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  1. This is odd. Weren't the Alpha and Omega costumes supposed to be the only GR-only costumes? I logged into the character creator and couldn't find any of the new costume pieces.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    The profanity filter is rather retarded. For example, I cannot use the word "facial" to mean "facial expression" because the editor assumes that I'm writing about something dirty.

    Edit: And yet that same word is allowed on the forums. Go figure.
    Sounds like a fantastic way to learn of new and obscure profanity

    It could be worse though. I played another MMO once that wouldn't even allow words that contained other profane words inside them, including profanity from other languages.
    For example, you couldn't even say "reputation", because it contained the word "puta", which is spanish for a prostitute or something like that.
  3. They're just level 20 quality damage enhancements with a damage proc. I wouldn't pay $1 for them. I wouldn't actually use the mouse pad either.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Kinda underwhelmed but pleased at the same time.

    I think my least favorite has to be the PPD set. Looking at other PPD costumes here, I wish they had released something from the character on the right or center, instead of left.

    And maybe in later issues they can release more like the Seer outfits too..

    But, the sport set looks nice (is the visor a part of it?) and so does the rest. Definitely picking up the Alpha and Omega set too.
    Hmm... looks a little familiar.
  5. I think you're underestimating it. There's no need to replace an engine simply because it's old. I'm iffy on whether I'm allowed to say this or not with the ridiculous new rule, but Neverwinter Nights 1, 2, and The Witcher all use the same engine. Oblivion, Fallout 3, and I believe Morrowind all use the same engine as well.
    You should look up screenshots from each of those games for comparisons

    I don't doubt it's possible they could be planning a sequel, but I do not have any doubts whatsoever that it would be the single stupidest move of Paragon Studios' career.
  6. Anyone know if we're getting Calvin Scott's clothes? Doesn't seem likely, but I really want those gloves. The fact that I suggested those exact gloves in one of Jay's threads last year feels like a Slap in the Faceā„¢ if only Scott gets them.
    The vest might be nice too.
  7. I think I just realized what is going on. You misunderstood what was said by that developer.
    There are a lot of things like that, especially with the core engine, which would be really hard to change because those changes could have a cascading effect which would break other things in the game unless you changed them as well.
    That is perfectly reasonable, but it doesn't work in this context, because they would be creating everything from the ground up in a new game anyway. That means that even if they did change a bunch of core things, then changed everything those changes broke, they would still have at worst the same level of difficulty and time investment. Most likely a lot less.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    It may be. Oblivion's engine is not this engine. Those things wildly vary. Modders are working under a structure the devs built. It's like saying making an AE arc is the same as being a dev.
    You're severely underestimating what modders do. I'm not talking about using a little puzzle-piecing mini game the developers created for fun. I'm talking about altering core files and functions in the game.
    I don't know if you've ever played Oblivion, but with one of my mods I made it so that the player would get spattered in blood any time they killed a target up close, and could wash it off by stepping in water.

    And there is no variation from game-to-game in the creation of those things I listed. Maybe in how they're exported, stored or referenced, but those are basically just semantic differences.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Except that you said this...

    That doesn't sound any different than what you claim will be too costly and time consuming. Now granted, it would take a while (and people are suspicious that it's going on right now), but CoX is an OLD game in this industry that looks and plays OLD to the more leading edge players. I'm fine with it, or your idea, just to clarify, but I'm not a gamer type, and that's where the money is. The "completely redoing" part your proposing would be just throwing new patches on a wearing out tire. If you're going to go to all that trouble, better to put the effort into something that has more chance of lasting.
    Just to clarify, those two statements of mine go hand-in-hand. I was saying that if they're going to recreate all of those things from scratch, they may as well just do the same for this game instead since those are basically all the things that make this game look dated (that and the poor lighting, which I think they're capable of fixing), and all the new content they would have to create which would still leave them behind compared to this one could instead just be added on to this one to expand it even further.

    And I have experience creating many of those things for games. I said I'm not part of that business, but I've been a long time modder for a few different games. I was one of the top-end modders for Oblivion.
    Unless there is some huge disconnect between professional development of those things and modding them into a game, it is absolutely not easier to create something from nothing at all than to alter/improve/replace something that is already there.
    It's possible the core engine may be different since that is something modders never have access to, but models/textures/animations/effects/scripts etc? Not a chance.
  10. Now I'm torn... My Amazon order is $40 with free same-day delivery (8/17). Best Buy is $30 with free shipping, but it could take up to a week to get here and I don't have any Best Buys near here for pick-up.
    Anyone know of some other sales going on for this?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    A monster truckload of things they can't do now because of the engine they're using.
    That's easy to say, but there's nothing wrong with the engine they have. And while I'm not part of the business, I don't understand what's stopping them from tweaking the engine they already have. I'm pretty sure that's what they did when they added Ultra Mode.

    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Except that it's more costly and time-consuming to redo stuff than to just start fresh with a new engine.
    That makes no sense at all. Can you explain that?
    If you actually mean the core engine than I guess that could make sense, but that wasn't what I was talking about. None of what I listed involved the core engine.
    I was talking about the fact that a new game would require entirely new models, textures, animations, VFXs, and massive amounts of effort thinking of how the game would function and coding it.
    Then they would have to add entirely new content to it. And it would still be 6 years behind this game in terms of development time; it would be nothing more than an empty pretty shell until it's been around a few years.

    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Unlikely that it would be the same people working on both. Paragon Studios is very compartmentalized that way, as is wise.

