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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    I like the idea of using another piece of fictional media as a means to determine what should happen in our fictional media.

    Personally, I think Harry Potter should have had more light sabers.
    I agree.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    I so wish they'd go through and do this for old important arcs. Set up a disclaimer before hand stating where in the CoH timeline this mission takes/took place.
    And they need to do more comic-book style "See Issue #16844616" like they did in SSA 2.1.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Well, if it comes to a stand off of multi-dimensional conqueror vs multi-dimensional conqueror, I think I'd put my money on Recluse.
    Unless the opponent is the well's champion. Best. Personal story. EVER!!!

    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    I like this thread. Lots of potential here.

    And to the poster who suggested that, without Arachnos to keep them at bay, the US would just roll in and knock over the warlords one by one... I don't want to start an RL political flamewar here, but if anything, foreign policy for the last few decades suggests that despotic rulers can do anything they like to their subjects until and unless they actually present a clear and present danger to the US, or have something the US wants. That's when the bombing starts and the tanks roll in. Take away the threat and/or ability of Recluse to make strikes (nuclear or otherwise) against the mainland, and I submit that most of the US political establishment - minus a few bleeding hearts and/or politicians trying to win votes and money from same - would be quite content to let the people of the Etoiles suffer and rot in squalor. Yes, even on our own doorstep. Hooray for realpolitik.
  4. It increase the odds that things will drop, but it's still all up to the dice. If you had a buttload of windfalls and track your drops with them and compared them with normal drop rate, you'd see a difference.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    Somebody give this man a sedative.
    A sedative chainsaw?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
    Please take your tanker agenda to a more appropriate thread.
    The Tanker Revolution WILL NOT BE SILENCED!! But perhaps it will move so as not to be a pain in the butt here.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    In order for the villains to be a threat they have to win. What parts of Paragon City do you want to give up? Which heroes should they kill? Xanatos gambits are bull s***. It's just a way for the writers to make you think the villain is winning even when they're still losing just like always.
    Only when done poorly. When done well, and you can see the payoff for the villain, it shows that the villain is a bigger threat than he seems to be at first. The most logical and effective plan is not always the one that brings you linearly closer to your goal with each step. Some of the best plans, like complex mathematics, require many steps, some of which may seem backwards at first, in order to reach the desired result.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    FYI, JRanger posts are frowned upon by mods. /signed.
  9. I just love the fact that people are drooling all over the Blaster set, when several people on the forums, some of which can be seen drooling, rail strongly against further "Anime"-ization of the game...when this set is perfect for anime-style characters. Honestly, can you think of any shounen series without at least one flash-stepper?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    In no particular order:
    • "World Wide Red" -- the gameplay is weak and it should be split into two arcs, but great story
    • "Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group" -- likewise
    • "Oh, Wretched Man!" -- an emotional story that doesn't overplay its hand
    • "The Hammer of the World" -- another good emotional story with lots of ties to the canon
    • "Ubelmann the Unknown" -- original 5th Column version only. Demerits for time travel but the original souvenir made up for it.
    • "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" -- the villainy may be low-key but it's pure evil
    • "Iron Widow" -- not as powerful as, say, "Oh, Wretched Man!" but it's up there
    • "Revenant Hero Project" -- this time it's personal
    • "The Evil Countess Crey" -- good story about good intentions and the road paved with them, and you get the goods on one of the game's Big Bads. Or would if not for a supposedly canon statement that she somehow beats the rap.

    I'm sure there are more, that's just off the top of my head.
    You heard it here first, forumites: Venture actually like something in this game.

    (Of course I tease, but you do appear to have little to no love for the game lately...)
  11. ...Uh, you guys are doin' it wrong. You're supposed to respond to the previous post's good idea with a related bad idea, and then supply your own good idea.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    At what, the horrible writing?
    Out of curiosity Venture, what is, in your...opinion, the best content in the game?
  13. Global handle: @CAPSLOCK
    Vindicators: Infernal, Luminary, Valkyrie, & Woodsman


    What I was trying to do here is lighten up his color palette, give him a more "heroic" appearance, and modernize him somewhat, while keeping a somewhat "medieval-nouveau" aesthetic (if that's a thing...). I decided to switch him over to Titan Weapons because the Demon Axe seemed to fit with the idea of a Faustian hero who binds demons and forces them to aid him in heroic deeds. He came across the axe when he was assaulting a group of Banished Pantheon who were attempting to use the magic in the axe to call one of their fallen deities into our world. He could feel the great power in the axe, and decided to use it.

