOT of people for a mothership raid, and it can be very hard to get any damage counted for your team with so many other things going on.

    I can tell you, I did alot of mothership raids to get the badge credit for Master-at-Arms, and I probably did 1.5 to 2 times the amount of raids needed because on some raids I would get no credit at all for the Ukon Grai defeat, and I was "homing" in on Ukon EVERY time he spawned, and he spawned every raid I did.

    And I would be VERY upset if getting a reward, beyond badge credit or limited time reward (ala the CoP buff), would be tied to a Trial like this.
  10. Heres one that happened today:

    I was finishing up my 5 run marathon of Kahn and we were on the last mission. Let me preface, this was supposed to be a speed run, as were all of them. Well for this final run we are going good, no real bumps...until the last mission. We get there and start pounding on Reischman, going well. We get him down far enough to were all AV's were spawned....no big deal, like I mentioned 5th run today...I had done 6 the day before, mind you all on the same toon, all the same way So all four start in and we are still ok...then the Psi damage starts in...am I a Stone, as is the other tank..and thats when the problems start. So down I go, and out of wakes..hosp it ...get back and try again...down I go again...regroup and take out the 4 AV's and then back to Reischman...only now he is TOTALLY regened...crap So we start pounding on him again and right as we get him halfway...my computer crashes

    So I have no clue whether they finished (I am sure they did, but I won't know until I log in this afternoon for another marathon). But I feel bad I DC'd, they probably think I quit and 1-star'd me. Oh well. Not really a bad story, just a bad experience.

    BTW ...all runs today and yesterday were sucessful, including a Master of run (although 2 of the 5 yesterday could have been masters, we just didnt set for it)....and thats assuming today was a success as well...so in total that was 11 runs on one toon and 1 run on my blaster
  11. I went Cardiac for my Brute and Musculature for my Blaster...I will of course work on the others, but yes, they will have the very rare as soon as its possible.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    I lost an Armageddon Purple once. Had the big purple letters flash notifying me of the drop. After I killed all the mobs, I looked in my inventory to see it. Wasn't there...because my inventory was full and there wasn't room for it to fit...but I had some smoke grenades and revolvers.

    /Signed on this
    I thought the only way for any Recipe to drop was to have an empty slot, if all your slots were choked with grenades and revolvers, you wouldn't/shouldn't have had any purple letter flash (because you can not physically hold anymore recipes, so none would drop)
  13. Great stories people!! For this weeks stike target, the STF, I ran it a total of 13 times (2 failures) with my Stone brute and 3 times (1 failure) with my blaster.

    This weeks target , Kahn, should go easier, although I do feel for those locked into Red side, The Barracuda SF requires a certain mix of team, and without that mix, might as well not even start.

    Heres my most recent strike target tragedy:

    Join a team with a blaster. I had seen him advertising LFT, as was I, for about 5 minutes. After that, he sends a /tell that we should go ahead and start a team up. I agree and here we go. So he sends the /invite and asks what else to look for. I tell him grab some support and say I have to bio and will brb. Well I get back and he has the team filled, all 6 other slots, with scrappers, tanks and brutes. Even again, no big thing, always up for the challenge. So I glance through each toon, looking at powersets and choices, just to kind of gauge what we will be working with. 4 of the 6 he invited, No IO's (not that I am an IO snob by any means) and most have double travel powers, and they aren't SS and SJ . They have things like teleport and combat jumping as SOLE travel powers (maybe they had raptor packs). So i think to myself, maybe they got them for IO mules...but they have any IO's..so that can't be it. So as they are talking in chat, I casually ask if any had done the TF before. One and myself had, all the others had not, including the leader. So great there I am 6 melee, 1 blaster plus me, and 6 out of 8 never done this before and the one that had, had no IO's. So we have 1 guy that has an OK build (from what it looked like) the rest have SO's, and me. So whatever, always up for a challenge.
    We begin, and I tell tell ya, it was like herding cats, they/we were EVERYWHERE on that first map. No deaths, but the organization was HORRENDOUS. Now heres where you say "Why didn't you step up and take some kind of lead" Well for 2 reasons, 1. it wasn't "my" team and I will not step on a starholders toes, just not how I roll. Don't want it done when I form a team, will not do it to some one else. 2. It was funny as all get out watching these guys and reading chat. They all seemed oblivious that they were just going nuts. But we got it done.
    Second and third mission pretty uneventful, there were a couple deaths. Nothing big. Our DPS just powered through just about everything, so real debuffs were not necessary, although Envenomed Dagger is quite possibly the best temp of all time (3 of us had them and I had 5 recipes, the salvage to craft them and the worktable accolade if I ran out, and I did....twice).
    The Aeon Fight went about as expected 3 total wipes, but we got it done. Now the fun part..the patron battle. We zerged rushed them about a dozen times. Reforming each time to the chorus of "we got this, we got this". Well we didn't "have this" and the patrons is where we met our demise. We could not immob/hold GW and she was healing off us way to much, even with everyone popping purples like no tommorrow, we just could not overcome her regen.

