Elec/Psi Blaster vs Elec/Psi Dominator




I know the former is probably "worse" overall than the latter, but how much pain are we talking? I've done Electric Control 3 or 4 times but never done Electric Blast anything. How much trouble am I make for myself?



It's like 5th best blast set damage wise...combine that with MM. So I wouldn't say it's terrible. You may feel the ENDDrain is suckie however, which is likely where the complaints for the set come from. Feeling the secondary effects are a waste for less damage.

You've done Elec Control 3 to 4 times, try something new.

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Elec blast really suffers from only having 2 st attacks, it's the only blast set I've every used that I felt I had to start off fights using my snipe.



and blaster is just worse than dominator



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Elec blast really suffers from only having 2 st attacks, it's the only blast set I've every used that I felt I had to start off fights using my snipe.
My FF/Elec/Elec defender ended up using the APP immob as a ST attack. DPS isn't so horrible for defenders once all ticks are factored in. How are blaster's immobs?



Elec Blast isn't bad. MM is one of the tastier blaster secondaries. The combination of Ball Lightning, Short Circuit, Psychic Scream, and Psychic Shockwave would be kind of sickening.

*looks at character list* It's been a while since I started a new character....

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I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Well, i've tried Electricity Blast once or twice, and I have to say that it's a good set. Perhaps not the most damaging, but i've found nothing wrong with it.

I can't say how well it goes with Mental Manipulation, but having tried it with Electricity Manipulation and Fire Manipulation, it performs well for both. With Fire Manipulation, you end up having 8 AoE attacks (Most of which are PBAoEs) then two more depending on which APP/PPP you choose. Then another one if you give them a Judgement Power.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



I hated electric blast. Really, really hated it. I rerolled it once around lvl 38 after hearing that of course it sucked, you never got enough end drain from the primary without taking electrical as the secondary, too.

So, did it all again. Got to 35 and yes, it had better end drain, but deleted it because even so, it was still painfully awful.

Did I mention the "loathed with an unholy passion" part?

Oh, yeah.



Dominator. Even with Psychic Shockwave getting its legs cut off it's still great. Throw out the cone, Drain Psyche, a few single targets to pull and add in Electrc Control's drains and soft/hard controls and you should be rocking.
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Only place I'm not really fond of electric blast is a non sapping Defender.

Elec/Mental... hmmm...

Psychic Scream will help some of the complaints above - no, it's not another ST blast, but it is another ranged attack.

Get used to resummoning sparky.

Drain Psyche and Short Circuit will probably complement each other nicely. But I don't think anyone will confuse you with a dedicated blapper.

You're going to lose a touch of control (ha!) with the secondary - nothing to stack with Tesla - but that's mostly me coming from an elec/elec background.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Elec Blast isn't bad. MM is one of the tastier blaster secondaries. The combination of Ball Lightning, Short Circuit, Psychic Scream, and Psychic Shockwave would be kind of sickening.

*looks at character list* It's been a while since I started a new character....
Also, Drain Psyche can leave you with capped recovery after a crashing nuke.

Or you can slot it for regen, and enjoy one of (the only?) few powers with slottable -Regen.

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I'd go with the Dom, but that has more to do with Blasters being underwhelming than any conceptual decision. Electric Blast on it's own won't be enough to completely drain a target (or at least, any target that matters), and while MM is a great secondary it can't make up for the Blaster's overall lack of survivability and utility.

If you wanted to try Electric Blast, you could roll it as a Corruptor. Less damage than a Blaster, but depending on your secondary you could be looking at some serious utility and survivability. No psychic secondaries unfortunately, but plenty of good ones nonetheless.