2009 Player Choice Awards: Results and Statistics




And our first category is the TO level range (1-15) arcs:

In 5th place, with 2 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 7 points is:

15+ Minute Tutorial - Knowledge is Power: Architect Entertainment #28470 @Paula

In 4th place, with 4 first place votes, and 5 second place votes for a total of 13 points is:

Day Job Hell: A Villain’s First Day Job, # 322480 @Clave Dark 5

In 3rd place, with 5 first place votes, and 4 second place votes for a total of 14 points is:

Nuclear in 90: The Fusionette Task Force #58363 @Cavatina

In 2nd place, with 6 first place votes, and 6 second place votes for a total of 18 points is:

Mercytown, the one with the fish #6017 @Tangler

And our winner, with 7 first place votes, and 6 second place votes for a total of 20 points is:

The Marconeville Horror #178278 @Footloose

Some statistics: This was a close race, with the Mercytown coming in a very close second, and tied for first at one point. Even though some have called into question the suitability of using difficult enemies in a "TO" range arc. Also, if first and second place votes were equally weighted, Nuclear 90 and Day Job Hell would be tied for 3rd place.

Our next category is for the DO level range (15-25)

In 5th place, with 0 first place votes, and 1 second place vote for a total of 1 point is:

PUG Hell #7415 @Beach Lifeguard

In 4th place, with 1 first place votes, and 0 second place votes for a total of 2 points is:

Cutthroat Competition #10171 @Frozen Northman

In 3rd place, with 4 first place votes, and 4 second place votes for a total of 12 points is:

Sibling Rivalry #118690 @Sister Flame

In 2nd place, with 8 first place votes, and 8 second place votes for a total of 24 points is:

Ctrl + Alt + Reset! #137561 @Bubbawheat

And our winner, with 9 first place votes, and 9 second place votes for a total of 27 points is:

The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! #61013 @Aliana Blue

some statistics: If authors had not been allowed to vote in their own categories, Ctrl + Alt + Reset and Bikini etc.... would be tied with 8 and 8 votes. And if I had voted for myself, I would have won. But I wouldn't have this any other way.

Next up is the SO level range (25-40)

In 5th place, with 1 first place vote, and 1 second place vote for a total of 3 points is:

Twisted Tongue #1444 @Days

In 4th place, with 3 first place votes, and 2 second place votes for a total of 8 points is:

Polar Emergence Neutral Government User Interface Network (PENGUIN) #29205 @Tubbius

In 3rd place, with 4 first place votes, and 6 second place votes for a total of 14 points is:

Escalation #6143 @FemFury

In 2nd place, with 6 first place votes, and 8 second place votes for a total of 20 points is:

Astoria in D Minor # 41565 @The Cheshire Cat

And our winner, with 11 first place votes, and 7 second place votes for a total of 29 points is:

Teen Phalanx Forever! #67335 @PW

some statistics: This was another close race with first and second places switching a couple times over the course of the voting. Also, no matter how I would calculate the votes, they all came up in this same order.

And the last of the level range categories: Best Epic level (40-50) arcs

In 5th place, with 1 first place vote, and 3 second place votes for a total of 5 points is:

Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! #2019 @Wrong Number

In 4th place, with 2 first place votes, and 1 second place vote for a total of 5 points is:

The Fracturing of Time #171031 @Tahlana

In 3rd place, with 3 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 9 points is:

The Most Important Thing #266877 @Aisynia

In 2nd place, with 3 first place votes, and 9 second place votes for a total of 15 points is:

A Warrior's Journey: the Flower Knight Task Force #260284 @PW

And our winner, with 10 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 23 points is:

One Million Eyes #71933 @minimalist

some statistics: this category had the fewest total votes out of all of the categories. Also, the tie for 4th place was broken by using only the first place votes.

