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Quote:I went for the longest time cursing this until I noticed the sorting options. One of the sorting options is by level, which fixes this problem. This really should be the default option.* Recipes are sorted in descending order by level. Crafted enhancements are the opposite. When you switch back and forth between them, the interface remembers that you were scrolled all the way up or down, but since the sort order is reversed you always have to move the scrollbar all the way in the other direction.
I want the UI to remember the split between the bottom window and the top two. Every time I open the UI the divider is near the bottom, and I have to resize it. I have a similar problem with sizing the email window, although that one seems to be more sporadic for some reason. Fix these please. -
When I stopped playing 2 years ago, the bar was set at 1 billion. Just based on anecdotal evidence, I'd say that's on par with 5 billion now in terms of value and effort to acquire.
Since you mentioned perma Mind Link, I feel compelled to mention that while you cannot slot enhancements that only boost recharge (e.g., SO's and common IO's) into Mind Link, you can slot set IO's and HO's that include recharge into Mind Link, and the enhancement will affect Mind Link's recharge time. This is also working as intended, or at least the devs have never expressed an interest in 'fixing' it. It's a very cost-effective means of achieving perma-ML.
Quote:Sure. Everyone has a portion of their inf coming from normal gameplay. Some have a larger portion than others.So my question is: Do I still get in the Ebil Marketeers Club if I got my 2 billion inf by playing the game and selling expensive drops on the market
Quote:and only buying cheap sets for frankenslotting with? -
Quote:I like to sell all my salvage drops at WW. I typically dump white recipes on the vendors, but I'll sell any other recipe at WW if there's half-decent sales volume on it. If I think I can get more money and still sell it anytime soon, I'll craft a recipe drop and sell the enhancement. I don't consider any of the above activities to be marketeering. Nor do I consider buying items with the intent to use them on my characters as marketeering. That's why I intend to shift all my marketeering to inactive characters, so it won't interfere with my 'normal' market activities.There's been a lot of interesting replies spread across the spectrum, and I appreciate all of them.
A point has come up that I hadn't originally considered when I wrote the OP: What different people consider "marketeering". I suppose I had taken for granted that everyone would sell their drops on the market when, upon reflection, I know that can't possibly be the case. Whether a player doesn't like to use the market or just can't be bothered to, there are definitely those out there who, at best, vendor pretty much everything they get.
I suppose my definition of marketeering is closer to SwellGuy's. It involves making money from items that are already in the system, without generating items of your own to sell. These days I dabble in it, though I usually make my money with merits or tickets. I enjoy crafting and playing the market mini-game, so the lure is always there, heh. -
I had been using three characters. Two of those were active characters that I was playing every day, and one was a character I no longer had interest in playing that I used as a dedicated marketeer. I was kinda stuck in my pre-gleemail mindset of earning the inf on the character that's going to spend it. If/when I start back up, I'm thinking that I'll just use two or three inactive characters as dedicated marketeers.
That article said a loaf of bread cost 700 million Zimbabwe dollars at the height of their monetary crisis in 2008. If we estimate that a loaf of bread cost 2 USD, and I use the figure cited by the spammer standing in Atlas Park WW, that means 1 inf now is worth approximately 3.15 Zimbabwe dollars circa 2008. I don't even know what to say about that.
I had bought a couple of sets of Basilisk Gaze the week I19 was released with the intention of slotting them into my Dom's holds. I changed my mind, and ended up selling them the following week. The prices had gone up enough in that time frame that I made about 200 million or so inf on the deal. I see that prices are even higher now. I suspect the high prices on LOTG's and Miracles are affecting the supply of other rares since people may be buying those recipes directly to sell instead of rolling. We'll have to see, but I don't think prices will fall back down to pre-I19 levels.
Fire/fire dominator. There's only one melee power, which you could skip if you like (but it's a very good one). It's a combination that really thrives on high levels of recharge, and the best single-target attack doesn't come until level 38, but it can pump out a lot of damage. Add the fire APP for more AoE goodness. My fire^3 dom is a steamroller, I absolutely love that character.
Oh yeah, it has nice control powers too, bonus.
*edit* Pretty much what Steel Shaman said about plant/fire.I've heard that earth/fire works well too, though I haven't tried it.
Interesting. I generally have a rough estimate of the total inf across my characters, but I've never actually taken inventory before. Turns out that I have 15.3 billion inf total, which is more than I thought I had. I don't use CIT (never even heard of it before this thread) and none of that inf is on the market; it's all stored on characters at the moment. I haven't done any marketeering in over a month, and I'm considering switching to DCUO when it comes out so I'm kinda holding steady marketwise until I make a final decision on that.
