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  1. IronAlex


    If you already have a KM/REGEN STICK WITH IT.. focus on recharge and hp building with io's.. YOU dont really need more than 2 melee attacks for km, but get the range ones and taunt.

    Also pick up speed/jumping/hastend/ and tough.. lastly you can either go with leadership pool for tactics or go with body.. if you go with leadership you can switch over to vills pick up sharks and switch back.. then you will have 2 medium range attack.. a strong full range attack and two heavy hitter melee.. and thats really all you need for pvp these days.. plus the taunt will force the range players into your melee range...

    if you dont want to go with leadership you can pick up phaseshift for extra escape power.. and just go with laser beam eyes.. alot weaker than sharks but you can use the achilles proc for -resistance.. and you get more survivability with phase..

    To the guy asking for nerfs.. you and people like you are the reason we got i13.. stop calling for blind nerfs and bring evidence to your arguments.. And make a better toon to escape from a poison.. its really not that difficult..

    I play a peacebringer mainly in pvp and poison is not a problem... phase, retreat, engage = greater than poison
  2. Maybe momentum should be changed to a bar.. the more you swing and fight without stop.. the faster ur moves become.. till the point were ur just going crasy.. but at the cost of your end.. and it goes down when your not fighting..
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    Before Light Form was made perma I played by Peacebringer (human form) 1 to 50 as my main and completely IO'd her out. Anyone that says playing PB's is bad is either retarded or only likes playing easy to use characters such as Dominators. I've been told a couple times that I have the best Peacebringer build people have seen. That makes me feel good considering how many people have negative feelings towards Peacebringers. They are effective in any team AND with Cosmic Balance you are always receiving a buff of some kind to make you even better.

    If you know how to play a Blaster or Scrapper then you can play a Beastbringer. My PB has perma Light Form, Inner Light, and Restore Essence, and is a complete monster. She had perma RS before the change so that made it nice having capped HP, but the changes just made PBs even more powerful than they already are.

    As for KB, I love it and have always loved it. Pop some +rech procs in your powers and you could potential cap your recharge without any buffs. I love Warshades too, played two of them human form only, but ended up deleted each one post-40. You can't compare them at all, but if I were to compare them I would roll a Peacebringer each and every time. That being said I still think Eclipse is the best tier 9 power on the game and has been for a long long time, but the LF timer shorten puts it on par if not ahead of even the mighty Eclipse now.
    hahaha i love that beastbringer.. im gonna use that from now on...

    But yeah like everyone already said.. usually its people from the real oldschool that hated pb and dont want to change their opinion of them.. or people from the new school.. who just dont care to understand.. they just dont like pbs..

    but i pvp with my pb and i can honestly say its my fav toon to play.. and i do have mind/fire dom and psi blaster..

    why i like it is becuase its a great mixture like the people say..

    great combo of blaster/scrapper.. honestly you wont have blaster or scrapper dmg.. but with sets, incarnates, and reds that doesnt matter..

    My survivability is as good as any scrapper out there. i built mine as a regen/resistance type.. i have three heals in human form.. 1600 hp without dull pain 2300 with. outside of inner light my dmg is sitting at 30% and in pvp my light form is down 20 - 25s..

    If you like scrappers and blasters and pve i would say build for hp and recharge.. get three fav blast and radiant strike.. and go blapping..

    if you pvp build for hp and recharge.. get the 3 single target range, Incandesant strike, and go blapping ..

    Add in jump pool speed pool, leadership, and fighting and theres ya build.

    Oh also pbs is the only thing in the game i know off that can slot out up to 3 dmg procs in each attack.. (if theres any others my apalogise).. so on my toon in gleaming bolt alone i can push out 200+ dmg on a power that reachrge in 1/2 a sec..

    So yeah do it up.. sorry for the fast incorherant talking im headed out the door.. lol but yea do it up
  4. IronAlex

    Kheldians 3.0

    Not saying that your ideas are bad.. but a overall change will not go well with most of the community that actually love their pb as is..

