Mid to low level power pools




These power pools would be made up of the first few powers from some other pools all ready out there. The point is to let those with concepts and ideas not fitting with in the pools all ready to fulfill those concepts. There would be 5 powers I was thinking from level 20 on up to 28 but could be set lower. The point of this is for character concept more than any thing and to give him powers to help shore up a few holes that are there already with a few of the sets. I really got the idea while wanting a certain idea for a master mind that i was unable to do. I wanted a ninja master mind who was a mystic ninja with lightning like powers (and yes that's were i got the idea he has the hat as well ). Here is an example using the whip power from the master mind set had to add 2 powers to round out though, as i said these pools are for every one.

Whip Power pool
Blinding Lash - 20 Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire), Foe, -Perception)
Corruption - 22 Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire), Foe DoT(Toxic), -Res
Stunning Whip - 24 Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire), Foe, Disorient))
Lash - 26 Close, High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, Minor DoT(Toxic
Crack Whip - 28 Short Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, DoT(Toxic)

Now this is just a start please let me know if this is a good idea and if so pass along to the powers that be thank you

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



The reason for the lower power pool is for concept more than any thing else temp powers just do not cut it. Were as a mid power pool would be a way around some the the limited concepts with the power pools. All of this with out putting together a whole new power set just use whats all ready there. most would be lower powers at a higher level so the balance is there. Heck if wanted you could have a tank with a shot gun power (taking away the ability to pick one of the other powers from your primary sets).

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Wouldn't you rather have whips as a melee/range mixed attack set for Doms, and/or a melee set?

Well you did say it was an example of the concept, didn't you.

Available-to-all attack sets sounds good to me overall. I would love to have the option on my scrapper to bust out a machine gun or pair of pistols sometimes My VEAT's story has him working with elemental magic, and I'd love to give him a few fire/ice powers.

I do worry about MM's though. Their attacks are so much worse than everyone else's. How do you make, for example, a melee attack pool available to both a MM and a Blaster, and have it not be totally useless to the blaster or blatantly overpowered to the MM?



easy only giving access to the lower level powers at higher level it balances its self

here is an example

Broad Sword pool
Hack - 20 - Melee, High Damage(Lethal), Foe: -Defense
Slash - 22 - Melee, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe: -Defense
Slice - 24 - Melee (Cone), Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe: -Defense
Parry - 26 - Melee, Minor Damage(Lethal), Self: +Defense(Melee,Lethal)
Whirling Sword - 28 - Point Blank Area of Effect Melee, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe: -Defense

All of these attacks are all ready there for a melee scraper and as for blaster the redraw and the damage out put may not be as good as the attacks you all ready have but if you wanted you could take these instead of the other melee attacks you have from the second or primary pools.

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons