Why do(es)......




1. The projectiles from Psi Blast move so slowly, when moving at the speed of thought is supposed to be so fast?

2. Mind control have no projectiles, but Psi blast does?

3. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have a lower damage cap than brutes?

4. Char have a projectile, but Ring of Fire and Fire Cages don't?

5. Why does Sonic Blast take so long to animate when auctioneers can talk so fast?

6. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have the same 100% damage buff for build up powers that Scrappers do, but Brutes have the same 80% value as Tanks?

7. Why does a CoH Bonfire fling things far far away when a real bonfire burns stuff up?

8. Why do Blasters have defiance normalized tier 1 and 2 primaries but have tier 1 secondaries that are all over the map as far as cast time, range, and projectile/no projectile goes?

9. Why does acrobatics prevent knockback when what it should do instead is let you land on your feet and just keep fighting?

10. Why do sleep powers and enhancements have really impressive and powerful names like "Mass Hypnosis", "Flash Freeze", "Induced Coma", and "Hibernation", but if you accidentally breathe on the sleeping mobs they come instantly and fully awake with out so much as a single yawn?

11. How does an itty bitty ring of fire stop things from being knocked back?

Anyone else have a list of CoH head scratchers? Stuff that just makes you say, "hey, wait a minute."

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Personally, I prefer to ignore the scientific improbabilities and strange happenings, but things do get a little weird when you can 'arrest' foes by dropping all of your weight into a broadsword that connects with their skull.(As this would normally cleave their skull in two at the very least)

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



You can pass through the door out of the Lambda facility... except when it's open.



Why do the lasers from MM clanker bots shoot 100 yards, through walls, enemies, and connect with other mobs without aggroing them or dealing damage to them?



The projectile mechanics in general. More of a funny thing to me than an annoyance.

In particular, what happens when you get hit by a power that causes knockback while super speeding. The time it takes for the projectile to connect is calculated based on your location at the time the power was cast. When it strikes you, it also knocks you in the direction of the angle between you and the enemy at the moment of the original cast. This often results in suddenly getting knock backed toward the enemy that threw the projectile as you run passt them. And since the projectile animation doesn't change speed with distance, often several seconds after that, the projectile animation itself connects.

[However, the existence of this mechanic appears to be somewhat exploitable by players, because it is part of what lets you get away with queuing two powers back to back, and being able to hit enemies with the second attack who were actually knocked back out of the area by the first one. It's been a while since I played with this but I believe this is how it works.]



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
3. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have a lower damage cap than brutes?
Because their higher base puts them at a higher absolute value even at their lower cap.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
3. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have a lower damage cap than brutes?

6. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have the same 100% damage buff for build up powers that Scrappers do, but Brutes have the same 80% value as Tanks?
Because Blasters haven't been the 'King' of damage in a long time. We're the kings of ranged damage. With that range, sadly, being considered good enough defense to justify our squishiness.

I can take a War Mace/anything scrapper, right out of the box without enhancements, and do much more damage than any Blaster from level 1-26, while being much much safer doing so.

Blasters used to be the undisputed kings of damage but that title vanished years ago. It's high time we fixed that discrepancy.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Why do enemies insist that I haven't a chance against them when they are paralyzed and on fire?

Given the results, why do all those street mobs insist on attacking every oddly costumed guy who wanders past? You'd think they'd desist after being beaten senseless the first dozen times or so...

In the Dmitri Krylov mission where you kidnap civilians and bring them to Vahzilok surgeons, why did one of them ask my seven foot tall flaming skull faced incarnation of wrath "Are you leading me to safety?" No, probably not.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
In the Dmitri Krylov mission where you kidnap civilians and bring them to Vahzilok surgeons, why did one of them ask my seven foot tall flaming skull faced incarnation of wrath "Are you leading me to safety?" No, probably not.
I loled.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
1. The projectiles from Psi Blast move so slowly, when moving at the speed of thought is supposed to be so fast?
Thoughts move very quickly in your own head. Well, maybe not your head, but the general "you" in this case. I don't want to make any assumptions. Thoughts projected outside your head will move a great deal slower.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
2. Mind control have no projectiles, but Psi blast does?
I'm curious to what kind of projectiles you think would control things. I control people specifically by not actually shooting them. When I shoot them, they tend to wriggle uncontrollably, which is most undesirable.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
5. Why does Sonic Blast take so long to animate when auctioneers can talk so fast?
Auctioneers do talk very fast, but the actual pain it causes in your ear is not immediate, thus the need for extra time.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
7. Why does a CoH Bonfire fling things far far away when a real bonfire burns stuff up?
Have you ever been thrown in a surprise bonfire? I promise you, people that are do not readily stay in them.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
9. Why does acrobatics prevent knockback when what it should do instead is let you land on your feet and just keep fighting?
That sounds like preventing knockback to me.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
10. Why do sleep powers and enhancements have really impressive and powerful names like "Mass Hypnosis", "Flash Freeze", "Induced Coma", and "Hibernation", but if you accidentally breathe on the sleeping mobs they come instantly and fully awake with out so much as a single yawn?
They're light sleepers. Nothing will change that.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
11. How does an itty bitty ring of fire stop things from being knocked back?
Troll Physics.

