Master of Keyes Island




Well, I can't say I have it yet, but our league was able to earn 2 of the Badges:

Anti-Anti-Matter - for defeating Anti-Matter bringing his health below 10% at the first reactor & then completing the trial.

Bunker Buster - for destroying 3 doors on a bunker within 3 seconds of each other, and the repeating this with the other 2 bunkers.

But I will say these two badges were very fun getting. The otherr two badges are going to be a complete pain in the butt

But what has me questioning one of the badges is this:

Loves a challenge: Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Incarnate Trial without having anyone die or destroy any terminals in the final battle versus Anti-Matter.

The way I read this badge text is either complete the trial without dying while fighting Anti-Matter or destroying any of the terminals in the final phase while fighting Anti-Matter.

This is a tad bit misleading IMO, the badge text is read as do either of these two and you will earn the badge, but it appears you have to do both to get it. So it's going to be a job to earn this badge. My league was able to complete the trial without destroying the terminals in the end phase, but we did have a few deaths, and no badge was awarded.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
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Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
Well, I can't say I have it yet, but our league was able to earn 2 of the Badges:

Anti-Anti-Matter - for defeating Anti-Matter bringing his health below 10% at the first reactor & then completing the trial.

Bunker Buster - for destroying 3 doors on a bunker within 3 seconds of each other, and the repeating this with the other 2 bunkers.

But I will say these two badges were very fun getting. The otherr two badges are going to be a complete pain in the butt

But what has me questioning one of the badges is this:

Loves a challenge: Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Incarnate Trial without having anyone die or destroy any terminals in the final battle versus Anti-Matter.

The way I read this badge text is either complete the trial without dying while fighting Anti-Matter or destroying any of the terminals in the final phase while fighting Anti-Matter.

This is a tad bit misleading IMO, the badge text is read as do either of these two and you will earn the badge, but it appears you have to do both to get it. So it's going to be a job to earn this badge. My league was able to complete the trial without destroying the terminals in the end phase, but we did have a few deaths, and no badge was awarded.
The badge text of French client is Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Incarnate Trial without having anyone die AND destroy any terminals in the final battle versus Anti-Matter.

Good luck

Les virtuoses de la Cyberl�gion !
Atmox : Corruptor Rad/rad lvl 50.
Tu connais la chaleur Russe ?



its possible that it could be a text error and should be AND instead of OR

still, gratz on those badges already Beef lol



Thanks, yeah we will get it, just gonna be a bit of skill and a lot of luck to get those last two

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
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one question, for the not destroying terminals do you basically have to let him heal up to full each time? that shouldnt be too bad if you have a buff/debuff heavy team since the primary dmg is disintegration and obliteration beam with all the aoe buffs and destiny powers going off



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
one question, for the not destroying terminals do you basically have to let him heal up to full each time? that shouldnt be too bad if you have a buff/debuff heavy team since the primary dmg is disintegration and obliteration beam with all the aoe buffs and destiny powers going off
Yes, in the final phase when fighting Anit-Mtter, you have to let him go regen to full life. Once he reaches full life, he will come away from the terminals and the terminal will despawn. A that point you pound on him again, rince and repeat 3 times and then after the 3rd time, you take him down for good.

And of course the entire time, you are dealing with the Obliteration Beam and the Disintegration. The Disintegration is the real deal breaker in that final phase, if you don't put some serious healing on whoever is being disintegrated, he/she will die.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
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Disintegration only effects people not moving I thought, and movement should cancel disintegration?

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Originally Posted by TsumijuZero View Post
Disintegration only effects people not moving I thought, and movement should cancel disintegration?
No, that's the "Decay" debuff present on the whole map. Disintegration targets a single character and damages it several times, the last two hits taking away most of their HP. If they survive, they are drained from all endurance; if they don't survive, Anti Matter heals from their death. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
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Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
its possible that it could be a text error and should be AND instead of OR

still, gratz on those badges already Beef lol
No, it's entirely the correct phrasing for it. If it was intended to be either of those conditions = badge, it would read "without anyone dying or without destroying any panels".



