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  1. Head over to the Rogue Isles either via the sub in Independence Port or going through Pocket D and run Paper Missions or join teams there. You will gather tips that will give you a villain option. Do enough of those and you will get a Morality Mission. Finish that and and a villain you shall become.
  2. Hy-Beams

    Catalyst 11.9

    FYI I am hearing that the current ATI driver that fixes CoH doesn't work with the new game Rage...
  3. I got my Tokens today (one for the month and my yearly bonus) but no points yet so we can get tokens before the 11th.
  4. Hy-Beams

    Catalyst 11.9

    I played for hours last night and no problem. I saw an extremely brief Not Responding message for just a second (that was what it would do when it crashed before the new driver) but otherwise it was fine. Seem like the problem may be solved for real
  5. Exalted seems to be like every other server I have played on. The only difference I have seen is I have gotten names on that server that haven't been available on any of the others in years.
  6. Hy-Beams


    I don't know if it is related but I just got two tips from one kill on my stalker.
  7. Now that you can start any AT on any side, the novelty of being, say an Ill/Rad controller in the Isles or /nin stalker in Paragon City is pretty thin. I think to make them more attractive, they should create mission content that is exclusive to those alignments and maybe beef up the powers they get as well (although the vigilante power is pretty good).
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    If you go to www.cityofheroes.com and look at the top-right corner of the page, there should be a link labeled "Continue to cityofheroes.com"
    Tex, I go to the site from to different PCs. On one I see that, on the other, I do not.

    Both use Google Chrome as browser, the one that works is a 32 bit XP PC the one that doesn't is 64 bit Windows 7.

    edit: I see above someone said clearing their cache fixed it. I will try that when I go home.
  9. Hy-Beams

    Catalyst 11.9

    Originally Posted by Faust_Sama View Post
    I was getting hard crashes with anything above 11.5, especially during trials. I played all night with the 11.9, 3 trials, with heavy alt-tabbing (that usually caused a crash), and I had no crash at all. I'll finally be able to play newer games without having to uninstall/install different drivers

    This is with an HD5870 1gb and an i7 2600k/8gb, Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1.
    This matches me as well. Same card, same OS, similar specs and basically the same experience with the 11.9 driver.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

    Wouldn't mind having more data to give AMD, but for the most part, many of the subscribers here just don't seem to like the idea of actually doing anything to get driver problems addressed.

    If you are interested in trying to help out in getting AMD the information, please go post in the AMD forum thread with your hardware and software specifications.
    Frankly I already have a full time job. I didn't know paying money for a high end video card and an MMO made me become part of their technical support departments.

    It is frustrating that I constantly crash. And worse, sometimes the crash locks my PC up completely. They know there is an issue and they have the resources to troubleshoot it, how much of my own time do I need to spend on this?

    I know you are trying to help but it isn't fair to make this seem like this is our fault this hasn't been fixed after 5 months.
  11. Hy-Beams


    I also saw two salvage drop from one kill. It was a CoT minion. In fact, it seems that salvage seems to drop more period.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    The random logout bug has indeed been around a long time. This is something different though. Every time your session gets reset you are logged out now. Not randomly, every time. One way to do this is to close down your browser completely (all windows). So I can log in, browse the forums, close my browser, go back to the forums, and I'll have to log back in. Every time. If I close my browser, I'll have to log back in when I return.

    That is new. I was unable to log in for a week or so, as many were, and ever since that got fixed it's been this way. This is not a random bug in vBulletin's software. Something has become misconfigured that could be fixed but hasn't been.
    Exactly this. I have the same problem. It isn't the same as the old problem.
  13. There seem to be a bunch of new powers available both in the market and as veteran rewards (e.g Windfall). Is there a place to see what exactly it is that they do?

    Similarly is there a way to see costume pieces in the market or do you have to be in the character creator to see them? Thanks.
  14. Hy-Beams

    Map Issues

    A couple of things with the in character map I have noticed since issue 21:

    1. I like to disconnect my map from the Nav window and place it on the left side of the screen. It is supposed to stay there for the next time when i log in but on my characters it will often reset and I have to do it again and again.

    2. I have noticed on new characters I have created since i21, the Notoriety Contact icon is not selected by default and thus doesn't show on the map. I have to select it on each one, so far.

    3. I logged into an older character for the first time since i21 and when I opened his map, none of the icons were selected so the map had no landmarks at all until I turned them all back on.
  15. Since there are 7 arcs total I was thinking each one would be 5 levels higher. Next arc would be 25 then 30 etc. up to 50. But then again maybe they will keep them lower then that to maximize the amount of characters that can play them.
  16. I wanted to add that while for a while 11.7 allowed me to play the game again, the last few days I have been having major crashes. My entire PC actually locks up forcing a restart. I also find my fan has to run much more with CoH than other games (I am playing Dues Ex right now as well. It has much more elaborate graphics but my AMD 5780 card works less than it does for CoH and to date never has crashed after hours of play.
  17. I have been playing for a couple of years now but just started messing with IO sets on my 50s. Here is a question I am unsure about:

    Let's say there is a set with a max level of 40 but it has set bonuses I want. Can I create those enhancements and use them on my 50 or would I have had to do it back when I was level 40?

  18. Hy-Beams

    Rocket Boards?

    Since this seems to have turn into animations for travel powers, mine is very simple: I want to use the Hover animation with the Fly power (i.e. Flying but vertical not horizontal).
  19. Followup: I have played several times on 11.7 for a couple of hours each time and my issues appear to have been resolved. I did freeze up once when exiting a mission but I believe that is an issue many others have reported recently and not related to my driver. Also I have had a bit of sluggishness at times and yesterday when I was in Atlas during a Costume Contest (the zone was loaded with people), I found my character couldn't move right away when it went through a door (which made doing the Talk to the Rikti Mission during the Moonlighter arc a little annoying) but again not sure of that is driver related.

    The constant freezing and lockups and crashes I was getting seem to have been fixed for me.
  20. Here is my report so far:

    I installed 11.7 and I can report that my constant freezing seems to have been fixed. Will need to play longer to see if crashing happens still but progress!
  21. Woo Hoo! I shall be installing then as soon as I can. Couldn't play the game for weeks now.
  22. Because of this thread, I decided to launch my Beta install for the hell of it. I got errors when I tried to update it and then when I opened it is asked to do a repair and now I have to redownload all 3 gigs worth of it again...not sure what happened.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NecroOmNomNomicon View Post
    Look at the main stickied thread in this forum bro. A number of users, myself included, are having issues with this game and ATI cards, although it seems to really hammer you if you have a 64bit Windows 7 combined with current ATI Catalyst installed. It's some real B.S. and it currently makes the game essentially unplayable for me, with regular crash intervals of 30 minutes or less.
    Exactly this. When it isn't crashing, it freezes every couple of seconds.
  24. Given that CoH Freedom is sort of a relaunch of the game and will come out in the fall, will the game's Anniversaries still be celebrated in April or will the date Freedom comes out (whenever that is) become the new date? Just something dumb that occurred to me...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    This was mentioned in another thread and I tried it and it made my problem worse. My entire PC froze when logging into a character forcing me to power it off but YMMV.