    I pvp with my peacebringer and i couldn't be happier.. nothing is more fulfilling than killing people in rv with a kheld.. And i was pvping with a pb long before incarnates and the recent change..

    Now that we have those both its like the devs are giving us freebeez.. and like some has said.. there is still more buffs to come.. with other incarnate powers.. the extra slots that supposedly coming at 25..

    I know what your thinking everyone gets those aswell.. but trust me incarnates and the recent change was a huge leap in pb performance. all i really need now is a some dmg boost and ill be set..

    What the forms need now is suppress toggling.. if i can switch to dwarf .. heal and back to human in under 6 sec without retoggling i would def put dwarf back in my build.. but in a pvp environment that's not feasible.

    But we play our kheldians how we want.. no kheldians are a like.. if you want the forms you should use them.. if u feel like their useless now.. don't take them.. story closed.
  5. If they gave us app i would like to get debuff protection powers... like end drain protection, res debuff protection.. and to hit debuff protection.. and prob another dmg boost toggle!!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    My first build combined IO set recharge bonus plus dual slotted hasten plus the T4 Spirutual Core paragon. Permlightform and permhasten, unforunately I noted a couple of minor drawbacks:

    1. All that recharge great offset stamina recovery during intense battles also due to having weave, maneuvers and stealth running to reach the S/L def cap.

    2. Lightform was reactivating well before previous activation would crash, so let's say you have it "stacked" 3 times and you see that two are going to wear off either at the same time or back to will receive the crash from both, and that could be bad.

    So we'll call the above, Permalightform One.

    Currently I'm running permhasten, a tweaked build and CARDIAC is back in place for my alpha. Permalightform and hasten misses being perma by 5 seconds, however as long as it is retoggled, lightform remains perm and has less overlap crash problems. S/L defense cap is maintained and stamina is neutralized. This would be an Ascended Permalightform, or Permalightform 2.

    Still working on Permalightform 3 (no hasten), but defense cap will be lost and I don't like that idea very much.
    so if you get it perma and activate a second lf while the first one is active it will do a double crash?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
    Yay feedback! Thanks!

    Oh I'm already at 5 LoTGs. The PF proc is not there just because I use an Endmod IO to simulate my recovery without it, although either way the build (for now at least, 20 DOs) doesn't seem very end intensive even with the two shields and Luminous Detonation (which I'm hating, not because of KB but low damage - despite the numbers being similar, looks like Proton Scatter is way better) - but the shields and Luminous will be dropped in the final build.

    Boxing is a set mule for Kinetic Combats (s/l def), and I can't drop it if I want Weave. The reason for Thunderstrikes is to achieve 28.8% ranged and 27% e/n def. Also it has 31.9% s/l def which is good enough for me since with 1 purple I'm almost softcapped, bad thing is that I need those Kinetic Combats.

    But it seems like I'll need to lower my defenses if I want to get extra recharge.
    you dont need boxing you have kick for weave..

    also yeah its a give or take with pb.. if you want something your letting go of something else.. my pb is built for hp and dmg.. but my recharge is low and my def is non existent.

    But its up to how you want to play .. i think if you want the def and you can get it that.. at least 35% to really make it affective imho then i say eff recharge.. cause really on a a moderate build on recharge like mine my light form is down 25 sec the most in pve..

    So i would go with your build tweaked for def and just heal up when that 25sec is going..

    Also you can get barrier or rebirth to help you in that 25 sec.. give or take.
  8. K i look over your build .. and what i would do different is!!! imho

    Drop all those thunderstrikes and go with decimations or enthropic 5 slot, and a dmg proc or achilles. (achilles in eye and dmg proc in blast).

    go with crushing impacts 5 slotted in radiant and i-strike.. plus a dmg proc in both.. drop boxing for either your the new pb flight power or for pulsar.. cause between radiant strike I-S and solar you dont really need boxing.. solar flare will help you with the minions while you clean up the mob.

