368 -
I joined this madhouse in late 2004 and to say it informed my growth as a person, would be to understate it's impact on me. I feel quite proud to be part of this community, be they those, with whom I agree or disagree.
Congrats to everyone, both players an Devs,both present and past, for making this game/ experience what it is.
Here's hoping for at least , 7 more years. -
I'm glad we've got NR on the trials, helps my non vertical types get to those turrets.. which should each have a door btw. And why not let us use origin temps. Gonna be of use just for flavour anyway an what's wrong with that.
I think I'm thinking about what you're thinking about Serva, but I'm not sure a waffle hat would look good with plaid boots.
I can see how a lot of folks could get tired of all the runs, I would too if I did 10 runs very close together. But overall I'm enjoying the runs. I think i'm enjoying this carrot, but most runs without a break for me, have been 3.
Whilst I'm happy the patch may fix some of the issue we've been having, I hope, HOPE that some consideration is given to giving us a free transfer weekend or something to compensate us. We are paying for the time and we didn't cause the problems.
Basically this is bumming me out. *sigh* -
Hey Shadow, this seems to refer to your issue, http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...64#post3571464 and seems a relatively simple fix, hopefully. Good luck =]
Someone ask em about jetpacks!...*flees*
You know what would assuage my feelings of extreme rage an contempt?
Some Free transfers.
Here's hopin'. I miss babs. But I do like the Z man. -
Whilst I'm rarely on Champion, I appreciate the Mon Avatar and sooooo, Welcome aboard!
In case you haven't seen this as yet, http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page and of course check out global channels.
Tally ho! -
Well I'm interested, though repetitive farming isn't really my thing. Not sure about the timing as yet though, but I'll see how it plays out =].
I'd bring established alts as the team needs , running out of space as it is. I'm also good for any day to try the run around. -
For every one of my alts, I always feel short on slots and usually modify a slot or 2 every so often, even if it's fine tuning a colour scheme. Then i'll leave it alone for a couple of years. But, would I even want or be able to fill any new slots, with a concept variation?...Heck yea.
Just throwing in my 2 cents.
I'm a confirmed costume w...aficionado. I like the addition of new TFs. I personally like the new Preatoria stuff. Yet, with regards to having costumes unlocked by doing a TF, I just don't care for it.
We are not the only competitors in the Hero MMO space and in comparison to one or the other, we're lacking in quantity. I'm not even gonna mention quality, as in my opinion, no one else comes close.
But back on track. I'm actually amazed that this was even a 'carrot'. You guys have learned enough over the years, that you are allowing costume unlocks via account such as when we buy a pack, or finally allowing Vanguard unlocks to be global for Vets. Yes, I know no one complains about the ITF costume unlocks a lot , I know I don't because it starts @ 35. I can wait a bit to have an established look while I unlock the total number of slots allowed. But Incarnate parts? Please no. You're not giving us more costume slots to design post 50 and it just reeks that 'feature', which I despise on another recent similar genred game made it over here. Look, we know who's Incarnate from the slotted icon. That's enough. I hope.
With respect to the comment made about street clothes not being 'heroic'...Well I know you guys are strapped for resources, so just say that. Don't make yourselves looks silly. A few of us have also been recently annoyed by a certain launcher snafu, so don't pile on.
Short story. We like costume parts. We are willing to pay for same , up to a point. So someone write up a justification to get the cash from corporate to get it done and buy some goodwill. -
I really enjoyed that little romp =D. Solid layout , enjoyed the style of the piece and chuckled quite a bit. Nice job on the 'known issues' references too.
Quote:Well this is just great. I installed the new launcher and when I try to run COH it shows a progress bar saying launching City of Heroes/Villains, gets to 100% then closes and starts the process all over again in a perpetual loop until I hit cancel.
In the properties of City of Heroes, it says 'This game does not support patching through the NCSoft Launcher'.
I'll be off playing Just Cause 2 if anyone wants me...because...that works!
Given your location, you sound like you're having the same issue I did. Try the South American fix. Yeah I know.
If you still can't access that by browser, let a buddy email it to ya. Hope it helps. -
I would like to thank GM Charles, for their assistance in handling my issue here! I was able to log in an set everything as needed.
For the heck of it I uninstalled the launcher from CP. Reinstalled same, from link provided by ZombieMan, from Ncsoft's ftp ,it self updated and it also launched the CoX updater and yes no wisp aura either.
Quote:Just a note, I followed this procedure, and when I clicked to launch the game, it brought up the old launcher and I could enter the game, the way I'm accustomed to. (No auras unlocked, I checked.)I clicked on the link in Q#2 and downloaded the file and try to run it. It pretty much destroyed my ability to play. The old shortcuts didn't work, and the file downloaded didn't run at all, and there was no new program installed anywhere...
I had to download the launcher that Zombie Man provided and downloaded the whole new installers. That seemed to work.
After that, I downloaded the 'upgraded' downloader from the COH website,which overwrote the files in such a way that it reverted to the original problem I was having, with the constant looping and no games launched.
Anyway I'm annoyed and have had enough for today. Ciao. -
Quote:I had this disgusting issue as well and while the launcher issue is still unresolved, you should still be able to get into the game. As I was advised, go into the install folder, find the new COHupdater.exe. rename it to something else, locate the OLD.COHupdater.exe and remove the' OLD. 'part. Game should launch via original launcher...for however long we can do that =[.I start the launcher.
I click on City of Heroes.
I click on Play.
It open a window to start the game.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
It open the window.
It closes that window.
Ah... I let it do it for 5 minutes.
Now I cant play the game.
So much for paying an annual subscription. -
Quote:I have issues launching CoH. I can launch GW just fine though, with CoH it starts filling up a bar of "launching game bla bla", it dissapears as it hits 100%, then it appears again, and fills up in an infinite loop. :\
Exact issue I've got =[. I sent in a support ticket via e-mail in hopes of resolution, not to mention the Master pass issue also having. I'm gonna give it a day or 2 , wait for a response and then possibly try a full uninstall / re-install, even though I am dreading it.
If you need to access the game otherwise, I was advised to rename the Updater files in the COH install folder. It seems it kept the old updater , even though it updated all my shortcuts. -
I still can't get any instance of COH to launch and I want to reset the PC to use the old launcher so I can at least access my game. Does anyone have any idea how to do that?
This is quite depressing. -
I've restarted the PC and launcher a few times, no dice. I've also got Guild Wars and that runs fine. Same problem persists for me for the COH launcher.
I enabled the Run as administrator as well to the coh file . the window overlay popped up , asking me for permission to allow NC.FindLauncherStub to make changes to pc, I clicked yes, it keeps re running, popping up an Access Denied window, unless I hit No initially to stop the cycle. =[ -
I'm using Win7 64 and have Norton Internet Security running. I updated the launcher so it now shows only Live and Test, no Beta, even though I had that installed. As far as I can tell, the only rule attached to it allows 2 way access.
Problem shows up when I choose the City of Heroes and hit PLAY NOW, it simply cycles the 'Launching City of Heroes/Villain' popup window constantly, unless I hit cancel. No game ever launches. It also seems to have rewritten all my shortcuts for my COH launcher, so I can't do jack.