How Will You Spend These Last Months Playing?




Where does one start?

Me personally, I'm thinking of rolling a new toon and taking them on the very slow path through the Rogue Isles. Find all those hidden contacts and long-forgotten red-side missions I haven't played in years. Maybe go on a giant monster hunt as well...

What about you? How will you spend your final days playing CoH?



I have a few more AE arcs to write and share with my friends and one epilogue piece to write that should touch on the future of all of my main characters.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



I'm thinking of keeping a "Last 90 Days" journal, but I'd have to back it up at some other site as well since I don't know when these forums might go away.

Regardless, I've set myself several immediate goals:

1. Get my staff melee brute to 50.
2. Get my nature affinity/water blast defender to 50.

I have other toons that I'd like to get to 50 as well, but these two are new sets that I want to experience a bit more of.

Beyond that, I'd like to play through Praetoria once -- I never really did make it all the wa through -- and First Ward and Night Ward, I haven't done any of Night Ward before. One of my longer-range goals was to run a Praetorian to 50, but no real sense in wasting 3 months to do that now, I just want to experience the stories at least once.

As for task forces and trials, I've done nearly all of them, most of them I can do in my sleep, but I haven't played a ton of incarnate content so I've never done a Minds of Mayhem or Dilemma Diabolique Trial, and there are some redside strike forces that I've only done once or twice. I also haven't done an Abandoned Sewer Trial in over a year, I'd like to organize at least one more of those.

I still haven't played through every one of the SSAs, that's easy to fix though. And I know there are a bunch of mid-level newer arcs and I've only played through one that I know of.

So... I still have more stuff that I want to do than I probably have time to do.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I intend to do everything that I've never gotten around to.

Trials, missions, TFs, SFs, all of it.



Broken hearted. running, walking jumping around the places for a last look of the places.
and spending it with those who are more important to me.



Taking as much video and still footage as I can of all of my favourite characters and particularly my stone melee / firey aura brute, Volkanik (Union / Blue Side), so that I can still "play" them even after the lights go out.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I plan to spend my time with sgmates and other friends, get my water blaster to 50 and maybe even slot his Mids build, solo or team (PUGs are fine) doing old favorite arcs, AE's, etc. There's still LOTS of content I havent done, like getting a villain toon to actually do a Patron Pool arc rather than pick epic pool powers.... I plan to be on and playing or at least visiting with friends every day until the very end.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



It's too difficult to do anything but RP, or the occasional RP mission,

If i do anything else i burst into tears from the memories.

And then i have to hold back my more murderous side of my personality :C



It depends. I won't know until I find my 3 month subscription code and try to apply it. If it works, I will probably play the Who Will Die arc. If it doesn't, I will probably play Praetoria. If possible I'll play both.



I'm trying to get some friends back in the game for the farewell tour. In the meantime, I can be found on Infinity as much as possible, taking as many charcters 1-50 as I can by playing the regular content.

I'm tempted to get a game-time card, so I can go VIP again, just so I can post to the Infinity forum again. I really would love to get a regular group going for the final months of just Beam Rifle Defenders, Corrupters, and Blasters. For some reason I really love seeing those decintagration messages every where.