    Also if you take pulsar take 3 slots out of inner light and transfer them to pulsar for the recharge in stupify..

    Lastly if you cant reach over 35% def outside of vengeance i would say drop some of the slots out of glowing touch.. and put them towards health and stamina.. also use performance shifter in stamina.. ehh well you really dont need it if you have perma light form and little bit of toggles.. so thats really up to you.

    well with those changes you can def make light form perma.. with 100% recharge outside of hasten.. and also the only thing i mentioned that would be expensive is the decimation's. everything else there practically giving away on the market.

    good luck
  9. IronAlex

    The PB Changes

    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    I've always approached pb's from at least human-centric, if not human only.
    Same here.. I liked tri form for the first year of having my kheldian and making it to 50.. after realizing how annoying retoggling is and that i mainly use the human form powers.. i made a human form for pvp..

    When i came back after the i13 crash..a year ago i deleated my human pb and respeced and moved my triform to freedom and never looked back..

    I dont think ill take the forms ever again unless the toggles are suppressed and not dropped.. too much work to put them back on in a pvp enviroment.. and not enough reward...
  10. IronAlex

    Human Form PB

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    Yeah, but for what kind of chance of it activating?

    The logic behind putting the proc in every power stems from wanting to keep up a more or less persistent resistance debuff on your enemy by loading the odds of the proc firing.

    If you want to max out purples, that's one thing, but a -res proc in every attack - provided you can afford the slot - is never a wasted slot, IMHO.

    Oh, and yay for finally being able to post.
    Yeah i use to think the same.. but trust me if you have it in bolt.. with a mediocre recharge build, which is mine you can have it up every other or every 3 attacks..

    With a perma recharge build.. you will def see it all the time.. dmg procs would def be more worth it.. you cant go wrong with more dmg... i perfer the method of 3 dmg procs in each attack.. but then again i PVP so i neeeeeeeeeed dmg.
  11. IronAlex

    Human Form PB

    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I personally don't really like the superprocing, I think you could get more mileage out of your build slotting the full purple sets and topping each of your attacks off with the -res proc.

    A big part of the appeal Human Form only has for me is the massive amounts of defense you can build- Resistance is great but it will only get you so far. I feel like your survivability would be an issue if you planned on soloing tough content, ie: 54x8 Arachnos/Malta/Soloing AV's.

    Slotting full purple sets will also get you more recharge which can never hurt. Since money doesn't seem to be an issue for you, have you seen my Human Form PB build? Here are some of the stats, maybe if you like them you can use the build for some ideas.

    -167.5% Global Recharge (Perma Light Form and some breathing room)
    -85% Resistance to s/l/f/c/e/n
    -77.9% Resistance to Toxic (85% w/Essence Boost)
    -31.6% s/l defense (will be higher in game since combat flight is providing positional only in Mids)
    -29% Melee Defense, 27.2% Ranged Defense, 22.9% AoE Defense
    -251% Regeneration, 1457 HP
    (2145 w/Essence Boost)
    -110 Max Endurance, 4.94/s End Recovery
    -Resistance Debuff Procs in every attack that will be used
    (Aside from Photon Seekers)
    -Fantastic Enhancement Values

    My build has enough recharge to have a single target attack chain without using glinting eye, and yours should too.

    Correct me if im wrong.. but the -res proc does not stack from the same castor and putting it in each attack would just be a waste of the slot.. instead you put it in 1 attack and apply when needed.

    then you can still max out on purps but also have dmg proc in the mix..
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post

    Mostly I was just joking about how nobody ever seems satisfied with Kheldians while I'm a little in awe of how much the Devs have improved them since I started playing one about 4 years ago.

    kheldians are never happy.. we got a freaking buff...

    ws and pb are not the same..

    one is good for lots of targets.. one is good for single harder targets.. end of story.. we got a buff.. and a good one at that.. without the devs taking something away.. jeesh..

    or have you guys forgoten i13 when they fixed the perma dom prob but nerfed everything else in pvp..

    usually when the devs give buffs they take something away to compensate.. ..

    a buff with no consequences = great..

    and later other issues maybe we can see more changes.. but for now yeh.. just cool out .. grab a beer and just enjoy..
  13. Let me correct myself initially when i said solo ws.. i wasnt talking about team wise.. wrong use of words..

    what i meant was 1 vs 1 shade vs x..

    shade is going to have a harder time.. than a pb vs x..

