Pool Power Customizing




I would like to have the option to color customize my pool powers. Most of the colors they come in don't fit the toons that I create. All the other powers can be customized, even the Incarnate powers. So my question is, why not the pool powers? It would give each players toons the ability to be more unique, alowing for a much better playing experience. I wouldn't mind having the option of Minimal Effects, which would be a great idea for the Natural toons as well.



Absolutely a huge request/desire among the playerbase... so, you are not at all alone in wanting this.

There's a bit of history regarding it, but the bottom line is that they surprised us with the first wave of power customization for our primary and secondary powers. It was something that was known to be a major undertaking, due to how the coding of the powers was handled (before they ever thought to do power customization).
So, a lot of coding work had to be done for each and every power in order to make it happen. Then they had Going Rogue coming out and diverted their attention to that and everything else that has come out since then.

Possibly the biggest hurdle left is the User Interface required for Power Pool customization.
And they never tread on UI work lightly.
They need to figure out and design how it'd be handled - see and customize every single power pool power from character creation and on or only as you choose the powers? - and having that many powers to deal with in a menu is no small task.

The thing that disappoints me is that, since Going Rogue, their answers regarding this large request have mostly been acknowledging our desire for it, but saying that other things have taken priority.

Who knows what has and hasn't been done yet for it... They tend to keep everything close to the vest right up until they're going to release it. So, we really can't say whether or not they've been slowly working on this or not.

Hopefully... we'll see it sooner than later, but so far all we hear is "We know you want this... it's not on the calendar yet".

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Yes we want it, but it's most likely not a priority.



Like quivers, scabbards, waist capes for male widows, carnie masks/sashes for males, and "low hanging fruit" love for base items, this is on my list of "I'll believe it when I see it."

They know we want it. Every time there is a chance to ask a dev a question, this comes up. I'm not holding my breath.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.




Hasten's aura is really bugging me on Lizardroid, for some reason.
I wish I could make it green.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



/Signed every time I see it...



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
/Signed every time I see it...



Of all the things I desperately want to see in CoH, the prospect of removing the RIDICULOUS effects of Super Speed remains close to the top.

/signed and /signed again.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Of all the things I desperately want to see in CoH, the prospect of removing the RIDICULOUS effects of Super Speed remains close to the top.

/signed and /signed again.
I'll only approve this thread's suggestion if I can have all your "ridiculous" super speed effects

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I am going to keep bringing this topic up until in comes to fruition.



Originally Posted by SilentSentry View Post
I am going to keep bringing this topic up until in comes to fruition.
I'm fairly certain that this is actually against the rules of using the forum.

Just a heads up.



Originally Posted by SilentSentry View Post
I am going to keep bringing this topic up until in comes to fruition.
Originally Posted by stevie_james View Post
I'm fairly certain that this is actually against the rules of using the forum.

Just a heads up.
He's right.

Posting the same thing repeatedly is considered spamming.

The devs know how much we want this, and they want to give it to us just like they did with power customization (you weren't here for it, but we didn't used to be able to color our powers how we wanted them). It's a large undertaking though, so it's not going to happen soon. They worked on power customization for over a year before they even TOLD us about it, and we got it 6 months or so after they told us. Power pools will likely take just as long.

Not a new topic at all. And it's among the top 5 most requested things.

Rest assured, they WILL get to it.


Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Of all the things I desperately want to see in CoH, the prospect of removing the RIDICULOUS effects of Super Speed remains close to the top.

/signed and /signed again.
Yes. That and Hasten. I play on the lowest graphics level to not be overcome by the light coming off of my toons when they use superspeed and I hate the glowing fists that go with Hasten. And since virtually all my toons have superspeed and hasten.....





And I do believe the Devs have said it's not something they don't want to do, but they do in fact want to do it but there are some technical limitations when you are using a game engine that was created in 1999.

So don't act like the Devs have been ignoring these requests



7 year vet. VIP. I love all the work they put into the game, and I like most of their decisions, but I have to sign the absolute crap out of this. I honestly wish this were top priority till it's done. It's just a lingering eyesore hole in such a wonderfully customizable game where the whole theme is to create your own hero with his/her own story and look.

On a related note, while one of the things I love about the game is the rich lore, making the end-game powers and content pigeon-hole our heroes all into one set group secondary "origin" was a really strange decision in a "make your own hero with your own origin" game, and I hope in the future that they move away from that sort of thing.

Anywho /SIGNED!!!