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  1. Kotchie

    UG Trial

    I will be running this tonight for badges if you want to join in. It's not hard (I am 5-1)

    Its VERY tedious...but it is not hard if you bring Clarions
  2. Just my 2 cents, if you do enough damage to get the temp and reward, you should get the badge as well. First time, I got the temp and reward..no badge..second time, got reward merits and badge..league had 20 or so people in it, some reported not getting the badge as well...I do believe this is bugged (ala when you do a closed league trial and start, everyone gets scrambled, you do an open league trial and start, and no scramble...its weird)
  3. Kotchie

    The Underground

    This may be a bug..I do not know..but when we were doing Preservation Specialist, the area where there are 4 bombs were empty, only doubles near the spawns (who were all EB's btw). The only thing we did different was we took the main path...skipped all the bombs "in the circles" , did the double bombs...then went back to get the circle ones. We did not detonate any bombs at all.

    On subsequent runs, where we did main path and circle bombs, the quad bombs were there, and the the double bomb spawns had EB's, but they were not ALL EB's like before.

    I petition'd it (on the ones where we did path/circle bombs, we always got hit by at least one during the quad bomb phase, so i was not expecting badge for that, but the ones were we did not get quad bombs, no one detonated any bombs at all, and we got no badge)

    I am positive 100% that no one ran ahead and no one detonated any at all. (refering to the "bugged" run)
  4. Kotchie


    If any are interested, I will be running the new trial (Underground, not Sewer) ad nasuem starting tommorrow at about 630 pm EST and pretty much all day Weds, until the new shiny's have been achieved.
  5. Kotchie

    The Underground

    With Issue 21 coming up and the new Underground Trial, I thought I would start a thread for everyone to celebrate the thrilling VICTORIES and share stories of the INEVITABLE DEFEATS.
    If any one is looking for strategy guides or a map of the new trial, its in the player guides section in a thread started by VooDooGirl.

    Here are the Badges we are after.....

    Regenerate This - Defeat the Self-Repairing and Lichen Infested War Walkers within 8 minutes of starting the fight.
    Tour Guide - Don't let Desdemona's health go below 50% during the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    Preservation Specialist - Don't let any of the IDF bombs detonate in the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    Avatar Assassin - Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as an IDF bomb in the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    (Master of Underground Trial) - Earn all four badges for the Underground Incarnate Trial.

    Being as server transfers are going to be readily avaliable, if anyone is interested, I will be getting runs at these together on FREEDOM in pocket D at about 630 pm EST on Tuesday 9/13 and running most of the day on Weds 9/14. I am pretty easy to find...its @Kotchie for my global, and the toon is the same name, or just look for the slow Stone Brute if we are in the middle of the trial, just give me a few minutes and I will get you on the next run. Just a heads up, for the first few trys I will be running an Open League, but as the trys get serious, the league will close (not that all trys are not serious, its just degrees of difficulty)

    As most of the hardcore know, its WAY easier to get these badges when they are still fresh, as everyone wants to try them out. With the degree of difficulty this trial has, it will probably NOT overtake the BAF/Lam for constant runs, so as they say, get it while its hot.
  6. Kotchie

    Monster Hunters

    My solo monster hunters are an Ill/Rad troller and an Arch/MM blaster, the team GM hunter is an Ice/Storm troller.

    On the Ill/Rad, I have solo'd every GM (except Ukon Grai', no one seems to let me solo him during a raid for some reason lol) and the Arch/MM I have solo'd some of the "weaker" GM's (Kraken, Adamastor) When I mention "weaker", I do not mean to take away from those GM's or those that have had a tough time soloing them, they are just "weaker" to me and my playstyle/toons.
  7. [QUOTE=Vanden;3851141That's what we badge hunters do: we always search for and use the fastest, easiest way to earn a badge.[/QUOTE]

    I take exception to that..I call it efficiency
  8. Just a thought..

    I lead a team where all that attacked AM were Pets..either MM pets or Lore pets ...to great success, but alas the "pet bug" was in place and we were not awarded the badge (although I do believe a few people petitioned and were awarded the badge)

    I am refering to the "Avoids the Green Stuff" by the way, as the Lore pets will attack anything, not caring if its a terminal or not (alot of people are not aware that Lore pets do have MM controls and just let them be aggressive to attack everything) so a "Loves a Challenge" badge may not be in the scope of this strategy.

