Possible Kheldian form Enhancement Solution...




Would that be instead of, or in addition to, being able to slot the individual powers?

If instead of, then what about powers like the self heals that Dwarf gets? The taunt/teleport? It'd also make it much harder to reasonably slot the Dwarf attacks, as well as slot Dwarf Form for resistance (admittedly not as much a problem with perma-Eclipse/perma-LightForm... but that shouldn't be the baseline).

If in addition to... seems like that'd allow slotting a massive amount of damage for Nova Form (attacks + form itself). Probably otherways it could be abused to do weird things as well.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



"Instead?" No, thanks.

While I don't normally argue from the point of IOs, this is one time I will use that as an argument. In fact, I'll use it as several:

1. There's no "Form Set" other than the ATIO set

... and I don't *believe* that can be slotted in the form power itself. Yes, that could be changed. However...

2. You're gutting bonuses.

The bonuses for powers slotted in form attacks carry over to each other. Those who HAVE built for more defense, or more recharge, or more damage or what have you would be at an *extreme* loss there.

3. You're losing options

Again, with sets. Looking at a triform PB, JUST in the form attacks, you've got Ranged attacks (x2,) Ranged AOE (x2,) PBAOE (x1,) Healing (x1,) Teleport (x1,) Taunt (x1,) and Melee (x2.) This is ignoring any slotting taking advantage of Defense debuff sets solely because those are available to most PB powers. You're taking more options away from the Warshade.

4. Losing options part II

In addition, even IGNORING IOs, I want some of my powers slotted differently - for instance, I tend to add Range to Bright Nova Scatter as it's a shorter range than the other three blasts. I don't want that going to *all* attacks, I want that going to just one.

5. Weakening the form itself

This is more for Dwarf, really, as Nova tends not to get slotted - but my Dwarf will typically have 3 Resists in and often the Winter's Gift Slow resist global. Now, if I want to slot like I normally will for my attacks, that leaves... what, a recharge and a damage? A recharge and an acc? If I slot for the attacks, I weaken the base form itself.



Curious to see how the new special AT handles forms and attacks in those forms.

I'd personally have made the powers identical but separate clicks. So you could have Proton Scatter and Nova Scatter but they'd share enhancement values, effectively having 2 powers that can have 12 slots each. Of course, with ED, slotting each with 3 dmg would get you whatever slotting you would get out of 6 slotting each for dmg.

Basically, you'd only have to slot 1 of the powers (if you took the human version) or slot both but focusing on different values such as 2nd effects.

Granted, even typing that sounds very confusing so I'm sure implementing it would be as well.