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Quote:Short answer? We don't.I really don't think giving redside more zones and more new things, will get people playing redside more.
People already ignore it, even when given to things to do on redside.
People prefere the heroes. This isn't going to change. However, this isn't to say giving more zones/content is bad for players who prefere redside.
Though really, what I like about redside is the lack of so many zones. Why do we need tons of new zones?
What we need are more missions and content that focus less on villains being evil. I have zero interest in being an evil villain, because frankly, being evil is not enough. What I want to be is a magnificent *******. As a villain, I want the line to be my *****, to cross as many times as I please, all with the utmost of gusto.
I don't want to rob a bank. I want to walk into the bank bopping to "Zoot Suit Riot"; toss a backhanded compliment to the bank manager as I saunter past; and walk out with bags of money, the phone numbers of four tellers, and a date with the BM's wife. Why? Because screw you, that's why! -
I don't really have much preference on the subject. All I ask is that whatever we get is entertaining to experience.
For example, I rather like the western half of "Eden." It is very inspired.
Quote:Had this happen, only in my case it was the bots/pain MM (the same one from my previous post) and a DP/Elec Blaster. I thought I was clever, giving them two matching costumes.Besides finding out the difference between the exit tram and the entrance tram...
I used to have two characters that looked the same. One was a level 50 Martial Arts/Regeneration scrapper that's used to charging in face first and not dying. The other was a level 22 Dual Pistols/Devices blaster.
So on this day, I decided to level up the Dual Pistols version. Joined a team, all good to go. We get our mission, we head in, and come up on the first mob.
Not thinking, I jumped in FIRST.
Aw crap, this is my blaster...
What was the lesson learned? Be creative with your concepts!
Until the umpteen-billionth time this happened:
"Robots! ATTACK! WTF? Where'd they go?"
Que trip to tailor. -
A minor QoL suggestion I thought up yesterday while flying through Dark Astoria. Because DA is designed such that you can't see anything beyond 20ft, there is NO frame of reference AT ALL to orient to once you're out in the open air. You have the map and a working compass to navigate by, but as far as pitch is concerned, you're flying blind.
Now, consider this; flight is as common in CoH as acne is to teenagers. A lot of zones have trees, buildings, and periods of intense fog that obscures the horizon line. Even when the horizon is NOT obscured, it's still hard to tell how your character is REALLY oriented to the ground. It looks like you're flying level, but in about 30 seconds your poor character's going to be scraping asphalt off Hyperion Way with his chin.
So the suggestion: a lovely invention known to aviators as the "altitude indicator." -
Quote:I recall a moment while playing my Bots/Pain MM. I was flying through Atlas Park for reasons I do not remember, and I came upon a lowbie getting mauled by thugs. I paused to see if maybe he could squeak out a victory, but down he went.And that's how I learned that you should never slot your opening attack power next to REST!
So what have you learned while playing, and how did you learn it?
Being a helpful sort of person, I helped disposed of his remaining attackers, flew down to the fallen lowbie, and activated Conduit of Pain.
Thankfully, the lowbie was gracious enough to teleport to the hospital before my MM's humiliating demise.
WHAT HAPPENED: Conduit of Pain was (and still is) located in Slot 10 of Tray 1. Self Destruction was (and to this day is NOT) in Slot 10 of Tray 2. I had swapped the primary power tray to Tray 2, which had my MM's flight powers, to make using travel powers easier. But I forgot to switch back before hitting the "0" key.
Self Destruction is now in a floating tray surrounded by temp and booster powers I never use. WELL THE HELL AWAY from any of my main power trays. -
Quote:Hence the reason I take my MMs in last, THEN summon the pets INSIDE the mission where they're out of the way.A thousand times, this.
The other seven people on your team aren't paying fifteen bucks a month to stand on the wrong side of a sewer door and stare at your pet's butt.
Of course, I'm one of the few MM players that actually controls his pets rather than simply summon them and let them do whatever. -
Quote:Or how about:Standing on a power line is not in itself lethal. Birds do it all the time. Touching the line and the pole at the same time, that's what gets you. It's like that old saying about falling vs. the sudden stop at the end.
I've long thought we needed:
Slowhand - You've been defeated x times with your cursor on a green Inspiration or healing power. Work on that reaction time a little.
Obviously it's a bit meta, but we all know we'd have it on a bunch of our characters by now.
Cherry Tapped - You have been defeated x times by foes four or more levels below you. Keep up the good work; a few more times, and you'll qualify for a handicap placard. -
While we're proposing touches of realism concerning the helicopters, let's have characters that jump, fly, or fall into the rotors get shredded. Hit fly without looking up? BZZT! Red mist!
