Suggestion: Revamp Safeguard Missions




Been playing some new characters blue-and-red side the last while, and the other night I ran my first Mayhem Mission in quite a while.

I had a blast- very thematic, fun gameplay what with laying waste to the city & running into occasional side missions, then you get to rob a bank and lay the smackdown on a hero.

All in all, the perfect villain experience.

And then.....we have Safeguards.

Boring, tedious, confusing, eminently skippable Safeguards.

What am I doing that's fun and special? Villains get to run amok, I get to...street sweep? Then at some random point someone robs a bank, and I'm supposed to stop them, except sometimes even when you put the smackdown on the baddie you fail the mission because a lacky got away, or you just can't find the miscreants?

I used to take them anyway for the temp travel power, but thanks to Ninja Run now I happily ignore them. My motivation when I was forced to run them was get in, make sure you don't miss the robber, get out. So I'd bee-line for the bank, lie in wait, jump them on the alert and hope one didn't get away (if I was on a melee class).

It doesn't have to be like this.

Here's an off the cuff solution to the boring, generic, often confusing gameplay of safeguards: put heros on the offensive in the Rogue Isles, the same way villains get to be on the offensive in Mayhems.

Off the top of my head, how about Recluse wants to blow up a building in Paragon or something and is massing forces at a, I dunno, sub base or something. Use one of the little fortresses in Sharkead as the map. The hero job is to drop in and crush the operation before it gets started- give them lots of inanimate stuff to blow up as in a Mayhem, with some specific targets to complete before they're able to affect the sub, or whatever the main goal is.

Specifics don't really matter, just switch the focus of the mish from hanging around doing the same thing you always do (STOP VANDALS! Whoopee!) to striking at Recluse in a meaningful, fun (& highly destructive) way.

Mayhems are super fun, Safeguards should be too.

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My City Was Gone