UG Trial




Anyone complete it? It is very long and when we got to the final AV we were confused so much that we couldn't even dent him.

I don't do Keyes because its a lesson in frustration, this one is 10 times worse. I don't think it will see much use unless its toned down at the end. Four or five people had clarion but it didn't last long enough to do much damage even stacking them end on end.

My SG and the regulars that I play with know I love a challenge, the harder the better but this one is just stupid hard.

Scataloni Volt
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Rad Scataloni



I will be running this tonight for badges if you want to join in. It's not hard (I am 5-1)

Its VERY tedious...but it is not hard if you bring Clarions



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
I will be running this tonight for badges if you want to join in. It's not hard (I am 5-1)

Its VERY tedious...but it is not hard if you bring Clarions
Like I say, I love a challenge, what time will you be doing this? Im on west coast time.

Scataloni Volt
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Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni



starting at 3 pm est until my eyes bleed



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
starting at 3 pm est until my eyes bleed
Maybe you will still be running when I get home.

Scataloni Volt
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Rad Scataloni



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
starting at 3 pm est until my eyes bleed
You better make a hole on your team for me. How do you get past the regenerating Walker, anyway? My team trounced everything until that guy, then suddenly we went splat and couldn't dent him, even stacking lichen throws constantly.



on victory we been wiping the underground trial like nobodies business lol

the 2 times ive been on the trial were both amazingly successful and im only missing one of the side badges as of now which is the IDF bomb one



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
on victory we been wiping the underground trial like nobodies business lol

the 2 times ive been on the trial were both amazingly successful and im only missing one of the side badges as of now which is the IDF bomb one
Got some cheat notes with that Regen Walker then? The best we were able to do was get it to around 85% when it would suddenly suck back all its life and proceed to Lethal Force everyone in radius.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
How do you get past the regenerating Walker, anyway? My team trounced everything until that guy, then suddenly we went splat and couldn't dent him, even stacking lichen throws constantly.
For the Self-Repairing War Walker, you should be using the Glowing Lichen temp powers. The Lichen-Infested War Walker will spawn directly after defeating it, and will regenerate substantially if it is near Regenerative Lichen (appear as the same object you clicked on to get the glowies).

What seems to work best is to pull the Lichen-Infested War Walker to a corner of the room where only 1 or 2 Regenerating Lichen are affecting it. These Lichen must be defeated ASAP. Designate a couple people to take them out ASAP and have the rest of the league focus on the AV.

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I'd love to run it too. Unfortunately the few people still running trials in the D are grind loving BAF nuts. I'll probably have to wait to play it later.

Plenty of other stuff to play with though.



I ran it last night for the first with "Mucho" and completed it, but not one stinking badge at all.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
For the Self-Repairing War Walker, you should be using the Glowing Lichen temp powers. The Lichen-Infested War Walker will spawn directly after defeating it, and will regenerate substantially if it is near Regenerative Lichen (appear as the same object you clicked on to get the glowies).

What seems to work best is to pull the Lichen-Infested War Walker to a corner of the room where only 1 or 2 Regenerating Lichen are affecting it. These Lichen must be defeated ASAP. Designate a couple people to take them out ASAP and have the rest of the league focus on the AV.
Yes this method was used last night and it worked well.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



Just ran it with Kotchie and Turg and a bunch of others and we were doing great on the badge run untill a bomb blew and we missed that one.

It was nice to finally complete this but the common drop at the end was like rubing salt in a wound, hour + trial and you get a common? lol

Risk vr's reward is way out of whack on this one.

Scataloni Volt
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Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni



Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
Just ran it with Kotchie and Turg and a bunch of others and we were doing great on the badge run untill a bomb blew and we missed that one.

It was nice to finally complete this but the common drop at the end was like rubing salt in a wound, hour + trial and you get a common? lol

Risk vr's reward is way out of whack on this one.
Twas fun. Ran it again after and got the IDF bomb badge

Running again tonight for the badge at 6 pm EST if anyone wants to come.

(probably doing a MoKeyes after too)



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
Twas fun. Ran it again after and got the IDF bomb badge

Running again tonight for the badge at 6 pm EST if anyone wants to come.

