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  1. In fairness I'll give Co a play and chance. I've seen it's style alrdy and as said above it looks like a parody of a superhero game n very... xboxy -playstation kind of look (Think the naruto games on the consoles).
    Alrdy tried SW and tht feels less like a MMO as i go, so might as well give Co a try
  2. Im in both the union TS channel, COH survivors and Sals badgehunter channel on facebook. You can hook me up there
  3. Atm with my current work situation - extra $5 is ok for me - that's about £15 .. otherwise i don't mind double it so it's £20
  4. 1) was we ever going to get a few more villain only zones and or sf's?
    2) What was L.Recluse's plans now statesman had kicked the bucket lol
    3) Was Shadow Shard ever in the works/ on the board to be reworked/opened to villains
  5. Talking about SWG reminds me of how EA ruined the very last Command and Coquer game....
  6. Getting the word out is one of the big things we must do to save our family... But only done in the right way and things like this helps us soo much
  7. I've deleted all the low level toons, minus a couple that means more to me then others. Tho their mids build remains. and so does my 2 personal bases.
    The most important ones will never be deleted, but as i see it .. If and when the game is saved and able to continue - in it's current form or a different one. I'll remake those toons as the new era toons and the ones i've kept will be the old era toons (i'll make some fancy new - old ear when it happens ) Plus i have some inf still if i need any..

    I'm doing it so if and when i do recreate those toons it'll fill like a new game to me even if it's the same old game as before (oh .. and the game being the same old game as before... there is NOTHING wrong with that) ^^
  8. CoT Caves... with a 8 man all MM team XD
  9. lol you're all gonna regret these goodbyes when we save this game muahaha
  10. Just because it wasnt in Ncsoft eyes of the future doesn't mean it's not good enough and strong enough for other companies/people. It's happened before and will carry on that way for years. If our efforts can find some other company it be awesome.

    What about mailing the other gaming news sites and show them the efforts we're trying to do in saving this game? you know get the word out show us united.
  11. Broken hearted. running, walking jumping around the places for a last look of the places.
    and spending it with those who are more important to me.
  12. No offense here, but it's great to see lots of ideas to keep the game going and i for one backs some of the more realistic idea's. However is anyone actually looking into these or just saying? I know there's not a lot in term of resources n speed we the players can do without on thing or another but are they just suggestions or something others are looking more into. Even if it comes back down to the devs doing the actual work etc?
  13. Ultra Mega super-dupa insanely universal size LULZ!
  14. Yer but is that for the servers or everything. No one has said thats the server cut of date but the final date.. the servers could go down weeks before then.
  15. HardRider

    PWNZ, lolwut

    This video contains content from Channel 5 and WMG, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
    Muhahahahahahaha Failed !
  16. HardRider lvl 50 Stone/Invul - An original Issue 6 villain


    Anywhere.. Most likely sitting in the old fort (pre-longbow) saying that above
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post

    HAHAH that's EXACTLY what i was just thinking.. You n Black Pebble ayyyye

    ofc, now everyone knows it's a bit .....

    HAWKWARD!! >.<

    Tunnel Rat wooooooo <3
    You've always been awesome and will be missed by us all.
  18. plz zombie we knew u was the original statesman
  19. Holy molly batman ..... today is just filled with shockers
  20. i dont have the will to continue atm. and i dont see the point either now.
  21. HardRider

    To all of you...

    One final coffee talk?
  22. Aye to everyone who created and maintained all the little tools that made our lives a lot better n more fun *I take my hate off to you all*