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I'm not talking about BUYITNAO prices. well, except for the part where I tried getting some for 100k. Ive had several stacks of 10k bids in for almost 2 weeks now that havent picked up a single one.
Ok, I know it's the holiday weekend and all, but the price on Inert Gas has actually been steadily goin up for about the last two weeks now. In the past I'd usually picked them up for around 1-10K. Last Weekend they spiked a bit, and I haven't been able to get any for those prices since then. Today, I couldn't get any for 100K. Yet I notice most of the other components I regularly by are still within thier normal price range- did something happen to the supply or demand of Inert Gas?
I've taken it on exactly two characters to date, one is my first Axe/Invuln tanker, who can always use another axe to wield. If only they had a left handed animation for it so he coudl dual-wield. The other one is a Broadsword scrapper, whose concept is that her sword is the "Ultimate Weapon" that transforms into whatever is appropriate to the enemy she fights. Of course, the double redraw really kills her attack chain, so it's mostly just for show. I much prefer having Sands of Mu so that even my lowest level characters have some sort of AoE.
I would absolutely love to get some frilly clothes to be able to make more anime-type characters. Lots of lacy dresses and ribbons for Magical Girls and Maids, and jackets/shirts with ruffled sleeves and chests for the poet/casanova type Bishounen. (Lelouche from Code Geass, or Jack from Pandora Hearts come to mind)
Also some HUGE weapons, Comical weapons, and a gun for my robot MasterMind that's actually sleek...
Oh, and the option to suppress OTHER PLAYERS' Power Customization. Mr Lavendar Sonic Bubbles, I'm looking at you. -
Some of the Longbow guys still have thier masks on sideways- which is somewhat distracting, but no where near this disturbing...
I'm having a heck of a time getting my hands on a lvl 35 Malaise's Illusions: Acc/Confuse/Rech, either the recipe or the crafted IO. The last recipe on the market was a month ago, but I apparently got outbid on that one. If anyone happens to have one of these lying around and is willing to part with it, I'm willing to pay a premium for it. PM me here, or in-game, my global is the same as my forum name.
If it matters, the character I'm looking for it on is Heroside on Triumph. I know the Market is cross-server, but it's easier to arrange a trade in person. -
Hoo boy, this is gonna be a long one. Castle, poking around that Internet Movie Firearms DataBase page is a great starting point.
Also, feel free to browse my collection of "cool guns pix" at: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v3...uns/?start=all
First off, the one's I'd really like that have already been mentioned:
Beretta Neo 22s
Deckard's Gun from Blade Runner
Judge Dredd's Lawgiver (Movie Version)
And then some that I haven't seen suggested yet. I know you said they have to fire bullets, but since most Star Wars blasters are converted from slugthrowers,
I figured they'd be fine to convert back. Everyone's brother has already suggested Han's Blaster, So im not gonna post it, but here are a few others that would be cool:
Biker Scout Pistol:
Battle Droid 'Rifle'
Naboo Blaster (based on a Target Shooting pistol, need some of them)
Along the same lines, Ronon's blaster from Stargate Atlantis is basically a pimped out revolver:
Another 'Energy' weapon that could easily be converted, the Beam Pistol used by Strike Noir Gundam:
Several people have requested something along the lines of a "Square Gun", the best example of which I can think of is in Ultaviolet:
The Darkwatch Pistol is an interesting steampunk mix of Revolver and Semi-Auto
A couple people have suggested a Gyroc pistol and/or something based on the Nerf Maverick, here's a render of one I build using DAZ Studio:
A couple of Real Guns: the MAC-10's boxy profile makes it visually different from an UZI
And the H&K MP7 PDW is another distinctive Machine Pistol
Shotgun Pistol, anyone?
And, even though it's one-shot, I'd kinda like to see a Flare Gun
And lastly, someone already posted a great shot of the classic Halo 1 Pistol, which is awesome, but I've also come to like the new ODST Automag
I dunno how much twirling it would allow, but the Halo Needler would be a great starting point for those Exotic/Organic/Alien weapons people are asking for:
And, here's my ridiculously huge gun suggestion, the Brute Spiker- if it's good enough for Master Chief to dual-wield, then it's good enough for me
Actually, I saw several successful runs in Croatoa. Including one folloed by a sound thrashing of Jack and Eochai. It probably helps that it seems somewhat thematic for the zone. I'd definitely agree that it could be removed from some zones- expect for that not making much sense story-wise. Maybe have the initial time limit start much lower and earn "bonus time" as you defeat the "defenders". Also, adding extra time for defeating each banner would be a good suggestion, I was on several attempts that just abrely managed to pull off defeating the banners in time (like 10 seconds left on one), and others that just barely failed. Actually, it'd be great if it could be coded so the banners don't disappear as long as they have someone within thier 'aggro' radius.