    The color scheme I used was mostly red and orange, to evoke the though of flames.


    The one member of the Vindicators that I have long believed to be the ugliest. I tried to take the general look and make it match up more with how actual people in the game look, changing her from an uncanny valley machine into a real android (although, technically, since she's supposed to look female, she'd be a gynoid, but that has some...odd connotations to some people). In a pitch battle with Rikti Restructurists, a group of War Riders had managed to get Luminary alone. She fought bravely and managed to destroy them, but she was badly damaged, and her body was beyond repair. Her disembodied processors collaborated with Citadel to design a superior model, and Luminary decided to clean up a little. After all, it's not every day that you can completely rebuild yourself.


    Valkyrie had always been one of my favorite Vindicators, largely because her aesthetic was very simple. I tried to capture her look while updating it, mostly using Justice parts. I switched her to Staff Fighting so she could finally use that spear on her back, but I used the trident model because there was no single-pointed spear model (consernit, Paragon!). There was little I really felt I had to change, except for using the newer parts and their better textures.


    One of the most unnoticed Vindicators, largely because he is dead. I thought I'd take him a little down the road that Paragon took Huntsman, but still have him look a bit more civilized to reflect his desire to protect humanity and nature. He still looks more feral, and perhaps less human than before, but he's still the same Woodsman. He found his new form in a ritual being performed by the Circle of Thorns to create a demon-human hybrid, with the powers of a demon but immune to the normal ways one would destroy them. Woodsman wanted to warn the other Vindicators, but there was no time, so he took possession of the body they had created before the Thorns could give it a demonic consciousness. The body bonded with him, amplifying his powers and allowing him to live...and to destroy the group of Thorns surrounding him. He returned to the surface a new man, patrolling Eden and all the natural places of Paragon to defend nature from those who would despoil it. But is his new body truly wihout will of its own?
  14. You know, I always understood the well as an idea given form:

    (TL;DR: The Well is an infant in cosmic terms, formed of not only the potential of mankind, but also the sentient sum total of humanity's ideas and theories, regardless of what they are.)

    No matter what origin you are, no matter where your powers directly come from, they all had to start as an idea. Kung-Fu? Somebody thought of that. Magic? That was just a huge idea. SCIENCE? The scientific process is composed entirely of coming up with theories and ideas and methodically testing them. Mutation? A metaphor for new ideas and ways of thinking. Technology? That's when you take an idea about the universe and put it to use. Perhaps the Well itself may not have always been truly sentient at first, but humanity eventually learned and thought and prophesied and hope and sang out into the cosmos with the beauty of the universe echoing through it so powerfully that the Well achieved some kind of "Critical Thought-Mass", a minimum complexity required for it to be able to rise up and become self-aware. The reason it appears so chaotic and insane is because humanity is a very young race, and its Well more so. We are children, watched and empowered by an infant. When a kid sees a big mean monster coming for him, what does it do? It goes and finds a big strong grown-up to protect it (i.e. Tyrant). When it saw the Incarnates defeat Tyrant at the Magisterium, it realized they were even bigger and stronger, so it made them its champions. It all makes sense: The Well's just a scared cosmic kid, and Prometheus is a really crappy babysitter who doesn't know how to discipline it. If the Well had responsible guardians, it could grow to be massively powerful, but without the proper guidance, it could be lost to the coldness of the universe.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
    Rajani Isa! A fellow Banjo-ite!
    It took me about 5 minutes to get the OoTS reference.
  16. About Crey...Do you suppose they're into any Incarnate experimentation? I mean, there was the Experiment Gone Awry, a foray by Crey into the supernatural. We already know that those who take scientific approach to magic can actually be terrifying (Praetorian Percy Winkley, for example), but an entire corporation with even partial mastery over magic and Well powers would indeed be a mighty force to reckon with. It'd also give upper-level heroes a reason to pursue Crey again, with all the political maneuvering that that would require. I always rather liked the idea of a...Luthorian Paradox? The heroes have the raw power to uterly destroy the villains, but the villains utilize the power structure to stump the heroes, leaving heroes to wonder how to win on the villain's terms.

