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  1. We've been wanting it. It hasn't happened. /signed, and good luck.
  2. I'd like to see a Community Parts Pack, but I know it'd be highly unlikely due to the sheer logistics of getting all the submissions, in the right format, going through them, and making them up to scratch.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sigium View Post
    honestly, i'd just like to see an at that shares the mastermind primaries to some degree.

    Maybe i'm just going crazy, but it seems to me that the more proliferated a primary becomes, the more powersets you're going to see being made available in the paragon market.
    Motion seconded.
  4. Hrm...I had an idea for a "Melee MM", but it was a bit different, with a Melee Primary and a Pets/Armor secondary. (Link to the thread is in Sig, Post # 1, second one down.)
  5. I had a thread on this, but a lot of people thought they might be better as APPs than mid-level pools. I honestly could see it either way.
  6. I'm really not too keen on the idea of just skipping the effort of unlocking PPPs. I honetly feel that if they added heroic and neutral patrons, a lot of the clamoring for this would be reduced... not totally gone, but reduced.
  7. If they did do this, it would make weapon-based pool sets far more likely...
  8. I'm not a Dolt, McAfee.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
    Why restrict it to beam rifle? Does time travel not work on ordinary bullets or arrows?
    Well, in order to effectively keep it moving fast enough to go backward in time, it's easier to use already very fast, lightweight particles, like the photons from a BR. You could do it with slower stuff, too.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    I do think that a "savage lands" type of zone would be a great way to showcase the various alternate-walking rigs (along with the critter pack and the rumored reptile critter pack II) A 4-legged / shapeshifter "epic archetype" that's tied to such a zone would be a great way to tie it all together.
    (SPOILER)Perhaps that's what the Primalist will be...?
  11. I actually like these mechanics, and I'd enjoy using them.
  12. I know. We figured that out a while worries.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Yeah, because responding to YOUR thread from no more than a month ago really demands a call for that. Isn't that why everyone is constantly yelling at new posters to "search first?" So that when they search, we can make fun of them for necro-posting?

    As far as I'm concerned, the idea is still good, and I still want to see this as an epic power pool. I keep throwing the idea around to people I team with in-game and I get mostly positive responses.

    I still maintain that melee characters - all of them - really need to have access to at least a pistols pool, a rifle pool and a bow pool. They don't have to be major, just as long as my Katana Scrapper can shoot guns at people.
    I wasn't trying to be mean...I'm sorry if it seemed that way...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    It is really cool though. Maybe one day we can get City of Heroes: Open Source and someone could make it
    I still say we need a community-made parts pack.
  15. Kirsten

    New Emote

    I had an idea for an emote: /em signed

    The animation would be your character taking out a petition/photo/whatever and signing it. What do you guys think?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by stevie_james View Post
    More on topic, I'd definitely jump on board for clones as Lore Pets, though I'd prefer that they just let us make our Phantoms look that way in Illusion Control.
    Yes. Yes on both points. /Signed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Battle axe, broadsword, claws, dual blades, katana/ninja blade, spines, staff fighting, titan weapons, war mace, beam rifle, assault rifle, archery, dual pistols?
    What more do I HAVE TO SAY? We didn't start the fire! It was alway burning since the world's been turning!

    But seriously, the main issue is that the set would be impossible to balance, and it would be stealing a unique thing from the Kheldian ATs. The reason they can do what they do is because they're friggin' energy beings! It's not an art, it's their biology.
  18. Uhm...No. I'm sorry, but
    1.) this would be far too OP, and tankmagery is not a thing in this game.
    2.) Kheldians are Epic Archetypes...they are designed to be entirely unique, and there will never be a powerset based off of it.
  19. I'll probably be at Gen Con as well. I'll be the one with the face.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kadmon View Post
    I am just as behind this idea as I was the original.
    As am I.