    Total time - 3 hours 56 minutes ( a new record for me )

    Now before you say "why did you stay with a team makeup like that?", I do not like to quit team once I have been invited, if I can help it, and I am always up for a challenge. While this TF did end in a failure, it failed as spectacularly as possible and it was very fun, and that is the point of the whole game, isn't it?

    I do not expect any real bad stories will come of this weeks target, Kahn. As most of the runs I have done, are completed in less than 40 minutes, and I have never been on a failing team yet. But with as many times as I plan on running it, I am sure to get on some "interesting" teams, and am bound to fail once or twice. Stay tuned
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    Jump on a STF PuG on Friday night with my Fire/Fire/Fire blaster. Looks like a good mix. One tank, an Ill/Rad, a kin, a couple scrappers and a WS. A little bumpy start. I eat floor a couple times, but my blaster eats floor like its Ramen, so no big.

    Then we get to the last mish. Damn, its always that last mish. Despite no one saying so, its obvious a few people haven't done this TF before. Our tank is fire/fire, and understandably worried about taking on level 54 AVs. Our Ill/Rad doesnt have perma-PA. In fact, our Ill/Rad doesn't know what "perma" means.

    Myself and the WS try and talk folks through strategy as much as possible. The /kin seems utterly incapable of "staying back" when the tank goes to try and pull one of the patrons. The fire tank, for being a fire tank, does actually a pretty admirable job of tanking all 4 AVs at once, for as long as he can. Unfortunately, every time he pulls he pulls ALL FOUR AVs.

    Somehow we manage to take down Black Scorp.

    On the last pull, when people are really losing heart, I manage to peel off Mako and lead him away. The other two AVs reset, the team regroups, i got Mako away from his buddies, but I'm am one loogie away from dead. This is what team chat looked like:
    ME: GOT MAKO!!
    ME: HELP!
    ME: HELP!
    Scrapper: Oh well
    Tank: I guess we're screwed
    ME: GOT MAKO!!
    ME: GOT MAKO!!
    Blaster: better luck next time
    ME: GOT MAKO!!
    ME: HELP!
    Controller: Thx for team
    #Controller quit the team.#
    ME: GOT MAKO!!
    ME: GOT MAKO!!
    #Scrapper quit the team.#
    Tank: Bye
    #Tank quit the team.#

    only the WS actually came to help me with Mako. :-(
    He spit on both of us, and we died.

    We had the buffs, debuffs and DPS to finish the mission, but the bad communication and poor teamwork broke us.

    Luckily last night my blaster finally found a good team, and we rocked the STF in under 2 hours!
    Sounds rocky..to say the least!!

    With a good team we can usually get it done in about an hour no problem. Thats with no rushing, just a good steady pace, with a decent team mix/

    With an optimized team and experienced players (notice I did NOT say Vet players btw) we did it an about 40 minutes.

    Team makeup, inexperience, and the unwillingness to just listen is what I find turns most teams into a NIGHTMARE.

    Don't get me wrong, I will not join a team, see they have 6 melee and insta-quit, but i do try to nudge them into a direction where we have a little support. But even if the leader decides to fill the rest with melee, I will try anyway. Always up for a challenge.
  15. Being as this week's target is the STF, lets hear about your STF's

    I will start with my most recent one:

    I was on a PuG STF the other day, and we had a good mix; a tank, 2 scrappers, a blaster, 3 trollers (an emp, a rad, and a kin) and me, a brute. Good team layout. So we are humming right along for the first mission. No deaths, no real close calls, easy mode. We get to the second mission, little bumpy but nothing out of the ordinary, but we are charging through it, not thinking anything of it. Third mission, we start clearing and the Emp, out of no where, declares we are going to fast and quits , but OK, no big deal, we trudge on.