The best short arc, for those with 3 missions or less:

In 5th place, with 3 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 9 points is:

The Monster Hop #27861 @Big Daddy Vio

In 4th place, with 4 first place votes, and 1 second place vote for a total of 9 points is:

Of Sound Body and Mind #13107 @Mr. Mud

In 3rd place, with 5 first place votes, and 5 second place votes for a total of 15 points is:

Becky's Revenge #60197 @New Age Ronin

In 2nd place, with 6 first place votes, and 8 second place votes for a total of 20 points is:

Forget the Rose, Send Me the Thorns #8925 @Hydrophidian

And our winner, with 7 first place votes, and 8 second place votes for a total of 22 points is:

Celebrity Kidnapping #1388 @PW

some statistics: This was yet another close category, with Forget the Rose leading the category by a fairly wide margin up until this last week. Also, this was the category with the most total votes at 25. And, the 4th place tie was broken by using only the first place votes.

The best arc with more than five missions:

In 4th place, with 3 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 9 points is:

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine #1013, 174557 @Turgenev

In 3rd place, with 3 first place votes, and 5 second place votes for a total of 11 points is:

The Lost Choir #123675, 136959, 141011 @MrSquid

In 2nd place, with 4 first place votes, and 10 second place votes for a total of 18 points is:

The Audition #221240, 221241 @MRCaptainMan

And our winner, with 12 first place votes, and 5 second place votes for a total of 29 points is:

The Consequences of War #227331, 241496 @Dalghryn

some statistics: This category had the winner with the most total points, and the most first place votes.

The best serious arc, or drama, or just plain non-comedy:

In 6th place, with 0 first place votes, and 2 second place votes for a total of 2 points is:

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine, Act I #1013 @Turgenev

In 5th place, with 3 first place votes, and 1 second place vote for a total of 7 points is:

Karmic Exchange #47550 @Braxzana

In 4th place, with 3 first place votes, and 2 second place votes for a total of 8 points is:

Kiss Hello Goodbye #156389 @Kitsune9tails

In 3rd place, with 4 first place votes, and 0 second place votes for a total of 8 points is:

Blight #140423 @Witch Engine

In 2nd place, with 3 first place votes, and 4 second place votes for a total of 10 points is:

The Storyteller: Sabrina's Tale #1237 @Redbone1

And our winner, with 3 first place votes, and 7 second place votes for a total of 13 points is:

Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name #178774 @Silvers1

some statistics: This was another extremely close category, and the only one that was decided by second place votes. Almost every arc in this category got 3 first place votes. And the love it or hate it arc Blight had the most first place votes, but 0 second place votes. Also, four of these arcs are now dev choice, three of them because they were nominees in the official MA Awards, and The Storyteller was the winner of the official contest. A very close race between many great arcs.

And now... intermission

And we're back with the best Comedy arc!

In 3rd place, with 2 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 7 points is:

Verner von Grun's Extraordinary Extradimensional Excursions #115174 @Igor Blimey
Freakshow U #189073 @Lethal Guardian
Seeking Men #169114 @Fatare

In 2nd place, with 5 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 13 points is:

Captain Dynamic, the Great, Faces the Great Face #190069 @Aehaed

And our winner, with 7 first place votes, and 5 second place votes for a total of 19 points is:

In Poor Taste #259920 @Wrong Number

some statistics: A pure 3 way tie for 3rd place, and I don't see any need to break those down into a tiebreaker. And the top two arc's authors voted for each other for their own first place vote, how generous.

And finally, best use of mechanics in an arc.

In 5th place, with 0 first place votes, and 2 second place votes for a total of 2 points is:

Grim Riddles #1396 @Mantid

In 4th place, with 1 first place vote, and 5 second place votes for a total of 7 points is:

The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts #170547 @The Cheshire Cat

In 3rd place, with 4 first place votes, and 3 second place votes for a total of 11 points is:

Speeding Through Time # 51728 @Geek_Boy

In 2nd place, with 4 first place votes, and 4 second place votes for a total of 12 points is:

Macguffin Delivery Service #1567 @Lazarus

And our winner, with 9 first place votes, and 4 second place votes for a total of 22 points is:

The Next War on Drugs #245042 @anachrodragon

some statistics: Um... no real interesting statistics in this category. Move along, nothing to see here.

December Player Choice Award Results

Best Group

In third place, with 1 second place vote, and 1 third place vote for a total of 3 points is a tie between Laser Jesus's Freedom Militia and Clave Dark 5's WickerWork.

