1767 -
That is up to you. Two authors so far have shown theirs.
A lot of praise for this arc. The customs and the redone longbows look superb. A good touch was the clever use of the returning to the contact for detailed mission info.
I played this on Trolly, my leveling brute 0n +0/x2 and got clobbered a few times. Those Arachnoids are plain nasty and those void seekers pack a mean punch when you encounter two groups of them.
In mission 4 I was starting to loose interest. The map to big and horrible to scout for objectives. Once I got the mission objective. I left as fast as I could. Not bothering with the baron or the possessed ally. Seemed that I missed a big clue however as she was mentioned in the debriefing.
I failed the last mission. The baron kept healing faster then I could damage him so in the end I abandoned this arc. -
Very nice customs, good dialogue. Wasn't to happy with the maps but they feel correct for this arc. I liked the horror theme as well. Sure it got room for improvement but I enjoyed playing it with the MA team tonight.
No Hollidays are coming adds until after the holy man who gives presents to sweet children has returned to Spain. Yes it is mostly a Dutch thing.
See: http://www.thehollandring.com/sinterklaas.shtml
I am shocked we still have farmers. So this is a
NONDOOOOMMMM thread then? -
Just a friendly advice to whomever will be judging these arcs and us players as well. I played two arcs now that have accepted this challenge and by their nature these arcs are designed to be emotional as they are about making horrible choices. I am not going to play more then 1 of these arcs per day and maybe less. This to avoid getting desensitized about things and that would be a shame.
Played the arc and I liked it. No glaring faults found. Not that I dare say anytthing about grammar and spelling. I liked the (de)briefings, the dialogues and the clues. They were good and well written.
I expected not having to worry about the deed i was forced to take. After all, I hate Rikti. Yet when the moment came, I felt it. Instinctively this feels very bad. Which means that I am still human after all
However, I am not convinced that this was the only solution to solve this problem. A few more enemy Rikti wont change the war, the technology of the devices is something that I doubt is beyond their means (didn't they provide them in the first place?). We could do a raid on their base etc. The solution used seems a harsh and unnecessary thing to do. Not to mention a political move of death.
[/spoiler] -
An interesting arc it is, you worked the arc up towards the moment of choice. Only at the end of the second mission did it become obvious what had to happen.
The last mission was hectic. Glad that I have a fast (ahem) computer, I managed to finish the mission with a few seconds to spare. I am curious how this one will do in Aeons challenge. Because in the end it is not a decision the hero takes alone and it is as much a noble sacrifice as it is steering away from the high road of morality from the heroes part. -
What can I say, except that I fully agree with above poster.
Anyone got the recipe for that extra sticky stuff? Sounds really usefull. -
Basically the problem with walking and fighting is that it would require a lot of animations to be done. Nice for a paid for booster pack (ninja pack) but not for a project that is done in spare time. The solution used now is to switch all powers of and graying them out. If you want to fight, detoggle and go.
What about the idea that while you are walking you can activate any power you want but that will result in dropping you into normal running mode? -
I fully agree on that, Ninja Run is perfectly suitable for a couple of my Ninja-Esque toons. For others, it looks totally out of place. It would be lovely to have a run like this with other options.
/em So here is my share of money. -
Quote:Being from Europe I think I may all myself an expert on 6this subjectIn Europe and Asia where the cities are designed to rely more on public transit, the relative number of people you see driving is a lot lower. Same in a big city like New York. Paragon is built with mass transit in mind a lot more than most cities.
But even with metros, trams, busses, taxis, bikes, rikshas or trains our streets are most often congested with cars. And if I would live in Paragon City I would never take the tram. If only for the inconvenience of having to walk two miles between stations when I need to switch lines.
More cars in PC makes a lot of sense. -
Anonymous comments are never a good idea when you want to keep things civil and the forum moderators have better things to do then kiddy garden us to be polite and constructive in a forum feature that serves not much purpose anyway.
So I agree with the decision to purge the comments. Next logical step would be to purge the rating system as well. -
I got a few disturbed characters of my own. I always wonder what can make a people turn bad.
The broken dolly
Miss Stitch
Minds of the criminally insane: Case Miss Stitch.
A truly Psychotic girl. Sexual abused by her own family, betrayed by her boyfriend to be turned over to a crazy student of Vazhilonik. He practiced his trade on her, rebuilding her as a twisted barbie doll, opening her up and stitching improved parts together. Then when he had learned enough, he left her battered body to die and moved to other projects. Somehow she survived and her former torturer was so amused by this fact that he learned her some of his secrets and then turned her loose on the streets. She started by killing her own family in a scene of crazed bloodshed. She got arrested and was send to a criminal insane ward of the zig where she escaped only to dig up the bodies of her parents family and friends to animate. Why is not for certain? To be whole again? To have her loved ones with her for ever without them being able to betray her again?
The Avenger
Mumbara Chtulhu
"Die you must.
