Help me find some webcomicy thing to read here...
Order of the Stick. Start with the first one, stay as long as you can. Around #100, he starts heading for a big and epic story and the ride doesn't stop.
Order of the Stick. Start with the first one, stay as long as you can. Around #100, he starts heading for a big and epic story and the ride doesn't stop.
But.. been there, read that, bought the board game, re-read it again a bit too recently to do that again.

Dominic Deegan and Dr. McNinja are both high on my list, along with Questionable Content.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. From worthless fart jokes to expanded philosophy, this series has it all.
Least I Could is also a great comic. If you haven't (Though you probably have if you've read Order of the Stick), make sure you read Erfworld.
Kind of a new comic, but I'm enjoying it very much. It's a continuous story arc from the very start, so I link you to the first page: Awesome Hospital
Axe Cop and Dr. McNinja are pretty cool comics. I'm also a big fan of Brawl in the Family.
I probably should have mentioned that I'm also picky D:
Anyway, Dominic Deegan, Doctor McNinja, Erfworld and Questionable Content are all on my watchlist. SMBC isn't as frequent, but yep, love it too! I can spend some time catching up on whatever's been added since my last check; I've forgotten to recently.
Least I Could Do... werlll... I... I just don't like Ryan Sohmer's work. >_>
Awesome Hospital I have not heard of until now! And it looks like I had better read it because... Awesome!
You know, I'm starting to see a bit of a theme in recent up-and-coming webcomics. Absurdity (hopefully without the devolution into "monkey cheeze") seems to be making another comeback. And these Absurdites seem to keep grounded, whether through a central theme or character or something of the sort. What I mean is stuff like Axe Cop, or comic-I-just-was-spotted-to-yesterday Manly Guys Doing Manly Things.. that's sort of what I'm saying? Anyway, time to check out Awesome Hospital to wherever it currently is!
Thank you all for the suggesting, and keep it up! ^^
EDIT: Brawl In the Family sort of ended up in my "good enough that I liked reading it and read everything it had to offer but not quite on the list of checking it". So I do agree that it is amusing!
Self promotion is an ugly thing. But whatever, check out my webcomic, it's in my signature.
And here's a list of other, much better webcomics:
Dominic Deegan
Gods of Arr-Kelaan
Sacred Pie
Sam and Fuzzy
Zebra Girl
Captain SNES is one of my favorites. If you grew up with Captain N like I did, it's something very excellent.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
Looking for group...
I give unto you the epic that is Richard. Start from the begining.
Captain SNES is one of my favorites. If you grew up with Captain N like I did, it's something very excellent.
Even better, read Bob and George, the webcomic that practically kicked off the Sprite Comic craze along with 8-Bit Theater.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
These are the ones I read:
The Order of the Stick
Looking For Group
Girl Genius
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
Darths & Droids
Two others I have heard good things about but havent gotten a chance to read yet:
The Phoenix Requiem
Drowtales: Moonless Age
That's... a lot of links! But there are five I haven't read or heard of, so.. High five for internet problem-solvers!
So, what specifically do you love about your favorite?
And I do mean any of you! Tell me!
XKCD, the smartest webcomic on the internet.
Irregular Webcomic (the writer later made Darths & Droids), the smartest webcomic on the Australian internet
Homestuck. Above all other webcomics, this one must be read. Also listen to the soundtrack. And have fun playing the Act 4 intro (it is a godly multimedia masterpiece).
Also read Problem Sleuth, it's pretty good.
[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]
Bob and George is a Sprite Comic based on the Megaman universe, and is not only funny (Complete with plenty of running gags), but has a fun, rather deep plot, and some pretty creative takes on the various MM boss battles.
So, what specifically do you love about your favorite?
And I do mean any of you! Tell me! |
Order of the Stick - great writing, I love the personalities of the characters (yeah, that includes Belker), & Im a huge D&D fan.
Goblins - When the comic started, the writing & the artwork was weak, but once the group reaches the city everything kicks into overdrive (a huge improvement in both the writing & artwork).
anti-HEROES - The creator is a huge fan of Order of the Stick & did his comic in the same style.
If you like funny comics with pretty illustrations and a touch of dark:
Perry Bible Fellowship
A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread
Woah, it got later pretty quickly... I'd better sleep and keep reading things tomorrow.. Goodnight, and thanks for all the responses!
See, here's my thing: I'm sick, I don't have a lotta energy, I can't go anywhere... I just need to bloody READ something. I'm going out of my mind here!
I'm gonna admit, I am rather a fan of webcomics in general. But there comes a point where it gets really hard to find something good I haven't already read (or even already follow). I hit that point months ago! Maybe I'm missing a genre or two. Maybe I'm missing a hidden gem, or something way out in the open that I somehow didn't see...
So! Talk about webcomics. Talk about how much you like your favorite ones. And for the love of everything, talk about them before I pass out from boredom!