    Rough Example:

    Project: Demigod

    Crey research into the Arachnoids and lesser Incarnates has lead to new breakthroughs in the field of para-physics, allowing the Crey Corporation to start Project: Demigod. The project is the logical continuation of the Revenant Hero Project, supernatural research, and newly acquired knowledge (and bodies) of Incarnates: The creation of Incarnates fueled by the Well's full power, but loyal to the Countess until the bitter end. Recluse has had his agents watching the project carefully for a while, and while he sees the possible threat it poses, he also realizes it could mean being freed from that blasted puddle, so he has been secretly sending Destined Ones to their deaths for Crey's research.

    Villain: You see the power you could have to gain from stealing this research, either using it, or blackmailing Crey to get it back and then using it anyway. Rumor has it that Aeon has figured out Recluse's trickery and is none too happy. He could be the key to the mother lode.

    Hero: For some reason, fledgling Incarnates in both the Isles and Paragon City have been disappearing, just as new, more powerful Paragon Protectors have been spotted in the streets. This seems suspicious, and you're not the only person who thinks so: Manticore has been monitoring Crey activity in the Rogue Isles through his...sources, and he is convinced Crey is involved. He needs your assistance investigating this, because despite your own fame, you're still less conspicuous than a chief member of the Phalanx, and he needs somebody deniable. Go find the truth, and tell the people at any price.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    gluing feathers on a rat doesn't make it a swan.
    You are obviously doing it wrong.
  18. First things first: What Omega needs to be is a Custom Signature POwer.

    Genesis is probably going to be either a swarm summon (Think Gang War) or possibly a Clicky self buff.

    Mind: MEZ. Probably either going to be a strong group mez, or add mez procs to attacks.

    Vitae: If Genesis is not a Clicky Buff, this will be. Otherwise, I could see perhaps more alpha-style enhancements.
  19. Sammy, you're brilliant. Now, can you please get to the Shadow Shard? Portal Corp Needs you!!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    I suppose, but again, I wouldn't attribute the Well's actions to stupidity.

    Also, Venture, I call the Well "Supernatural" because at the moment it has no scientific explanation. I wasn't calling it supernatural as a way to say everyone was "magic".

    I'll rephrase it and call it "alien" then.
    I suppose in this case you'd substitute stupidity with an alien conciousness. More an Eldritch Abomination, I suppose.
  21. Sounds like one possible way to do it.
  22. This whole thread is win. Now you just need to work on the Shadow Shard and Praetorian stories that go up to 50. The deadline is last Tuesday. Get to work! I don't pay ya ta sit around! I pay ya for pictures of Spi-I mean...I don't pay you...So...


    Just get to it whenever...


  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    As far as saying that it's malicious. I'd say it's less malicious and just more alien to us. We can't comprehend why it would act in this manner so we say "What it's doing is done with malicious intent." However, since it clearly operates outside of our realm of understanding, it likely has no understanding of the concept of good or evil.
    Cosmic Hanlon's Razor?

    Hm, another question:

    Are the Shivans part of Battalion, or just another species enslaved to it?
    The implication from Drowning in Blood (Spoilers!!)

    is that they were a race whose planet and well was consumed by the Battalion, who forced them into being its harbingers.

    Originally Posted by Drowning In Blood Trial
    You have spoken with one of us, so you have spoken with all of us... That encounter has given us great hope... What may I do for you...?

    -->"I have a few questions."

    -->"Tell me of this Mother."

    The great Mother flies through the Heavens and we were her children. . . We were forced from her and left to die here, though die we did not. . . We have grown different during our time here. . . Because of that difference grown within us, we can no longer hear her song but it does not matter. . . Because she has wed the Dark Father she sings no longer. . .

    -->"Tell me of this 'Dark Father'."

    "He is greedy and gluttonous and has chased our Mother across the Heavens since time immemorial. . . Now She is His and we are orphaned. . . We hate him for all he has done and for all he has yet to do. . . Now that Mother has been made one of His brides, he turns his attention to the Blue Maiden. . .

    -->"'Blue Maiden'? You mean Earth?"

    We do not know who or what she is. . . We heard her name hissing on the thoughts of our brothers as they came to slaughter us. . .

    -->"What was the Circle of Thorns doing to you?"

    They sought to poison us with their magic. . . Being free of will and thought we were vulnerable to the call of their Leash. . .

    -->"That's all."