But tell story first. Me lived in forest. Peaceful forest, my home it was. It was a good time. Then white man came. With stories and lies. Gifts they brought. Gifts of poisons and gifts of disease. Tribe went ill, forest went ill. White man did not care. They watched. Watched and took notes. To our plea of help they did not listen. Whole tribe died but not me. I grew stronger, more healthy, tribe spoke to me in my head. Their spirits could not rest. The white man took me to this place. Success they said. Specimen they said. But the voices grew stronger and I know what I have to do.
So white man now you die so that the spirits of my tribe can rest."
The completely lost and quite psychotic
Nether Pixie
"Here I was minding my own business frolicking in the trees on the island with my sisters when this hunk of a pirate showed up. He was so different from the other boys I've met until then that I was absolutely smitten. He was so cute when he said things like "Ahrrrr" or "Walk the plank". Then after he and his crew had dug a good hole to hide their booty they turned on him and killed him!
What was a lovesick pixie to do? She foolishly went to the Sea Witch to help her out. She got her wish to, but at a price. She resurrected him but took the energy form me. Blasting her into this strange place.
It took me so long to get out of that netherrealm. And my former sisters say that I have changed. Sure I have grown a bit but they didn't have to exile me. Sigh.
You know I wonder where my captain is, have you seen him? I must find him."
Or the sick of being the victim
"On the rogue islands nobody cares if you scream unless they like it that way. So as a young girl she learned the hard way to not be the one who screams but to be the one who makes other people scream. She knew that she needed to belong to the toughest gang to stay on top of things. No gang on the island are tougher then those who serve Lord Recluse. So she joined his ranks. Having failed to meet the criteria for the widows she proved to be tough enough to be an enlisted soldier. From here on things will go up as she has no intention of being just another grunt." -
Good luck with real life Robotank. And if the itch comes to put on the spandex when GR hits us, don't worry that we will not welcome you in our midst again.
Often it is the ONLY workable way to solve such missions. Of course you try to get some help. But help Red Side can be few and scarce indeed and that leaves you with outleveling a mission.
Quote:I did get you point but admit that my post can make it appear I don't. I even read your guide a while ago. I am not to happy about the alt-tabbing thing though.You're kind of missing the point Spade. I'm not a "maestro", anyone can do this if they actually put in the tiny amount of effort to use the tools that the developers have provided us with.
I even wrote a guide for those that can't figure out how to use those tools. But there is no "secret" in the guide, it's all basically just COMMON SENSE.
[Nice picture but snip anyway]
Sometimes people just need to be told things that they already really know, just to hear it from someone else. That's why Dave Ramsey has a career. -
Good suggestions. Allow me to add one.
The first event on the EU side made a lot of people flock to one zone intent on getting the badge. The zone Croatoa collapsed under the pressure and everyone in that zone got disconnected.
With every event you see that at the start loads of people get involved and it is a hectic mad time. Then the newness wears of and the zone gets ignored most of the time. To remedy this, you could make sure that once the event is turned on there are a lot of events. Once the first few days are over, reduce the number of events and make sure that they only appear in 1 zone at a time. This will help interested people to find like minded people and will result into more successful attemtps. On the EU servers at least I dare say that 90% of the events did not find anyone attempting them. -
I am tempted to take up Westley on his challenge. Just to see the maestro at work. Problem is, that I play on very inconvenient US times and I don't want to rob him of his sleep.
I am not to fond of being the leader and my Search Fu for new members is not that good (despite some excellent resources here) but I will offer to take the team then. If the current leader has not already dumped the star on me. A thing that happens quite often, because I can be a blabbermouth.
Quote:I think it is an interesting challenge to make this into a believable and compelling story.I didn't say that there was NO way to write this, just that there is almost always other solutions, and being forced to take one of the evil ones just for the sake of the story is bad. It's surely a bit of extra challenge to make this (bad) choice seem to be the only possible option.
In your specific case I don't know who these prisoners are or who is threatening to execute them. If they are soldiers captured during a mission, the threat of dying is part of their job and they have accepted that when they signed up. Kidnapping and threatening children to protect their lives is not even on a long list of things I'd try first. -
Quote:The crux here is that hero is forced to do an action that is bad. Something we all recognize as evil. In the end it might be for the greater good, so the netto result of his action might be good but the act itself is bad.I have a problem with this contest. See, from my point of view, if your actions have a good result, i.e. cause mostly good for the greatest amount of people, then it was a good action. How can I make an arc where a hero must perform an evil act if that act causes the greatest good? Yes, I can probably fake it. It's just hard for me to think of anything which will fulfill those criteria.
For example. Sister Psy tells the hero that she had a dream of an evil person being born just now who will destroy the world. Will the hero act for the greater good to kill the still innocent baby and save the world from the man the baby will grow into? And what will the consequences of that action be? Will he be recognized as hero or villain here? -
Ok, might as well give it a try as EU citizen I guess/hope.
At least I hope tosee some interesting arcs soon.