Where to now?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

Have you ever been thrown in a surprise bonfire? I promise you, people that are do not readily stay in them.
You know, I'd never considered Bonfire to be causing enemies to throw themselves out of the flames; I'd just assumed the power pushed them out. That's a whole new way to look at it.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Off topic but I do still laugh at the "range is mitigation" argument for blasters because I remember when it was exactly like that.

You could put a couple range SOs in your attacks. You edge closer to a group until you are just within snipe range. Hit build up and snipe. The Lieutenant drops and the rest of the group come running at you. Pick your next target and start firing. Then your next. Then and only then do you have to deal with the last two members of the group who have finally gotten in range.

Now you try the same thing and some guy instantly pulls out a pistol that has the same range as your rifle. Yes I know this was to prevent hover snipe because it was zero risk to reward but there are many other ways to earn zero risk to reward experience and all of them including the sniping are too slow to be worthwhile.

As for the "Why do". Why is it that when you rescue people they often thank you and say they can't wait to get out of there then they turn around and run deeper into the building? Did they forget their lunch? Do they have to clock out or risk being fired?

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
1. The projectiles from Psi Blast move so slowly, when moving at the speed of thought is supposed to be so fast?
Contrary to popular belief, In neurons that lack myelin, signals travel just over half a mile an hour. That makes the actual "speed of thought" pretty darn slow. If it weren't for the fact that in heavily myelinated neurons, like those running down the spine, signals can travel up to 180 miles an hour, bad guys could probably outrun our psi blasts with a brisk jog!



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Why do enemies insist that I haven't a chance against them when they are paralyzed and on fire?
Because they're defiant and/or stupid.

Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
In the Dmitri Krylov mission where you kidnap civilians and bring them to Vahzilok surgeons, why did one of them ask my seven foot tall flaming skull faced incarnation of wrath "Are you leading me to safety?" No, probably not.
Sometimes heroes dress as seven foot tall flaming skull-faced incarnations of wrath.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
You can pass through the door out of the Lambda facility... except when it's open.
Gah! This drives me nuts! And the 20 second delay on exiting the hospital on an iTrial...Hate Hate hate!



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Anyone else have a list of CoH head scratchers? Stuff that just makes you say, "hey, wait a minute."
Why does an arrow with a grenade attached to it, that explodes on contact, do less damage than a plain arrow?

How do I miss hitting an inanimate object from point blank range?

Why am I unable to jump through the submarine hatch while it's open?

Why do common street thugs congregate around city hall (You know, the place in Atlas where all the heroes hang out) robbing people in broad daylight?

Why don't they finally get around to making more police drones?

How, exactly, does a claws scrapper go about arresting targets without fatalities?

Why do all the signature heroes leave all the real work to us?



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Why do all the signature heroes leave all the real work to us?
Everything's gray to them. How much time do you spend "arresting" grays?

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



My spines/regen Masochism is a wolf headed, rag clad lunatic wrapped in barbed wire whose battle cry is "PAIN! Hurt me MORE!" When he killed some villains harassing a citizen she ran up and said "I hope my children grow up to be just like you!" Uh, lady; really?!

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
How do I miss hitting an inanimate object from point blank range?
...while staring at it with my eye beams!

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?



... Paragon City have countless bus stops, but not a single bus?

... the Blimp in Atlas Park *still* prevent me from hitching a ride on it?

... a GM with 10X my Hit Points run like a little girl when I shoot it?

... lone Arachnos and Longbow mobs conduct suicide attacks on bases in Bloody Bay?

... a hero run faster than he can fly - when aircraft, bullets, rockets and other
airborne projectiles can go supersonic but cars, trains and other ground-based
objects cannot?

... citizens in banks and offices run around liked crazed maniacs even after the bad
guys are arrested?

... an ambush know exactly where I am even when I'm completely invisible?

... mobs leap off buildings (to their deaths) when you hover just out of their reach?


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
1. The projectiles from Psi Blast move so slowly, when moving at the speed of thought is supposed to be so fast?
The sanctity of your own head is irrefutable. Once your thoughts are outside they are subect to censorship, refutation, condemnation, corruption and misinterpretation. What you should be asking is ... how do they get anywhere at all?

2. Mind control have no projectiles, but Psi blast does?
It's the difference between being "Simon" in Simon Says and being an angry kid with a migraine and a handy pile of rocks to throw.

3. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have a lower damage cap than brutes?
They DON'T have a lower damage cap than brutes... they have a higher tax bracket so have less discretionary damage to work with.

4. Char have a projectile, but Ring of Fire and Fire Cages don't?
Ring of Fire and Fire Cages DOES have a projectile... it's a colorless, flammable gas that doesn't ignite until lands, thus causing friction and heat enough to spark it.... ::innocently whistling::

5. Why does Sonic Blast take so long to animate when auctioneers can talk so fast?
Because Sonic Blast assumes everyone in the vicinity is a foreigner... so it ... speaks... SLOWER... AND... LOUDER...

6. Blasters (which are supposed to be the king of damage) have the same 100% damage buff for build up powers that Scrappers do, but Brutes have the same 80% value as Tanks?
Brutes are notoriously bad financiers and rarely get the best return on their investments.

7. Why does a CoH Bonfire fling things far far away when a real bonfire burns stuff up?
CoH Bonfires have very delicate egos and push away anything that might be more attractive than it or outshine it in anyway... You might say it's a Bonfire of the Vanities...

8. Why do Blasters have defiance normalized tier 1 and 2 primaries but have tier 1 secondaries that are all over the map as far as cast time, range, and projectile/no projectile goes?
The inherent is called "Defiance" and you expect it to quietly work the way you expect it to?

9. Why does acrobatics prevent knockback when what it should do instead is let you land on your feet and just keep fighting?
Superball physics... the current game framerate is not fast enough to show the entire series of hyper-fast acrobatic flips involved before returning you to your feet and allowing you to just keep fighting.

10. Why do sleep powers and enhancements have really impressive and powerful names like "Mass Hypnosis", "Flash Freeze", "Induced Coma", and "Hibernation", but if you accidentally breathe on the sleeping mobs they come instantly and fully awake with out so much as a single yawn?
They don't bother to yawn... they're too ticked off you just woke them from that spectacular dream of them and twenty supermodels on a topless beach in France...

11. How does an itty bitty ring of fire stop things from being knocked back?
Never underestimate the power of Johnny Cash.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Why do all the signature heroes leave all the real work to us?
Here are the responses from the signature heroes during a Rikti invasion:

Ms. Liberty: "I'm not fighting Rikti until I can DRAW this damn sword."
Back Alley Brawler: "Sorry, but I stepped off this podium once and then couldn't find my way back to it. Not taking that chance again."
Blue Steel: "They're no challenge. I sneeze and dropships fall out of the sky."
Positron: "All that crap cons grey to me, no XP."
Valkyrie: "What are the Rikti gonna do, kill me? Been there, done that."
Synapse: "Uh, no. Not even with the hospital that close."
Mynx: "Hey, I'm just as capable of fighting Rikti as any of the other- OH LOOK, BUTTERFLIES!"
Citadel: "They're not Council."
Luminary: "I'm not fighting a damn thing til someone figures out my actual gender."
Sister Psyche: "Oh, please, the Rikti don't even invade Independence Port. Why else would I be here? It's not to look at Statesman, that's for sure."
Aurora Borealis: "My husband won't let me."
Statesman: "Sorry, too busy fighting Recluse."
Manticore: "I was distracted, what were you saying?"
Swan: "The Rikti would one-shot me in this outfit."
Numina: "I'm a ghost, what could they possibly do to me?"
Infernal: "I imprisoned my own demon mother inside my axe. Anything after that is rather anticlimactic."
Castle: "Oh, sure. Right. Fight Rikti. No one listens to a damn thing I say, and you want me to fight Rikti. I don't think so."


Then there's the Shining Stars...

Flambeaux: "I'm so pretty... I'm so pretty... YOU SHOT MY HAIR! FIREBALL!"
Twinshot: "Riccochet shot off the Atlas globe... off the flagpole... off the AE building... dropship downed... nothing but net."
Dillo: "HOORB-y SHI-"
Proton: "I could help you, but the adverse reaction on the timestreams could upset the balance of..."
Grym: "I CHALLENGE YOU TO COMBAT MORTAL, FIENDS! Come in here and try to take me on... with all these cops... and Brawler in the next room... yeah."


And the villains...

Dr. Graves: "More contestants! I have to redo my spreadsheet..."
Dollface: "I'm still waiting for my new car."
Omnicore: "You kill them, I kill you, then I take the best stuff off you and them."
Zephyr: "I'm like a leaf on the wind... see how I soar *BZAAAAT* AAAAaaaaahhhhhh..."
Crosscut: "The chance to inflict such delightful misery... but "DESIST: DEPRAVED ABOMINATION" lacks the finesse of agonized screaming."


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Statesman: "Sorry, too busy holding this ship down."