In second place, with 3 second place votes, and 1 third place vote with a total of 7 points is my own
Matchstick Women.

And in first place, with 2 first place votes, and 1 second place vote for a total of 8 points is Wrong Number's The Wannabes

Best Character

In third place, with 1 first place vote and 1 second place vote for a total of 5 points is New Age Ronin's Becky, the Tarantula Mistress.

In second place, with 1 first place vote, 1 second place vote, and 3 third place votes, for a total of 8 points is Fem Fury's Erica Lashion, aka Escalation

And in first place, with 2 first place votes, 1 second place vote, and 1 third place vote for a total of 9 points is Wrong Number's The Firecracker Kid! Congratulations, you may call yourself Queen of the Customs! Thanks everyone for participating!

January Player Choice Awards: The New Year

Best New Arc

In 6th place with 2 second place votes for a total of 2 points is @Clave Dark 5 with his arc Against the WickerWork Khan! #346904

In 5th place with 1 first place vote and 4 second place votes for a total of 6 points is @Lazarus with his arc Breaking the Barrier (and Putting it Back Together Again) #347029

In 4th place with 2 first place votes and 2 second place votes for a total of 6 points is @Jail.Bird with his arc The New Paragon Society Reborn #355351

In 3rd place with 1 first place vote and 7 second place votes for a total of 9 points is @FredrikSvanberg with his arc Fear And Loathing On Striga #350522

In 2nd place with 5 first place votes and 4 second place votes for a total of 14 points is @LaserJesus Drakule vs The Werewolf Bikers from Hell #340316

And this month's winner with 7 first place votes and 1 second place vote for a total of 15 points is @Tubbius with his arc Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City #351727

Best Unknown Author

In 5th place is @Calash with their arcs Time for Reflection #303046 and End Game - Final Moves #17006

In 4th place with 1 second place vote for a total of 1 point is @Oubliette with their arc Evil by Inches #349967

In 3rd place with 6 second place votes for a total of 6 points is @Arctic Princess with their arc Simplicity #365497

In 2nd place with 4 first place votes and 3 second place votes for a total of 11 points is @Celestial Nemesis with their arc The Coldest of Wars #299972

And this month's winner with 6 first place votes and 1 second place vote for a total of 13 points is @Sister Twelve with their arcs The Long Road Back #340454 and The Union of the Mask #352400



Thanks for putting this whole contest together Bubbawheat. I'm very grateful that I got to play some great arcs that I otherwise probably would have missed. I didn't even get to them all and just missed voting in the Epic arc category by minutes, not that my votes would have changed the outcome significantly. Big congratulations to all the winners, nominees, and those who got honorable mentions. From what I've seen you all have done some amazing work and I do plan to finish playing all the arcs listed for this contest eventually.

Is it too early to start nominating arcs for next year?



Congratulations to all of the winners! Congratulations to Bubba for running the whole show and, congratulations to everyone who voted. I'm already looking forward to next year.




Bubba, you should get an award for putting this on. I think it actually did more for morale than the "official" awards did. I'm honored to be in such esteemed company, and even more honored to have the privilege of interacting with such a great group of people. Kudos to everyone!

For the record, I had such a rash of runs and comments the last few days that I thought the MA was going to break. That rush was worth the price of admission. I hope everyone else had similar experiences. You guys and gals rock.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



A few topics for discussion along with congratulating the winners, as I'd like to do this again next year (and also have a little something cooking for December possibly). This was the first time running this contest, and there were a few snags, but only a few.

Author voting: I allowed author voting, and it didn't cause any upsets, but it did have the possibility to. If I stick with a 2 vote system, I thought one better possibility is to assume every author would vote for themselves for first ignoring any other factors, and allow them only one second place vote.

The nomination process: I wanted to avoid allowing authors to nominate their own arcs which I thought would create a massive flood of arcs that I wasn't prepared to take on. But this nomination process created the problem that a few of the arcs were by authors who are no longer active, so it really didn't matter to them whether they won or not. Also, many of the authors didn't know they were nominated until towards the end of the process (my fault for not better notifying them as I should) One thought is to have authors post their arcs for qualification in one thread, and have players choose nominations from the qualification thread in a second thread. That might be a little convoluted though.