I'd also like it if the toughness of the event could somehow scale to the number of people participating- nothing was more disappointing that only having 5 or so people show up for one, and knowing that all you're really doing is farming some annoying mobs.
I agree with the idea of only one zone at a time, I'm sure there were times when participation got split between zones that ended in failure by default. I'd also like to see some additional notifications in the Event channel besides the initial one- sometimes I'm zoning or loggin in when it gets announced and I don't know it's happening until sometime later I see "Supernatural Activity has ended in ZONE" and go "Dang, missed another chance..."
Oh, and PLEASE, for god's sake, don't let Eochai spawn on top of the banners next time! -
Quote:I note that while you've included the image of the Ring Pommeled Sword in your quote, you don't specifically mention it- so what are the chances of that becoming availible? It's pretty nice looking.Greater Ice Sword, I might consider it as an option for Ice Melee, if we ever implement the ability to unlock power customization themes.
Coralax hammer as a mace...unlikely. It's pretty much a two handed weapon. There's even a temp power that uses it that way.
Tomohawk, as a battleaxe...no. It's too small for Battleaxe (I've already tried it, looks silly).
Coral club and Elder knife...not sure if both sides have access to those villain groups. They're too signature to no have as unlockables.
Arachnos Pistol seems reasonable. I'll see if we can't get that in for Dual Pistols.
On a similar note, any chance of Bots MMs ever getting a Pulse Rifle that isn't huge and klunky? -
Quote:Duhh, They don't drop Magic Enhancements because they've slotted them.Okay, I should probably have read every page, but
I wanted to know if the ToT'rs are ever going to drop
"magic" enhancments. Getting only Sci/Tech is annoying *lol*
besides, black magic, witches and stuff, it's all supernatural.
take care and be safe out there, run from zombies if you're by yourself -
Quote:Admittedly, I'm a "dedicated crafter", but the subject was "Common IOs", not super-uber-rare Sets. Common IOs only cost ~500K to craft at lvl 50. At level 35, they cost around 60K, half that if you have it memorized. The recipies can be had for $1-5K if you leave bids in overnight. And most salage can be bought for the same.You will not break even at 500k; crafting fee is 460k and the recipe is anywhere from 80k to 120k. You also spend a market slot and time waiting for the crafted enhancement to sell. Generally, unless you have the recipe memorized (and in that case, why are you not vendoring the recipe?), you will not beat dedicated crafters at common IOs.
Once youve found a profitable common Io to craft (Damage, Acc, Rech, End Redux), take the small investment of time to memorize the 35-40 recipies (usually takes around 8 of each), and then you can start cranking them out as fast as you can purchase the salvage- they'll usually sell for 200-500K overnight. That's anywhere from 4x to 10x profit margin, it doesnt take long to build up a good stash with that ratio.
You'll probably need about 500K to start this project, I usually get that by selling everythign that drops on my lowbies, and of neccessary, buying Common IO recipes and Uncommon salvage for pennies on the dollar and running them to a vendor.
Of course, this is really nothing new, I and many others have repeated it numerous times on the Market Forum. We're only "greedy" in that we're happy to take people's Inf for a few minutes of our time- but not so "greedy" that we wont tell you exactly how we got rich. -
Guess I'll throw mine out there, maybe it'll get some more attention:
Soul Apocalypse, #138495 -
Oh, so it's just like running my missions on +0/x2...
I've also noticed this issue, running at +0/x2 I seem to get a LOT of +1 Critters. Heck, when I went to do the "Meet With Lady Gray" for the Midnighter Squad, I turned it down to -1/x1, but apparently the setting didnt take and I still ended up fighting a crapload of yellow spirits.