(probably doing a MoKeyes after too)
We're re-gathering tonight around 9-10pm EDT for another crack at the Avatar Assassin. Our run last night got all the rest. Interested?



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
Twas fun. Ran it again after and got the IDF bomb badge

Running again tonight for the badge at 6 pm EST if anyone wants to come.

(probably doing a MoKeyes after too)
I was in that run, actualy was my first succesful run (god i HATE that mag20 confuse, i think i took down a few fellow heroes with my FA).

What seems to work best is to pull the Lichen-Infested War Walker to a corner of the room where only 1 or 2 Regenerating Lichen are affecting it. These Lichen must be defeated ASAP. Designate a couple people to take them out ASAP and have the rest of the league focus on the AV
From my experience, ranged has a huge benefit here. If you tank the Walker in the far right corner, there is a spot just a bit back where a ranged can target all 3 of the Lichen from just 1 spot. minimal downtime, maximum efficiency

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Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
We're re-gathering tonight around 9-10pm EDT for another crack at the Avatar Assassin. Our run last night got all the rest. Interested?
I would definately join you..but I work very early in the morning, so a 10 pm EST UG trial last until 11 pm EST or so...and 3 hours of sleep just doesnt work for me on a weekday. Thats why I try alot at 6 - 8 pm EST. But I will be on at about 4 pm EST to help out a few who want it, to get it, if I can.

Currently, I am rolling in a BR/Time corr to see if the mechanics suit my playstyle. Just got him up to 50, will dump a few billion to IO him out and see how he does on these trials. So far the only other toon, beside my main Stone Brute, that I can run trials with is a DP blaster that runs in melee range the majority of the time.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Got some cheat notes with that Regen Walker then? The best we were able to do was get it to around 85% when it would suddenly suck back all its life and proceed to Lethal Force everyone in radius.
for self repairing war walker thats what those temps are for (the self repairing walker has insanely high regen, like green mito regen, the temp powers will disable it for a little bit)

for the lichen infested walker just pull it into a corner since there are only 1-2 of those lichen objects boosting its regen so its much easier to manage

the best time we had on victory so far is killing both in 3 minutes



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
for self repairing war walker thats what those temps are for (the self repairing walker has insanely high regen, like green mito regen, the temp powers will disable it for a little bit)

for the lichen infested walker just pull it into a corner since there are only 1-2 of those lichen objects boosting its regen so its much easier to manage

the best time we had on victory so far is killing both in 3 minutes
Yeah, I just decided to collect all the Lichens myself and chain-attacked it ultimately, that first team I ran with collected it but used it haphazardly. Agreed on the Walker cornering. We had a really awesome time of them last night too, somewhere in the 3-5 minute takedown time. Would've had a perfect MoUG, except I called for the Avatar kill one second too early... ;(



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Yeah, I just decided to collect all the Lichens myself and chain-attacked it ultimately, that first team I ran with collected it but used it haphazardly. Agreed on the Walker cornering. We had a really awesome time of them last night too, somewhere in the 3-5 minute takedown time. Would've had a perfect MoUG, except I called for the Avatar kill one second too early... ;(
the last underground trial i was on we got everything but the avatar assassin badge, a bunch of us in that trial though had the assassin badge from the first successful run on day 1 of the head start cause we got really lucky with the timing lol

the avatar assassin badge IMO is sort of a shot in the dark, but its still better than 3/4 of the keyes trial badges lol



Sounds like a good trial for the Willpower

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
Twas fun. Ran it again after and got the IDF bomb badge

Running again tonight for the badge at 6 pm EST if anyone wants to come.

(probably doing a MoKeyes after too)
If you are still gathering when I get there (I get off at 5 CST... which I think is 6 EST), I'd like to make a trial run with one of my toons.

If not, catch you all tomorrow

And, Turg's note about the beneficial incarnate powers is very crucial; a lot of the runs I've been on down there, folks pop the non-judgements when confused. Ageless and Rebirth both then buff the Avatar, which causes all manner of ugly deaths. So, tight Clarion control, and control of the judgements, Ageless, and Rebirths need to be stressed early on, and while approaching the Avatar.

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To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



I won't even be able to log in until Wednesday night and even then I'll only have Wed night, Thursday night, and Friday evening available. School + new work schedule has me by the short 'n curlies this time around

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