Knight Jolt

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  1. How shocking (for all those around me).

    *zapps TPBM, transforming them into the world's slowest sloth*
  2. Talk about getting stuck with the bill.

    *ZAPP* TPBM is now a stink bug.
  3. Knight Jolt

    "Are you a god?"

    "Are you a god?"
    I do what the doctor (Venkman) says and always say yes.
  4. I am not an animal! I am a human being!

    TPBM is now a lemur named Mort.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    I tend not to be a min/max player and I don't actually consider myself to be much cop at soloing - partly because I don't enjoy playing the solo game and partly because I play squishies a lot. My main is an all elec blaster - that should tell you about where I'm at on that score.
    "Squishy" ATs are capable of soloing hard content / AVs / GMs. It's really a matter of your desire to do so and the ability to figure it out. My Elec/Elec Blaster solos AVs.

    Would I like to solo an AV and/or GM? Probably not because in my view that makes them too cheap. To me, heroism is about going up against the long odds and beating them but then again I kinda get where Jack was coming from and I know that wasn't a popular view.
    Even with the most intense build, one wrong move while soloing an AV can spell instant defeat.

    As ClawsandEffect implied, if heroism is all about beating the odds, soloing an AV is certainly heroic.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Color it light brown and it sorta looks like you're in a sand cloud.
    or dirt cloud...

  7. Historical Warrior: Samson (Tanker)

    Sports figure: Marvelous Marvin Hagler (Scrapper)

    GoNP: Al Capone's gang (Blasters and Stalkers)

    BCM: Count Chocula (MM)
  8. Quote:
    Of course, there are plenty of other things I am looking forward to.
    Yes - like gimme those APAs already.
  9. The occasional mapserver issue is all the kryptonite I need.

    /no thanks
  10. If you're a lvl 50 losing to lvl 45 mobs, I think the problem might go beyond your build.

    That being said, without knowing your build, I wouldn't know for sure.

    Posting your build would be the best way to get help.
  11. Quote:
    The last 3 groups I have been on have had at least 1 very suicidal blaster, is this common blue side? Or was I just unlucky. ( played mostly Red the last few years )

    Dumb players are dumb players and they're definitely not exclusive to blue side.
  12. Quote:
    1. Do you favour the idea of being able to solo EBs/AVs/GMs, if so/not, why?

    2. Have you ever soloed an EB/AV/GM, and if so how did you feel afterward?

    3. Do you think the dynamic will change after the implementation of the Incarnate system?

    4. Whatever else you wish to add.
    1. Yes to all - I don't think it adversely affects the game.

    2. Yes, I solo EBs and AVs. I think any decent player should be able to solo EBs. Soloing AVs requires much more of a specialized effort and is not for everyone. As for GMs, I've tried soloing a couple, but gave up after not making much of a dent - maybe one day.

    3. No.

    4. Silverado is an animal.
  13. Knight Jolt

    The Mall

    *heads over to food court*

    *is sprayed by perfume sample lady*

    *zapps perfume sample lady*

    *continues toward food court*
  14. Knight Jolt

    An Alien Origin

    "Alien" is too subjective. Natural covers it.

    /not signed
  15. Thunder Strike will send them flying several blocks.
  16. Knight Jolt

    The Mall


    KJ's Shock Shack
    Quality Electroshock Therapy

    "Where it's never free of charge!"

    No appointment necessary.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Even without Fitness your character still performs feats that no real human could ever perform. I consider the damage done.
    So true.

    IRL you'd be dead in 5 minutes.

    /not signed
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I only have one avatar, so the answer is "the same as usual "

    I find myself thinking more about the alternate animations, actually.
  19. Knight Jolt

    Ice Blaster

    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    Hmmm, really Knight Jolt? I'll have to give it another shot. I think it just got phased out of my attack chain once I had both Freeze Rays, then especially once I got Flash Freeze. Though, I definitely can still hypothetically see where it would be useful
    Many people view Chilblain simply as an immobilizer. It's so much more useful than that. For taking out powerful single targets, from regular bosses to AVs, there's no better ingredient.

    Find a sturdy target and spam Chilblain along with your blast powers. You should see its value there.
  20. I had grown tired of fantasy themed MMOs. I always liked super heroes and CoH began to spark my imagination.

    It took me a little longer than it shoud have to finally give CoH a try, but it was inevitable...and worth it.
  21. He told me bump up his thread...and so I did.
  22. Quote:
    Why are you a Blapper?
    I'm not.
  23. Knight Jolt

    Ice Blaster

    Chilblain is a great companion almost all the way to lvl 25, after that you probably won't need it.
    Oh, Chilblain can be a great companion for life. It's quite the boss killer on all levels.