    If I remember correctly, using this strategy went pretty smoothly. All you had to do was target AM, set your pets to attack him, then just watch out for the Oblit. beam (and of course Dis., but just going for the "Avoids.." badge it didnt matter if you died)

    Through the course of my trying for this badge we discovered you HAD to have 12 to start the trial, but 1 could drop and you could still continue. If more than 1 dropped you ran the risk of the trial "freezing" (for lack of a better term) and be unable to continue. So I DEFINATELY concur that less people make trying for this badge EXPONENTIALLY easier (although it is alot of fun with a full league too, just not for serious badging IMO)

    Just my 2 cents, your results may vary
  9. Kotchie

    The Done Club

    Freedom should be ALOT higher. I know at least 15 people that have MoKeyes..not counting the league I was in when we got it (12 people). Thats 27 people right there.

    The Green Stuff badge and the Loves a Challenge badge are indeed sticky points, but this trial(Keys)..and the upcoming Underground..are supposed to be the "next level" evolution of trials, they are supposed to be harder that the Lam's or BAF's we run now. If it was easy everybody would be a badger
  10. Kotchie

    Issue 21 badges

    I havent played the new arcs yet (the badge ones), but can we not flashback to them? We are going to have to find a lower level to go with? *Sigh*
  11. Kotchie

    Issue 21 badges

    Two Weeks...try 2 days for the hardcore :P
  12. Kotchie

    Issue 21 badges

    Now that Issue 21 is in Open Beta, what are everyones thoughts on the new badges?

    Exploration Badges
    Dearly Departed - (-2188.2 76.6 486.4) - In front of a crypt in the center of the graveyard in Mercyview.
    Eye of the Vortex - (177.3 946.9 172.8) - On the ledge behind Diabolique in Sunken City.
    Fearless Insurgent - (-625.7 57.3 -2655.9) - At the D.U.S.T. Ranger facility in the Free-Fire Zone.
    Shell Shocked - (828.5 23.1 1955.0) - Inside the shell of a defeated Seed of Hamidon in Forbidden Crags.
    Mayhem's Prodigal - (2468.5 251.0 2254.2) - At the front door of Mother of Mercy Hospital.
    Shadow Walker - (-120.1 19.8 -1952.0) - At an activation rune for one of the Shadowed Paths in Free-Fire Zone.
    Vengeance Seeker - (1443.7 218.8 3459.2) - On a rock formation in Forbidden Crags.
    Witness for the Fallen - (180.9 13.0 -676.7) - On the shoulder of the sunken statue of Emperor Cole in the middle of the Sunken City neighborhood.

    History Badges
    The Last Word - Ten plaque/graffiti locations for the history of First Ward.
    (1931.5 50.0 -2635.1) - Resistance graffiti ("Welcome to the Last Word")
    (2302.2 239.7 1951.1) - Resistance graffiti ("Merciless Hospital")
    (-543.7 35.4 -3405.1) - Resistance graffiti ("You are now leaving First Ward!")
    (-1089.5 49.0 -2573.7) - Resistance graffiti ("First Ward's True Purpose")
    (-1106.1 19.3 202.6) - Resistance graffiti ("Even A Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day!"
    (-472.3 48.0 -2623.9) - Plaque ("CTA Terminal 1")
    (-1989.5 43.7 -2426.9) - Plaque ("Footfall Park")
    (-1147.5 32.0 -3229.1) - Plaque ("Orpheus Theater")
    (-1757.2 23.6 -1007.1) - Plaque ("The Houkwald Bridge")
    (-2314.7 83.3 -274.1) - Plaque ("The Chapel of Enduring Light")
    Accomplishment Badges
    Underground Seeker - Complete the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    Savior of Atlas Park - Complete Aaron Thiery's story arc in Atlas Park.
    Freedom Cracker - Complete Lt. Harris' story arc in Mercy Island.
    Shining Star - Complete the Level 5-9 Ongoing Training story arc from Twinshot.
    Brightest Sun - Complete the Level 10-14 Ongoing Training story arc from Twinshot.
    Supernova - Complete the Level 15-19 Ongoing Training story arc from Twinshot.
    Dark Heart - Complete the Level 5-9 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves.
    Blackened Soul - Complete the Level 10-14 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves.
    Face Of Evil - Complete the Level 15-19 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves.
    Hydra Stomper - Complete the Sewer Trial.
    Germinator Terminator - Defeat the Seed of Hamidon in First Ward.
    Knowledgeable - Purchased from the Paragon Store.