    Or they could have dev teams lead by CoX vets with new folks under them and possibly have it be very successful. It's not like they didn't do exactly that when NCSoft bought Cryptic out.
    I don't know how involved NCSoft might be in helping them, but Paragon isn't made of money that they can just throw at the problem. They can hire a few new people, but most of their developers and creative effort would still be focused on making the sequel.
    I could very easily see us getting 1 or maybe 2 issues a year if they did this.
  12. What could CoH2 honestly do that they could not simply add to CoH1? They would be creating that game from the ground up. They could use that development time completely redoing every model, every texture, every animation, every VFX, further upgrading the graphics engine in this game, re-balancing every AT, adding new ATs, adding new content features, and still have an easier time doing that than creating an entirely new game.
    There is no logical reason for them to not simply keep upgrading what they already have.
    Also, if they started working on a CoH2 it would take years to finish, and content updates for this game would almost completely dry up during that massive amount of time because they would have to severely reduce the size of their live team to direct employees to working on the sequel.
    This game is already so-so with it's population. If they even tried that, the game would literally die off during that massive period of stagnation before they finished and they would no longer even have the resources to continue working on the sequel.

    Basically, only one of three things can happen here. Either there will not be a sequel, the "sequel" would be made by entirely different people and just be another Champions Online, or the morons would "die" trying.
  13. Also happening to me, but it only started today.

    Windows XP
  14. I can see there being a lot of basic "Fight yourself!" missions. I'll probably be making one of them
  15. is great. It's run by 3 or 4 different people and gets updated daily, so it has thousands of strips already to read.
  16. Old-west style trick shooters are seen twirling their pistol(s) all the time. The only ones that are hard to justify on a cowboy are Bullet Rain and Hail of Bullets. You can easily just skip those two attacks if they're that bad for your concept.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Interdictor_MKI View Post
    2) Many "sub-weapon" powers having random animations - such as Ice Sword and Greater Ice Sword in Ice Melee, or their firey counterparts in Firey Melee, or Stone Mallet/Heavy Mallet in Stone Melee etc. Basically so that every time you use it one of 2 or 3 animations play just so you aren't doing the same move over and over again.
    Aw, that's an awesome idea; allow us to set a power to use certain (or any if that's too complicated) of it's available animations randomly each time you activate it.
  18. Buildings look incredibly fake right now because of the un-detailed textures.
    I'd really like to see the grain and crevices and such in the stone made much more obvious, possibly with chips/cracks or peeled paint here and there.
  19. I'd like punching or touching versions of Fire Sword and Fire Sword Circle that do not have the sword (clashes with the name, I know, but Storm Kick can be turned into a punch).

    I'd like for the Energy Manipulation punches to be able to be made into kicks.

    I'd like for the VFXs on Conserve Power an Power Boost in Energy Manipulation to be colorable (does that count?)

    I'd like flashier/interesting animation options for Katana.
  20. I'd like to see them as inventions or something; powers that you collect in-game rather than choose at level.
    I think they could work as alternatives to travel powers. They could be faster than travel powers (or as strong as a highly enhanced one), but completely unusable in combat (they vanish/deactivate in combat).
    They could easily disable jumping with it active as well, and make it deactivate while swimming.

    I want my motorcycle!
  21. Haha, oh god, the Signs aliens.
    Fighting naked and bare-handed against something that basically has acid for blood, and can spit acid... and excretes acid from their skin.... and can use guns...
    And yeah, the aliens can't even open doors
    That was a terrible movie.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    You can have the hyphen (So long as no one else has it)!
    It's "Change your Forum handle" time!
    Assuming they're still doing this (Which I think they are).
    I changed mine to get the hyphen as soon as I could, hehe!

    And thanks!

    Zap zap!!
    I don't think they are. I sent them an e-mail last week and haven't gotten any kind of response. A couple days ago I even tried e-mailing Avatea directly and haven't gotten a response from him either.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
    Last time i play...epic waste of my time
    Ha, I already gave up after yesterday when I got all the way to inputting a code within 7 minutes of posting and still was not fast enough.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    I'm right there with you. If I've been in the Beta, then when we get close to the release of a new Issue, I end up so exicited I just can't play. I have to go find other things to do while I wait.

    These next 5 days are gonna KILL me. x_x
    I'm having the same issue. I really want to play a Dual Pistol blaster, so now I can't really get into playing anything else. I've resorted to playing with my character's costume and planning my build.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    The problem with merging servers in CoH is the rampant alt-itis many of us suffer from. There are many people who branched out to multiple servers long ago so they would have plenty of room for new characters. What happens to those characters if servers get merged? Name conflicts are bound to arise.

    A friend and I talked about moving to Virtue when the free transfers were announced yesterday. I checked, and I would lose the names of all three of the characters I was seriously considering transferring. And one of those is the one my global is named after. That alone almost completely killed my interest in moving any characters at all. I've had those names for years, and they are part of the characters they belong to. If my home server got merged with another one and I lost them? I'd be very annoyed. Maybe even annoyed enough to cancel.

    That's why I think merging any servers is a bad idea unless the game reaches a state where it is absolutely necessary to do so in order to keep it afloat. As things stand right now, if people want high pop servers they can go to them.
    A little off-topic further yet, but I'm confused on why we even have unique character names when everyone has a global handle to identify them.
    That's how Champions works; you can choose any name you want for your character, since you just use the global handle to distinguish/whisper/invite etc people.
    This game is way too alt friendly for unique names. Some people I've heard have literally hundreds of alts all consuming names.