    Thats where the pvp argument came from.. cause in that scenario a pb can sustain it self..

    But yah. we shouldn't be arguing about this.. the original topic was a guide on mfing pb..
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    PVP? What is with all this PVP talk? No one cares about PVP.
    hahah.. this actually made me lol .. in rl

    but the point we are trying to make is like each at has different roles..

    pb and ws are different beast..

    and the reference to eb or av fight .. i meant solo when all the minions are dead.. a ws would have a tougher time than a pb..

    And lastly not to knock pve or start a war but i judge pvp over any pve content.. cause your fighting against "intelligence" or so to speak.. but thats just me..

    to Bill:

    I was thinking of a build last night for pvp shade.. all human with aid self and barrier ... with shields.. then just fill the gaps with pool powers..
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post with the right slotting the New Lightform alone could get you to pretty much cap resist...

    That's interesting

    And I'm utterly astounded that some of you are suggesting this should be nerfed!!

    Overpowered? Who cares? I don't think so, but even if it is, for the first time ever, PBs might be slightly overpowered in a tiny niche area.

    Lamenting that you won't need the shields? Why? I'll now forego the shields completely, and concentrate on getting my damage, recharge, and defense, and endurance management up there. Maybe I can at least get in the ballpark of upper level excellence some of my other maxed characters are.
    lol foreal...

    on the kheldian forums.. we are our worst enemies.. i swear some in here dont really care for buff.. just love nerfs...

    give my kheldian more buffs please..

    Next should be end drain resistance
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Well, after all the doom and gloom here and in closed/open beta about "oh my god, PBs are so underpowered, why did I ever make one when my warshade is purple and makes waffles too, I'm deleting my PB after 6 levels, whine, whine, whine" I can't say I find the "joke" all that amusing.

    I don't think I've ever seen a forum that seems so dedicated to getting people NOT to play an AT. Even the Stalker forum is more positive. Which should say something.
    lol i always thought that this forum was the only one that hated it self lol.. most of our neg press seems to come from people who play the AT the most...

    On that note.. yeah ws is fun and all.. but i love my consistency with my pb.. and its also play style.. i play my pb as a blapper.. so single target raper.. im ya guy..

    try playing a shade solo against a eb.. not so fun.. pb solo against a eb = possibility your going to finish the mission solo..

    also as much as i tried.. i cannot get a ws to work in pvp.. and beleive me made tons of builds for it.. not so good.. too many variables and not enough time to go through them just to be killed..

    A pb on the other hand can be made into an effective pvp killer.. As much hp as a scrapper. As much resistance as a scrapper. (Even more when light form changes comes out). With range.. The dmg is so so, but thats boosted with io's, aasualt, reds, and procs procs procs (Everybody)!!!

    So yeah you shades can go eat some grapes..
  17. yah freeedom all the way.. is the designated pvp server...

    KB almost every day.. rv is usually packed on the weekends and def alot of people in the morning time and around prime time..

    So if you want pvp come to freedom.. all are welcome..
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    hhahahah blaster it is..
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I was pretty much entirely referring to one person, my comment wasn't directed at you in the least.

    I don't think the new Light Form is too strong, I just don't entirely like how it works. In my opinion, it should provide enough resistance to everything including Psi that all resists can be capped at 85% with the use of shields or Dwarf form. I don't think it should allow you to cap all resists with the click of a button, the crash isn't a big enough penalty for a power like that.. Like you said, it's a breeze to recover from.

