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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think that all ambushes should only be triggered by the "leave"/"close" part of the final text window, and that all the cluse from a story should be saved as part of the story souvenir - like when you read the re-cap of the story, a little icon button should be put beside the parts that are releated to the clues you got, and clicking it would bring up a pop-up window of the clue.
    This please. I noticed that the Twinshot arc really does require we create our own NPC Dialog chat tab to follow all the dialog. But it still seems ackward that I can't really follow what is going on sometimes until I can look through the NPC dialog after the mission is complete.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * is an emote animator and has used the "just perfecting the sleeping in chair emote" excuse one time too many..
    I want this emote!
  3. These days... you actually got help on the Help channel? As the unofficial LFG channel for free players I've kinda stopped monitoring it lately. But great to hear that some helpful folks still do. Oh, and hey, I've never done what you just did before... er, I wish.
  4. Indiramourning

    So I tried...

    Originally Posted by Ghostmaker View Post
    Really? I used the in-game screenshot function to take a picture of a character doing a taunt (katana pointing), and it caught it fine.
    Oh, must be because of my quad-SLI setup. When I use the normal in-game screen shot option I end up capturing an image that was cached on one of my video cards from moments before.
  5. Indiramourning

    Why do(es)......

    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    You can pass through the door out of the Lambda facility... except when it's open.
    Gah! This drives me nuts! And the 20 second delay on exiting the hospital on an iTrial...Hate Hate hate!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post

    This is Facepalm times the speed of light squared.
  7. Indiramourning

    So I tried...

    I use Fraps to take screenshots in game. Gets around the "screenshot ends up being a memory cached screen image from a minute before" issue.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
    It's ironical. The more powerful we get, the weaker we seem to be...

    I've never felt this way ever. Or are you just being sardonic, NT?

    I don't agree, from my own experience in game, with the gist of this thread.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    I guess nobody ever enacted any wheelchair accessibility laws in Paragon City?
    Ever been to Paris, France? The worst "accessible" city on the earth.
  10. Indiramourning

    Player Toxicity

    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    "Thanks for the discussion everyone, I refuse to change my opinion at all. Glad we talked this over." Come on, man, really?
    The OP's post seems like pure hyperbole to me.

    <Not Sure If Serious Graphic Goes Here>

    Using the Help channel to make judgements about the entire community? I've had the Help channel off since the start of Freedom because I knew it would turn into a hive of scum and villainy as the only global channel for free players. In time, when some solution is implimented I might start monitoring it again.
  11. These guys appeared in a zombie fight by Posi in Steel last night. They were as tall as the statue! It was OMG, hilarious, and WTH all at once. I love them!
  12. Indiramourning

    CoH on RPS

    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    I found this quote interesting "I don’t think we want to steer the player to the experience that we want." and yet it appears that's exactly what they're trying to do with the incarnate trials.
    How does the addition of the incarnate content take away from the already existing content, and so "steer" us any where we don't choose to go? Oh, and for those of us who like the incarnate content option (I don't live for it, but enjoy it when I'm in the mood), I'm all for more content, incarnate or whatever.
  13. The odds. When the odds against me surviving are overwhelming I become inspired. For example I was doing a BAF the other day and things suddenly went awry. The Adds got way out of hand and the league window was full of the red names of the dead and dying. But somehow, with just seconds to spare, we rallied and were triumphant.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kusanagi View Post
    you never get a chance to use said powers and evaluate how well they do or don't work for you until you stop running the sewer trial and try them out in other content.
    This alone will prevent me from abusing the DfB trial.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    I know Virtue is RP server and laggy.
    This is a misrepresentation of what Virtue is. We are only RP Friendly--Not some kind of a RP enforced gulag. And laggy? Since when--I've been on Virtue for 7 years? If anything, now that many VIP's have moved off Virtue for the Exalted server, we have a lower population than ever atm.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Wood have?
    That's it! You and Bronze Knight go sit in the corner.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
    My assumption has always been that she and Dark watcher are pure baseline unified Incarnate Origin, just like Statesman and Recluse. Just slow-path.
    This, totally.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    You would think a group terrified of meta humanity taking over the world would be leery of helping a man working for a world controlled by meta humans.
    Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    For one, what would be the incentive to move form the help channel which they are currently ALREADY using?
    The old help channel is DOA, it already is the LFG channel. What we actually need is a new Help channel.
  20. Indiramourning

    Good grief, yo.

    Originally Posted by Amethyst_Star View Post
    Those are two of my favorite missions. Go into the big caves and destroy EVERYTHING! Ah well, to each their own...
    Same here. My Melee characters love the challenge of all those Warriors.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
    He's saying that the farmers (actually people willing to PL, rather than drop-farmers) are too thinly spread amongst the 501,234,123,314 different Atlas Park instances on his server (because, you know, hyperbole is a good way to convince people to understand you).

    Of course, that's 70+ times as many instances of AP as there are people on the planet, and let's say that each instance caters for 50 characters, so that means that there are 3,500 accounts per head of population of the whole planet, just on that one server, which makes CoH wildly more popular than any other pastime in the entire history of the universe.

    If all of those characters were laid end to end, it would reach from the Earth to the Sun 334,000 times. Since the servers went live, over 109,000 characters have been created every second. The character database has 167 times as many characters as human DNA has base pairs.
    Thank you Shadowe. This post is ultra-win!
  22. I don't have any issues with Desdemona in her new role. I thing there are bigger things in store for Penelope Yin. I think Penny might be Mother Mayhem's main threat.
  23. But I'm playing my new Dark/Dark blaster and Beam Rifle/Energy blaster... I gots no time for yet another alt now!

    Oh, what the heck...
  24. Thanks for this thread you goofballs! Great fun to read (I'm at work so couldn't buy StJ now even if I wanted to). But watching you all suffer because of Zwill's evilness is worth the wait.