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  1. We got walk now? I was under the impression that making walking work and not look silly was near impossible? SO what changed? Did the near impossible got possible or do we have a silly walk and van we join the Ministry?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Cheshire_Cat View Post
    A quick bump to mention that Astoria in D Minor was made the latest dev's choice arc.

    I guess it's kind of silly for me to keep bumping this thread now.
    Uhm yes it is. You cannot change a thing in it. It is finished, done. You can admire but don't touch.


    What for arc will you make to replace this one for work in progress?
  3. Congratulations are in order. This is a Developer Choice I can approve of.
  4. I am fully in favor of Sister Twelve's idea. In fact I suggest we don't wait for the developers to make this happen but to start our own initiative. Why don't we start with creating some arcs for one of deadzones like Boomtown, Perez park, Astoria, Crey Folly and Eden?

    Lets say we start with Dark Astoria. I have lately played a few excellent arcs that could seamlessly be put in there. Then once we got a few good arcs we start forwarding them to the devs with our request that they make a couple of those arcs into cannon.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blpup View Post
    Yes this is the post im gona put all my suggestions and idea's so i wont have to keep making new threads.

    New PvP foes
    I expect a special Praetorian PvP zone where things like that are possible.
    Origins? Useless!
    I suggest we do something with the origins because they are completely useless at lvl 40+. I suggest that if you choose one for instance magic you can either use a wand or your hands and access to more magic costume peices. Give players a reason to choose a origin. Not like well time to make another mutant.
    Interesting idea but I doubt that it will happen. Not with the Origin boosters and all.
    Costume Peices...Oh my!
    I suggest new costume peices overall. To little costume peices and if you have been playing as long as i have it all when you look at the variety of costume peices we have it feels like i already used them all/cant create what i really want. So maybe more armors or hairs and maybe intoduce face customization.
    GR will give us more and in the meanwhile there are the booster packs. I don't expect many 'free of charge' (am i not paying a monthly fee here?) costume pieces. Would be nice though.
    Why have i felt like i used this before?
    I FINALLY GOT 1!!!!
    Would be nice but oft requested suggestions.
    Super Speed
    Yes another Super speed suggestion. but this one is diffrent from running up walls. Im talking about walking on water! In all the hero moves ppl with super speed dont sink like a rock but instead they walk on water. So why cant we?
    While hyperswim ain't that bad either, hyperrunning over water sounds much more heroic. If possible without to much effort then it would be a neat thing.
    Yes walking. We jog all the time we must have like 2000 pecks. walking will probley help the RP community. So they can just take a nice walk instead of it looking like your running as fast as possible to save someone in distress.
    Suggested many many times and the answers remains, it can't be done without looking silly. So never going to happen.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
    Yeah, they're 'killing' NPCs to make a more peaceful fictional world. Just like the various villain groups in Paragon City are 'killing' NPCs to make a more chaotic world. Guess which fictional world I would rather explore?
    So Lord Recluse wants a more Chaotic World? Here I thought that he wanted to rule the world. Ruling means order, his order, but order. Chaotic is the opposite of order. So LR is not interested in Chaos. At least not where he rules.
  7. Not the rabbit!

    Hope you come back and check out our lovely carrots we will have in the future. I understand that the GR carrots will be fresh and yummy.
  8. [Insert favorite long winded well deserved rant to the PR boys in here]
    [insert counteraruments here]
    [insert you are a favorite expression of condemnation here]
    [insert and so does your insert parental unit]Exclamation point

    You know, it had to be said.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shagster View Post
    Hm. 6 more days to vote, 20 more arcs to play (since the multi-parters are 9 arc between 4 stories). This could be tight. If only I could skip a day of work....
    6 days? I thought the judging closes at the 4th or am I mistaken?
  10. GrinningSpade

    Can we keep it?