    Achievement Badges
    Regenerate This - Defeat the Self-Repairing and Lichen Infested War Walkers within 8 minutes of starting the fight.
    Tour Guide - Don't let Desdemona's health go below 50% during the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    Preservation Specialist - Don't let any of the IDF bombs detonate in the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    Avatar Assassin - Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as an IDF bomb in the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    (Master of Underground Trial) - Earn all four badges for the Underground Incarnate Trial.
    The Cleanser - Defeat all the Lost Worshippers in the Sewer Trial before defeating the Lost leader.
    Cadaver Counter - Defeat the Vahzilok leader in the Sewer Trial without killing any of the Cadavers.

    Accolade Badges

    Prime Warden - Collect all eight exploration badges in First Ward.

    Veteran Badges
    Unshakable - Earn thirty-one Reward Tokens. (Formerly for 90 months.)
    Diligent - Earn thirty-two Reward Tokens. (Formerly for 93 months.)
    Persistent - Earn thirty-three Reward Tokens. (Formerly for 96 months.)
    Rookie - Earn your first Reward Token.
    Radiant - Earn thirty-four Reward Tokens. (Formerly for 99 months.)
    1 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 12 months.
    2 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 24 months.
    3 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 36 months.
    4 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 48 months.
    5 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 60 months.
    6 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 72 months.
    7 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 84 months.
    8 Year Veteran - Have a subscription for 96 months.

    Defeat Badges
    Disappearing Act - Defeat 100 points worth of Apparitions.
    Snooze Button - Defeat 100 points worth of Awakened.
    Show's Over - Defeat 100 points worth of Carnival of Light, Vengeance, or War.
    D.U.S.T. In The Wind - Defeat 100 points worth of D.U.S.T.
    Chipped Talon - Defeat 100 points worth of Talons of Vengeance.
    Full Spectrum - Defeat one of each variety of Seedling spawned by the Seed of Hamidon.

    Day Job Badges
    D.U.S.T. Ranger - Log out in the D.U.S.T. Training Facility in the Free-Fire Zone.
    Scavenger - Log out anywhere in First Ward.
    Psychologist - Log out in the Mother of Mercy Hospital.
    Survivalist - Log out in the Survivor Compound in Eltentown.
  13. Kotchie

    The Done Club

    In spite of the new dayjob torture (torture to some, me..I don't mind THAT much) the new badges do not look to be all that difficult (at least to me). No new "no deaths" badge, which is nice. I am sure there will be at least one badge that will be a sticky one, but that goes with the territory. My guess will either be the IDF bomb/avatar simultaneous one, or no IDF bomb explosion one.

    Looks to be a fun trial.
  14. Kotchie

    The Done Club

    Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
    To the OP: Gratz!


    What's a good server with dedicated badgers who run the Keyes badges?

    Because Champion doesn't seem to offer such teams. The couple of times I was on a PuG that tried for the Bunker Buster badge, despite clear, precise instructions of what to do, we had idiotic players completely ignore the instructions, foiling the badge attempt. (Yes, I'm still bitter).

    Anyways, with the free server transfers coming with I21, I'm open to moving temporarily to a server with dedicated badgers, specifically for the KIR badges.

    Any advice is welcome.
    Freedom does it pretty regularly. With the new stuff incoming, better do it quick. The underground trial is a whole new set of badges that most will be gunning for.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Narkor View Post
    Stone/Stone Brute. Playing it without Granite armor (aka with a sh*t ton of toggles as well heavy endurance-using abilities; or how to murder a blue bar). Why without Granite? Because with it, there's less SMASH!
    I am going to have to take exception to this..that is all
  16. Kotchie

    The Done Club

    Wait for the torture if they decide to put dayjobs in the new zones.....

