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    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It's the next chapter in the Rainbow Penny Yin Happy Fun Action Show - what's not to like?
    That actually sounds like the (poorly translated) name of a Japanese Children's show:

  2. All my characters tend to fight more...plotting factions (e.g. Nemmy, Malta, etc.)

    Hate fighting Psychics...damn -Rech...
  3. Quick, Barnacle Boy! Throw a waterball!

    I really do like the look of the set, though.

  4. It's always fun to watch people's reactions to new content.
  5. Make him replace the guy in Damz's Avatar. Forever. And ever. And EVER.
  6. Psh...This idea will never go through. /unsigned.
  7. This thread tears it. Trickshooter needs to be hired on as part of the powers team.
  8. I can't say that one is mechanically better, but I've recently tried doms, and they're a load of fun! Blasters can be pretty fun if you want to be a damage spout, but I'm unfamiliar with Elec/Mental Blasters, and I've never played any sort of /Mind Dom.
  9. Kirsten

    A new intro.

    Uhm...Could you please restate that more clearly? I couldn't understand that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    New zone: Ancient japan lvls 40-50 with W.I.S.D.O.M.
    Rose Star and Spark Blade added to the game, one TF for each other.
    Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow moved to this zone as trainers and contact for history arc.
    That sounds familiar...
  11. I'd like to see rainbows for Energy Blast and Fireworks for Energy Blast or Fire Blast.
  12. Kirsten

    Epic Archetypes

    Meh. It's a bad idea, so /unsigned. I'd like to see some storylines for EATs that have switched. (Warshade returns to it evil ways, Arachnos Soldier becomes a mole for Longbow...)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I could swear I said something to the effect of "the majority"

    Okay, I'll give it to you. It's uneven. Yup. As uneven as 49% versus 51% can be!

    It's not nearly a uneven as you make it out to be.
    It's really more like 40% to 60%.

    I mean, it is a real pain in the butt to spend 4 days getting a group of pools when villains can get them in less than an hour.

    It's not prohibitively annoying, but it's still a pain in the neck.
  14. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    That's actually a pretty good rule, Memphis. I suppose that that would make Remy's post a necro. I'll keep that in mind.
  15. Perhaps from here on in, new Kheldians, instead of slotting the attacks of individual forms, one can simply slot enhancements into the form itself, and they apply to all the attacks within.
  16. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    It's funny how if somebody starts a new thread, the poster is derided for not finding an earlier thread, but if somebody finds an older thread, they are derided for "necroing". It's an interesting situation...Nobody said that additional APPs wouldn't be a good thing, and if you want those, I encourage you to start a thread to that effect, and not complain about it on a tangentially related thread. You have every right to your opinions, and you also have the right to state those opinions, but you should state them in the correct place.
  17. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    Hmm...What kind of stories might be tied to each pool?

    Midnight Spells: Stop a Rulu-Shin incursion into the Shard while learning the secret skills of the Midnighters! Contact: Montague Castanella.

    Vanguard Training: There's a mole in Vanguard who's selling secrets to none other than the Nemesis Army! Stop them, and maybe Lady Grey might teach you a few tricks! Contact: Gaussian.

    Mender Knowledge: Somebody is attacking the menders in their own time-lines at vulnerable points! Stop the assailants, but be careful! Extended time meddling can change you! Contact: Flower Knight.

    Legionnaire Training: Marathon has been tasked by Imperious with finding and training new recruits for the Cimeroran Army in order to combat the continuing menace of Romulus's rebel forces. Contact: Marathon
    Legacy Training: The Circle of Thorns has been abusing its magical expertise for long enough, and its leaders must be brought to justice! Contact: Serafina (Yes, this would replace the current Serafina, who is a store contact).

    Wyvern Training: Listen up! The villainous scum of "You-Know-Where" are planning a full-scale attack on Paragon City. Now those cowardly maggots of Longbow aren't going to act without more proof. By the time they move their sorry rears, it'll be too late. So you'll be taking care of it. You will be provided with additional training, should you choose to accept it. Contact: Tactical Lieutenant Chelman.

    Phalanxer: <Player>! I'm glad you came. With Statesman's death and the Praetorian threat, the Freedom Phalanx has been spread thin. I've been asked to find Heroes who are willing to sign on as temporary members. Contact: Brighid Moreira (The City Representative).

    PPD Training: Hey you! Yeah, you! You're gonna help me clean up the streets. Got that? And don't gimme any of that "All the enemies here con gray" crap! The guys I'm gonna send you after are much bigger, and much meaner than any old street thug. I'm talking Hellions possessed by demons! Skulls with undead armies! OUTCAST THAT BLAST YOUR FACE OFF. Think you're hero enough? Prove it. Contact: Back Alley Brawler.
  18. While I see what you're saying, one fight against the patrons doesn't really equate spending a whole arc learning the tricks of the trade...perhaps an arc/group of arcs devoted to investigating a particular patron?

    Or heroes could get their own patrons...
  19. If this ever gets done, I'd happily pay for it.

  20. I had something like this in one of my earlier threads.
  21. Nah, he's just classier than that.