    (By the way, is conserve power going to have a purpose on a perma-LF build? I thought LF itself provided the same recovery bonus or similar to conserve power, so if it can be run all the time is there a reason to have both powers?)
    I personally kept my conserve for when im about crash.. or for emergency power..

    But i think light form takes care of end for us completly.. espiecially pve side.. you never will have to carry a blue again.. First rebirth then this.. getting closer and closer to regen .. lets home the next couple of incarnate powers give us a regen toggle
  20. Which would be better for pvp .. dmg wise then survivability wise.?. ty
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tabcef View Post
    people who are saying light form is a more dependable power:

    have you actually tried using the new version of it in perma/close to perma?
    i don't understand how someone could say this if they had experienced the crash firsthand. avoiding the crash and ending up with little endurance after fighting in tf or x8 situations where you actually have to contribute to a fight is nigh impossible, and recovering from it so you can maintain light form without being completely disabled requires you to give up one of your incarnate slots to do so for extended periods of time. and that's only if you have it significantly perma'd in. without that it's even worse.

    please don't forget about the crash because it really is that significant.
    ive tested the light form.. in many personal test in pvp and pve.. and its not that bad.. see the light blinking .. hit conserve.. and soon as you crash hit a heal.. its not that bad.. and 30 sec lata its back up.. so yeah factor in the new light form.. incarnate and io's pbs are not to snuff at.. but i say buff are always good..

    imho whats left to look at is


    human form pb as it stands right now is golden....
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
    Well, that's just it. I'm not wanting to "nerf" our resistance...not really anyways...I'm just wanting to turn the HUGE amount of excess we have into something else. Defense, Regen, SOMETHING...

    It's been suggested before, turn our shields into defense rather than resists. At the lower levels it helps with the lack of mez prot because the mez's just aren't HITTING as often, at the higher levels it doesn't have us squished up against the resist cap from our Tier 9's, our inherent, our shields, and any buffer's in the party who happen to have taken a resistance buffing set. Shining for Ranged or Smash/Lethal. Thermal for AoE or Fire/Cold. Quantum for Melee or Energy/Negative. We lose 22.5% resistance (Unenhanced) gain 7-12% defense instead. Lightform's only getting us to 52.5% (Again unenhanced). If the idea someone else had went through to lower the resistance on lightform but gain Psi also went through...that'd be about 35% resists to all...unenhanced so that'd go up. 7-12% defense, with 35% resist, and gaining 10% resist from the offensives on our team is gonna give our resistance cap some breathing room to accomodate not only resist buffs from our inherent, but also from teammates. It makes the shields useful, keeps dwarf's "purpose" (resisty, high HP, tank) helps lower level kheldians, and doesnt really cost us anything because we didn't "lose" anything, it just shifted things around a bit, either gaining psi at a slight loss from other resistance types, or gaining defense instead. Overall, we're a stronger AT for it because we're layering our protection. Potentially OP? Yeah a bit, but not to such a degree that we're gonna start soloing Incarnate trials anytime soon.

    Admittedly? Thats from a Peacebringer's perspective, I can't really judge what would be required out of Warshade's. Id say Eclipse should have to have a smaller target limit put in place, and I know WS's would have a hissy over such a suggestion, but sometimes you gotta give an inch to gain a mile. Besides, with the shields becoming defense that's three less LotG fillers you have to take from power pools...


    I don't know though. On the one hand, Arachnos got rated, we really should get rated. On the other, I can understand the ?'s because we are intended to be a little more malleable than everyone else. They could at least fix the description to take out the implication that we don't get anything from teaming with other kheld's anymore.
    if anything i would say with the light form change they should have added def to that.. but im not a fan of def too squishy for me.. especially for us who already pvp with our kheldian .. def is a death trap if its not 40% or better.. and even then its still iffy..

    nah keep my shields resistance....
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
    I don't even really get how its holding us back!

    I mean, once I21 goes live I'll cap my own resistances (sans Psi anyways), so the 10% I get from the inherent per offensive AT isn't really going to be doing anything for me; and Warshades have been enjoying Eclipse self-capped for years now.