I just resubbed for I18 so I'm only familiar with the most recent of the AE exploits, but I know that both the spiderbot and monkey bugs were exploited for at least a month each before they were fixed. That's an unacceptably long time to leave such glaring exploits in the game. If they couldn't do a proper fix right away, the devs should have at least removed/despawned the mobs immediately. Moreover, if the devs aren't prepared to handle AE exploits as they arise, they should consider revamping the reward structure for AE missions to prevent such exploits from borking the economy. Assuming the devs still care about the integrity of the game, that is.
Why did you think your actions would benefit the market? You benefited your personal finances, which should have been the goal anyway.
I was in the middle of a raid so I was only half-paying attention, but I noticed y'all on TheMarket channel scurrying around looking for spare inf and figured something was up.
Grats on making #1!
After losing items in email due to a rollback, I store nothing valuable in gleemail. All of my inf is stored on alts.
Was that 3 trillion across all accounts or just the active ones? Either way, seems to me that there is probably a lot more than 4 trillion out there now. Any real guess would be just based on assumption after assumption though. It'd be nice if we could get a dev to give us the actual figure again, because I'm curious about it too. -
WoW eventually made changes to hunter pets to allow them to avoid most AoE attacks so they could be useful in raids. Perhaps CoH pets need something similar.
Yeah, I couldn't be happier about the implementation of the Incarnate-related content. I've been doing a little of everything. I've even picked up a few shards from the Rikti zone events, and I'm guessing that some of the other zone events drop them too. My only annoyance is that the new content is attracting the level 50 AE babies who barely know how to get out of Atlas Park, let alone run a task force. Otherwise, this is pretty much the kind of stuff I wanted to see happen five years ago. Better late than never.
Anything with lots of knockback is tons of fun to play solo. Energy/energy blaster would be good, energy/storm corruptor would be even better.
They're not that different from the new pinks. They last longer, but you can't use them if you're already controlled, and I don't think they offer knockback protection. The tricky part was that you had to use them preemptively; once you were held/stunned/slept, it was too late. The new pinks are so much easier to use, and other changes to the game (like no more detoggling when controlled) have largely negated the advantages of the old pinks. They might be nice for a collector, but it's not really worth the effort to put them on Test IMO.
How many purpled non-incarnates are running around? Most folks who care enough about a character to purple it out will also take the time to get an alpha boost too.
I think the purple versus non-purple discussion will be more interesting once the rare and very rare boosts are released. One of the main appeals of the set bonuses is that they ignore ED. Most of my level 50 characters wouldn't gain much from a common or uncommon recharge alpha boost since most of the important powers that stand to gain from high levels of recharge are already enhanced near 90%. If I want to increase recharge beyond that, my best bet for now is to acquire set bonuses. -
Likewise, I've had three drops in the last two days. I haven't even been running through that much content. I dunno, I do seem to have had good luck with purples overall since I resubbed for GR, so it may just be the RNG smiling upon me.
It's been so long since I IO-ed out my night widow that I'd forgotten some of the details. My attacks are already near 90% recharge enhancement except for Strike, so I wouldn't gain much by going for a Spiritual boost. I don't have endurance issues, so I guess I'll just go straight for Musculature.
You're running an AE monkey farm, then posting the results? This seems like a really, really bad idea. Although, given the devs' apparent lack of urgency in patching out the exploits, maybe they don't care.
Quote:Actually, I meant no way for me to win since I don't discuss strategies. I take that back though. Inventory space doesn't have to be unlimited. It simply doesn't have to be a constraint to supply.It's a no-way win only if you accept the absurd premise that inventory space isn't limited in CoH. Clearly it is, and the only possible way to truly maximize that storage involves complex accountant-like management of alternate characters' inventories.
Which is so involved that once you've crossed that line, you're no longer in the category of players who can complain with a straight face about so-called market manipulations.
I offer this as evidence:
Thousands for sale. Low prices. No indication of any flipping activity. The primary sellers are willing to tie up hundreds, maybe thousands, of market slots on a single type of cheap salvage. This particular one is a prime example, but it's not the only one. And keep in mind, this is during an economy that has been ravaged by AE exploits. A couple of months ago, I could have pointed to even more examples in common and uncommon salvage. This does not look like a market that is constrained by inventory. By all appearances, warehousing is not a needed service. And there is no value added by an unneeded warehousing service.