The categories themselves: There was a bit of conflict over the level range categories. One of the TO arcs, which ended up winning, contained an AV in it, which many thought were too tough for a TO range arc, but many others thought differently. Also, in the so-called "Epic" category, some felt that Blap Blap Blappy Day had a disadvantage because it was not "epic" in feel, even though it covered the level range.

The number of arcs for voters: There was a large amount of arcs for possible voters to play through in a limited amount of time. It's hard to pin down a correct amount of time for something like this, but I ended up with a lot of votes in all the categories, many people who voted in all the categories, and many who voted in most.

Anything else to discuss, feel free. I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions to help make the MA a great place for authors!



Grats to all the winners! Grats to Bubba for taking the time to do it all too! Next time I'm sitting in front of the MA terminal wondering what to play, now I know what to look for.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
One thought is to have authors post their arcs for qualification in one thread, and have players choose nominations from the qualification thread in a second thread. That might be a little convoluted though.

....There was a large amount of arcs for possible voters to play through in a limited amount of time. It's hard to pin down a correct amount of time for something like this, but I ended up with a lot of votes in all the categories, many people who voted in all the categories, and many who voted in most.
Taking a look at those two problems, off hand I'd suggest just making a long voting period. Let people to play and vote on everything to start with, then average those out and have a run off between the highest vote-getters. By that point, a number of people may have played most of them and will be able to look at what's in the run off and will be able to choose without having to run through them again.



A little bonus!

Behind the Scenes - insight into the judging process for those who are curious how myself and the judges came up with the finalists.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Author voting: I allowed author voting, and it didn't cause any upsets, but it did have the possibility to. If I stick with a 2 vote system, I thought one better possibility is to assume every author would vote for themselves for first ignoring any other factors, and allow them only one second place vote.
If you can vote for yourself for president, you should be able to vote for your own arc. If you don't think it's good enough that you'd at least consider voting for it, you shouldn't have published it. Preventing people from voting for themselves can cheapen their vote. Preventing people form voting at all in a category they are nominated in unfairly prevents nominees from recognizing others' work.

The nomination process: I wanted to avoid allowing authors to nominate their own arcs which I thought would create a massive flood of arcs that I wasn't prepared to take on. But this nomination process created the problem that a few of the arcs were by authors who are no longer active, so it really didn't matter to them whether they won or not. Also, many of the authors didn't know they were nominated until towards the end of the process (my fault for not better notifying them as I should) One thought is to have authors post their arcs for qualification in one thread, and have players choose nominations from the qualification thread in a second thread. That might be a little convoluted though.
That would be convoluted, add to the amount of "doh, I missed the deadline," and exclude authors who are active in game, maintain their arcs, but aren't very active in the MA forums.

There were a few problematic arcs nominated, that hadn't been updated in ages, and suffered from playability issues as a result. Those arcs didn't make it past judging due to those issues. I think it's up to the nominators to make sure the arcs they nominate are up to date.

The categories themselves: There was a bit of conflict over the level range categories. One of the TO arcs, which ended up winning, contained an AV in it, which many thought were too tough for a TO range arc, but many others thought differently. Also, in the so-called "Epic" category, some felt that Blap Blap Blappy Day had a disadvantage because it was not "epic" in feel, even though it covered the level range.
I felt the splitting of lowbie arcs into TO and DO range added an unnecessary complication. In my mind, "lowbie" is 1-20, since a lot of canon groups cap out or start at 20.

For the record, I don't find "The Most Important Thing" to be particularly epic either.

The number of arcs for voters: There was a large amount of arcs for possible voters to play through in a limited amount of time. It's hard to pin down a correct amount of time for something like this, but I ended up with a lot of votes in all the categories, many people who voted in all the categories, and many who voted in most.
I think the voting period could have been longer, simply because of the number of arcs involved. Playing all those arcs before the deadline was starting to look like a chore, which is why I didn't vote in a lot of categories.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who time to come and vote for your favorites. A big tip of the hat to Bubbawheat for all the effort he put into this.


The Elementals - Brother Frost and Sister Flame

Who Is Sister Flame?