    How about an Event that is Paragon City? How about a Rikti Memorial day? Or the celebrating of the first legal Superhero? I am sure that Paragon City got some special events that are worthy of celebrating without having to look at some obscure hollidays here.
  11. Yes did a tf yesterday. It was rather yawningly easy. Surprised we don't get an update today.
  12. GrinningSpade

    Can we keep it?

    Special events are like special dishes. Serve them sparsely and everybody will love them. Serve them daily and they turn into a Big Magoid.
  13. GrinningSpade


    Which bring me back to why I play mostly red side. Less people and less teams wnich is a shame but the stories are SO much better. On the red side, I actually bother to play arcs again an again.

    Time consuming or not, I really would like them to purge and replace every single mission of the first issues.
  14. I am pleased that the filesizes are doubled. This will be a big help to some good authors struggling with their arcs. And for us lesser authors, more space to frolic in!
    I realize that there are more of the latter then there are of the first but I want to see what for magic the good authors can weave for us.

    Another thing I approve of is the fact that we have maps returning to us and the introduction of some archy villains we all hate and love. For example, Snaptooth. This time baby winter will not escape!

    Finally, grats to Fearghas for making it into a developer of the game he loves so much.
  15. Best Mechanics arc, my votes:
    This was a tough category to choose from. But here it is.

    #1 The Next War on Drugs #245042 @arachnodragon
    #2 The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts #170547 @The Cheshire Cat

    Two categories to go.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Pretty much, yes - doubles who attack and then fade away. [snip]

    Incidentally, what's wrong with a double showing up, throwing a punch and disappearing? Serious question here.
    I think that the biggest problem would be lag. That is also the only objection I have. Because it sounds interesting and I would like to see a thing like this.
  17. Scary thing about the US servers, the numbers there are not too grand as well. Aion and CVo have stolen a lot of customers. Lets hope temporary.
  18. I find it most interesting that my two 'mains' will end up in different camps. The villain becoming heroic because he will refuse to bow to anybody and the hero becoming villainous because she wants to punish and protect so badly that she will be sucked into Cole's trap of the false Utopia.
  19. GrinningSpade

    Bob the Binder

    I suggest that you can 'purchase' them with inf, not $. And perhaps you could have workbenches to build your own macro. With some recipes of handy pre made Macros.

    Perhaps with the option for a library of player made macros.
  20. The more different MM types,the better as I am an MM holic.
  21. I think that it would be very difficult to make this into a working powerset. Because,if I read it correct, every power creates more doubles who do nothing but attack once and then fade away.

    I think it would be easier to go the MM way where you clone yourself. Hmmm gangwar
  22. GrinningSpade

    Bob the Binder

    Playing this game for almost 5 years and only using a handful of binds/macros. Because I find the macro system a weird unintuitive thing with weird commands in even stranger combos that defy for me any logic. Yet is so important to get the most out of your character.

    So: Signed/Stamped and Sealed for approval.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    As a month of spam kicks off over the next 24 hours around the globe, I know some arc writers will be otherwise indisposed.

    Unless they're being a Rebel NaNo and writing arcs instead... that's my backup plan.

    But I will initially try to resist the CoH urge through November, although it will be strong. Good luck to anyone else trying to write a novel this month!
    Never heard of this, but good luck reading and writing. See you in December then, where you will have lots of backlogs to go through.
  24. Mind you, we are looking at this thing form a team play perspective. Yes, we read every briefing, debriefing, clues, bio's and dialogue. We give each other all the time needed to read everything, to find out where that big bad monster spawned that was promised. But fair is fair, in a team it is harder to spot as many details then when you play solo.

    I doubt that you can find more attentive teams playing your arcs then you find with this superteam. But when all is said and done. It remains a team and that limits our perspective.
  25. Then there is:
    Badge Collecting. Some are easy, some are harder to get. But there are hundreds of them, get in the 600+ club.

    L33t IO mastery. Get fully IO'ed up. Amaze your peers by soloing that GM.

    If you have not done so. Start playing real content (non newspaper/radio)