    Next mission we find the Chiefs relatively quick and start workign on the AV's, we get past the first, and the Rad says they RL aggro and quits!! So there we are, the 6 of us left, slogging through (thank goodness the Rad didn't have the Thorn temp!!). We finish the mission, barely, and move on.

    So there we are facing the 4 AV's and we try single pulling GW. No, it didn't work. We sit there and pound Scirrocco, get him down, GW, BARELY get her down, and sneeze and kill the other 2 . So we face down LR and I "tank" Recluse (I "rock" a Stone brute btw) and he is hitting me HARD, so I start popping insp and the team takes their time getting the Towers down, but finally get them down, then Recluse.

    Time total - 2 hours 34 minutes (I am sure there are longer tuns out there, but this was my longest)
  16. Even though it is "Superbowl Sunday", I am sure the CoP will still be run.

    If you want on, just be in Galaxy City by the base portal at about ~7 PM EST.

    They may run twice, in case you miss the first

    The runs usually take in the area of about 10 minutes total (yeah..they are that good)
  17. I was lucky enough to be there

    Gratz Turg
  18. I almost exclusively run with PuG's, including taskforces/trials, and Master of.... attempts. I find most people want to finish what they start, but there are always the few that think they know better than anyone else that cause the rest of the team to be miserable (I am sure I have been that guy to a few people ) I believe it always just a learning curve..i.e. I recruited and attempted 8-9 MoLGTF's before getting the badge, always learned a little something during every attempt.

    What does this have to do with topic you say...I dont know....O.O
  19. Kotchie

    Apex + Traps =

    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    Apex was fairly poorly designed. It invalidates any set that is slow or has a set up time in battle. Yes your traps MM can still take part but your secondary is mostly worthless. Yes your stone tank can take part but you're probably their worst tank choice and will be the equivilant of taking a stalker back when the LRSF first came out.

    Please devs. If you're going to force us to team to do content now, then don't poorly design future incarnate content so that it excludes certain sets. I'll likely never take my stone tank on Apex because I'll be a burden to the team. Teleports activation is too slow when Battle Maiden begins dropping those fire patches that activate in 3 seconds (so considering reaction time I have about .5 seconds to activate TP, select a location, and go there.) And no, turning off granite isn't really an option since granite gives you your mez protection. If you turn it off, you need to turn on rooted (which has a harsher speed debuff than granite) and that would defeat the point of turning off granite.
    I have run this TF many times as a "lead tank" Stone/Stone Brute...never felt as a terrible choice to me....and not that it matters, but I also have the Mo badge for a quick BM defeat.
  20. Kotchie

    Apex + Traps =

    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    Apex was fairly poorly designed. It invalidates any set that is slow or has a set up time in battle. Yes your traps MM can still take part but your secondary is mostly worthless. Yes your stone tank can take part but you're probably their worst tank choice and will be the equivilant of taking a stalker back when the LRSF first came out.

    Please devs. If you're going to force us to team to do content now, then don't poorly design future incarnate content so that it excludes certain sets. I'll likely never take my stone tank on Apex because I'll be a burden to the team. Teleports activation is too slow when Battle Maiden begins dropping those fire patches that activate in 3 seconds (so considering reaction time I have about .5 seconds to activate TP, select a location, and go there.) And no, turning off granite isn't really an option since granite gives you your mez protection. If you turn it off, you need to turn on rooted (which has a harsher speed debuff than granite) and that would defeat the point of turning off granite.
    I have run this TF many times as a "lead tank" Stone/Stone Brute...never felt as a terrible choice to me....and not that it matters, but I also have the Mo badge for a quick BM defeat.
  21. Kotchie

    Day Jobs Over.

    Popped my last Day Job this morning, along with the corresponding accolade. Sitting at 1180, cant get anymore beside Bughunter, Passport, vet badges that I will always be behind on, and stuff like that.

    Grats and Pre-Grats to all