Unlocked Contacts: Tailor / Facemaker
<---- Suggestion forum.
I would sign it, but to make it easy on you.
At level 20... * Heroes should visit Serge in the Steel Canyon branch of Icon. * Villains should visit The Facemaker in the Cap au Diable branch of Face. At level 30... * Heroes should visit Lauren in the Independence Port branch of Icon. * Villains should visit Gorgeous Glenda in the Cap au Diable branch of Face. (She is in the room at the end of the hall.) At level 40... * Heroes should visit Carson in the Founders' Falls branch of Icon. * Villains should visit Lovely Linda in the St. Martial branch of Face. |

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Your request makes sense and may just be a oversight.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
I fully agree, in-game info would be handy. Hell, I've been playing however long, and one of the more common questions I pepper my friends and SG mates with is;
'Uh...which Icon is the Xnumber tailor mission at?'
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Well the arbiter does suggest that you visit the tailor. s does any trainer at level 20. But most people forget to read that part.
You know who I've never had pop up as a contact? Arbiter Rein (hit 40 on a villain for the third time the other day, no notification). Had the darnedest time trying to find out what to do about the patrons the first time I had to do it (thank goodness for the wiki).
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Please god, no. I don't need any more contacts being able to spam me with more popups. The other day, I logged in one of my old characters, and had about a dozen different contacts popup- I just wanted to play! If I was interested in those contacts, I'd go find them.
Seriously, the only way I'd support more contact spam is if they give us an option to turn them off.

Please god, no. I don't need any more contacts being able to spam me with more popups. The other day, I logged in one of my old characters, and had about a dozen different contacts popup- I just wanted to play! If I was interested in those contacts, I'd go find them.
Seriously, the only way I'd support more contact spam is if they give us an option to turn them off. |

The only time I've seen it be more than one (maybe two) at a time was when logging in characters that had not been played in a really long time. Hardly a reason to protest the tailors being added to the list of unlocked contacts, imho.

I'd like them to just appear in the contact lists, but not those damn popups.
Heh, you make it sound like we're getting pinged by a new contact every few seconds instead of every few levels.
![]() The only time I've seen it be more than one (maybe two) at a time was when logging in characters that had not been played in a really long time. Hardly a reason to protest the tailors being added to the list of unlocked contacts, imho. |

The only time I've had a hard time finding them is about issue 4 or so. Hardly a reason to add yet another annoying popup, imho.
They're not hidden, they don't move around, the only requirement for "Unlocking" them is "Be X Level". It's like needing a popup for the University or the AE building. Oh, wait- damn...

I just realized that the Tailors are not an auto assigned Contact. I just hit level 20 on my New Necro/Thermal MM(It is awesome btw) and Darin Wade popped up as an unlocked contact, and also Kalinda popped back to active for the cape mission. So why don't they Tailors show up as "Unlocked Contacts". This would really help with older characters, that have a few slots available, and you don't know which Tailors to talk to. Also it lets people know where to go to get the costume slots.
Just my 2 infamy
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You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill