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  1. Knowmad

    Wantz Nao! !

    THIS is why I preordered! Whip > Dual Pistols
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    I would suggest you take up kid's offer though, as he led both the MoITF and MoKTF for which I got the badges.

    On the first try.

    On the same night.

    Kid knows his tactics.
    Bama (on his Blaster I think) and I (Warshade of course) also got both MOKTF and MOITF on the first try on the same night back in December. It was a PUG no less and not everyone was even level 50! The one thing in common on every successful MO* run I've done has been one or more Sonic Defenders.
  3. Whenever I get bitter and nostalgic about the good 'ol days, I just form an 8 man Positron PUG, preferably inviting folks with unknown globals. As I lay dead in some nameless Boomtown sewer, I imagine the moment when Boresight breaks, Cortex crumbles, and the ancient pixels are refreshed once more. Unleash the Kraken!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flame_Wrath View Post
    I'll bump into you guys on the forums maybe.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    i kid you not.
    Shouldn't kidengineer have a toon with this as the name?

    "i kid. you not."
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    I still want to see it on You-Tube!

    "Goggle-net...bring me my You-Tube video of 7 people TP'ing someone through the ski slope courses!"
    So you never visit Protector huh? We were TP chaining on the very first day the original slopes were introduced and every year after that. The trick is TPing on the endurance dip of the porter above you on the slope. Set up the chain on the last N gates of the course and have the racer use the jingle jet to fly through gates 1 - (N-1) before the chain kicks in. You can get gold with N > 2. Our record times were around 10 seconds on the short course and close to 22 seconds on the long course with N = 7. Previous posts/threads had screen shots of our insane times.

    We actually didn't run many chains this year, because most everyone seemed to have the badges from previous years.

    Edit a random screenshot from last year - this was done with 3 or 4 porters,

  7. Knowmad

    Generic Rant

    Unique Dragon % Arcanaville = WIN!
  8. Knowmad

    Best Teams Ever

    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    It would be fun to run on an all Kheldian team.
    Such rare events do still occur. Or so I've heard.
  9. This is not good. Somehow there must be a way to get you back in the black and roaming the City by the time Going Rogue hits.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    26 seconds?
    Focused Ice wanted to try for a record so we optimized the TP chain for that purpose. Usually we don't try for records with the TP chains for fear that the Devs might "notice" us

    For the first course our record was around 10 seconds in 2007 and the second course close to 20 seconds in 2008. Those were with full 7 porter teams.

    I've done the TP chains on Protector for the past two years. Gold can be achieved with a mere 3-4 porters. The racer flies or slides through the first few gates (no need to go fast) then the port chain whisks them to the finish. It's best if porters use Jingle Jets or Hover to position themselves just outside the flags so as not to interfere with those on the course. Binds or end bar dips can be used to time the ports. A TP chain is not only fast, but tons of fun. Most people don't believe it will work until it does.
  11. I attacked a -5 minion who was standing in some fallen leaves and I missed! The great mystery has been solved.
  12. Knowmad

    Your 1 thing?

    Dev controlled Giant Monsters once a week.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    Long ago there was a dream, had to make a choice or two
    Leaving all I loved behind for what nobody knew
    Stepped out on the stage
    A life under lights and judging eyes
    Now the applause has died and I can dream again...
    QR: Is Anybody Listening, a classic

    Is he a dot, or is he a speck?
    When he's underwater does he get wet?
    Or does the water get him instead?
    Nobody knows ...
  14. For the novice Kheld (post I13), I recommend a heavy form build with about 90% of slots devoted to the forms. Join or form LARGE teams. If you don't feel the power at that point, you aren't paying attention.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    Take note that this is *just* a story. While you'll find many copies and variations of this on the web, what you won't find is the original study.
    So can I have a banana or what?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    how much influence and IO sets to achieve your fabled awesomeness, you tentacled badgehunting freak?
    I've spent a lot, but after I13 you no longer need to. Imagine a level 23 Kheld on a large team with standard level 25 SOs running Dwarf form with 3 +res SOs. You have perma ~80% resistance to all damage but psi (and 20% to that). You also have a 40% boost to base damage from the inherent and a PBAOE that fires every few seconds. Add IO sets (especially with recharge bonuses) and it quickly gets insane, even moreso than with most ATs because IOs help greatly with the Kheld slot crunch. Much of Khelds bad rep comes from people who played them before i13, those who solo without IOs and good key binds, or those who spread their slots too thinly across all three forms.