Or how about deadening the music and SFX if your character stands under the rotors too long to simulate them going deaf from prolonged exposure to REALLY LOUD helicopter rotors. The long you stick around, the more permanent the change.
And while we're at it, let's have standing on power lines zap a character with electricity for 5,000 points of Energy damage. ZZAPP!
At this rate, we could have a badge:
1,001 Embarrassing Ways to Die - And you somehow blundered into them all. Seriously, how many ways can a superhero eat it in this city?! -
One thing I'd like to add.
Since your Scrappers, Tankers, and Brutes are going to be melee characters, you will want them to stay close to their target.
PROBLEM: Mobs don't always stay in melee range. They'll get thrown backwards, or they'll try to run. Forcing you to break off and chase them before they get too far.
SOLUTION: Add the "follow" command to the string you're binding.
/macro find "target_custom_next enemy alive sapper$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive cairn$$follow"
Your melee toon will now automatically move into melee range of his target. If the target moves out of that range, your character will run back into range. -
Okay, guess it might be just me getting this, then.
It's not that I can't push the thought out of my mind (Arachnoids got to it first, BTW, so that shouldn't be too hard). It's just that I tend to converse with friends via Ventrilo while gaming, and a handful of the regulars are female, have multiple Incarnates, and occasionally discuss Incarnate slots in Vent.
I guess if I do hear a female voice start talking about her "interface slot," I could simply bump the SFX volume up a notch and dive into a mob of Council. The gunfire punctuated by my own character's attacks is usually enough to drown out a Vent conversation, even on lower SFX volumes.
Plus, the best synonym for "interface" I could find on thesaurus.com was "interaction." Which, after comparing semantics versus the way the slot is used ingame, is actually a better fit. -
The Interface Slot.
Sounds innocent enough...until a female character (or worse, a female player) starts discussing it. Doesn't help that it's a Physical Incarnate Slot.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to retrieve my mind from the Gutter before the Arachnoids get to it. -
Quote:Unless there's a hellfire-colored variant.
If only I could actually find the album with this song, but for song reason NONE of the music retailers are actually carrying it. This makes me sad. -
I'm the other way around; I prefer WS to PB. But for another more personal reason. I'm VERY sensitive to sounds of a certain frequency, and PBs make those kinds of noise ALL THE FREAKING TIME. It's like trying to play with a five-year-old on either side of you going "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" right in each ear.
Quote:Oh, consistency isn't the worst problem with enhancement names. Try shopping for tech origin enhancements sometime.My biggest beef back when I was brand new was the total lack of consistency in the enhancement names/titles. Stun/Disorient is just the most obvious example. Many of them have different wording going from the enhancement screen to the training stores. In my opinion they should be identical even if they all seem extremely obvious to me NOW I still remember when they weren't at all obvious.
DRINKING GAME: Take a shot every time you open an enhancement's Info window just to find out what the freaking enhancement does. -
Quote:Or he's weakened by his efforts to save Galaxy City to the point of being easily defeated by a new upstart villain Arachnos just recruited. I think that's a good way to kick off a villain's career: your new villain gets to prove his newfound villainy by kicking one of Paragon City's toughest signature heroes in the jewels while they're at their weakest.Maybe Shalice realizes its a lost cause and mind controls BABs to make him leave for his own safety. Maybe he's knocked out. Maybe he suffers injuries in battle that prevent him from being able to stave off the disaster.
Quote:(And given that one of those contacts is part of the cape mission I am curious about how that will revamped. Oh, and Shadowstar ... can't forget about her.)
I do wonder about Shadowstar, though. The only logical thing I can think of is to move her to AP, where Sunstorm is already posted. The relationship between Peacebringers and Warshades seems to be at its best as long as their paths remain uncrossed. Hell, when a WS goes missing, the first thing Shadowstar does is accuse the Peacebringers of betrayal and send Warshades to rip Sunstorm a few new ones.
This could get interesting... -
A thought occurs to me.
As cool as it is to see Coyote in the tutorial, it seems odd that as much impact as the player had on the community, his memorial is limited to an NPC you talk to once and forget about for the rest of the game. Not even a mention aside from one mission taking place in the same zone. What happened? Is every hero's first day the day Coyote's warranty expires? Does he get sucked into a vortex the moment you choose your first trainer?
It doesn't sound right that the Freedom Phalanx can memorialize fallen heroes with ENORMOUS statues, but don't stop to remember the guy training the heroes backing them up. A moment of reflection to their days as a rookie. A mention of watching him AS a rookie help fellow newbies learn the ropes. Debating whether they should get him anything for his birthday or send him a card. Something to acknowledge that this person that everyone meets on day one actually exists beyond day one.