Arc 118690 - Sibling Rivalry (Sister Flame) Tweaked 09/15/09



Congratulations to the Winners.

A big thanks to Bubba for organizing this Award.

Thanks to everyone who voted, we made this Award possible!



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Author voting: I allowed author voting, and it didn't cause any upsets, but it did have the possibility to. If I stick with a 2 vote system, I thought one better possibility is to assume every author would vote for themselves for first ignoring any other factors, and allow them only one second place vote.
I agree with Eva here. Allow Authors to vote for themselves.

The nomination process: I wanted to avoid allowing authors to nominate their own arcs which I thought would create a massive flood of arcs that I wasn't prepared to take on. But this nomination process created the problem that a few of the arcs were by authors who are no longer active, so it really didn't matter to them whether they won or not. Also, many of the authors didn't know they were nominated until towards the end of the process (my fault for not better notifying them as I should) One thought is to have authors post their arcs for qualification in one thread, and have players choose nominations from the qualification thread in a second thread. That might be a little convoluted though.
The categories themselves: There was a bit of conflict over the level range categories. One of the TO arcs, which ended up winning, contained an AV in it, which many thought were too tough for a TO range arc, but many others thought differently. Also, in the so-called "Epic" category, some felt that Blap Blap Blappy Day had a disadvantage because it was not "epic" in feel, even though it covered the level range.
I think that the TO and DO range should be narrowed down to 1-11 and 12-21. This would represent more the nature of Training levels and Double Nature Enhancement levels (Though with the DO range you could wonder about level 20, the level that most people get Stamina). Epic levels could be 41+ Representing the access to Epic Powersets.

Maybe we should add best drama and best cannon arcs category. However I was glad to have finished the current categories.

Anything else to discuss, feel free. I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions to help make the MA a great place for authors!
In the judging process we eliminated arcs that were nominated for more categories. This gave us more arcs to nominate but it also meant that arcs lost a chance of winning a category they were nominated for. I am curious what everybody else thinks of this ruling. Should we allow double or tripple categories per arcs next year or not?



Congrats to all the winners and a huge thanks to Bubba!

@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



Firstly, Bubba that you so much for creating these awards and for all the work you did on them. They were a huge boost to MA.

Second, Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.

The Awards introduced me to several arcs that I really enjoyed and otherwise may have never found. Some of these even became my number one choice!

The arcs I had nominated got over a dozen plays each and I know this even led to some of my other arcs not nominated getting played. Even Blappy, which did not fair well in it's category, got notoriety and a lot of positive exposure for it's nomination.

I really enjoyed playing with the MA Super Team several of these arcs and hearing the different approaches and criteria people use for judging. It gave me some new perspective on the arcs and on judging.

The Player's Choice was a great success and I really appreciate all the work that went into it. It was a great honor to have my arcs a part of it.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Wow so close, congratulations to all the winners.

Now as to the questions:

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
If you don't think it's good enough that you'd at least consider voting for it, you shouldn't have published it.
I don't think I could have phrased it any better. Keep allowing authors to self vote if they wish.

Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
The nomination process: I wanted to avoid allowing authors to nominate their own arcs which I thought would create a massive flood of arcs that I wasn't prepared to take on. But this nomination process created the problem that a few of the arcs were by authors who are no longer active, so it really didn't matter to them whether they won or not. Also, many of the authors didn't know they were nominated until towards the end of the process (my fault for not better notifying them as I should) One thought is to have authors post their arcs for qualification in one thread, and have players choose nominations from the qualification thread in a second thread. That might be a little convoluted though.
I think this one will take a bit of mulling over before we'll reach a satisfactory solution. The problem I see with the current system is that because the arcs being nominated are invariably from MA board regulars, almost all the arcs are from already recognised authors with arcs that have already seen much circulation here, and so we end up in danger of a system viewed as a circular pat on the backs, and not recognising the more obscure gems.

Letting any hopeful author submit their own arc could solve this, though I also recognise that neither the judges nor voters would want to be bogged down going through a mountain of dubious arcs. Like I said, it's something that I think will require more thought, and it's still a bit too early in the morning for me to think of anything. For now though I think posting awareness of the comp outside of the MA board will certainly help.

Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
The categories themselves: There was a bit of conflict over the level range categories. One of the TO arcs, which ended up winning, contained an AV in it, which many thought were too tough for a TO range arc, but many others thought differently. Also, in the so-called "Epic" category, some felt that Blap Blap Blappy Day had a disadvantage because it was not "epic" in feel, even though it covered the level range.
I wouldn't mind seeing the TO and DO category to being consolidated to just something like the 'lowbie' category.

The only 'hard' rule I think that should be applied to these categories is that the enemy groups or the level restriction must be set to the appropriate ranges i.e. TO < 12, DO < 22, SO > 21, and epic > 40. I don't think an 'epic' level arc should mean the arc itself has to be epic in scope, and in fact I'd be bored to tears if that were true. Similarly I don't think a lowbie arc necessarily means you have to be a grunt, which Mercytown breaks since you beat back a god.

That said, I do think there are several things which are pretty bad form for level appropriate content. For a lot of non melee and mms, fighting a boss pre-SO is incredibly challenging, and is still very challenging after SOs. I find having an EB in a lowbie arc to be very dubious, and while yes there is precedant in the official content, you should know that I avoid Angelo Vendetti's arc just to save me a headache. Having an AV is even worse, since yes while they can be turned down to EBs, they still have their PToD. Which is you know, that thing that makes every Dom player really hate the 40+ content in CoV.*

Sure you can refute that you can build a defender that can solo these with ease, but that's no more solace to Joe defender than telling him that he should have made a scrapper. Sure, anyone can beat anything given Shivans, Nukes and insps, but not everyone likes the idea of sinking time to get these temp powers, or shopping for insps (which remember, you can't just buy from any old contact since you're under TF restrictions) just so they can get through a single fight.

The same goes for arcs trying to be 'epic' as well. I would find having EBs in every mission to be gratuitous, and even having an AV that isn't the final encounter. There are much, much better ways to convey a sense of epicness without resorting to an AV fest. An arc could have the world's greatest story, but you will find those who will not touch it because they neither have the build nor masochistic inclination to run through a death gauntlet.

Sorry for the rant, but it's just a personal gripe that I still see all too frequently in MA.

Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
The number of arcs for voters: There was a large amount of arcs for possible voters to play through in a limited amount of time. It's hard to pin down a correct amount of time for something like this, but I ended up with a lot of votes in all the categories, many people who voted in all the categories, and many who voted in most.
I will be all for a longer voting period, if we were to have the same amount of arcs to vote on next time.

*Not to be taken as me personally griping on Marconeville by the way, congrats to Footloose for winning.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Re. Authors voting for themselves or not: I think it should be set up to be all of one or the other. In other words, either authors should not be allowed to vote for themselves, or they should automatically be considered as having voted for their own arc without the option to change it. With all respect, this issue became a gamemanship thing, and every effort should be made to eliminate gamemanship in future awards.

Re. The nomination process: If this is intended as a contest for all creators, then I think nominations should be restricted to other peoples' arcs. Otherwise, primarily forum arcs will be nominated (by their authors) and a lot of good stuff will be missed.

Re. Previous award winners: I may be opening another can of wrigglers here, but I think previous winners of any kind should be ineligible. I'm all for spreading the wealth and recognizing arcs that haven't been recognized since there's so little recognition to be had. Dev's Choices, Hall of Fame, Guest Authors, and Previous Player Award Winners have had some spotlight already. Shine it on other people.

Re. The voting process: Unfortunately, public voting can devolve into a popularity contest, either deliberately or accidentally. If one creator is a member of a big SG, for instance, and word gets out about his/her entry, you can get a dozen votes for that creator's arc from people that only vote in that category. Ideally, the voting should be conducted by a committee chosen in advance, however the amount of work necessary would be insane.

Mandating voters to cast in at least two categories could be an option, but that has its problems, too. I'm not certain what the solution would be, but we don't want this to become a popularity contest instead of a contest based on the merits of the arcs. If public voting does continue, however, I think it should be by PM to Bubba or his designees. That would eliminate other issues of gamesmanship. And, looking back at whether or not authors should vote for their own work, it would also make it much less problematic for them to do so (or not) if their decisions aren't being scrutinized in public.