    From everything I have read, I21 seems like it is going to offer a ton of badge stuff (through new trials, new GM zone event..really looking forward to that...new zone in general, hopefully more TF's)
  17. I haven't read most of this..my apologizes if it has been posted.

    Arch/MM...I put out a ton of AoE, and its not a real common build (although I have seen a couple) and with IO's ...very yummy Def and Rech.

    Aim + Build-up + RoA + Exp Arrow = kills most everything..anything left.. rush in Drain Pysche and Pyschic Scream (the Mental Manip tier 9) = kills anything left standing
  18. Titan Weapons something...what armor set to go with it...not real sure yet, I would see how it plays first.

    I am not real into the concept of the Time Manipulation (Never really got into /grav, which I feel is the closest synergy)

    Street Justice just doesnt really interest me.
  19. A built /Elec is the beast you want.

    But given the choice between /WP or /Invuln...I feel the nod goes to /Will (but not by much)

    IMO, once IO's and Incarnates are involved...ANYTHING can be beastly

    Oh..one more thing...Stone Armor FTW :P
  20. Gratz' to everyone that got it

    I am sure there will be more to come.

    Turg....I do not think you have enough Lore pets :P

    I am sure the next trials will just get progressively harder. Just as getting incarnates unlocked (and being +3) made the first trials much easier. We have people soloing TF's now with ease thanks to incarnates (I realize people solo'd TF's before incarnates, but I feel unlocking incarnates enable a much wider variety of AT's to do so)

    The trials, imo, are just going to get harder, so it may be time to step up your "game" :P
  21. I think there are quite a few badge opportunities that could have been tied to this trial. Like having Anti-Matter take no damage during the reactor phase. The saving someone from Disintegration is a good one too.

    Its rough when you are running one of these and the league has mulitple members who do not really know what to do when they are hit with the Dis. beam. They start running around like a chicken with their head cut off out of fear that they are dieing, which they are, but just by popping greens they can survive it. Or just stay put so the support toons can heal you up. Protip-wait for the second to last hit of the Dis. beam and heal up full..when the last pulse hits, it will take you all the way down..but will not kill you..then pop/self heal up more and get back in the fight.

    So I do feel saving someone from Dis. beam is a good badge idea, its kinda already there from the Loves a Challenge badge though. Its a little easier in the respect that you just have to save someone instead of everyone, but still challenging in the respect that some leagues just do not have the co-ordination to save anyone. Good comparison to the Sync badge from Lambda btw.

    And I just want to throw this out there. I feel it is EXTREMELY unfair to award any badges (beyond the trial completion badge itself) AFTER a trial. I feel this sets a very bad stage for upcoming badges. An example would be that on a League where we are running fine, get the Bunker Buster requirements met, and do not have the means to complete the trial for whatever reasons (DC's, lack of support toons/not enough damage, etc...) then we do not get the badge we did earn. I call shenanigans on that.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Verene View Post
    If Omega is anything other than the ability to toss fruit pies, cupcakes and Twinkies they've really missed the boat. This is a super-hero game after all, and any super-hero knows that the only way to stop world threats beyond one's ability is through the liberal application of snack cakes. Don't believe me? http://www.seanbaby.com/hostess.htm
    This person speaks the truth.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ullikummis View Post
    Bigby's Pwning Fist?
    Someones been playing DnD to much.......:P
  24. These badges "Avoids the Green Stuff" and "Loves a Challenge" are definately a couple of the harder badges out right now.

    But remember when "Midnight Dodger that Dodges at Midnight" first dropped and was harder than anything previous? Or when MoLGTF dropped and the green mitos had a Mag 100 hold resistance? Its all perspective IMO. Albeit those badges requirements underwent radical changes (one for the better, MoLGTF, and one for the worse, MDtDaM, nuke'em strategy got nerf-batted) Now it is common to see PuG's run successful Mo attempts. Those "hard" badges suddenly got easy with time, just like Keyes will become.

    I suspect in another few weeks it will be alot more common place to see people running succesful MoKeyes trials using the strategies outlined by us, the Badge community. At times it is extremely frustrating to have "badge-itis" and I am sure all have felt it, whether you admit it or not :P But the contribution of our "kind" is very important to the overall community IMO

    I do not know where I am going with this other than to say Keep Fighting the Good Fight Badge Collectors!!