In the same boat. 2 of 4, bunker buster and anti- Anti matter. The other two will be a pain. Wondering if we can just wear him down with range attacks and pets....



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
No, that's the "Decay" debuff present on the whole map. Disintegration targets a single character and damages it several times, the last two hits taking away most of their HP. If they survive, they are drained from all endurance; if they don't survive, Anti Matter heals from their death.
actually the [systemic decay] power originates from antimatter and is a 120 ft pbaoe auto power with essentially infinite target cap

as per [disintegration] it does 4 ticks of dmg total over 20 sec

tick 1 is -10% unresistable, -3% energy and -2% energy (2 sec after power hits, -15% total, 5% resistable)

tick 2 is -30% unresistable, -6% energy, and -4% energy (8 sec after power hits, -40% total, 10% resistable)

tick 3 is -55% unresistable, -14% energy, -6% energy (14 sec after power hits, 75% total, 20% resistable)

tick 4 is -99% unresistable (20 sec after power hits)

the last tick is followed 2 sec later by -150 end



Originally Posted by Yat Man View Post
In the same boat. 2 of 4, bunker buster and anti- Anti matter. The other two will be a pain. Wondering if we can just wear him down with range attacks and pets....
Thats a kind a strategy I want to try...Lore pets/Ill pets/MM pets..and knock him out.



Already posted in the general Keyes Island Reactor badge thread...but thought I would share here as well...We got it MoKeyes!!!!!!!!!!



Infinity finally some Master of Keyes Island badge holders! Thanks to the rest of the team who helped get the badge last night!

Hopper 50 MC/Emp controller -- 1397 badges (and counting)



Originally Posted by xeaon View Post
About disintegration

I saw someone died even if we were 5 healers on her case. Someone suggested its because of the DoT's, and that moving a little (not running away), would break the Dot's...

I am not sure, anyone got a clue?
The Dot's keep coming whether you run or not and people that run around all willy nilly make it harder for the healers




Still don't understand how these are fun.

There is a fine line that falls in different locations for different people, and that line divides "challenging" from "stupid waste of time." :/


Originally Posted by MISHMASTER View Post
The Dot's keep coming whether you run or not and people that run around all willy nilly make it harder for the healers
They make it easier. You heal the strike team, and not them.

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Still don't understand how these are fun.

There is a fine line that falls in different locations for different people, and that line divides "challenging" from "stupid waste of time." :/


They make it easier. You heal the strike team, and not them.
It felt like a stupid waste of time till 24 players got to wear the Keyes Master badge then it felt great.




This badge (and some of the badges associated with it) make me sad. I could've sworn someone said something along the lines of the Masters badges would no longer require "non defeat" badges.


Congrats to those who got the badges though! Nice work!

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Originally Posted by MISHMASTER View Post
It felt like a stupid waste of time till 24 players got to wear the Keyes Master badge then it felt great.
No, I suspect that it would still feel like a stupid waste of time.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
This badge (and some of the badges associated with it) make me sad. I could've sworn someone said something along the lines of the Masters badges would no longer require "non defeat" badges.
Based on our experience I think "likes a challenge" is going to prove easier than "avoids the greenstuff" actually. If we hadn't been taking out the terminals aiming for AtG, I think we could have gotten LaC on a couple of our runs as we had no deaths.

Grats to those that have gotten it.

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
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Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
Based on our experience I think "likes a challenge" is going to prove easier than "avoids the greenstuff" actually. If we hadn't been taking out the terminals aiming for AtG, I think we could have gotten LaC on a couple of our runs as we had no deaths.

Grats to those that have gotten it.
Yes, and thank you for hosting the runs

During the last run I was practically falling asleep at my desk and take full responsibility for that goof up.

I would be game for more attempts though!

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



Finally got this tonight after 10 days or so of 2 or 3 attempts a day! Thanks to all on Union who have lead and taken part in all the MO runs

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.