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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    yes and no - you will need to cancel billing then resub after the 29th for the deal you want.
    Not that I don't believe you but is there a red name that can confirm this? I am in the same position, my auto renew activates on 11/30. I would like to get the promotion with the least effort
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    Unless I heard wrong and it was another game, I think it was told in the New York Comic Con one.
    Unfortunately you are misremembering. I was at that one and they didn't mention this.
  3. The Devs mentioned at the NYC Comic Con that they have a new tool that makes creating zone events easier so I expect we will get more of them.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post

    Oh and hats off to them for putting the player centre stage. I never like playing second fiddle to NPCs so knowing that we will become more powerful than they are is quite exciting.

    I think this is a reaction to a certain other game that is releasing next year. And it is certainly not a bad thing, in fact it is a great move because it turns what could be seen as a drawback (Game world lacking world famous characters) into a strength (in said other game you can never be better than those world famous other characters, here you can!).

    Edit: oops others said what I said. I should have read through the whole thread
  5. Hy-Beams

    ToT issue

    For some reason, not always but very often my first hit on a ToT spawn will have no effect. I will see the hit and the words No Effect (or maybe something like that) will actually rise up. Is there a reason for that or is it a bug?
  6. When jumping, I would like to have the option of a Robotic grunt for my Robot characters and a more Monstrous grunt for my Monstrous characters.

    I also find the Demon sounds very loud.

    I would love the ability to kill the sounds on toggles. Sometimes you like them but sometimes it can get old when the toggle is up all the time.
  7. Admittedly I did this as a Brute but I found the mission fun. I liked how the set up was different and it was unlike any mission I had seen before.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I still can't get the test server to work - I've been trying for the past 24 hours, but all it does it download 2.5 MB, then stop.
    I haven't used it since testing I17, because the GR beta was on a special server - should I just delete it and try downloading everything again?
    There's another thread that I started on the Training Room board where I got help turning my Beta install into a test install. You may want to check it out as it worked for me.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    -Any feature sold in a booster pack, after a 12 month period of exclusivity, should also be able to be earned/unlocked in-game via Hero/Villain/Reward Merits.

    -Really, that should apply to some Vet Rewards too at this point.

    I don't agree with this. There are new players all the time, I paid to get something today, you waited 12 months to get it for free but someone joining the game at 12 months +1 day gets it for free immediately. That's a bad business model.
  10. Thanks to both you guys. It works!
  11. I really appreciate everyone's help. When I got the message in your step 3, I was afraid I would get stuck downloading the whole thing and couldn't cancel so I ended the task and then went back and changed the name of the folder thinking that might be the problem and tried again. I got the same message so I ended the task and gave up and asked the experts.
  12. Thanks for the help. I didn't create a new folder, I renamed the existing one. Was that a mistake?
  13. I have a second installation of COH from the GR Beta test. I would like to turn this into a Test Server install. I had asked this before and someone suggested that I change the tags in the shortcut to test from beta but that didn't seem to work (when is started it, it wanted to download the client again which is what I am trying to avoid). I also changed the folder name to test form beta but no dice. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  14. I just wanted to point out that given how I understand this to work, in your option 2, it shouldn't be necessary to Respec. As I understand it, characters of all levels that don't currently have nay of the Fitness Pool will get it, only characters that have at least one Fitness power need to respec.

    As for me, I am playing without it on Lowbies and on my other that have fitness (95% of all my characters I would guess), I'll just have to Respec when the issue drops. I hate respecing but it's worth it to add some powers (and also to fix some mistakes I made but never bothered to correct).
  15. Since you asked, while there are few things that would be interesting to have, I would rather resources be put into new pieces and making some of the older low rez pieces look new with NPC peices being done when possible.
  16. Hy-Beams

    NY Comic Con

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I hope they use that new version of the IDF trooper in the MJ and Tina arcs instead of the temp one we have right now.
    They are. David said the current look was a placeholder for those characters and the "real" look gets introduced in I19.
  17. Hy-Beams

    NY Comic Con

    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    I hope a red name comes in here and clarifies if we're getting that set or not. Seems like everyone is saying we are but I never heard the panel say that.
    To be honest I never remembered them saying it either when I was there, only that it was their general philosophy to give us any new NPC parts when possible but assumed I just missed it since other people said it happened.
  18. Hy-Beams

    NY Comic Con

    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    Agree, I mean it make sense, I was wounder if it a Unlockable Power as well, by finish the TF.
    When someone asked about the swords, the devs would only say it was related to the Task Force.
  19. Hy-Beams

    NY Comic Con

    Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
    The final video (4/4) cuts out right when they're discussing costume pieces.
    From memory, they just reiterated that from now on when possible we will get costume pieces analogous to any new NPC groups and David mentioned the All Things Art threads on the forums.
  20. I just wanted to add that the panel was really fun. I went to the Con with a friend who doesn't play and now he is seriously considering picking up the game so I guess it did its job.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
    All of that just blew my mind! I19 is going straight to open beta? Awesome! New travel powers? Double Awesome! Praetorian Epic ATs? *mindblown*
    Not to burst any bubbles but I remember it as them saying closed beta next week but I could be wrong.
  22. Just to clarify, the Imperial Defense Force isn't technically new. It already exists but the look of them was meant to be temporary. They get their finalized look in I19.

    They also showed the Praetorian GM, a huge Warwalker.

    Also much to the chagrin of one of the question askers, they will *not* be giving out any extra slots because Fitness is now inherent (FWIW I am fine with that but I know a lot of people aren't).

    The Calvin Scott TF isn't new. They are just making the original one available in Ouros (which is fine by me, I started after it was removed).

    Also notice the new Ferry/Train screen gives level ranges for the zones now and they mentioned that train missions will appear at the top of the list with star.

    When asked about revamping zones, they said no specific plans but they are very aware we want Boomtown revamped.

    Also they confirmed that Praetoria will take part in Halloween events.
  23. Hy-Beams

    Gold Event Title

    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    it was an invasion event about 3 days ago. the arachnos attacked faultline and the longbow attacked nerva(i think, i only did it blue side.)
    Is this something new? It sounds very cool and I don’t recall an event like that before.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    Air superiority is nice, but I can never seem to find a good place for it in my builds. My melee-centric builds don't need it, since they already have plenty of melee attacks, and my ranged builds wouldn't use it, because they stay the hell out of melee.
    For me, Air Superiority is more useful as mitigation than the damage. The guaranteed knockdown is very useful so I use it even when I have plenty of other attacks.