Gotta feed the baby and get ready for work. Thanks for the forum, Bubba.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



Thanks for running this contest, Bubbawheat! It generated a lot of enthusiasm for Mission Architect and let a lot of people (including me) try some nice story arcs they hadn't heard of before.

Congrats to everyone involved.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Well done everyone, and well done Bubba.

I'd like authors to automatically vote for tgeir own and be given one other vote in the category they're in.

I'd also like a new category added next year-Best Named Custom Critter. I dont mean custom group, i think our awards should have a Best Actor/Actress equivalent.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Author voting: I allowed author voting, and it didn't cause any upsets, but it did have the possibility to.
I have no problem with authors voting for themselves either but, as Dalghryn said this will lead to gaming the system. I’ll note that I’m pretty insensitive to this problem myself because, in my experience, no matter how well you build a system people will find a way to game it.

The nomination process: I wanted to avoid allowing authors to nominate their own arcs which I thought would create a massive flood of arcs that I wasn't prepared to take on. But this nomination process created the problem that a few of the arcs were by authors who are no longer active, so it really didn't matter to them whether they won or not. Also, many of the authors didn't know they were nominated until towards the end of the process (my fault for not better notifying them as I should) One thought is to have authors post their arcs for qualification in one thread, and have players choose nominations from the qualification thread in a second thread. That might be a little convoluted though.
I agree that this sounds too convoluted and, too time consuming, as well. I would recommend that nominated authors be contacted by email with a deadline by which they have to answer and, if they do not then the arc is ineligible for nomination. The downside, of course, is that this creates more work for you so, if you didn’t want to go this route I would totally understand.

The categories themselves: There was a bit of conflict over the level range categories. One of the TO arcs, which ended up winning, contained an AV in it, which many thought were too tough for a TO range arc, but many others thought differently. Also, in the so-called "Epic" category, some felt that Blap Blap Blappy Day had a disadvantage because it was not "epic" in feel, even though it covered the level range.
First of all, I would strongly recommend renaming Epic category to something that isn’t as loaded a term like High Level Arc. Epic means too many things to too many people. If you want to do an Epic category in addition to this, that’s fine, too. I personally don’t see a need for such a thing but, others may.

The number of arcs for voters: There was a large amount of arcs for possible voters to play through in a limited amount of time. It's hard to pin down a correct amount of time for something like this, but I ended up with a lot of votes in all the categories, many people who voted in all the categories, and many who voted in most.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record I really didn’t have a great deal of problem with the voting time and, I’m not exactly overflowing with free time (although I will easily agree that Dalghryn has me beat there, as I remember what it was like when my kids where that age). I ended up prioritizing categories in that I basically voted for the two-parters last in case I ran out of time. It turned out that I ended up having plenty of time to cover that category anyway. I would add one or two weeks at most to the voting period as I really would worry about the awards overstaying their welcome.




Originally Posted by Dalghryn View Post
Re. The voting process: Unfortunately, public voting can devolve into a popularity contest, either deliberately or accidentally. If one creator is a member of a big SG, for instance, and word gets out about his/her entry, you can get a dozen votes for that creator's arc from people that only vote in that category.
I had expressed this concern privately to Bubba during the voting process.

Mandating voters to cast in at least two categories could be an option, but that has its problems, too.
I agree that it is not perfect but, I really think there should be some minimum number of categories someone should have to vote in for their votes to count. People will, of course, still game the system but, if you suddenly get a bunch of votes with the exact same votes in the same five categories it would raise more of an alarm.




I'll say it again: thank you very much for organizing this contest, Bubbawheat! You did an excellent job, and this whole contest was a wonderful idea!

The "behind the scenes" judging post was a very interesting read as well - on one hand I really enjoyed reading it; on the other hand it certainly erased most of the pleasure I had at being one of the comedy arc nominees. Ouch.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I'd also like a new category added next year-Best Named Custom Critter. I dont mean custom group, i think our awards should have a Best Actor/Actress equivalent.
I would like to third this motion as Wrong Number came up with the same idea as I was getting ready to leave for work this morning.
