1390 -
Some general thoughts:
We are not paid to beta test for the Devs!
We are not paid to beach and moan on the forums either but ...
I've been a programmer for ...
There's a large numbers of code monkeys in this forum (I am one myself) but how many of us develop systems with thousands of end users, each with unique system configurations? Not many. Those that do probably also work in the games industry.
I work on financial and costing systems in the Higher Education sector, these are delivered internally onto "merely" hundreds of corporate desktops through the use of HTML. Yet even within this predictable environment we still experience unforeseen problems due to differences in desktop and browser configuration, configurations that are supposed to be essentially the same! Plus the systems I (and my team) develop have far fewer possible permutation of actions than a large free form game like City of Heroes, yet performing a full end-to-end test of all those permutations would be prohibitively expensive, if it were even possible. So we test effected areas and do "light" general testing as befits the perceived risk. Occasionally we get it wrong.
So given all that it will be a long time before I am overly critical of Paragon Studios. And if I am critical at all, it will be with a sympathetic "I've been there" undercurrent -
Quote:Agreed. More than that I think they are generally considered to be the starting markers for the Silver AgeI tend to think of them as Silver Agers because of the impact they had then
Death of Jerry Robinson covered by the BBC -
I also suffer from Sudden Unexpected Cursor-loss
I've not proved it yet but I am sure there is something in the latest configuration of the game/Windows that causes the mouse to jump position, probably to the centre of the screen.
However I do use these custom cursors and they most definitely help -
Quote:I don't believe any of the iTrials couldn't scale perfectly well down to 8 or maybe even 6. If people want to run them as 1 out of 24 then good luck to them but that doesn't sell "Epic" for me. Epic is when I faced Tyrant one-to-one and kicked his blinged-up butt!Again that's something that you want stopped.
Offer an alternative that could actually work effectively in a MMO setting.
I'm all ears here...
EDIT: You added to your post after I posted this. So you want a bunch of small team content? What if I think epic "comic book" battles are better represented by massive 24 member leagues all working on a single trial?
I haven't done a MoM or TPN yet so I can't say about those, but probably the hardest thing to scale down to 8 or less would be the "Stop the prisoners" section of the easiest trial, but I am sure that could be done as well.
ps: I hate massive cross-over comics as well. They are never "epic" -
Hot Feet cannot be cast while you have Fly or Hover running. However you can Fly or Hover after casting Hot Feet and Hot Feet continues to work. Which is odd but I am not complaining.
My Super Strength tank wished she could Footstomp when hovering close to the ground and my Fire tanks wishes the same about Burn -
I think I must be in the wrong game forums because apparently the game most of you guys are playing is Buggycrap. Can I recommend you try City of Heroes instead? This last week I've played it more than I normally do, doing my first Underground Trial, quite a few Keyes and one or two story base arcs. I also created new characters using totally new abilities and newly purchased costume pieces. All without any problem. I have recommended it to most of my friends.
Quote:Harsh. Ghost Rider may not be great but I would list Catwoman as the worst on that list. Yes, even worst that Zoom or My Super Ex-Girlfriend! Maybe you were lucky enough never to have been exposed to that? Mind you I have not seen BarbedWire, that must be a contender?It is a cruel and malicious God have we when the ability to unsee is deprived from us mortals.
To the OP: If you are going to do this I would recommend watching Catwoman and immediately follow it up with The Incredibles because that will restore your faith in humanity. -
Quote:Corrected that for you.A Youtuber found a cloaked ship near the smallest planet in our solar system.
Interesting article but it takes the fun out of it when they say its a known effect of the photographic enhancement process and its where Mercury was yesterday. -
Both decent ideas. Of course if there was a command line method of changing builds you could do it all with one macro. So maybe we only "need" the second option?
Quote:Er no. The Virtue Name Watch thread is for people giving names away or posting names they think cool that are available.If you browse through the 'Virtue Name Watch' thread and happen upon asking for a name from someone, this comes up quite often. It's just as if someone wanted a PvP IO. Someone has it. They put it out there. You bid/do something for it. You get it. Easy as pie.
Anyways, I'm just saying. -
When people say this I think they are remembering the original missions rather than the ones the new content has replaced. The pre-Freedom Hellions base mission is better than the post-Freedom Hellions base, for example.
Quote:I was about to post the same thing.Slioghtly off-topic, but I find that I've been able to craft a needed tier 3 in about 2 or 3 BAF/LAMs, once I've got all slots unlocked. It doesn't seem that much grind is actually needed to get to a state where you can contribute.
When I decide to do my first UG I crafted the T1 Clarion from left overs. Did 2 Keyes while waiting and moved it up to a T3.
I think as long as you remember you can convert one type of component into another it doesn't take long to get to a T3. -
On a similar note I'd quite like it of server info showed up as well. Number of characters and free slots and maybe the lowest time since last logon.
Quote:This ^However...
I still would like to see the aggro cap increased (for Tankers only).
When I saw that the Brute AT Specific Invention Set provided a boost to Fury I was hoping the Tank set might provide a boost to the cap, say a unique that give +5 or +10. Then I might have been interested. -
Quote:Outside of the game you might have a point. Inside the game I expect a certain level of behaviour and for NCSoft to police that behaviour. So I actively report rude behaviour I see in game channels.For instance, freedom of speech, if you have it, does not mean "Freedom from being offended" or "Freedom from hearing rude comments".
Quote:I also think that anyone that does not like said behavior has every right to react as they see fit. -
Quote:Agree with everything except the part in bold. I agree they are being a jerk but I don't think its a good idea to be anything other than polite and I certainly don't think you have a right to be rude.I do have the right to one-star anyone that excludes players for such stupid reasons and I have the right to let everyone I can know how much of a jerk said person is.
I have every right to promote Trials and Groups that are open to anyone the game rules will allow to join and to pour derision upon anyone that won't.
So, to the OP, make a note of the recruiter, and ostracize them.
Or, in the words of my Hero, Mal, "If someone tries to kill you, you try and kill them right back."
Blimey, that sounded just like my mom -
Quote:Paying for "nice-to-haves" seems like the logical way to:Me too. I like weapon packs. I want to see many more weapon packs. A weapon for a weapon-based character is arguably as important as the rest of the costume combined, if not more so.
- Justify the creation of more "nice-to-haves"
- Keep the game accessible for those with money troubles
- Keep the game financed and viable
Is someone really complaining that some weapon options are currently free? *facepalm* -
I've seen people insisting everyone had Clarion for UG, they received loads of derision on the Broadcast channel
Quote:Agree. The annoying thing is that this game has special technology to prevent this happening. I can't remember whether it was introduced in Beta or shortly after launch, anyway its great. However they have deliberately turned it off for the new Freem content.Please don't do it again in future content devs. I leave games because of insta respawn mobs.... for good.
Is that wrong? I dont think so.
Its a mistake IMO because (as with the open instanced missions) it makes this game look like all the other games. Your starting content should be selling the game and showing off its best features, not deliberately turning them off -
I enjoyed it. Definitely more "Story" than "fight". Which I have absolutely no problem with, these are supposed to be story heavy imo. Although I suspect some people may get fed up with all the text, especially the type that will run it frequently for the rewards.
I definitely felt more like a top-flight Paragon City Super Hero in this one and less like a lackey, there-to-carry-the-luggage appendage
ps: if it was buggy then I suspect the problem is at your end because it worked great for me. Only thing that was less that perfect was one grey boss, but I enjoyed seeing how high I could get him with Knockout Blow and Vanguard Accolade -