    On a team after i13, Khelds are tank mages. I admit I may be a bit biased by having played my Warshade for thousands of hours over 4.5 years.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    Dwarf and Nova forms are merely hamstrung versions of Tankers and Blasters, respectively.
    You are wrong. I am proof.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    I'm getting old so all I got left are my stories of "the good ol' days"
    You and me both!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knowmad View Post
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Of course, it probably says something like ... "History Badges are not in yet"
    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't even know what the code says, but I have to nominate this as the best answer yet
    [/ QUOTE ]
    It is time.
  20. Knowmad

    COH Mythbusters

    Myth: Going Rogue will let your hero become a villain and vice versa
    Fact: Going Rogue = Nipple Slider
  21. This is perhaps the strangest buff/debuff powerset ever created.

    1. Intensity: This auto power boosts your range, accuracy, and perception by 20% so that you may better debuff/control/buff/attack.

    2. Enthusiasm: This click power boosts the recharge/recovery/mez resistance of all those around you by 20% for a good long while. Duration 4 minutes, recharge 10 minutes.

    3. Knowledge: You can exploit the weaknesses of your enemies. This auto power boosts all secondary effects by 50%.

    4. Time Out: This click power placates everything in an area so that they no longer wish to threaten/attack, even if you attack them. Recharge 6 minutes, duration 30 seconds.

    5. Intimidation: This auto power boosts the duration of all control powers by 20% (immob, hold, confuse, fear, knockback, etc.)

    6. Inspire: This click power immediately grants you and all those nearby one of every kind of inspiration (just like when you level). The size of inspirations granted scales with level. Levels (1-24 small, 24-49, medium, 50, large). Recharge 8 minutes.

    7. Exploit: This click power gives all your attacks a 50% chance to critical for 50% more damage and 100% improved secondary effects for a short time. Recharge 240 seconds, duration 20 seconds.

    8. Elimination: This click power immediately removes a single enemy up to and including the rank of lieutenant from existence. It does not cause aggro and is autohit. Range 150 ft. Recharge 4 minutes unenhanceable. Takes a lot of endurance (65).

    9. Conversion: Your reputation gives you a small chance to make a friend out of a foe. This auto power gives each of your attacks a chance to convert an enemy into an ally. Chances: (10% minion, 5% lieutenant, 3% boss, 1% elite boss)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
    Really? Traps have a well deserved reputation for being more solo friendly than team friendly. Just look at the two last powers of the set; Trip Mine and Time Bomb. As I see it, a Traps Defender will bring a little mitigation to the team from Force Field Generator, a little Force Multiplier (but less than all sets but Force Field and not much more than Empathy) and a little control in Web Grenade, Caltrops, Poison Trap (nerfed). For solo purposes I'm sure it's a decent set (won't come close to Rad, Dark and Storm though) but for teams I can't see it touching most/all other sets. Or am I missing something again? I would love to hear from someone with hands on experience of the set.
    Traps has a a great mix of buffs, debuffs, and controls:

    -spd, -recharge, immob, +regen, -res, -def, +def, mez protec, hold, -tohit, -dam, -percep, -regen, +dam (mines, etc.)

    In tough situations a trapper can stack so many debuffs that hard targets melt. Poison trap is the best source of -regen in the game. That's why MMs who solo AVs/Heros often pick traps over dark, storm, etc. A traps defender will be a huge asset to any team.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jlappe View Post
    Anyone else thinking Traps/ Super Team!!!!!!!!
    Just one traps defender will make a team awesome. 2 or more would be insane fun.
  24. I've been playing on Protector for 5+ years. Originally I chose it because it was small and had less lag. I've stayed because of all the great people. Really you can't go wrong with any server. The longer you stay the better it gets.
  25. Knowmad

    So Long...

    Catch ya later Flame. I can't believe we've played this one game for over five years. I've switched jobs and homes in that amount of time!

    So are you switching to that other game that shall not be named or swearing off of virtual reality in favor of the "real" thing?