    My damage wont be capped, but Warshades are pretty consistently bumping their noggins against the damage cap from the way they talk, so for them that's another part of the inherent that they aren't really getting much out of.

    Do we really need to talk about the mez prot? Really? To be honest, we do because its the exact opposite of the other two. In their cases they're piling more on top of whats already topped off, but in the mez prots case its just so little that it might as well not even be there. If you've got enough controllers/dominators to make the mez prot worth it, nothings attacking you anyway because its all locked down pretty hardcore.

    For the resistance and damage portions of our inherent it looks like a lot, but in several cases we're already THERE...and its a hard cap, so its not like we're even getting reduced benefit out of it.

    Lets be honest, most of what I'm pointing out here is probably more likely to get us NERFED...which should be fairly ridiculous on its own considering where we're at, but its kinda what we need. At least HALF of what we need anyways...We DO need to lose some of the resistance we've got, we need some of our +dmg% effects to be rolled into the powers naturally, we need some of what we DO have to be shuffled a bit with OTHER forms of effects. It can't just be straight cuts, and it can't just be ignoring yet more "wonk" in our powers.

    I've stated several times in the past that all I really want is for my AT to make sense. I dont think we need a "back to the drawing board" overhaul, but I do believe its gonna take more than just lowering some cooldowns, and calling it a day. They're gonna have to directly play with some numbers, change some abilities focus, and skirt the cottage rule fairly hard (if not break it in some places). We need a fairly extensive tune-up, PB's more than WS's; but we both suffer from some of the same problems, even if they're coming from different sources.
    like those tea party people say.. Take your hand off my resistance.. dont nerf it. just rework the inherant so we get benefit from it solo
  24. OHHHHHH.. I JUST THOUGH OF THIS.. this can fix all the problems.. if someone mentioned this before excuse me , my search foo has always sucked..

    k heres what they do.. Since human form has melee and ranged powers... Instead of us getting all new set of powers when we transform, we will just have the human form powers carry over..

    So transform to dwarf..
    We would still have dwarf heal and taunt.
    Radiant strike
    Solar flare.
    Dawn strike.
    Inner Light
    All the shields and the two human form heals.
    And any other pool powers and light form carry over.

    Now we raise the dwarf hp cap to 3000 and lower the resistance on dwarf to about 30% to all including psi.. since we will have access to all the shields and tough.. plus we would have three heals in dwarf making it an really effective tank..

    Inner light..
    all shields and heals
    and pools..

    So now instead of enhancing powers we already have in human in forms.. we can just enhance one set and have the slots effective..

    Idk what the balancing factor would be.. maybe someone else who knows about numbers can chime in...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by oreso View Post
    Why have the toggles suppress? If they just carried over into forms, it would make both the forms and the shields much more attractive and easier to use. That's all toggles too; assault, etc. And while we're at it, let my Dwarf click hasten. Integrate the forms into the AT.

    If the AT mods cannot be altered on the fly (such that Nova gets less benefit from the shields for example), then a swap ammo trick can be used to swap the value with a reduced one. Nova would still be getting decent numbers from Tough and Weave, but whoopdie-do, Blasters get an Epic pool with superior armour powers.

    I think our goal should be to make each form not just a plug for the holes in the Kheld's abilities, but a fully-fledged and useful way of fighting in their own right. Shouldn't require massive changes, just a difference in emphasis. With Taunt autohitting and Mez becoming less of an issue (so Dwarf isn't a glorified break free) I'd say we're making great strides to it.
    yeah for reall.. all toggles should carry over into forms..

    That would raise dwarf and nova resistance and make it somewhat like their counterparts..

    Also it will make try form look appetizing as much as human form.. cause know you know you can have tactics on in nova.. or tough and weave on with dwarf.. You will still be locked out of the attacks but toggles would be on.. and you can switch between forms like no ones business..

    Then it would be a fluid motion instead of transform to human and stop for 5 min to put on toggles.