On the other hand, I have Bosses turned on, but dont seem to be tripping over too many- perhaps its a function of level? My current character is only lvl 18 at the moment. -
Quote:Heh, you make it sound like you can't find the tailors every few seconds instead of every ten levels.Heh, you make it sound like we're getting pinged by a new contact every few seconds instead of every few levels.
The only time I've seen it be more than one (maybe two) at a time was when logging in characters that had not been played in a really long time. Hardly a reason to protest the tailors being added to the list of unlocked contacts, imho.
The only time I've had a hard time finding them is about issue 4 or so. Hardly a reason to add yet another annoying popup, imho.
They're not hidden, they don't move around, the only requirement for "Unlocking" them is "Be X Level". It's like needing a popup for the University or the AE building. Oh, wait- damn... -
Please god, no. I don't need any more contacts being able to spam me with more popups. The other day, I logged in one of my old characters, and had about a dozen different contacts popup- I just wanted to play! If I was interested in those contacts, I'd go find them.
Seriously, the only way I'd support more contact spam is if they give us an option to turn them off. -
Quote:I dunno about anyone else, but I'd actually be cool with this plan.The only way I would be ok with build switching without visiting an NPC would be:
- Set Player Health 1
- Set Player Max Regeneration 0, duration 60 seconds.
- Set Player Max Endurance 0, duration 60 seconds.
- Set all powers state to Initial Recharge.
- Wipe all Buffs/Debuff on character.
Glam Hair, V belt, Thigh High Boots, the Leather Bustier, Large Robotic Gloves, Enforcer Gloves. Winged Headband (I like the way the front parts frame the face)...
Obviously, not all on the same costume, that would be silly. Unless my name was Rian Frostdrake -
Quote:Seriously, Sam- I know you're an old codger, but how can you not like this? Thats like seven kinds of awesome!Originally Posted by Samuel_TowAt this point, he was fighting giant pirate sharks with Victorian era white wigs and captain's jackets
Interesting- This thread got me to sit down and take a look at my selection of characters, and led to a surprising discovery. I'm a male, but don't tend to set out to make a character a specific sex, it just depends on what feels right for them. Generally though, I find female characters more interesting to dress/play/look at, so I assumed my collection would be overwhelmingly female and was suprised to discover that I was wrong- and not just by a little.
It turns out I have 91 Male Characters, and 64 Females. Adjusted for those I have multiple versions of on different servers, it comes out to 80 Males, 52 Females. Granted, 7 of the 'Males' are actually robots, but I dont suppose thats a meaningful distinction...
However, getting back to my general preference towards females, I took a closer look. Several of the above characters havent really gotten much play, since they were mostly just things I'd create to see how they looked, or pics for NPCs for my Pen and Paper games- the vast majority of them havent even reached lvl 5. Of the 24 whove made it past lvl 10, 16 are female, and 14 of the 26 whove made it past lvl 20. So it seems that while I've overwhelmingly made Male characters, my general perception that I tend to play females is still correct. Interestingly, the ratios are almost exactly reversed- for creation, its 61% male, but for play its 60% female... -
Yeah, I love stockpiling temp powers, especially any with a weapon to show off. My favorite is a couple of characters that have managed to hold on to the clockwork immobilizer, so they can now whip out a Council Grenade Launcher among thier other toys- that always gets a "whoa, what's that?" response.
So, I have a copy of the Architect Edition that I havent used the code from yet, since, well, I already have an account, and had already purchased both Cyborg and Maguc boosters before it was availible. So I figured I'd hold onto it until the next booster got released- today I tried to add the code, but was only presented with the options for the previous two boosters- Is that correct?
Wow, this thread is giving me monitor envy...
Here's mine , like others, my MM is the busiest, so he gets shown. God bless those extra boxes!
It's fairly standard, but i've unattached the map and put it up in the left hand corner so it doesnt cover my field of view when I have it open. sure it covers the 'target' box, but I rarely need both of them up at once.
I have the tabs on the chatbox setup to 1) Combat, 2) Damage/Healing, 3) Globals, and 4) Rewards, so I can go back and double check on them when I need them- I really wish Global Chat had a timestamp option.
My MM have the middle mouse button linked to thier 'main' attack power + Petcom_all Attack, so I can easily redirect my minions in combat. My melee types have thier ranged attack on the middle button, when they get one.