A new kind of defender
So.... Sicilian mob boss?
Far too many powers with stupid long recharges. Some powers come across as fairly tame. Others, ie Time Out, are simply "I win" buttons.
Yeah, I'd say, make Inspire a single-target buff that recharges in 2 minutes... no, it's not "better", but it's mrore in-line with the devs's supposed balancing metric. See, EVERYTHING on her can directly benifit the caster. True, this is not without precident (TA for one, Rad is another iirc) but most defense sets DO have some (or even mostly) teammate-only buffs.
Perhaps Elimination should be XP-less... or it can cause agro. Reduce the recharge time and remove the auto-hit component (rather, give it a low chance to hit)... that might make it more balanced. You seem to think "Balance" consists of 9 T9-level powers, most of which have long recharges. I don't think too many players would appreciate that.
For Conversion, would this be a "confuse" effect or something new all together?
Overall, the set lacks a cohesive theme, short of "Oh btw i can warp reality". Each individual power IS pretty nice, but I don't see the Devs going for it =/
Ah well, it's nice to mentally invent things =)

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
This is perhaps the strangest buff/debuff powerset ever created.
1. Intensity: This auto power boosts your range, accuracy, and perception by 20% so that you may better debuff/control/buff/attack.
2. Enthusiasm: This click power boosts the recharge/recovery/mez resistance of all those around you by 20% for a good long while. Duration 4 minutes, recharge 10 minutes.
3. Knowledge: You can exploit the weaknesses of your enemies. This auto power boosts all secondary effects by 50%.
4. Time Out: This click power placates everything in an area so that they no longer wish to threaten/attack, even if you attack them. Recharge 6 minutes, duration 30 seconds.
5. Intimidation: This auto power boosts the duration of all control powers by 20% (immob, hold, confuse, fear, knockback, etc.)
6. Inspire: This click power immediately grants you and all those nearby one of every kind of inspiration (just like when you level). The size of inspirations granted scales with level. Levels (1-24 small, 24-49, medium, 50, large). Recharge 8 minutes.
7. Exploit: This click power gives all your attacks a 50% chance to critical for 50% more damage and 100% improved secondary effects for a short time. Recharge 240 seconds, duration 20 seconds.
8. Elimination: This click power immediately removes a single enemy up to and including the rank of lieutenant from existence. It does not cause aggro and is autohit. Range 150 ft. Recharge 4 minutes unenhanceable. Takes a lot of endurance (65).
9. Conversion: Your reputation gives you a small chance to make a friend out of a foe. This auto power gives each of your attacks a chance to convert an enemy into an ally. Chances: (10% minion, 5% lieutenant, 3% boss, 1% elite boss)