Community-made parts?




I had a thread on this a while back, and some people liked the idea, so I'v decided to start a new thread to prevent Necroposting:

How would you react to the idea of player-made costume parts being submitted and given/sold to players?

As I see it, the Pros are:
*People could make the parts they've been begging for for years instead waiting for the devs to make them.
*Artistic members of the community could actually see their ideas make it directly to the game.
*It could help fill some gaps in existing themes. (Captain Fluffy: "Hey, where's my PANCAKIN' shoulder parrot?")

*It'd be hard to coordinate: What file types? Maximum size? Maximum polygon count? Allowed textures/surface types? Baked-in colors? Model size?
*With the volume of submissions, they'd probably need a single dedicated staffer to look through them all!
*Possible IP issues?

Overall, while I would love to see costume parts made by the community, I wonder if it would be practical? What do you guys think? (Both the idea, and its feasibility.)

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I had had a similar idea - but how do you prevent theft? How do you prevent people from stealing work from other people online (Daz3D, Renderosity, etc.) How do you maintain quality control? What file type do you use?

Years ago VZones, which I used to actively play, started a commission artist system and they had some pretty strict guidelines and they only maintained so many artists - and your work had to sell.

But that was in 2D (still, it was a friggin nightmare.)

Don't get me wrong: I love the idea. I know that CoH has a wildly gifted talented pool of players but I do not think it is feasible for PS to handle such a "community artist" program.

Would be nice though.



All of these. Plus, how to you stop people from exploiting problems with the game rendering engine.

Years and years (and years and years) ago, I was in a Quake2 clan. One of our guys turned us on to a mod that was "meh", but was mildly entertaining for a while.

Anyhoo, later on, after he'd moved off to one of our rival clans, his skills seem to take a HUGE increase, completely out of proportion with his previous showings.

We figured he was cheating, just couldn't figure out HOW.

Anyhoo, my buddy and I are on the server alone one day and he's squatted up in a hole in the map (nice sniper point). Normally, people who do this are visible and after a couple ambushes, get blasted.

Well, I approached him every way I could think of. And he could have sworn I saw him.


So we start going through textures and models.

Turns out the "crouch" model for that particular mod was a cheat. All the polys were zeroed out. So when you crouch, you appear to go all "Ant Man" and shrink out of existence. But you can still fire. Just, nobody can see you.

We basically videoed and screencapped the entire thing. Then swapped the model for the default Quake model and a gaudy "Here I am SHOOT ME!" skin.

He pretty much fell completely off the standings that month for our server cluster. We then advertised what he'd been doing to everyone on the server.

So this, in addition to the devs being unwilling to expose the workings of the game client to players would pretty much make this a "no".

Besides, all players would have to have the assets for anyone to see them. Otherwise you would have the appearance of a broken model, as the game doesn't have a default skin or pieces if you're missing things.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Besides, all players would have to have the assets for anyone to see them. Otherwise you would have the appearance of a broken model, as the game doesn't have a default skin or pieces if you're missing things.
Even before getting into discussions of intellectual property or possible exploits, this strikes me as a very good point. Anyone remember the bug a while back that removed the 30 second timer on costume changes? Turns out that's there for a good reason - to limit the amount of costume data being transferred at any given time, so the game doesn't crash trying to handle it all. Cause that's what happened, if I remember rightly.

Now imagine that instead of a few kilobytes identifying which piece you're using in any given slot, the game now has to transfer multiple megabytes of data containing the piece itself. Even accounting for some form of storage system so you only need to get it once, that's going to put a huge strain on the system. And what does it display during the few seconds to a few minutes that you don't have it? Reminds me of playing the original Unreal Tournament online, or trying to. Every server you'd join you'd sit there for half an hour while it downloaded the map and any mods in use, really killed any desire to play the game. Of course in the modern age of internet connections that aren't quite so slow it'd be far faster, but the principle remains the same.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Again, all valid arguments, but... if these parts were included in the game, they would still be referenced in the code like any other part, just a few kilobytes in the costume data. It would just be a costume part like any other.
And what if you had thousands of them?

And please don't say you wouldn't. Take a look at the AE/Misison creator.

Even if you take our the farms and hundreds of joke missions, there are still literally thousands of legitimate missions in that thing that no one will ever get to play but which take up space.

I just don't think this would be that good an idea.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Again, all valid arguments, but... if these parts were included in the game, they would still be referenced in the code like any other part, just a few kilobytes in the costume data. It would just be a costume part like any other.
You're still assuming that the devs would give us some sort of unprecedented access to the code and the game structure within the piggs to understand how these assets work. Something they've been very loathe to do to date.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
We figured he was cheating, just couldn't figure out HOW.
Your argument is invalid because this game doesn't have pvp.

But yeah, along with everything else, what's to stop people from making...inappropriate costume pieces? The dev team would get bogged down in checking the new content being produced by people to ensure that it was safe to publish, which would probably slow down new issues/content.



I wonder if the Dev's couldn't do it as a contest. Monthly have player's choose their top 10 (more is fine with me, but pick a manageable number for the Dev's). Then the Dev's would implement the desired pieces to code.

It would be the items most wanted by paying players. If the players knew what they were doing then the pieces could be already close to ready to be put into game code-wise. If not then the piece would have to be translated to code.

With ten (or more) a month you get a rate of pieces added to the game that is controllable, so the Dev's could decide how hard it was to verify the pieces were not copied material. The new pieces would be added in with the next patch, patches come much more often now, but it wouldn't be a player side view only. Everyone could see what your character looked like.

This could also be a baby step towards a more player designs every piece of clothing for their toon from head to foot. But a manageable way to move in the direction.

But COH was the first to do AE, so they can think along these lines and this might be the type of idea that could be fleshed out.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
I wonder if the Dev's couldn't do it as a contest. Monthly have player's choose their top 10 (more is fine with me, but pick a manageable number for the Dev's). Then the Dev's would implement the desired pieces to code.

It would be the items most wanted by paying players. If the players knew what they were doing then the pieces could be already close to ready to be put into game code-wise. If not then the piece would have to be translated to code.

With ten (or more) a month you get a rate of pieces added to the game that is controllable, so the Dev's could decide how hard it was to verify the pieces were not copied material. The new pieces would be added in with the next patch, patches come much more often now, but it wouldn't be a player side view only. Everyone could see what your character looked like.

This could also be a baby step towards a more player designs every piece of clothing for their toon from head to foot. But a manageable way to move in the direction.

But COH was the first to do AE, so they can think along these lines and this might be the type of idea that could be fleshed out.
A contest where they pick maybe 10-20 every 3-4 months and add them to the game would work.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!