On that note, I'd also vote for replacing one of the bronze status in City Hall, possibly one of the ones in the corridor leading to the origin contacts, with one of Coyote. As if Coyote's somehow "leading" new heroes in the right direction and "watching" them dash off to met their first days on the job. -
I noticed the Barcode number myself, but I had something I've yet to see mention of...
...the retail box for the Going Rogue Complete Collection.
The UPC on the back of the case is 75646-00085.
I wonder what game was stocked two slots to the left of GRCC that earned itself an easter egg reference in CoH? -
Quote:My heartstrings don't tug easily, but when fighting the Honoree (in any mission) I get chills down my spine. Because Hero 1's mind is not only intact and aware of what's going on, but also clearly suffering as he's watching his own hands beat you into a bloody pulp through a volition that is not his own. He spends the fight pleading with you to put him out of his misery, and even yells "What have: I done?!" when he defeats you.Lady Grey's Task Force really gets me when the Honoree returns. When they reveal the warped, twisted version of Hero 1, and then you have to fight him... oh man, gets me right in the chest.
I'm not much of an emotional person, but DAMN that makes me wanna curl up in a corner. -
* The time I busted out laughing upon realizing the great leader of the world's premier villain organization is, in fact, a demigod with a bad spider fetish. While in conference with said demigod and his generals.
* The time I called Statesman a Nazi. Never compare a WWI veteran blessed with the power of Zeus with Adolf Hitler.
* The time I called Reichsman a Jew. Actually, no, that one was totally worth it.
* Watching the "Weeping Angels" episodes back-to-back the night before meeting a VIP. The meeting place was in a poorly-lit cathedral adorned with statues of angels. I'm not sure what blew the meeting; the army of Council ambushing us or my freaking out because NO ONE WAS LOOKING AT THE STATUES.
* Finishing that FREAKING HUGE bean burrito ten minutes before being awarded a medal by Statesman himself. Not sure if it was the gas or from laughing too hard, but for a moment I thought I'd killed Synapse. -
Quote:Yeah, I wasn't trying to be defensive or anything. I'm sure he does know a lot. But he seems to miss a lot, too. And a few of his misses hit some nerves. I dun liek 2 raeg. Srsly.I'm sure he's not trying to be abrasive. Sometimes straight-talking comes off harsher online when there aren't any verbal clues as to attitude. I don't think he knows everything, but he's pretty knowledgeable! (Except, apparently, how bothersome it is for rogues to get around Paragon
Back on topic, though, I was recently playing a rogue Brute on a team of mostly bluesiders running the Mender Ramiel arc. At one of the missions where you had to leave Ouro, all the blue teammates disappeared at once; they'd all used their SG Base teleporters to get to the mission, which I don't have yet. I didn't have any other teleporters of my own, either (it was only after that that I bought the packs with the Mission and Pocket D teleporters). First thing that popped into Team chat was along the lines of "Aw, crap. Wait up, guys, I'm gotta hafta take the scenic route..." -
Quote:I think you have not read everything that's been posted. I mentioned the elevator to RV leading to a section in the same zone, I never said Fort Trident wasn't part of Atlas Park's map (because I haven't verified this information in game yet), and I never said the OP was asking for a literal doorway of any kind.I think you have not read about the standard code rant. I'm sure that it is far more complex than you or the original poster seem to think it is.
I also think you should refrain from attempting to "mind read" people on the internet. You don't know who I am, how I think, what I know, or what I've read. And frankly, that's none of your business. -
You remember Grai Matter? That one piece of Incarnate salvage that required doing a MS Raid to get?
Remember how that was added to the Vanguard vendor's list so you could buy it with V-merits instead?
Quote:No, it does not, because alignment locks and co-op zones are completely unrelated.As you've discovered, only the co-op zones (Pocket D, Midnighter Club, RWZ) can do this. As for doing the "same thing seems easy enough", all I have to say is that the standard code rant applies.
Go get on a rogue and click the door to Fort Trident, then run over and try the elevator to Recluse's Victory. Each time, you get the same message you get if you click the Hero exits in Pocket D and RWZ as a villain. Both doors are in Atlas Park. Plus, the RV elevator leads to a room within the same zone, not another zone entirely.
Now jump on a viggie and try getting into the Crucible. Oh, what's this? Another alignment lock! In Cap Au Diable!
Conclusion: Alignment locks are coded into doors, not zones. Therefore, any entrance to any location anywhere in CoH can be alignment locked.
Back to topic, everything the devs need to do to pull this off is already in the game, fully coded and working. All they really need to do is copy each Ouro's exit portal into the other zone and apply the appropriate alignment lock.